Tuesday, February 28, 2012

ACT OF VALOR, R ( 1 hr & 51 min )

where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Saturday, February 25th, 2012
show:  12:10 p.m.  ( Extra Dollar Off First Show Matinee )
costs:  $6.50 Ticket + $4.75 Pretzel Bites + $4.00 small 16 oz Diet/Zero ( w/ Barq's Root Beer & Cherry flavors ) Coke + $4.28 Beefy Crunch Combo lunch @ Taco Bell after the movie = $19.53
auditorium:  1
seat:  4th row, 4th column

noteworthy scenes:  1.) Ethos; 2.) Schoolyard; 3.) Expectant father; 4.) Kidnapped; 5.) "All our focus is on the mission"; 6.) Intelligence report; 7.) Torture; 8.) "Target secure"; 9.) Chase; 10.) "Hot extract"; 11.) Discreet; 12.) "Always disappointing"; 13.) "Big trouble in little China"; 14.) "Sixteen Pilipinos"; 15.) Yacht; 16.) "Crisco"; 17.) "Sh-t filters fall"; 18.) "Sixteen Jihadists"; 19.) Mexican coastal village; 20.) "Mission not complete"; 21.) Tunnel network; 22.) US/Mexico Border; 23.) "Milk factory"; 24.) Suicide bomber; 25.) Grenade; 26.) Old flag; 27.) "Tecumseh's poem"; 28.) Pictures during the Ending Credits; and 29.) "In Memory Of" dedication.

audience reaction:  The audience enjoyed it.

recommendation:  It was good enough for me.  Go see this if you're into Action Movies.

spoiler alert!  Great ... now all of the Terrorists and Drug Cartels in the Whole Wide World know how the Navy Seals operate! Whoopty Doo ....  These guys are supposed to be actual, active Navy Seals personnel which is why they are mentioned/listed only on a "First Name Basis."  But, the director and/or cameraman forgot this little detail when filming one of the Navy Seals because the last name of the Seal-guy was shown on his uniform as he left his wife to go on deployment--Whoopsie! I guess that somebody forgot to tell the Navy Seals that there are plenty--and I do mean, p-l-e-n-t-y--of Crocodiles in Costa Rica which hunt at night!  Couldn't they make the mini reconnaissance drone with a bird-like silhouette, instead?  Why, because a drone shaped like a plane and flown deep in the jungle would easily raise the suspicion of those being spied upon once it is spotted.  After all, the jungle is usually not the place where one would find R/C planes being flown around ( at the neighborhood park, maybe ).  The sniper had enough time to have easily taken-out the first truck, and slowed-down the bad guys in the process. When the Navy Seals had those trucks pinned down, they should also have used RPGs on them.  The only way that that particular Navy Seal could have known that the 16 Jihadists were Pilipinos was if he looked at all the Hispanic names in the Ending Credits first!  Heads up to all of the Navy Seals out there, the native peoples in Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Southern Philippines who are Muslims all look the same. So, looking through a pair of binoculars at a bunch of Far East/South East Asians kneeling and praying towards Mecca doesn't necessarily make them all to be Pilipinos.  Because they all look pretty much the same, with a few exceptions such as myself.  If you put me in a room full of Mexicans or Puerto Ricans, invariably, one of them will try to start a conversation with me by asking:

"Eres el Sr. Fred?"


"Eres el Sr. Fred Flintstone?"

Hell, no!  Not you, too.  ( Damn, I get that anywhere I go! ) Escuchame, Yo soy el doble atractivo de la Esai Morales!  Me entiendes? ( Listen to me, I'm Esai Morales' better-looking "twin"! Do you understand me? )  Ha, ha, ha.

When you're busy working in your makeshift bomb factory in the middle of the night and a dog outside starts barking loudly and repeatedly, what should that tell you ...?  When the Navy Seals raided that coastal village, they would have made a more efficient work of it had they also used Infra-Red Imaging to "see" which shacks had people in them who were wide awake and assembling explosive devices. Whoever translated the Tagalog dialogues into English in the subtitle did a laughable  job of it!  Why didn't they hire my services as Cine-Man, the Tagalog-to-English translator? When a grenade nearby is about to explode, you should lie down flat on the floor instead of kneel against the wall! I say this because I'm pretty sure that they heard and saw the grenade land on the floor near them. There was a quick scene wherein laser dots were clearly shown on the bad guys, but the Navy Seals forgot to shoot at them. Dang, who trained this particular group of Navy Seals, anyway? After he was already dead, the Navy Seal who was laying in his own pool of blood blinked his eye! It is not a poem at all but, rather, it is words to live by.

fyi:  What follows now is the wisdom advice of Chief Tecumseh which I found on the internet ....


"So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.
Trouble no one about their religion;
respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours.
Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.

Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people.
Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend,
even a stranger, when in a lonely place.
Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.

Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools
and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled
with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep
and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way.
Sing your death song and die like a hero going home."

Internet Source:

Source type: Wisdom Commons Website
Chief Tecumseh ( 1768-1813 ) of the Native American Shawnee Nation
Contributor: Mriana
Copied from:  www.wisdomcommons.org

Since the Pilipino Jihadists in this movie all spoke Tagalog, it simply goes to reason that the Muslim terrorists in the Philippines are nothing more than just Tagalogs masquerading as Moros to give the Mindanawens a bad reputation--the nerve of them!    I mean, in Mindanao, where I was born, the natives speak Bisaya, Moro, Dabawenyo, Bagobo, etc.  BUT, in this movie,  THEY SPOKE IN TAGALOG.  In other words, the US Armed Forces who are fighting the Terrorists in the Philippines are doing so in the wrong Island!  They should all pack-up and head north to the Island of Luzon, where the Tagalogs live!  Ha, ha, ha.  And the US Armed Forces can racially-profile all of the Tagalogs all they want, for all I care.  LOL.  That should teach the Tagalogs right for infiltrating my Island and pretending that it belongs to them.

In case you guys are wondering why I purposely spell, Filipino, with a "P", it is because the letter "F" is not in the Philippine Alphabet.  Yes, that's right, we don't give a "F"!  Ha, ha, ha.

word of advice:  Be ready to lead.  Be ready to follow.  And never quit.

"Don't bother running, you'll only die tired!"

tidbits:  I went to see this movie before going to work to take advantage of the extra dollar off matinee special.

Next, I went to the Dollar Tree Store at the Target Shopping Center to buy a 3-litre bottle of Grape soda. Then, I went to the nearby Taco Bell for a light lunch and to spend some time doing my Zhunti Mantra before hitting the road to go to work.

And I had to stay overtime one hour and twenty minutes just so I could finish my work assignment because it was just too busy at work and there was not enough help scheduled for today--same ol' crap, so to speak.


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