where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Friday, November 6th, 2009
show: 12:25 pm ( Extra Dollar-off First Show )
costs: $6.25 Ticket + $4.00 junior size Kettle Corn + $3.75 small Diet/Zero ( w/ Barq's & Cherry flavors ) Coke = $14.00
auditorium: 11
seat: 3rd row, 9th column
synopsis: A small-time newspaper reporter in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Bob Milton ( Ewan McGregor ) serendipitously stumbles upon The Story of a Lifetime when he interviews someone who claims to be a "Psychic Soldier" trained by a secret U.S. Army unit during the Cold War era.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) General Hopgood's ( Stephen Lang ) office; 2.) Gus Lacey ( Stephen Root ) interview; 3.) Ron's ( Brad Grunberg ) massive coronary; 4.) Chance meeting with Lyn Cassady ( George Clooney ); 5.) Bill Django's ( Jeff Bridges ) Vietnam epiphany; 6.) Development of the New Earth Army; 7.) Sparkly Eyes technique; 8.) The "Predator"; 9.) Solar cooker; 10.) New Earth Army presentation; 10.) Origin of "Be all that you can be" slogan; 11.) Driving into a rock on the way to Iraq; 12.) Unwittingly captured; 13.) "Jedi" symbol; 14.) Computer crashes; 15.) The "Dance"; 16.) Larry "party pooper" Hooper ( Kevin Spacey ); 17.) Remote Viewing; 18.) Firefight at gas station; 19.) "Ask Angela Lansbury"; 20.) Dishonorable discharge; 21.) IED; 22.) Stare at goat; 23.) Dim Mak, the "death touch"; 24.) Bill with goats; 25.) "The Dark Side"; 26.) Redemption; 27.) Liberation; 28.) Barney, the Dinosaur; and 29.) The wall.
audience reaction: The audience totally enjoyed this movie!
recommendation: Go see this crazy-funny movie.
spoiler alert! I'm clearly bias towards this movie because of my life-long supernatural experiences. It's a subjective reality, i.e. if you haven't experienced it then you would have no affinity for it and consequently act prejudice towards those who have. Most of the people who go see this movie will think that there are a bunch of "normal-acting" crazy people out there. But those who have knowledge and experience in such matters will truly appreciate the humor put forth by kindred souls. In other words, there are two ways of looking at this movie.
If Lyn Cassady was the best of the best "Psychic Soldiers," he could have easily willed his cancer to disappear--but I guess they didn't teach him this!
fyi: Lyn Cassady's "Cloud Bursting" is not so far-fetch or crazy. When I was about 11 years of age in the Philippines, I accidentally found out that I had a particular ability to control an aspect of the weather. Back then, it was just a game that I would go outside the house and play on the street whenever an opportunity for privacy would arise because I thought it was a normal thing for kids to do! I cannot do it now perhaps because in adulthood I have become more self-conscious about how I am perceived by society in general. No wonder Jesus Christ told his Apostles and Disciples to treat kids with respect--Hell hath no Fury than a ( poltergeist ) kid scorned!
When Bruce Lee died unexpectedly, one of the rumors circulated was the one in which he stopped doing his workout to greet and shake the hand of a boy he thought was just a fan. As it turned out, this boy was a young assassin well-trained in Dim Mak who then proceeded to give the unsuspecting Bruce Lee the "death touch" which killed him in a few hours' time through brain hemorrhage. One of my classmates back then told me this, and that's the honest truth!
Those who are into Conspiracy Theory would know of a certain "Commander X" who claims to be one of those "Psychic Soldiers" from the Cold War era. I wonder if he's in any way related to the "Lyn Cassady" character. Hmmm ....
word of advice: Once you've experienced the supernatural, everything that you scientifically know about physical reality goes flying out the window and into the garbage bin, so to speak. Trust me on this.
tidbits: It's funny how this movie makes reference to Jedi Knights/Warriors since Ewan McGregor portrayed the role of a young Obi-Wan Kenobi in the STAR WARS prequel trilogy.