Saturday, April 24, 2010

THE LOSERS, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 38 min )

where: CENTURY 25 UNION LANDING & XD in Union City, CA
when: Saturday, April 24th, 2010
show: 6:50 p.m.
costs: $11.00 Ticket + $5.25 medium Popcorn + $4.25 medium + $10.04 dinner at La Salsa Restaurant ( after the movie ) + $4.00 Bridge Toll = $34.54
auditorium: 25
seat: 5th row, 12th column

synopsis: While on a secret mission in the jungle of Bolivia, an elite commando team is double-crossed and presumed killed in action. They join forces with a mysterious femme fatale , with her own personal agenda, and go back States-side to even the score.

noteworthy scenes: 1.) Target locked; 2.) School bus; 3.) Helicopter; 4.) Cock-fight; 5.) Hotel room; 6.) Cemetery; 7.) "Hit him in the face" nod; 8.) Coffins; 9.) Snuke; 10.) Umbrella girl; 11.) "Dead can't sh-t"; 12.) Ford Pinto; 13.) Doughnut; 14.) Goliath hard drive; 15.) Bolivia situation; 16.) Apology; 17.) Elevator; 18.) "Dangerous telekinetic"; 19.) Chryon; 20.) Private trust account; 21.) Secret identity; 22.) "Who wants to be a billionaire"; 23.) Five; 24.) Infiltration; 25.) CIA cash stash; 26.) Four snukes and a Ducati motorcycle; 27.) "Payback's a bitch"; 28.) "Light the firecracker"; 29.) "Stupid Question Day"; 30.) "Yo mama's a pirate"; 31.) "Giant vibrating egg from Hell"; 32.) Duct tape; 33.) Bus; 34.) Traffic; and 35.) Bonus scene.

audience reaction: The audience enjoyed this movie.

recommendation: I liked this movie enough to give it a good recommendation. Its appeal lies in the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. They're just out to have fun--and kill the bad guys while they're at it!

spoiler alert! When the school bus crashed, all of the kids should have flown to the front, if not through the windshield. The fat guy could have easily pulled him off the building, too--I know I would have if someone was throwing me off the roof. If the plane's cargo hold, where I presume the coffins were kept, was not climate-controlled, the five "cadavers" would have died of hyperthermia! How did Aisha ( Zoe Saldana ) get the coffins through customs? The coffin straps got sliced-off too easily. Snuke! how cute is that for such a deadly weapon? Why did he kill the secretary? ( What a waste of beauty! ) How come the cops didn't track or follow the helicopter? Why wasn't the computer fire-walled after the hard drive theft? Jensen's ( Chris Evans ) blood would be easily identified by the FBI and/or the CIA. I'm surprised that the guard dogs didn't hear them sneaking around since German Shepherds, as a breed, have the keenest sense of hearing among all dogs--I know this based on experience with a police dog ( a story for another time, perhaps ). So, that's how super-models fire an RPG--sexy-hot but highly impractical! The leg bandage didn't have any blood on it. Clay ( Jeffrey Dean Morgan ) could have easily disabled the plane by throwing his empty pistol into the jet intake. Pooch ( Columbus Short ) could still run okay even with the not-yet-healed leg wound.

fyi: The first European colony in what was later to become the United States was not at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts. Almost half a century prior to this event, the Spaniards settled a colony in Southern California. They brought with them quite a number of Moros ( a Philippine sea-faring tribe skilled in ship-building ) to work as laborers in the Manila-Acapulco Galleon trade route as well as to live and work alongside the Mexicans in building galleons for the Spanish. Although most of the galleons were built in the Philippines, more than half a dozen were built in Acapulco, Mexico. The Moros brought with them coconuts, mangoes, papayas, tamarinds, chickens, and the art of making the coconut wine called, Tuba ( Pronounced: Too-ba; Spanish for, Tube, since coconut sap is traditionally collected in makeshift bamboo tubes ). The Moros eventually took for themselves Mexican wives as they lived in the settlement over-looking present-day Moro Bay, so-named in their honor.

The Mexicans and the Filipinos have many cultural similarities because the Spaniards brought them together to inter-mingle, inter-marry, and to assimilate each other's customs and traditions. The Kastilas ( i.e. Spaniards ) in the Philippines were mostly of Mexican descent.

How do all these tie-in with the movie? Cock-fighting was introduced into the Americas by the Moros. In the Philippines, we call this sport, Sabong.

word of advice: Don't betray your own men.

tidbits: Today, I became initiated as a 1st Stage Kriyaban of Yoga. If I do things right, and if I pass all three stages, then I can rightfully call myself a full-pledge Yogi. How cool is that!

That's the good news. Now, for the bad news ....

As a Kriyaban Yoga initiate, most of my free time from now on will be centered in my spiritual cultivation. In other words, I won't have much time to do movie blogs from now on. I will only have time, at the most, for one movie blog per week. So, I will only blog about whichever one is at number one or two at the Box Office for each week, henceforth. Sorry to disappoint ... but a Yogi has got to do what a Yogi needs to do: Practice spiritual cultivation.

Ohm Shanti.