I went to see this yesterday, Monday, January 19th, 2015, here in Vallejo, CA, at the CENTURY 14 VALLEJO, for the one-time, Fathom Events, exclusive showing at 7:00 p.m. in auditorium 1, 3rd row ( counting from the front ), 6th column ( counting from the left ). The price of admission was $11.50. And I bought a $5.25 tray of Nacho Chips w/ Cheese ( and Jalapenos ) and a $0.00 ( free offer on my Cine-Mark movie-watcher reward e-mail coupon ) small Powerade Mountain Berry Blast at the concessions counter.
Quickie Review: In this multi-award winning film documentary ( 13 film awards ), the director searches for clues to the possibility that the Biblical Exodus actually took place.
The audience liked this movie. And they especially liked it when a Jewish guest panelist commented that if God were to use the clouds to write the evidence for His existence in all of the world's languages the whole world would blame the Jews for it! ( Ha, ha, ha---'Funny one. )
I liked this movie, too. As it serves to corroborate my research findings. Basically, it arrived at the same conclusions which I arrived at and which I posted on my blog on EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS ( December, 2014 ). Although this movie does fall short of actually explaining which pharaoh contended with the God of the Israelites; it does, however, show a brief image of Pharaoh Thutmosis III ( don't blink or you'll miss it )!
Had this movie's director known about me and had consulted with me first, I would have saved him from the unnecessary trouble and expense of having to return to Egypt for more research material---Ahem!
It amazes me how some archaeologists shown in this documentary are deeply-entrenched in their long-held bias against the factuality of the Exodus account even though available revised hard evidence disputes their claim. I guess that when one's scholarly reputation is at stake, one becomes truly obstinate. Well, so much for the "Scientific Method," then!
You can obtain a DVD copy of this movie, or the book on which it is based upon, at its website: www.PatternsOfEvidence.com. Warning: You're not gonna like it if you're an atheist.
I started my day off with a quick trip to my Chiropractor's clinic for a spinal adjustment.
Then, I went to the first-show matinee showing of SPARE PARTS, at 11:05 a.m. I liked this inspirational movie based on a true story.
After watching SPARE PARTS, I went to Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant on Springs Road, for a big lunch. It was my first real meal in about two weeks' time because I came down with a cold and basically lost my appetite. I subsisted mostly on soup, oranges, and green smoothies while I recuperated.
After having my lunch, I walked to the nearby Island Pacific Grocery Store to browse at their selection. I ended-up buying a bottle of pineapple drink and two cans of coconut milk.
And I walked on over to the opposite end of the shopping center to buy a canister of Plum's Super Puffs toddler snack ( yeah, I baby myself once in a while. LOL ) and two cans of condensed soup ( mushroom and chicken ) at the 99 Cent Only Store.
I plan on mixing a can of coconut milk with a can of condensed soup for a quick meal. I'm curious about how it will taste like. I might even add a sprinkling of curry powder into it just to spice it up.
When I got back in my car, I sat in the driver's seat as I did my Zhunti Mantra while I deliberated on whether or not I should go see PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE: THE EXODUS. I already had a feeling that the movie touches on the same findings that I presented on my blog on EXODUS: GODS AND KINGS, and that it would just be a waste of my time and money ( special event movies usually cost around $18.00, based on my experience ). But, two hours later, I changed my mind at the last minute and drove on back to the theatre to watch PATTERNS OF EVIDENCE. And, of course, I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that the ticket price for the movie was only $11.50. Which meant that I would have more than enough money left over from my $20.00 bill to afford me a light snack as I watched the movie---Sweet!