Thursday, June 23, 2011



I finally reached the million mark of  my Zhunti ( pronounced: June-tea ) Mantra recitations.  I started doing this mantra on June 28th, 2008, a Saturday, at around 2:00 a.m.  And I reached one million today, June 23rd, 2011, a Thursday, at 4:45 a.m.

This mantra is unrestricted and very forgiving:  You can do this anytime, anywhere, and in any situation, with or without a sadhana ( contemplative visualization ) and/or mudras ( hand gestures ).   And it is used as a "short-cut" aid to Enlightenment.  My Third Eye Chakra ( a.k.a. the 6th Chakra ) opened on January 3rd, 2009, a Saturday, at 6:44 a.m. as I recited the Zhunti mantra for the 169,800th time.  Although the Zhunti Buddha, or an emissary, has not yet "visited" me, I've had many supernatural things happen to me these last three years, e.g. water appeared in an unexpected container on three separate occasions ( I drank it the third time that it happened  ), and my left knee and my left foot are all the better as a result of  my mantric effort.  So, do I stop doing this mantra now that I've reached the million mark?  No way!  Even as I write this, I am already planning to incorporate the use of  a sadhana, a particular seated posture and the recommended during-and-after mudras in my daily recitations.

The Zhunti Mantra is also used to get something your heart desires ( Please note: This mantra works on the Heart Chakra ).  If you concentrate on something hard enough while you do your daily Zhunti Mantra recitations, you just might end-up getting it!  So, be careful what you wish for.

Phonetically speaking, here's how you say the Zhunti Mantra:

Nah Moe Sah Dough Nah
Sam Yak Sam Poe Dough
Jeet Zee Nah
Dow Sah Toe
Ohm Jurly Julie June-Tea So Hah
Ohm Brin

Now, repeat it at least a million times.  Buy a tally counter ( as well as a notepad and pen ) at a sporting goods store to help you keep track of  your recitations.  But, word to the wise, whenever  you yawn, moan, groan, burp, belch, hiccup, sneeze, cough, drool, fart, slur, and/or have an impure thought while doing this mantra, it should not be counted as a recitation.   Because, although the Zhunti Mantra is unrestricted and very forgiving, you should still treat it with great respect since it can offer you the quickest route to Enlightenment. is the site you should go to to know more about the Zhunti Mantra.  If  you cannot find the illustrations for the mudras on this website, do a Google search for "Particular mudra for use with the Zhunti Mantra."  The search result should show "Here's how to practice the Zhunti Mantra," by  Click on that and go learn what you need to learn in order to do this mantra.

A word of  caution:  All seven chakras in a non-spiritual person are like rusted hinges.  They are hard to open and will only do so with "resistance" of  some sort.  When my Third Chakra opened-up in the summer of  1995, my kidneys felt like they were "worked-over" by some thugs; my kidneys were in pain for about three months!  The Zhunti Mantra works to open-up the Heart Chakra, one of  the two ( the other one being the Crown Chakra ) chakras that are very hard to open.  You will eventually  feel chest pains when you recite the Zhunti Mantra.  If you have a pre-existing heart problem, you may need to consult with your physician before doing this mantra.  And if  you are a loving and caring person, you should have very little to worry about chest pains.

P.S.  By the way, if  a spirit entity appears before you while you do the Zhunti Mantra, test it by saying this mantra:

Ohm Ha Lee Dee Gah

( say it three times )

If it is an evil spirit, it will go away--try not to get a heart attack!    If  it's a good spirit, it will stay.


  1. Thanks very much for your account of experience with the Zhunti Mantra. Really appreciate it as I'm about to embark on that journey myself.

    Now I'm wondering if you intend adding the Vairocana Mantra to it?

    My own quick reading of details at the site is that combining the two has benefits that go beyond doing either one in isolation. At the site the article to look for is titled "The Vairocana-Zhunti Tathagata Tantra". Though other details on the combination appear at other content on the site as well.

  2. Thanks for the account. Have a couple of questions on things not clear:

    What was wrong with your left knee and foot, that got fixed?

    How do you know if a chakra opens at all? Was there something you felt to clearly indicate that this was so?

  3. Does the 'protection mantra' "Ohm Ha Lee Dee Gah" only work for a spirit appearing while doing the Zhunti Mantra?

    Or is it 'general' and will work for any spirit visitation on any occasion?

  4. Hello, Anonymous,

    Sorry for the delay. I just got back from vacation a few days ago.

    I tried to answer all your questions twice within the last 24 hours. But, for some reason, they never got posted. I guess I need to put in a new memory chip in my old laptop.

    I will have to answer your questions in three installments. Hopefully, that way, they will all get posted.

    I haven't yet incorporated the Vairocana Mantra into my Spiritual Cultivation. I already do 9 mantras each day, some in the morning and some in the evening. Plus, on top of all these, I try and do 2 sound meditations ( on CDs ) each day. I am in no spiritual hurry. I plan on doing the Zhunti Mantra, and the others--including the sound meditations, for at least the next 60 years. It's a lifetime commitment for me, to say the least. But I do it to earn as much Karmic Merit as possible.

    I already have undergone Alchemical Change in my Wind and Water Elements. In the Wind Element, I've come to experience at least a dozen kind of Breaths--and you thought that there were only two: Inhale and Exhale! In the Water Element, as mentioned above, water would miraculously fill-up an empty container that I keep in my fridge whenever I don't expect it to happen. And water has developed an affinity for me in other ways, as well. So, that's 2 elements down, and 2 elements more to go. As I've said, I'm in no hurry. The 2 other Alchemical Transformations will happen in their own appointed times because they are bound to happen, whether or not I incorporate the Vairocana Mantra into my Spiritual Cultivation.

    Congratulations on your decision to embark on a Spiritual Journey!!! The World would be a much better place to live in with more people like you. May God bless you, watch over you and guide you along the way.

  5. Anonymous,

    I tore the ACL in my left knee when I tried to play football. I made the injury worse years later when I tore the medial/collateral ligaments in the same knee in a bicycling accident. But, in February of this year, my left knee just "adjusted" itself so that it doesn't pop out of joint anymore.

    I dislocated the bones on the outer edge of my left foot when I perched myself on a very narrow ledge to reach something overhead. But these bones "adjusted" themselves, too, so that they no longer bother me.

    As I have mentioned in my Spiritual Milestone blog above, my 3rd ( Life Gates ) Chakra opened-up. And I also wrote about the opening of my 6th ( 3rd Eye ) Chakra years later.

    How and when all of your 7 Chakras open-up depend entirely on your Karmic Debts and Merits. There is no set "rule-of-thumb" on the opening of Chakras, just generalities. You can do an Internet search on Kundalini and Chakras to learn of extreme examples of Chakra openings.

    The 7 Main Chakras are divided into two groups: The Lower 3 Chakras that deal with your Physicality and the Upper 3 Chakras that deal with your Spirituality. The 4th ( Heart ) Chakra acts like a "balancer" in much the same way a Fulcrum does in a See-Saw. If you're on a Spiritual Journey, you cannot be Physical like to "normal" people all around you; and you cannot be Spiritual since you still live here on Earth. You balance the 2 groups of Chakras with your 4th ( Heart ) Chakra by practicing "Love one another", "Love your enemies", "Forgive and forget", The Golden Rule, Patience, Charity, Humility, etc.

    Now that my 6th ( 3rd Eye ) Chakra has opened, I can rightfully call myself a "member" of the elite/exclusive "Opened 3rd Eye Group". But I don't feel any different at all just because my 6th ( 3rd Eye ) Chakra opened-up by chance. I'm still the same old me. And I do my best to downplay my "Elite/Exclusive" status because I don't want Pride to get in the way of my Spiritual Cultivation.

    There are Yogis out there that are more highly-advanced than I, a 1st-Stage Yogi, am who are quite adept at opening their 6th ( 3rd Eye ) Chakra. But some of them still fall prey to the Wealth, Fame, Power and Sex Traps that the Material World lays out before them. What does that tell you about the importance/relevance of opening-up one's 6th ( 3rd Eye ) Chakra? Pretty much nothing, I would be inclined to say!

    Buddha and Jesus Christ taught their Apostles and Disciples to practice Humility because a Humble Man is more precious in the Eyes of God than someone who had all his 7 Chakras open-up.

    I can tell you this, though: Whenever you find yourself "super-horny for sex" for no apparent reason, it is because your Kundalini is trying to rise-up to your 7th ( Crown Chakra ) but your 2nd ( Sex Organs ) Chakra is doing its best to hold It back/down. So, the next time that you feel "super-horny for sex" for no apparent reason, you know what to do--No, I don't mean that! I mean, go meditate and allow your Kundalini to travel-up to your 7th ( Crown ) Chakra.

    I hope that this post--the 4th time that I've tried to publish it--answers your 2nd set of questions to your satisfaction.


  6. Anonymous,

    The "Ohm Ha Lee Dee Gah" Protection Mantra is to be used when a "Buddha-like" entity appears before you while you are reciting the Zhunti Mantra. I have not had the occasion to use it yet since no "Buddha-like" entity has ever appeared before me while I recited the Zhunti Mantra--not yet, anyway. In answer to your question, then, I believe that this protection mantra is to be used only with the Zhunti Mantra.

    Just so you know, even Jesus Christ, Himself, told his Apostles and Disciples to test the Spirits, first, by asking them if they believe that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh. And evil spirit would be repulsed by such a question. While a good spirit will not only answer in the affirmative but will also give praise and glory unto His Name.

    I have had encounters with other-worldly entities, both good and bad, since as far back as I can remember. And some of the good ones even saved my life in a number of occasions. Through the years, and through trial and error, I have come to realize that invoking Jesus Christ's Holy Name is the only defense that I will ever need to repel evil spirits. In fact, I don't even want to invoke His Holy Name right away because I want to get even with the evil spirits first. And I can't wait for my next encounter. ( My last encounter with an evil entity took place over 8 years ago--and I almost got killed, if not for Divine intervention! )

    If you believe in the Divine Power and Authority of Jesus Christ, then invoking His Name is all the defense that you will ever need in an encounter with an evil entity. If you follow a different religion, then I don't know what words or names are to be used in your defense during such an encounter. If you are an agnostic or an atheist, it doesn't make any sense, to me, at all why you should be going on a spiritual journey which runs contrary to your own beliefs in the first place.

  7. About chest pains.
    I'm doing Zhunti mantra, for a long time, but not diligently, for few months than few months I don't.
    In last 6 months I have been experiencing strong chest pains and overwhelming emotions, mostly negative, also my chest expanded in diameter.
    If the problem can be related to mantra, when can I expect it to pass?

  8. Hello, Anonymous,

    I'm sorry that I didn't come across your comment earlier. Because, for some reason, my blogsite's "Comment Gadget" doesn't work anymore. My blogsite has been acting-up ever since my computer was infected by the Reveton Virus last summer.

    In answer to your question about the pain that you're currently experiencing, I don't know when it will subside. If it is, indeed, related to your mantra work. I'm still experiencing a similar pain myself.

    As for the strong emotions, I am experiencing them, too! The best way to handle such strong emotions is to hold your tongue and to humble yourself. Pride will be your strongest opponent now. Remember, when you do the Zhunti Mantra, you are accelerating your Spiritual Development. In other words, you are trying to accomplish in one lifetime what would normally take an ordinary person many lifetimes to accomplish! So, the bad things that you would be expected to encounter through many lifetimes will be all coming at you in this, your present lifetime. Therefore, "Humble yourself unto the Lord!" as the Bible says.

  9. Thank you for answer Cine-Man,

    Since there is nothing more I can do, I will wait.
    Maybe practice a bit more from now on.

  10. Anonymous,

    You are welcome.

    "Patience is a virtue" and "practice makes perfect."

    And remember, if you cannot keep to a set routine in your spiritual cultivation, don't stress over it! You're entrusting yourself into the hands of Divine Fate which oversees your spiritual progress. So, just "go with the flow" because, no matter how you do your spiritual cultivation and/or how many times you go about doing it, you're still earning Karmic Merit either way, which is your sole objective.

    When you commit yourself to a set routine, it may become just that: A superficial routine. But your Zhunti Mantra recitations should come straight from the heart BECAUSE IT IS AN OFFERING OF LOVE TO GOD. That is why it affects the heart in such a way, i.e. chest pains. I've said it before and it bears repeating, Treat the Zhunti Mantra with utmost respect.

    After a round of Zhunti Mantra recitations, you may want to offer-up a song in particular--it's strictly optional, of course, and done of a free will and with a loving heart. The following song is a Kriyaban Yogi Initiate's yearning desire for spiritual enlightenment directed at Lord Shiva, the Destroyer ( of Un-enlightenment,in this case ). My Yogi taught it to me as a mantra but it "flows" better for me as a song, a longing love song. I now write it down for you phonetically; so, please excuse my misspellings since such are found:

    Shankar Daya Key Murti Ho,
    Fer Dera It Tea Knee
    Key You Car Roe.
    Da Inya Dukha
    Duvida Car Roe;
    Car Roe Nah, Car Roe,
    Car Roe Nah, Car Roe.
    ( sing this yearning love song 3 times--and sing it the way it feels naturally for you because you want it to be YOUR OWN PERSONAL OFFERING )

    I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

  11. Opps! correction ....

    The verse, "Duvida Car Roe" should be: Duvida Hah Roe!


  12. I have spent some time contemplating on this:
    "You're entrusting yourself into the hands of Divine Fate which oversees your spiritual progress..."

    Much of my worrying comes from not letting go. I don't rely trust the Divine Fate and don't have your attitude (which is excellent). It's quite possible that is the reason I'm experiencing harder time now.

    1. Hello, Anonymous,

      You've heard the saying, "Let go and let God." God knows you more than you could ever hope to know your own self and will decide for Himself where and when your spiritual enlightenment and maturity will take place. Remember, too, that "When the student is ready, the Master will appear."

      Allow me this opportunity to tell you of two spiritual events in my life ( separated about 25 years apart ) that I missed taking advantage of simply because I wasn't ready yet:
      1.) As I laid in bed, a female voice in my head asked me, "What do you want most in life?" I answered with, Who the Hell are you? I want a million dollars! Oops ....
      2.) At a campfire, a very beautiful raven-haired young Spirit Guide ( the most beautiful woman that I ever set my eyes on ) appeared before me and opened an antique leather-bound book and proceeded to instruct me in the spiritual ways in secret while keeping a horde of evil spirits at bay. I was in denial as I said to myself that this cannot be happening to me because I am unworthy. And, out of curiosity, I asked her, Are you Sri Lahiri Mahasaya ( Yogananda's Paramguru--an old male, by the way )? She stopped the secret instruction, closed the book, said that I wasn't ready, and proceeded to leave. Realizing my mistake, I ran up to her, grabbed her left hand and kissed it, and begged her to stay. But she vanished.

      How do you think I feel blowing away either of these two spiritual opportunities? I'd better not blow away the third one!!!

      But I take comfort in these three events in my life which also occurred within a 25 year span:
      A.) In an out-of-body experience, an Angelic male voice told me something. But I can't remember most of what the voice said because I fell in love with the sound of its loving, warm, friendly, reassuring, gentle voice; all I remember are the last five words: "God gave you the Power."
      B.) In another out-of-body experience, pure white light energy discs entered my body through the top of my head, spinning at a very high RPM and emitting a high-pitched metallic sound. Then, an Angelic female voice said, "You are supposed to store this Energy and wait for God to give you permission to use this Energy for Healing."
      C.) I was awakened from my sleep because a word and number etched in pure white light shone brightly inside my head. It spelled out: Ecclesiastes 3. ( Google it for yourself and find out what it means. )

      I know that God has something special in store for me in this lifetime. This is the reason for my attitude.

      And I cannot wait to go on a pilgrimage to the place of my birth where spirits had watched over me. I want to thank them personally for keeping an eye on me. Of course, I could express my gratitude to them while staying here in the USA. But it would mean more to them if I express my sincere gratitude to them where it all began. ( Always give sincere thanks because it is always appreciated. )

      Like you, I'm still on the path to Spiritual Enlightenment. Remember what Jesus Christ said: ( I paraphrase ) The short, wide and well-lit path leads to Perdition. The long, hard, dark and winding path full of traps and dangers at every turn is the path that leads to Eternal Salvation. Remember, too, the other thing that Jesus Christ said, ( I paraphrase again ) Walk in the ( Spiritual ) Ways of God, not in the ( Religious ) ways of man. These are the reasons why you're experiencing harder times now.
      It was never meant to be easy. Jesus Christ said, "Many are called but the chosen are few; the work is plenty but the workers are few."

      What I've just shared with you are Spiritual Truths that you should take to heart.

      Let patience and dedication guide you along the Spiritual Path. God will bless you sooner or later.

  13. Replies
    1. Anonymous,

      I wish you a Happy New Year, too!!! And may you also have a Blessed New Year.

      You are in my prayer tonight.
