Saturday, July 23, 2011


where:  UA EMERY BAY STADIUM 10 in Emeryville, CA
when:  Thursday, July 21st, 2011
show:  12:01 a.m.
costs:  $14.00 Ticket + $5.75 Zap Pack + $5.00 Carquinez Bridge Toll = $24.75
auditorium:  4, with the 3-D screen
seat:  6th row, 11th column

synopsis/overview:   Steve Rogers ( Chris Evans ), a "90-pound weakling",  desperately wants to enlist in the US Army during WWII, attracting the attention of  Dr. Abraham Erskine ( Stanley Tucci ), the head of  a secret government research program run with the assistance of  Mr. Howard Stark ( Dominic Cooper ) of  Stark Industries.  Dr. Erskine talks Steve into volunteering for the program which turns him into a super-soldier, Captain America, the defender of  American Ideals and the very first Avenger.

noteworthy scenes:  1.)  "You guys are gonna need one hell of a crane"; 2.) Shield; 3.) "Jewel of  Odin's Treasure Room"; 4.) 4F; 5.) Little Timmy; 6.) Alley fight; 7.) 1943 World Exposition; 8.) Clinic; 9.) 1A; 10.) "I have not come all this way for safety"; 11.)  "We have the best men"; 12.) Flagpole; 13.) "He's making me cry"; 14.) Grenade; 15.) Johann Schmidt/Red Skull's ( Hugo Weaving ) story; 16.) "No, I don't have [ a ] procedure tomorrow"; 17.) Masterpiece; 18.) "I know this neighborhood"; 19.) Secret lab; 20.) "Geez, somebody get that kid a sandwich"; 21.) Serum infusion; 22.) Sabotage; 23.) Chase; 24.) "Go get him!  I can swim"; 25.) "The Red Skull has been indulged long enough"; 26.) "Berlin is on this map"; 27.) "Heil, Hydra"; 28.) "If it could only work once, he'd be proud that it was you"; 29.) "You just got promoted"; 30.) Musical; 31.) The heckled captain; 32.) "You were meant for more than this, you know"; 33.) The 107th; 34.) "Where's my helmet"; 35.) "So, you two, do you fondue"; 36.) "The hell I can't.  I'm a captain"; 37.) "You know, Fritz, one of  these days I'm gonna have a stick of my own"; 38.) Captain America; 39.) "I'm from Fresno, Ace"; 40.) Bucky ( Sebastian Stan ); 41.) Red Skull; 42.) The return; 43.) Medal of  Valor; 44.) "I just got a quick look"; 45.) Bar; 46.) "Write that down"; 47.) New shield; 48.) Film footage; 49.) The train; 50.) "You're a liability"; 51.) "I can't get drunk"; 52.) Motorcycle chase; 53.) Captured; 54.) "Tight schedule"; 55.) "I'm not kissing you"; 56.) Bomb plane; 57.) The cube; 58.) "Peggy ( Hayley Atwell ), this is my choice"; 59.) "I'm gonna need a raincheck on that dance"; 60.) "Just keep looking"; 61.) Inactive file; 62.) Recovery room; 63.) "You've been asleep, Captain, for almost 70 years"; 64.) Bonus Scene during the Ending Credit; and 65.) The Avengers preview.

favorite scenes:  I liked the means-to-an-end Flagpole scene.

And I liked how they had the Original Costume design worked into this movie.

audience reaction:  The audience liked it and a few people gave it a "Hands Clapper" ending.

recommendation:  I really didn't think that I was gonna like this movie. But I was wrong.  I liked it enough to recommend it to those of  you who are into Marvel Comics superheroes.

spoiler alert!  Let me see if  I got this straight ... Steve had a chance to be  alone with all of  those beautiful and sexually-unfulfilled females whose boyfriends and husbands had gone off  to war  AND HE WANTED TO ENLIST?!?!?!  What, was he Nucking Futs?  ( Transpose the first letters .... )  If  you put me in that anatomy/physiology enhancing pod just like the way they did with Steve Rogers and allowed  me to also keep my pants on, I'd come out of  it singing like a castrati of  a certain world-famous boys' choir.  It is my understanding that the growth-enhancing serum was injected only into Steve's muscles and not into his bones, cartilages, ligaments  and tendons.  But even if  the serum was injected into Steve's bones, cartilages, ligaments  and tendons, as well, they wouldn't grow in direct proportion to the accelerated muscular growth of  test-subject Steve's body  because they don't get the same amount of  blood supply that a typical muscle cell would get.  The growth-enhancing serum would just work the same way that a muscle-building Steroid works:  "Balloon-up" the muscles but weaken the tendons and ligaments.  The penis is not made of  muscle tissues but of  cavernous and spongy tissues; so, I don't know what they did for Steve in that crucial area of  his anatomy.  Hey, if he's gonna  be Capt. America, he's got to live up to the name and rise up to the challenge each and every time--l.o.l.  And I don't think Steve had the serum injected into his very pain-sensitive testicles.  Ha, ha, ha.  Steve crashed through the store's display window and landed bare-footed on broken glass--but no "Ouchy!"  Steve and the bad guy were both in deep water; so, how did he throw the bad guy clear out of  the water?  When Capt.  America slipped into Red Skull's headquarters to rescue the G.I.s, why didn't he kill the guards?  Those bullets hit the convex side of  the new shield and should have ricocheted all over the place instead of  landed perpendicularly to the floor in front of  Steve's feet!  The same thing should have happened inside the train:  Bullets should have ricocheted all over the place.  The landing strip was not de-iced because it was about to be used only for take-off of  Red Skull's massive plane that only needed to taxi in a straight line; so, when Col. Phillips ( Tommy Lee Jones ) slammed on the brakes, the car should have slid off  the cliff!  Even though the plane had holes in it, there was not a sufficiently loud wind noise generated as a result.  I can't believe that New York and its surrounding areas didn't have radar systems in place to detect and keep track of  enemy planes during wartime!  There was not a snow storm when the plane crash-landed; so, because of  its immense size and the resultant smoke and fire from the crash, the plane would have left visible signs of  where it landed for scrambled planes and search parties to home-in on.  The adult male body is about 60% water in composition.  Without the aid of  an anti-freeze, the body's water molecules will freeze into crystalline structures that will puncture through and shred every  water-bearing cell in the body.  In other words, Captain America could not have survived frozen for so long.

fyi:  I liked Red Skull's souped-up convertible car.

When General MacArthur returned to the Philippines, my father decided to join the US Army and had to lie about his age to be enlisted.  He was probably the youngest enlisted "man", at age 13,  in the US Armed Forces of  World War Two.   And at under 5-feet tall, he was probably one of  the shortest--if not the shortest!  The G.I.s that he was assigned with were mostly from Texas, he once told me.  And they treated him more like either a Mascot or a surrogate younger brother because of  his size and age.  He enlisted under threat of  assassination by some Filipino Christian guerrillas who had come to loathe the fact that the Japanese treated my father's family with honor and respect and even saved  my father and my grandfather's lives when said guerrillas tried to kill each one of  them in two separate occasions.  Although my father became a Sergeant and an expert machine-gunner, he never wanted to kill any of the Japanese because, to him, they were still his friends.  My father said that he was always the last to attack and the first to retreat. My father regaled me with certain others of  his war exploits; but on the few times that I asked him how many Japanese he killed, he would just get this blank look in his eyes and walk away from me.  Years later, a cousin of  mine, Pompey, told me that my father actually became a war hero when he saved the lives of  his fellow G.I.s who had come under stealth attack by the Japanese in the thick of  the night.

I wanted to enlist in the US Army, too, to follow in my father's footsteps. But numerous sports injuries kept me from doing it.  You name me a body part on my person and I probably broke it or dislocated it.

The first time that I saw a Captain America comic book, I said to myself, Hey, this hero looks exactly like Kapitan Pinoy ( Captain Philippines or Filipino Captain ) except for the letter "A".  Kapitan Pinoy had the letter "P" on his forehead.  Aside from that, both costumed characters were drawn identically.  I found out later that Kapitan Pinoy was just a cheap knock-off meant to capitalize on the popularity of the Captain America comic book series.  What a bunch of  shameless, low-life comic book plagiarists!

This is the first time that I've attended a midnight show at this theatre.

I was about to post this hours earlier after I finished writing it  at Hector's place but, for some reason, his computer COMPLETELY  erased the whole thing!  I had to re-write everything.

word of  advice:  Anyone can contribute to the wartime effort.

"Support our troops." Enlist.

tidbits:  I went to Hector's place in Oakland, CA, to drop-off  the gift that I had bought for him at Big!Lots, an AM/FM Stereo CD Player.

His son, Ismael, came out to greet me.  And Ismael said, "You should have been here two nights ago.  Somebody did a hit-and-run on the SUV of  the chinita's  dad."  I said, Good!  About time.  And Hector came out and said, "Hey, your curse came true."  I answered, That's number one. Two more curses are coming up.  The Chinese bitch's dad's SUV got hit because he probably told his daughter to lie to me because I didn't see her  back into my car.  But they can't fool this Yogi.

When I tried-out Hector's new AM/FM Stereo CD Player, the CD function didn't work!  How embarrassing.  ( But I got him a working replacement the next day, a Friday. )

And I put a new flea collar on Tiger, the kitten.  To show his gratitude, he curled-up on my lap later on as I watched a TV show.  That was the first time, ever, that Tiger curled-up on my lap.

Halfway through watching this movie, I developed an upset stomach.  But I didn't want to go to the men's room to take care of  it because I might miss out on some critical scenes.  So, I just held it in by reciting my Zhunti mantras--remember, you may just get what you wish for if  you do this mantra ( How do you think I get my curses to work? ).  But this mantra also "locked" my bladder because I couldn't empty it when I went to use the men's room after the movie.

So, with both "Number One" and "Number Two" on total lock-up, I left for home.  And it was a  thirty minute commute plus a 100 yard walk from the overflow parking area and on up to my condo.  I just Zhunti mantra-ed it all the way home.  But I stopped doing the mantra as soon as I stepped out of  my Geo Metro and I could feel both "numbers" "unlocking".  From that point on, it was like an Olympic-style speed walk all the way to my condo--AND I JUST BARELY MADE IT!!!   Whew! never again; never more.

Please re-read my blog on the Zhunti Mantra in last month's Spiritual Milestone.

You would need to have recited the Zhunti Mantra at least 333,333 times ( a third of  the million-mark goal ) and would have experienced something of  a highly-spiritual nature along the way before you can use this mantra to put a curse on someone so it won't backfire on you or will only do relatively little harm if  it does backfire on you.  Putting curses on people is actually easier than giving out blessings because only highly-advanced spiritual people can bestow blessings.  ( I'm only a 1st Stage Yogi, and I have to start somewhere. )

For those of  you who think that putting curses on really deserving people is counter-productive to spiritual cultivation, consider the case of  Milarepa. Milarepa was an evil warlock who put curses on people, livestock and farmland.  And he even killed a number of  people, including his own master whom he poisoned to death.  But, later on in life, he did a complete turn-around and ended-up becoming one of  the greatest, if  not THE greatest, Tibetan Buddhist Saints.  He was to Tibetan Buddhism what Judas Iscariot was to Christianity: Someone who betrayed his own master.

But, likewise, Judas Iscariot was the greatest of  the Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ--the answer to this, my argument, can be found in the Old Testament of  the Bible's Book of  Leviticus.  Read it for yourself and find out what has been hidden in plain view for two thousand years!

I should write a Bible commentary someday to explain the mysteries that have long befuddled mankind.


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