Monday, March 19, 2012

21 JUMP STREET, R ( 1 hr & 50 min )

where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Saturday, March 17th, 2012
show:  5:00 p.m.
costs:  $9.75 Ticket + $4.00 20 oz Fanta Strawberry Soda = $13.75
auditorium:  8
seat:  5th row, 7th column

synopsis/overview:  A new drug makes the rounds at a high school.  And it's up to the police department's "You're some Justin Bieber 'n' Miley Cyrus-lookin' Mother-F-ckers!" special crimes unit to put a stop to it.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) "I don't know how to put this nicely"; 2.) F; 3.) Trash can; 4.) "You want to be friends"; 5.) Police Academy graduates; 6.) Frisbee; 7.) Cop bicycles; 8.) First arrest; 9.) Miranda Rights; 10.) "I'd prefer not to"; 11.) Aroma of Christ Church; 12.) Rules; 13.) Korean Jesus;  14.) Baby pictures; 15.) Shaving; 16.) "Three keys to coolness"; 17.) Kick-ass car; 18.) School parking lot; 19.) Drama class; 20.) Chemistry class; 21.) Narcs; 22.) Fingers; 23.) Tripping; 24.) Report; 25.) Chem class study group; 26.) Mom on the party line; 27.) Rumors; 28.) Party preparations; 29.) "Really gross three-way"; 30.) "When did I get stabbed"; 31.) Angry mom; 32.) Shoe store; 33.) "We can hear how the other half lives"; 34.) "Put it there, man"; 35.) Pinata; 36.) Driver's Ed car; 37.) Car chase; 38.) "That one exploded"; 39.) "You're way in too deep"; 40.) Show; 41.) "It rhymes with grape"; 42.) "It's time we get our jobs back"; 43.) Chore time; 44.) Doves; 45.) Senior Prom; 46.) Supplier; 47.) Friendship bracelet; 48.) Stand-off; 49.) Cameo; 50.) "The only approval I ever needed"; 51.) Vomit; 52.) Limousine chase; 53.) "What's this, Tequila" 54.) "You got this"; 55.) "I shot him in the d-ck"; 56.) The appendage; 57.) "I'll come back later"; 58.) The new assignment and 59.) Bonus Scene during the Ending Credits.

favorite scene:  I liked the Detached Appendage scene.

audience reaction:  The audience really liked this Buddy-Cop Action Comedy Movie. But it didn't get a "Hands Clapper" ending.

recommendation:  I liked this movie, too.  Go see it if you're into Action Comedy Movies.

spoiler alert!  Even a civilian would know that shooting-off a gun like that within city limits is both illegal and dangerous. Why did their boss asked, "Did you say that you have the right to be an attorney?" When, clearly, that was not what Jenko ( Channing Tatum ) said.  Isn't buying drugs and alcohol for minors considered illegal? As in, you could go to jail for it. You'd think the cops would know! You wouldn't be able to move your arm around like that if you suffered from such a stab wound. If I were that lady who got pushed down, you'd hear more than just one word from me! When the DEA agents made themselves known, why didn't the cops use that opportunity to pick-up their guns?

fyi:  The "Korean Jesus" nailed down a point: They make images of Jesus ( and Buddha ) resemble the indigenous worshipers of a particular place to make Him more "approachable" to such people. For centuries, people assumed that Jesus Christ was blond and blue-eyed simply because that was how He was depicted in Europe to make Him more "approachable" to the Europeans.

Truth be known though, the historical Jesus Christ had olive skin, dark hair and dark eyes because He was born into an Asiatic tribe in Asia and preached in Asia about an Asian God.  In other words, He was a ...

Sacred Asian Man

A Holy Man led a life of Danger.
To every one He met, He was a Preacher.
Each Miracle that He'd make, another chance He'd take.
Odds were He wouldn't live to see the morrow.
Sacred Asian Man, Sacred Asian Man.
They'd given Him a "number" and censored-out His name.
Aware that the old Temple which He'd find
was a place wherein gathered evil men ....
"Oh, be careful what You say. Or You'll give Your self away.
Odds are You'll just live a life of sorrow."
Sacred Asian Man, Sacred Asian Man.
They'd given Him a "number" and censored-out His name.
Sacred Asian Man, Sacred Asian Man.
They'd given Him a "number" and censored-out His name.
Preaching to His Apostles Thursday,
and then laying in a tomb Friday to Sunday.
"Judas, you'll let the wrong man die--kissed Him with persuasive lips.
The odds are He won't live to see tomorrow."
Sacred Asian Man, Sacred Asian Man.
They'd given Him a "number" and censored-out His name.
Sacred Asian Man.
( sing the above to, Secret Agent Man )

word of advice:  Don't give-in to peer pressure.

tidbits:  I left my condo at around 9:00 a.m. today to get $10.00 worth of gas at the nearby Chevron Gas Station on Redwood and Couch streets.  Then, I went to a local thrift store to drop-off some donations. And I went to the bakery outlet nearby to buy a jar of creamy peanut butter, which they didn't have in stock at all.  So, I just went to the grocery store to buy some cake-baking ingredients.

Today, March 17th,  is St. Patrick's Day. "Erin Go Bragh!" ( Ireland Forever! ) I made my special chocolate cake--you could O. D. on chocolate just by eating it--for a close relative today, since it, too, is his birthday. And he wouldn't settle for just some Corned Beef and Cabbage, instead. And who can give him a hard time about it?  After all, he ain't even an Irish.

I baked the special chocolate cake at around 11:30 a.m. today, after having shopped for its ingredients--I spent 20 buck$, exactly 20 buck$--at the Admiral Callaghan Lane Safeway.  I let it cool on a rack before I frosted it.  Then, I called my close relative on his cellphone at a little after 2:00 p.m. to let him know that the cake was done and that I was ready to take it to his place. But he was in Santa Rosa, CA, attending the birthday party of our three-year old niece. So, I asked him when he would be back home so that I could just go over and drop-off his birthday cake.  He said that he'd be leaving for home after 9:00 p.m.

As I pulled out of my carport, it started to rain hail stones.  And a few blocks from my place, on Tuolumne  Street, between Del Mar Avenue and Sereno Drive, cop cars began converging in front of the elementary school at around 3:45 p.m. in all that rain. There were six cop cars on that section of the street. I can't wait to read tomorrow's paper to find out what it was all about.

I went to Selecta Pilipino Buffet on Springs Road on a hunch that they might have some Corned Beef and Cabbage because it's St. Patrick's Day. I was right: They did have some--emphasis on SOME! As in, three small slices of corned beef , two yellow potatoes and two tiny slivers of cabbage left in a serving tray.

After I finished eating lunch, I asked the proprietor if he had read the reviews about his buffet restaurant on-line. He wasn't even aware of it. So, I asked to borrow his laptop so that I could look it up for him.  I typed-in, "Selecta Pilipino Buffet in Vallejo, CA."  And, there it was on The reviews were mostly 4- and 5-star reviews. So, I was pretty sure that he was pleased about it.

And it was getting close to 5 o'clock. So, I told the proprietor that I had to leave because I have to be somewhere by 5:00 p.m. I made it to the theatre with about ten minutes to spare.

Oh! about the Special Chocolate Cake ....

After the movie, I went back home to start this blog. And I called my relative at around 9:25 p.m. to find out if he was already home. He was still on the road when he answered my call. I told him that I'll be at his place around 10 o'clock or so.

I got to my relative's place at 10:25 p.m. And I left for home at 11:10 p.m. after he served me some Pilipino Spaghetti ( sweet-flavored version ), Ginata-an ( Pilipino dessert soup made out of Rice with Jack-Fruit and Corn in Coconut Milk ), Durian Cake and a glass of Iced Tea with Lemonade; and after his family and I watched a girls' gymnastics Pacific Rim Competition in which the USA won.


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