Monday, November 14, 2011

J. EDGAR, R ( 2 hr & 17 min )

Quickie Review:  All Work And No Play Makes J. A "Doll" Boy

As head of the FBI for the better part of the last century since its inception, J. Edgar Hoover ( Leonardo DiCaprio ), serving under eight Presidents,  becomes the most powerful man in the United States that most Americans do not know about.  Suspicious of Anarchists and Communists, he almost single-handedly shapes the bureau into a modern and scientifically and technologically advanced federal department tasked with investigating criminal and "un-American" ways by whatever means necessary,  lawful or otherwise.

I liked this movie a lot.  It was very fascinating to see how the FBI got its start and its development.

The other people in the audience--and there were a lot who turned up to see this first-show matinee--liked the movie, as well.  In fact, when I went to the men's room after the show to empty my bladder, I overheard a conversation among three older gentlemen, with the gist of it being that they, too, liked the movie.

Most of the people in the audience were senior citizens, people who lived through the J. Edgar Hoover years.  So, what does that make me?  Oh, I know.  A very good observer--Hah!

Watching this movie left me with a puzzle, though:  How did Charles Lindbergh become a Nazi-sympathizer after what happened to his first-born son?

Special Announcement:  I would like to take this time to say, Thank You and Welcome, to my readers in ...


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