Quickie Review: Gollum is back, but in female form and on Outer Earth this time around, and still in search of "My Precious ...."
A man buys an odd antique box at a yard sale for one of his two daughters, not knowing that it contains a Dybbuk, a spirit that seeks to inhabit a human body in order to fulfill a task.
I went to see this movie today, Friday, August 31st, 2012, after work, at the Century 14 Vallejo here in Vallejo, CA, for the 11:55 a.m. matinee show in auditorium 13, 5th row, 8ht column.
Three teenage guys sitting behind me seemed to enjoy this movie, with one of them clapping his hands whenever a bad thing happened on-screen.
This movie was not really scary to me. Its scariest scenes were probably the "Midnight Snack" scene and the "Hospital Morgue" scene. And it had a very predictable ending! This might make for a good scary movie with some cheap scares for you and your date to while the time away. Or you could wait for this movie to come out as a rental.
This movie is supposedly based on a "True Story" ( not a marketing gimmick ) which makes for a very interesting read! You can read about the story which was posted back on the 21st of May, 2012, at: www.rhinoshorror.com/2012/05/21/the-possession-and-its-true-story/
P.S. I was gonna Copy and Paste the whole story here. But it wouldn't be fair to the person who took the time to investigate the "real" story and write about it. So, please go and visit his site, if you want to know the "True Story".
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
2016, OBAMA'S AMERICA, PG ( 1 hr & 27 min )
where: EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX in Fairfield, CA
when: Tuesday, August 28th, 2012
show: 9:20 p.m.
costs: $0.00 Ticket (Movie Pass ) + $1.00 popcorn ( upgrade to a medium on a Free Popcorn on my Regal Movie Watcher Rewards Card ) + $4.75 small 32.0 oz Zero Coke = $5.75
auditorium: 5
seat: 4th row, 7th seat
synopsis/overview: In this documentary, Obama's influential secret past is revealed, showing the whole world his true color and what he supposedly stands for.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) "A different kind of empire"; 2.) Destiny; 3.) Dartmouth Review; 4.) "Underground Racism"; 5.) "Reagan Generation"; 6.) "Out of nowhere"; 7.) Disappointments; 8.) American wealth loss; 9.) Conflicting decisions; 10.) Someone else's dream; 11.) Dreams From My Father; 12.) Absentee father; 13.) "I'm not a disappointment"; 14.) "These smells and sounds were completely familiar to me"; 15.) Bedroom arguments; 16.) American colonization of Hawaii; 17.) Controversial political figure; 18.) Pro Soviet/Pro Communist; 19.) Different "picture" of Obama, Sr.; 20.) Like father, like son; 21.) George Obama; 22.) "I'm part of the world"; 23.) Basket case; 24.) "To confront his father's ghost"; 25.) "Where his father failed, he will succeed"; 26.) The Neo-colonization System; 27.) One hundred per cent taxation; 28.) "The American recipe"; 29.) "Not an angry Black man"; 30.) "Important insight"; 31.) "America's accomplishment"; 32.) "Obama's 'Founding Fathers'"; 33.) $180,000 bribe; 34.) "Enriching the previously colonized countries"; 35.) Brother against brother; 36.) "Anti-Colonial Freedom Fighter"; 37.) "Occupy Wall Street"; 38.) Dinesh D'Souza story; 39.) "Anti-Colonial Framework"; 40.) "Three Predictions"; 41.) 5,000 - 1,500 - 300 - 0; 42.) "The result is a mish-mash"; 43.) Radical Islam; 44.) "United States of Islam"; 45.) "Debt as a weapon of mass destruction"; 46.) "Temporary safe haven"; 47.) Sing For Change; and 48.) "The Future is in your hands."
audience reaction: I didn't hear a reaction from the crowd of about a dozen people in the auditorium with me. But I know this for a fact, one of my customers today went and saw this movie twice at this theatre! And I have two other customers who are very interested in seeing this.
recommendation: I found this movie to be very fascinating, as well as being quite an eye-opener. Go see this movie, whether or not you voted him into office.
spoiler alert! This movie doesn't show the controversial birth certificate for close scrutiny. It fails to mention that for a person to be considered a Natural Born Citizen, both parents must be American Citizens and the person must be born on American Soil or in an American Territory!!! Clearly, Obama IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! This movie fails to state that Obama's mother was underage when she became pregnant and that his father could have easily been charged with Statutory Rape. 'Must have been the reason why she married him and moved with him to British East Africa Protectorate! And, later, when Obama's mother married an Indonesian man and lived in Indonesia, she would have had to renounce her American Citizenship as well as that of her son, Barack's, citizenship in order for them both to stay in Indonesia. Since his mother was PRO-COMMUNIST, in order for Obama to live in the newly-added State of Hawaii with his grandparents in relative peace, his mother would have had to produce a fake born-in-Hawaii birth certificate for her son, to keep the young Barack free of any governmental scrutiny. REMEMBER: THIS WAS JUST A FEW YEARS AFTER THE "McCARTHY ERA" ENDED BUT IT STILL WAS IN THE MIDST OF THE "COLD WAR" ( a Key Point to seriously consider because there is no record of the Indonesian pro-Muslim/pro-Communist Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Obama, ever applying for US Citizenship ) !!! It doesn't show the Chinese Delegates planting their Communist flag on American soil in full view of Obama ( as shown on YouTube ). It doesn't mention the fact about US soldiers being forced to burn Bibles in Afghanistan, even though the president is supposedly a "christian" ( as shown on YouTube ). It makes no mention of the fact that an Israeli Delegate was forced to enter through a side door of the White House ( used primarily by staff personnel ), instead of through the front door, as with other Heads of State, to meet with Obama ( as mentioned in the Levitt Letter ). It doesn't reveal the fact that Obama's administration imposed an arms embargo on Israel, the United States's staunchest ally in the Middle East, while at the same time it approved a 10-billion dollar weapons sale to its neighboring anti-Israeli/anti-American Arab Muslim States ( as mentioned in the Levitt Letter ).
fyi: When Bush, Jr., won twice because the Florida votes were somehow "tampered with" in one and some Black votes were "not accounted for" in the other, I knew something was up.
And when Obama was marketed as "Black" instead of half-White and half-Black with the "Vote for Change" campaign slogan, I knew exactly what it would lead to. Those who voted for him didn't use Critical Thinking Skills to arrive at their decision. I didn't vote for him because I knew better.
One of my customers today, Mr. H, told me that Obama's application at Harvard still lists his place of birth as Kenya--or should that have been "British East Africa Protectorate". Hmm ....
On a side note, if a child is born in International Waters to an American couple, US Citizenship may not be automatically conferred on the infant if its mother was a minor, i.e. under the age of consent, according to the law of her home State/Territory, when it was born. ( I believe that the mother would have to be at least 21 years of age before she can confer US Citizenship on her child. )
Also, a woman of another nationality who comes into the US with the intention of giving birth to an infant on American Soil, i.e. an "Anchor Baby", would not have automatically given birth to an American Citizen, technically speaking. Its mother can apply for citizenship and be granted one, provided that she meets the requirements, which she then can confer on her infant child. Or the child can claim its citizenship once the child is considered of legal age in the State/Territory where it was born.
An infant born in the United States or in any one of its Territories is issued a Social Security Number based on where it was born. For example, if the infant was born in Hawaii, the first three digits of its SS #, i.e. Area Number, would either be 575 or 576; if the infant was born in Connecticut, its Area Number would be anywhere from 040 to 049. If a person, i.e. former Anchor Baby or Immigrant, applies for a Social Security Number later on in life, the Area Number assigned to said person will be based on the Zip Code used on the person's application form and doesn't necessarily have to be the same Zip Code of the city or town of the State/Territory where the person was born and/or lives in since a person's mailing address can be different from said person's residential address. As an example, if the person, i.e. former Anchor Baby or Immigrant, applies for an SS # using a Zip Code for a city or town somewhere in Connecticut, even though the applicant was born or grew up in Hawaii, the Area Number on his card would be anywhere from 040 to 049. Example: 04X-XX-4425
Each State or Territory is assigned its own sets of two-digit Group Numbers.
And the four-digit Serial Number is the number assigned to the person. Of course, this number doesn't say anything about the person's race, gender or age.
We need another "Joseph McCarthy" in the Senate. Right now! A.S.A.P.
If Congress removes him from Office, imagine what would happen to all of those Bills that he signed into Law--'two words: Null and Void!!! I'm talkin' about One Big Headache and One Big Nightmare both rolled into One Gigantic Mess, not just for us but for the Whole Wide World to deal with! ( Could this be the reason why .... )
When I went to the INS ( Immigration and Naturalization Service ) office in San Francisco, CA, in 1999 for my naturalization interview, the agent asked me: "Do you belong to or have you ever been a member of a Communist Party?"
I looked at him as if to ask, Dude, where have you been the last 50 years? 'Cause you sure ain't current on your Current Affairs!
Of course I told him that I was not and never have been nor will I ever be a member of a Communist Party.
But just to let me know that the INS kept track of all immigrants ( which would include the Obamas, one would think ), the agent opened a file cabinet and pulled-out the file that the agency had on me. It was almost an inch thick--and I don't even have a criminal record ( or even a speeding ticket ) to speak of! Can you just imagine how thicker my file would have been had I been a member of a Communist Party?
My P.E. coach at Laney College in Oakland, CA, once told the class that he had been to many different countries in the world but The United States, even though it's not a perfect country, is the best place to live in. I would have to agree with him on that.
If you believe in the New World Order Conspiracy Theory/End Times Prophecy, whoever wins in 2012 will just be another one of many DOMINO "pieces" that set the EFFECT into motion.
word of advice: Don't fall for the hype.
Connect the dots.
tidbits: After I got off work, I still had an hour and 30 minutes before this movie was scheduled to start. So, I went to the MacDonald's Restaurant on Rose Drive in Benicia, CA, to have a Mini Meal Deal for dinner, and to relax for a while. Then, I went to the Chevron Gas Station in the next block to get $5.50 worth of gas.
I found the following comments on the Internet--on Digg News, I think--sometime ago ( last week of June, 2012 ) and am posting them here in their entirety, unaltered--spelling errors and all--except for my red/yellow highlights.
Surflaunch Overlord
Happy to kiss the arse and drink the Kool-Aid
Just give me one logical answer to these three issues and I will follow you to the polls and march in support of our King.
Food for thought.
1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Knee-groes.' So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is 'African-American' when the term wasn't even used at that time?
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961. It also lists B H Obama as his father. No big deal, right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in " Kenya, East Africa ". This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".
3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital". This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?Resources: http://www.kapiolani.org/women...
Post-colonial history (from Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H...
A Liked
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/colbert-theres-definitely-no-proof-obama-was-born-in-amercia-20120531#ixzz1ytHw6ZZ9
The Alien President:
But congress does have the authority to remove him from office based on the fact he was not even born in this country of two american citizens...his mother a US citizen, his father a Kenyan (British subject) in 1961. He was never naturalized either..truth be told he is an illegal alien! He uses a social security number of a person long dead that lived in Connecticut and his Selective Service records have disappeared..Imagine that??
In 2007 i found a video on the net where Obama out of his own mouth told a chicago reporter he could not run for president because he was born in Kenya, that video dissappeared a week after i watched it, i didnt save it because i didnt think obama would win the election, he was losing to hillary clinton at that point, but there is not a shred of doubt in my mind he's an illegal usurper of our constitution!
The Dems Tried to pass legilastion 8 Times that would qualify BO for pres and on the 8th try they watered it down and managed to qualify John McCain to be Pres. They have known since 2005 BO was not legal and the Republicans have known it also and were a bunch and are still a bunch of cowards. Not a statesman in the bunch and damdest thing of all Clinton has known all along and has told many people he was not qualified and the guy is a totaly made up imposter.
Re: "My God What Have We done?" Don't include *me* in that *We.* I didn't vote for this liar, imposter, con-man, racist, bigot, limp-wristed destroyer of America! I pegged him at the very beginning and feared what was going to happen - and it did. Almost every black person I know voted for him - some in their 40's who have never voted before, registered and voted according to skin color and what the "brother" would do for them. But that's not being racist, is it?
You sound like me especially when commenting on the fact of Obama being a wimp. Our country has been taken over and being the majority of americans are undereducated, ignorant, and lack critical thinking skills, they believe in all the media says defending, hiding, and absolving "The Bastard" as I lovingly think of him, from illegally representing the presidency. I think its too late.
Sarah, thanks for your post. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why all the black voters who claim to have voted for Obama because he is black seem to be blind to the fact that he is half white. Granted, he definitely holds onto and talks more about his black heritage then he does his white heritage, but if they voted for him because he is black, it seems to me that would mean they didn't want to vote for someone who is white. Nobody seems to want to discuss this. Nobody should cares who he is, but what he is.
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I found this somewhere on the Internet. He looks better as a "White man", don't you think? |
I don't know about you, but none of the half-White/half-Black people that I'd seen had dark skin unless they went and got themselves a really good tan! And he got those dark lips from smoking too many cigarettes during his 30-year habit. Obama is about as Black as Michael Jackson was White!
It's time to put an American in the White House, even if that American happens to be just a Naturalized Citizen.
Okay, America, let's vote for some "Real Change" this time around! Vote for me, Cine-Man, because I'm not an illegal alien, I'm a Naturalized Citizen.
They'll probably have Arnold, the "Gubernator", Schwarzenegger ( another Naturalized Citizen ) run against me. But I have the advantages of speaking English better, of being cuter, and of never having f-cked-up a State Budget!
How can I mess-up the budget if I'm such a big cheapskate? I shop at the dollar store all of the time, after all. If I ran this country, I'd probably create such a Budget Surplus that historians will refer to it as: The Dollar Store Economy. "Always Low Prices", guaranteed--sorry, Wal-Mart's. LOL
If I win, everyone who voted for me will get a Free Movie Pass. Ha, ha, ha. Okay, 2016, here I come!
'See ya at the movies, for sure ....
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From www.zazzle.com. A possible "Real Change" campaign slogan for me. |
Sunday, August 26, 2012
THE APPARITION, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 22 min )
where: UA EMERY BAY STADIUM 10 in Emeryville, CA
when: Saturday, August 25th, 2012
show: 7:40 p.m.
costs: $11.50 Ticket + $4.75 small 32.0 oz Diet Coke + $5.00 Carquinez Bridge Toll = 21.25
auditorium: 7
seat: 5th row, 9th column
synopsis/overview: Scientists re-enact an early '70s seance in a scientific experiment in the Occult gone awry. As they unwittingly unleash a malevolent other-worldly entity, they must find a way to undo what they had done or suffer the horrible consequence of their unwise decision.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) The Charles Reamer Experiment; 2.) The scientific seance; 3.) Cactus; 4.) "'You burn something"; 5.) Doors; 6.) Dresser drawers; 7.) Dog; 8.) Linoleum floor; 9.) Crawl space; 10.) E-mails; 11.) Psychomateum; 12.) Soap; 13.) Closet; 14.) "At least, you finally got me camping; 15.) Cameras; 16.) Corner ceiling; 17.) Broken fetish figure; 18.) Footlocker; 19.)"We have the same builder"; 20.) "Your house killed my dog"; 21.) Tools of the trade; 22.) Video; 23.) "In my own way, I was trying to protect you"; 24.) Thermal scan; 25.) "We're safe now"; 26.) Attack; 27.) "Your house is not haunted. You are"; 28.) Defensive parameters; 29.) Laundry room; 30.) Linking process complete; 31.) Safe-room; 32.) Payback; 33.) "It is something you can quantify and qualify"; 34.) Wall; 35.) "Testing us"; and 36.) Tent.
audience reaction: The audience didn't like the ending. I could hear three or four people utter their disappointment.
recommendation: I didn't like this movie. This is strictly a DVD rental waiting to come out.
spoiler alert! The scientific seance had too many audiovisual distractions for it to have worked! You would think that the police and other concerned parties would have conducted a Missing Person investigation. Every person connected to the experiment died a violent/horrible death. Yet, the dog looked like it just sat, laid down, and played dead. If I were that entity, I would have kicked that dog, grabbed it by its tail, twirled it a few times and slammed it around! Here's yet another movie wherein a shower curtain doesn't have a curtain liner--enough with the tease, already, show us some skin! An entity which can throw things around and lift heavy objects can only drag a security camera on the ground ...? Where did his company car come from since it wasn't there in earlier scenes and he had to get rides from his girlfriend? She was scared of being in that house yet she told her boyfriend to get out As She Stayed Indoors To Gather Her Wits About Her. Duh .... Okay, let me get this straight ... it pulls its victims through a portal and to a nearby Costco and then lures them into the abandoned store where it finishes them off ...? Her parents are gonna get charged with an exorbitantly expensive electric bill--so, she had better not show up again or they're gonna kill her! Ha, ha, ha.
fyi: I read of a female research scientist who spent may years focusing her mental concentration on the will to create an entity, as an experiment. After about ten years, a small entity finally manifested before her. It was a benign being at the start. But as time went by, it gradually absorbed the negative energies all around it and became increasingly malevolent! She was able to make it disappear. I don't know exactly how she did it, though.
Electrical power lines supposedly generate an electro-magnetic field strong enough to make ghosts and spirits, which happen to be nearby, visually manifest. But I don't know if such a field can make them physically manifest.
A Fetish Figure is an object which supposedly has magical/supernatural properties. The reverential treatment of such is what leads to Idolatry. A broken Fetish Figure would no longer have its magical/supernatural properties intact. It's best disposed of by burning it in an open fire.
I'm staying away from Costco because it's either occupied by aliens from outer space ( THE WATCH, last month ) or it's haunted by evil spirits ( this movie, this month ). Ha, ha, ha.
word of advice: Don't dabble in the Occult if you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.
tidbits: I had to be at work by 5:00 a.m. today because somebody in another department had an injury and couldn't be at work. I filled-in in that department for two hours before I could start work in my own department.
After work, I decided to go to Oakland, CA, to ask Isma, Hector's son, about my computer. I wanted to know if the virus was copied by my External Drive because my computer acted-up last night. I had to unplug my External Drive and Reboot my computer. And it worked fine after that. But Isma said that it shouldn't have been copied by my External Drive and that my computer should be fine.
I'm gonna have to get me another computer, a.s.a.p., just in case.
Hector, who truly misses his kitten, Tiger, which went missing a few months ago, is about to get a new kitten from one of his nephews. The kitten is not fully weaned, yet. So, they're just waiting on that. They already got a name for it, though. They named it, Sylvester. Because it's all black with a white face, kinda like its cartoon cat namesake.
I had some leftover mixed nuts from my lunch break which I smuggled-in to munch on as I watched this movie.
During the Ending Credits, some idiot in the back row was doing Shadow Puppets on the screen!
After the movie, I went to the Wal-Mart ( the only department store open in the area ) at the Hilltop Mall in Richmond, CA, to check-out their wristwatches. I wanted to get a nice-looking one to compliment my dress shoes. But, after looking at all of their selections and styles, I just decided to use one of my watches, the one which I haven't used since I got it brand-new!
About seven years ago--God! has it been that long--my co-workers and I got quartz Fossil Wristwatches as a Safe Workplace Award. Yeah, we got lucky that year--we had not been safe before nor had we ever been safe since that year! Ha, ha, ha.
Anyway ....
The reason why I never used this particular watch was because the one that I was given had its Sweep Second Hand detached from its post. It came off for whatever reason. And I didn't want to bother taking it to a Watch Repair Shop since I have lots of watches, anyway. So, I just kept it in its "Collector Tin" case all of this time as a "souvenir".
But I finally decided to use my Fossil Watch, instead of shelling-out good money to buy another watch. First, I would have to take it to a repair shop on Monday to have its Sweep Second Hand reposted and to have a new battery installed.
The above is the exact kind of quartz watch that I was given as a Safety Award. According to the Internet, it supposedly retails for up to $115.oo! It's a nice watch. But I can't believe that it would retail for more than what a fully-automatic fake Rolex Daytona would cost!!!
I have a fake automatic Rolex Daytona ( a gift from my brother ) and a genuine automatic Seiko Bell-Matic ( a classic; and my very first watch, a gift from my father ) and a genuine automatic Invicta Pro Diver ( a gift from my eldest sister ). Yeah, I'm still waiting for an automatic watch gift from my other sister. LOL. But I don't like wearing any of these automatic watches because they're too nice-looking and too fancy for use in everyday situations. I just wear them for fancy get-togethers---No! I don't wear all three of them at once. Ha, ha, ha. You silly guy, you ....
And speaking of nice watches, I have an atomic watch and a pocket watch, too.
Also, I have about three dozen cheap quartz watches--my "bang-around" ones, I like to call them--for everyday use. Yes, the batteries are dead on most of them! But I don't want to be bothered with changing the batteries. I'll just keep them until I decide to either give them away or donate them.
Now, where was I .... Oh, yeah!
When I got home, I fetched my Fossil Watch to open its case and find out what kind of battery it needed, before I take it to the repair shop on Monday. When I looked at the crystal, though, I was in for a pleasant but mysterious surprise: The Sweep Second Hand was securely back on its post! I couldn't believe it. I slapped my watch against the palm of my left hand a few times to see if I could dislodge the Sweep Second Hand from its post. But it wouldn't come off; it was securely in its place!!! Whatever did it just saved me some money--and I thanked it, of course. I went to compare this watch with my automatic Invicta Pro Diver. But because of how the Sweep Second Hand was miraculously/supernaturally reattached to its post, I decided on my Fossil Watch as The One to use with my dress shoes.
I cannot help but wonder, though, whether or not this same unknown force which took care of my watch also took care of the persons who vandalized and totaled my Geo Metro back in January of this year.
where: UA EMERY BAY STADIUM 10 in Emeryville, CA
when: Saturday, August 25th, 2012
show: 7:40 p.m.
costs: $11.50 Ticket + $4.75 small 32.0 oz Diet Coke + $5.00 Carquinez Bridge Toll = 21.25
auditorium: 7
seat: 5th row, 9th column
synopsis/overview: Scientists re-enact an early '70s seance in a scientific experiment in the Occult gone awry. As they unwittingly unleash a malevolent other-worldly entity, they must find a way to undo what they had done or suffer the horrible consequence of their unwise decision.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) The Charles Reamer Experiment; 2.) The scientific seance; 3.) Cactus; 4.) "'You burn something"; 5.) Doors; 6.) Dresser drawers; 7.) Dog; 8.) Linoleum floor; 9.) Crawl space; 10.) E-mails; 11.) Psychomateum; 12.) Soap; 13.) Closet; 14.) "At least, you finally got me camping; 15.) Cameras; 16.) Corner ceiling; 17.) Broken fetish figure; 18.) Footlocker; 19.)"We have the same builder"; 20.) "Your house killed my dog"; 21.) Tools of the trade; 22.) Video; 23.) "In my own way, I was trying to protect you"; 24.) Thermal scan; 25.) "We're safe now"; 26.) Attack; 27.) "Your house is not haunted. You are"; 28.) Defensive parameters; 29.) Laundry room; 30.) Linking process complete; 31.) Safe-room; 32.) Payback; 33.) "It is something you can quantify and qualify"; 34.) Wall; 35.) "Testing us"; and 36.) Tent.
audience reaction: The audience didn't like the ending. I could hear three or four people utter their disappointment.
recommendation: I didn't like this movie. This is strictly a DVD rental waiting to come out.
spoiler alert! The scientific seance had too many audiovisual distractions for it to have worked! You would think that the police and other concerned parties would have conducted a Missing Person investigation. Every person connected to the experiment died a violent/horrible death. Yet, the dog looked like it just sat, laid down, and played dead. If I were that entity, I would have kicked that dog, grabbed it by its tail, twirled it a few times and slammed it around! Here's yet another movie wherein a shower curtain doesn't have a curtain liner--enough with the tease, already, show us some skin! An entity which can throw things around and lift heavy objects can only drag a security camera on the ground ...? Where did his company car come from since it wasn't there in earlier scenes and he had to get rides from his girlfriend? She was scared of being in that house yet she told her boyfriend to get out As She Stayed Indoors To Gather Her Wits About Her. Duh .... Okay, let me get this straight ... it pulls its victims through a portal and to a nearby Costco and then lures them into the abandoned store where it finishes them off ...? Her parents are gonna get charged with an exorbitantly expensive electric bill--so, she had better not show up again or they're gonna kill her! Ha, ha, ha.
fyi: I read of a female research scientist who spent may years focusing her mental concentration on the will to create an entity, as an experiment. After about ten years, a small entity finally manifested before her. It was a benign being at the start. But as time went by, it gradually absorbed the negative energies all around it and became increasingly malevolent! She was able to make it disappear. I don't know exactly how she did it, though.
Electrical power lines supposedly generate an electro-magnetic field strong enough to make ghosts and spirits, which happen to be nearby, visually manifest. But I don't know if such a field can make them physically manifest.
A Fetish Figure is an object which supposedly has magical/supernatural properties. The reverential treatment of such is what leads to Idolatry. A broken Fetish Figure would no longer have its magical/supernatural properties intact. It's best disposed of by burning it in an open fire.
I'm staying away from Costco because it's either occupied by aliens from outer space ( THE WATCH, last month ) or it's haunted by evil spirits ( this movie, this month ). Ha, ha, ha.
word of advice: Don't dabble in the Occult if you have no idea what you're getting yourself into.
tidbits: I had to be at work by 5:00 a.m. today because somebody in another department had an injury and couldn't be at work. I filled-in in that department for two hours before I could start work in my own department.
After work, I decided to go to Oakland, CA, to ask Isma, Hector's son, about my computer. I wanted to know if the virus was copied by my External Drive because my computer acted-up last night. I had to unplug my External Drive and Reboot my computer. And it worked fine after that. But Isma said that it shouldn't have been copied by my External Drive and that my computer should be fine.
I'm gonna have to get me another computer, a.s.a.p., just in case.
Hector, who truly misses his kitten, Tiger, which went missing a few months ago, is about to get a new kitten from one of his nephews. The kitten is not fully weaned, yet. So, they're just waiting on that. They already got a name for it, though. They named it, Sylvester. Because it's all black with a white face, kinda like its cartoon cat namesake.
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Sylvester, the cat |
During the Ending Credits, some idiot in the back row was doing Shadow Puppets on the screen!
After the movie, I went to the Wal-Mart ( the only department store open in the area ) at the Hilltop Mall in Richmond, CA, to check-out their wristwatches. I wanted to get a nice-looking one to compliment my dress shoes. But, after looking at all of their selections and styles, I just decided to use one of my watches, the one which I haven't used since I got it brand-new!
About seven years ago--God! has it been that long--my co-workers and I got quartz Fossil Wristwatches as a Safe Workplace Award. Yeah, we got lucky that year--we had not been safe before nor had we ever been safe since that year! Ha, ha, ha.
Anyway ....
The reason why I never used this particular watch was because the one that I was given had its Sweep Second Hand detached from its post. It came off for whatever reason. And I didn't want to bother taking it to a Watch Repair Shop since I have lots of watches, anyway. So, I just kept it in its "Collector Tin" case all of this time as a "souvenir".
But I finally decided to use my Fossil Watch, instead of shelling-out good money to buy another watch. First, I would have to take it to a repair shop on Monday to have its Sweep Second Hand reposted and to have a new battery installed.
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Fossil 100 Metre Blue Quartz Wristwatch |
I have a fake automatic Rolex Daytona ( a gift from my brother ) and a genuine automatic Seiko Bell-Matic ( a classic; and my very first watch, a gift from my father ) and a genuine automatic Invicta Pro Diver ( a gift from my eldest sister ). Yeah, I'm still waiting for an automatic watch gift from my other sister. LOL. But I don't like wearing any of these automatic watches because they're too nice-looking and too fancy for use in everyday situations. I just wear them for fancy get-togethers---No! I don't wear all three of them at once. Ha, ha, ha. You silly guy, you ....
And speaking of nice watches, I have an atomic watch and a pocket watch, too.
Also, I have about three dozen cheap quartz watches--my "bang-around" ones, I like to call them--for everyday use. Yes, the batteries are dead on most of them! But I don't want to be bothered with changing the batteries. I'll just keep them until I decide to either give them away or donate them.
Now, where was I .... Oh, yeah!
When I got home, I fetched my Fossil Watch to open its case and find out what kind of battery it needed, before I take it to the repair shop on Monday. When I looked at the crystal, though, I was in for a pleasant but mysterious surprise: The Sweep Second Hand was securely back on its post! I couldn't believe it. I slapped my watch against the palm of my left hand a few times to see if I could dislodge the Sweep Second Hand from its post. But it wouldn't come off; it was securely in its place!!! Whatever did it just saved me some money--and I thanked it, of course. I went to compare this watch with my automatic Invicta Pro Diver. But because of how the Sweep Second Hand was miraculously/supernaturally reattached to its post, I decided on my Fossil Watch as The One to use with my dress shoes.
I cannot help but wonder, though, whether or not this same unknown force which took care of my watch also took care of the persons who vandalized and totaled my Geo Metro back in January of this year.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
HIT & RUN, R ( 1 hr & 35 min )
Quickie Review: To prove that he loves her and cares about her, a man decides to leave his "Witness Protection" to embark on an L. A.-bound road trip. But he is soon recognized and is pursued by bad guys that he owes money to.
I went to see this today, Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012, here in Vallejo, CA, at the Century 14 Vallejo, for the 2:00 p.m. show in auditorium 12, 4th row, 8ht column.
There were only three or four really funny scenes in this movie, in my opinion, based on the audience reaction.
Warning: To all of you Horn-dogs out there, this movie doesn't have the kind of nudity that you lust after!
Speaking of which, the two scenes involving the nude couples were a day apart. Yet ... they were pretty much in the same positions relative to each other inside that room in both scenes.
I liked the blue dune buggy.
Late last night after I got home from work, I decided to open-up my Mozilla Firefox web-browser since I hadn't used it in so long ( I prefer to use my Google Chrome ). Upon opening, a notice from Adobe Reader came up because it needed me to update it to its latest version with a free McAfee Internet Security Scan Plus "upgrade". So, I downloaded the latest version.
Then, I went to my History and Bookmarks to delete all of the old, unused information gathered there. But, for some reason, my Right Click Delete wouldn't work at all. I went to a website in my Bookmarks to see if I could delete it that way. It wouldn't delete so I opened it. And as soon as I moved the cursor, an FBI warning popped-up and froze my computer.
The FBI's website for United States Cyber Security said that I was engaging in an illegal activity and must pay a $200.oo fine within 24 hours or suffer a stiffer punishment: $100,000.oo fine, be barred from using the Internet for a number of years and spend time in Federal Prison. It said that I must go to any of the listed retailers, i.e. CVS, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, 7-Eleven, etc. to buy a $200.oo Money Pak and use its activation code to pay the fine, a.s.a.p.!
I read the FBI notice. On the upper left corner, it showed my location: San Francisco ( wrong! ) and my Internet Service Provider, SBC ( wrong! ). Halfway down to the right is a Video Recorder Screen turned-on to capture the offender's ( me, in this case ) image--except that I don't have a Webcam on my laptop!
The $200.oo fine sounded like an extortion on the FBI's part. And I would be guilty of bribing someone in a Federal agency if I went and paid the fine! Besides, the FBI will just break down somebody's door and haul-off to prison the "sorry ass" who was doing some illegal activity on the Internet or who was saying some really inciting words against the government ( this recently happened to a US Marine Veteran--except, in his case, he was taken to a mental ward ).
But, since my computer was frozen, I couldn't get on the Internet to look into this "cyber security" fine! I called Hector's son, Isma, in Oakland, CA, to see if he could guide me through the unlocking process. But it was a "No Go"! I asked him if he would still be awake for the next two hours since I needed to go to his place to get this problem taken care of a.s.a.p. because I have to watch a Financial Webinar at 11:00 a.m. of the next day, today. I put $10.oo worth of gas in my tank at the nearest gas station, a Shell Station, before driving-off to Oakland at exactly 11:00 p.m.
When I got off the freeway at the Fruitvale Exit 35 minutes later, I made a left turn to go to the Safeway Supermarket to buy a gallon of Chocolate Milk and a dozen Doughnuts ( the payment demanded of me by Isma. Ha, ha. ha ).
When I got to his place, he and his brother were busy finishing-up a boxing match on their X-Box 360.
Then, Isma went to work on my computer as I used his computer to learn more about the FBI's United States Cyber Security website. It is a "drive-by" ransomware virus, Reveton, attached to a delivery system malware, The Citadel! It has been around for a little over a year in the United States and is also now spreading-out to some other countries.
Isma was having a hard time on my computer. He said, "I think that you will have to pay the fine."
I asked him to come to the living room so that I could show him what my search result showed.
He went back to my computer and, with a keystroke here and there ( F8 and some other key--Safe Mode, I think ), he was able to free-up my Start Button and my Icons. From then on, he was able to do a System Restore ( he selected a date from two weeks ago ), a McAfee Scan and a System Mechanic Scan. He eventually Deleted the Virus---Good Riddance!!!
I gave him a Ten-Spot for his trouble. After all, he just saved me Two Hundred Bucks. I'm gonna have to buy him an expensive gift someday.
It was around 2:00 a.m. when I finally got back home to my condo. Whew! what a night it was ....
How did this virus get past my McAfee Internet Security? Maybe it was when I opened that compromised website in my Bookmarks. But, more than likely, it entered my computer when I downloaded the Adobe Reader that it somehow attached itself to because my Right Click Delete wouldn't work after the download was over.
So, how do you protect yourself from this malware virus? Be careful when you use Internet Explorer and/or Mozilla Firefox ( use Google Chrome and/or Safari, instead ). Be careful when you download Adobe Reader and/or Java Script that comes attached with an internet security software "upgrade". Check your Right Click Delete after you download Adobe Reader and/or Java Script and before--and as soon as--you visit an "illegal" website. And, if you're not using your Webcam, tape it up with masking tape or duct tape especially if you like to leave your computer on at all times. And under no circumstances should you pay the fine and give out any of your personal information!!! Also, if you're not a computer expert, have someone else unlock your computer for you and delete the damn virus.
A gallon of Chocolate Milk, a dozen Doughnuts, and a Ten-Spot ( a total of twenty dollars and something cents ) should be enough to pay a computer expert to get rid of the ransomware virus, Reveton. If the computer expert wants to charge you more, well, then, go find a lonely computer-literate fat kid who likes Chocolate Milk and Doughnuts to do the job for you!
By the way, I uninstalled the "free" ( a $200.oo fine doesn't sound "free" to me ) McAfee Internet Security Scan Plus that came with the Adobe Reader upgrade, just to play it safe. Lesson learned: Don't download a free internet security upgrade from any third party--download a security upgrade only if it comes from your own internet security provider!!!
I watched the Financial Webinar on my computer ill-at-ease because of what happened last night. I will have to do an internet security scan on my computer later on in the day to make sure that it's safe to go on the Internet with my name, password and credit card information.
Then, I went to the newly-reopened Mountain Mike's Pizza Restaurant in the Target Shopping Center here in Vallejo for a buffet lunch. Because I didn't get to go yesterday as planned because I misread my work schedule. The salad and dessert bar had more selections than the previous Mountain Mike's; but the pizza selection was fewer than the previous Mountain Mike's.
After the movie, I swung by the Payless Shoes Store in the Target Shopping Center to buy a pair of dress shoes. Now, I'll need a dress to go with it---Ha, ha, ha.
Quickie Review: To prove that he loves her and cares about her, a man decides to leave his "Witness Protection" to embark on an L. A.-bound road trip. But he is soon recognized and is pursued by bad guys that he owes money to.
I went to see this today, Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012, here in Vallejo, CA, at the Century 14 Vallejo, for the 2:00 p.m. show in auditorium 12, 4th row, 8ht column.
There were only three or four really funny scenes in this movie, in my opinion, based on the audience reaction.
Warning: To all of you Horn-dogs out there, this movie doesn't have the kind of nudity that you lust after!
Speaking of which, the two scenes involving the nude couples were a day apart. Yet ... they were pretty much in the same positions relative to each other inside that room in both scenes.
I liked the blue dune buggy.
Late last night after I got home from work, I decided to open-up my Mozilla Firefox web-browser since I hadn't used it in so long ( I prefer to use my Google Chrome ). Upon opening, a notice from Adobe Reader came up because it needed me to update it to its latest version with a free McAfee Internet Security Scan Plus "upgrade". So, I downloaded the latest version.
Then, I went to my History and Bookmarks to delete all of the old, unused information gathered there. But, for some reason, my Right Click Delete wouldn't work at all. I went to a website in my Bookmarks to see if I could delete it that way. It wouldn't delete so I opened it. And as soon as I moved the cursor, an FBI warning popped-up and froze my computer.
The FBI's website for United States Cyber Security said that I was engaging in an illegal activity and must pay a $200.oo fine within 24 hours or suffer a stiffer punishment: $100,000.oo fine, be barred from using the Internet for a number of years and spend time in Federal Prison. It said that I must go to any of the listed retailers, i.e. CVS, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, 7-Eleven, etc. to buy a $200.oo Money Pak and use its activation code to pay the fine, a.s.a.p.!
I read the FBI notice. On the upper left corner, it showed my location: San Francisco ( wrong! ) and my Internet Service Provider, SBC ( wrong! ). Halfway down to the right is a Video Recorder Screen turned-on to capture the offender's ( me, in this case ) image--except that I don't have a Webcam on my laptop!
The $200.oo fine sounded like an extortion on the FBI's part. And I would be guilty of bribing someone in a Federal agency if I went and paid the fine! Besides, the FBI will just break down somebody's door and haul-off to prison the "sorry ass" who was doing some illegal activity on the Internet or who was saying some really inciting words against the government ( this recently happened to a US Marine Veteran--except, in his case, he was taken to a mental ward ).
But, since my computer was frozen, I couldn't get on the Internet to look into this "cyber security" fine! I called Hector's son, Isma, in Oakland, CA, to see if he could guide me through the unlocking process. But it was a "No Go"! I asked him if he would still be awake for the next two hours since I needed to go to his place to get this problem taken care of a.s.a.p. because I have to watch a Financial Webinar at 11:00 a.m. of the next day, today. I put $10.oo worth of gas in my tank at the nearest gas station, a Shell Station, before driving-off to Oakland at exactly 11:00 p.m.
When I got off the freeway at the Fruitvale Exit 35 minutes later, I made a left turn to go to the Safeway Supermarket to buy a gallon of Chocolate Milk and a dozen Doughnuts ( the payment demanded of me by Isma. Ha, ha. ha ).
When I got to his place, he and his brother were busy finishing-up a boxing match on their X-Box 360.
Then, Isma went to work on my computer as I used his computer to learn more about the FBI's United States Cyber Security website. It is a "drive-by" ransomware virus, Reveton, attached to a delivery system malware, The Citadel! It has been around for a little over a year in the United States and is also now spreading-out to some other countries.
Isma was having a hard time on my computer. He said, "I think that you will have to pay the fine."
I asked him to come to the living room so that I could show him what my search result showed.
He went back to my computer and, with a keystroke here and there ( F8 and some other key--Safe Mode, I think ), he was able to free-up my Start Button and my Icons. From then on, he was able to do a System Restore ( he selected a date from two weeks ago ), a McAfee Scan and a System Mechanic Scan. He eventually Deleted the Virus---Good Riddance!!!
I gave him a Ten-Spot for his trouble. After all, he just saved me Two Hundred Bucks. I'm gonna have to buy him an expensive gift someday.
It was around 2:00 a.m. when I finally got back home to my condo. Whew! what a night it was ....
How did this virus get past my McAfee Internet Security? Maybe it was when I opened that compromised website in my Bookmarks. But, more than likely, it entered my computer when I downloaded the Adobe Reader that it somehow attached itself to because my Right Click Delete wouldn't work after the download was over.
So, how do you protect yourself from this malware virus? Be careful when you use Internet Explorer and/or Mozilla Firefox ( use Google Chrome and/or Safari, instead ). Be careful when you download Adobe Reader and/or Java Script that comes attached with an internet security software "upgrade". Check your Right Click Delete after you download Adobe Reader and/or Java Script and before--and as soon as--you visit an "illegal" website. And, if you're not using your Webcam, tape it up with masking tape or duct tape especially if you like to leave your computer on at all times. And under no circumstances should you pay the fine and give out any of your personal information!!! Also, if you're not a computer expert, have someone else unlock your computer for you and delete the damn virus.
A gallon of Chocolate Milk, a dozen Doughnuts, and a Ten-Spot ( a total of twenty dollars and something cents ) should be enough to pay a computer expert to get rid of the ransomware virus, Reveton. If the computer expert wants to charge you more, well, then, go find a lonely computer-literate fat kid who likes Chocolate Milk and Doughnuts to do the job for you!
By the way, I uninstalled the "free" ( a $200.oo fine doesn't sound "free" to me ) McAfee Internet Security Scan Plus that came with the Adobe Reader upgrade, just to play it safe. Lesson learned: Don't download a free internet security upgrade from any third party--download a security upgrade only if it comes from your own internet security provider!!!
I watched the Financial Webinar on my computer ill-at-ease because of what happened last night. I will have to do an internet security scan on my computer later on in the day to make sure that it's safe to go on the Internet with my name, password and credit card information.
Then, I went to the newly-reopened Mountain Mike's Pizza Restaurant in the Target Shopping Center here in Vallejo for a buffet lunch. Because I didn't get to go yesterday as planned because I misread my work schedule. The salad and dessert bar had more selections than the previous Mountain Mike's; but the pizza selection was fewer than the previous Mountain Mike's.
After the movie, I swung by the Payless Shoes Store in the Target Shopping Center to buy a pair of dress shoes. Now, I'll need a dress to go with it---Ha, ha, ha.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
PARANORMAN in 3D, PG ( 1 hr & 36 min )
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I chose this poster because it's different. |
Quickie Review: Who knew that the town's social outcast, a boy who could see and talk to ghosts, would turn out to be its local hero after all when a "witch" rises from the grave on the 300th year of her execution.
I went to see this movie today, Monday, August 20th, 2012, here in Vallejo, CA, at the Century 14 Vallejo, for the 4:25 p.m. show in auditorium 1, 4th row, 7th column.
The box office clerk gave me a Collector's Edition ParaNorman 3-D glasses for the movie. I just went and put it in my car and used a spare set of regular 3-D glasses that I keep handy in my car for just such a case.
The audience liked this movie, especially the little brats. But it didn't get a "Hands Clapper" ending.
I liked this movie, too. Go see this movie with your little brats. Oh! and be sure to stick around for a Bonus Scene after the Ending Credits--it's a very visually-informative scene.
Some words of caution, though, for those of you with little brats in tow: It gets scary once the "witch" makes her presence known; and the backstory of the "witch" is more "adult-themed" in nature. Thus, Parental Guidance is well-advised.
After my session with my Chiropractor today, I gave him a CD copy of my Delta Brainwave Frequency Sound Meditation. And I made sure to let him know that, when he tries it, it may make him sleep for 12 hours the first time that he uses it--it has that effect on most people, myself included.
And speaking of sleep, I slept for almost 5 hours last night until the pain in my lower back returned to force me to wake up.
Once I get more than 5 hours of sleep--even if it will be just a minute over--I can consider myself back to normal.
I went to Selecta Pilipino Buffet on Springs Road, here in Vallejo, after my chiropractic therapy, to have lunch and to buy some lottery tickets.
As I made my way back to my car after the movie, a female security guard came over in her electric security cart and told me that some Asian guy was checking-out my blue 2001 Hyundai Accent but took-off when he saw her approaching. She told me that the area where I parked my car, the area with lots of shade from the summer afternoon sun, in the theatre building's side lot, is not a good place to park since there had been break-ins in that lot. And compact and sub-compact cars like mine are easy targets because they are easy to get in and out of. I was glad and thankful that she was there to watch over my car, especially after what happened to my poor little white Geo Metro back in January of this year. I will be sure not to park in that area anymore.
Could it be that the "cheap-shit" Asian guy just wanted to steal my Collector's Edition ParaNorman 3-D glasses? Sheesh, what a despicable cheapskate low-life!
Then, I went to the Dollar Tree Store in the nearby Target Shopping Center to buy a bathtub mat, Gatorade Lemonade, root beer, peanut snack pack, and freezer pops.
As I was getting out of my car to go to the store, a girl approached me and handed me a flyer for the just-reopened-today Mountain Mike's Pizza Restaurant in the same shopping center, under new management. ( And, to think, I thought that the beautiful blonde had the "hots" for me because she locked-eyes with me and smiled at me! Damn, she's good at what she does. ) Anyway .... The flyer that she gave me was for a "Buy a Large Pizza and get a Second Pizza with a Single Topping for Free." 'Not interested ....
I'll just swing by the place tomorrow to take advantage of their "All You Can Eat Pizza And Salad" lunch buffet! What can I say, I'm a smart eater .... Ha, ha, ha.
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Oh, what the heck! This is a good poster, too. So, I'm tacking it on here. |
Monday, August 20, 2012
EK THA TIGER, NR ( 2 hr & 13 min )
Quickie Review: On his latest espionage mission, Tiger ( Salman Khan ) encounters a beautiful and mysterious young woman, Zoya ( Katrina Kaif ), putting the mission itself in jeopardy.
I went to see this yesterday, Sunday, August 19th, 2012, in Emeryville, CA, at the UA Emery Bay Stadium 10, for the 9:35 p.m. show in auditorium 5, 5th row, 10th column after I visited my friend, Hector, and his family at their Oakland, CA, home right after work.
The audience liked it.
I liked it enough. If you're a fan of Bollywood Action Movies, go see this one. It has more action in it than Hollywood's THE BOURNE LEGACY. And let's not forget the Song-and-Dance scenes which, by the way, THE BOURNE LEGACY doesn't have any of! ( When's Hollywood ever gonna learn ...? )
I can't help but wonder if they got their inspiration for this movie's title from a US cartoon TV show starring this character:
Ha, ha, ha.
Quickie Review: On his latest espionage mission, Tiger ( Salman Khan ) encounters a beautiful and mysterious young woman, Zoya ( Katrina Kaif ), putting the mission itself in jeopardy.
I went to see this yesterday, Sunday, August 19th, 2012, in Emeryville, CA, at the UA Emery Bay Stadium 10, for the 9:35 p.m. show in auditorium 5, 5th row, 10th column after I visited my friend, Hector, and his family at their Oakland, CA, home right after work.
The audience liked it.
I liked it enough. If you're a fan of Bollywood Action Movies, go see this one. It has more action in it than Hollywood's THE BOURNE LEGACY. And let's not forget the Song-and-Dance scenes which, by the way, THE BOURNE LEGACY doesn't have any of! ( When's Hollywood ever gonna learn ...? )
I can't help but wonder if they got their inspiration for this movie's title from a US cartoon TV show starring this character:
Ha, ha, ha.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
THE EXPENDABLES 2, R ( 1 hr & 43 )
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I chose this poster because not only is it sacrilegious but it is also misrepresentative in nature. |
where: EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX in Fairfield, CA
when: Friday, August 17th, 2012
show: 10:05 p.m.
costs: $11.00 Ticket = $11.00
auditorium: 7
seat: 3rd row, 6th column
synopsis/overview: The old gang takes on an assignment, looking to make some "easy money". But, things don't go exactly as planned and one of their own gets killed. Seeking revenge, they go deep into enemy territory to engage the bad guys and to also put an end to a threat to the balance of nuclear power.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) "This is embarrassing"; 2.) Seaplane; 3.) Five million dollars; 4.) Baby sitter; 5.) Stray dog; 6.) Plane wreckage; 7.) Execution; 8.) Blueprint; 9.) "What's the plan"; 10.) Bar; 11.) Old army training base; 12.) Last meal; 13.) "Houston, we've got a problem"; 14.) "Who did that"; 15.) "The safest place is in front of their guns"; 16.) "Even you two losers could get lucky here"; 17.) The Sangs; 18.) "One more"; 19.) "Is this the last one"; 20.) Phosphate rock; 21.) "I'm back"; 22.) Party; 23.) Smart Car; 24.) X-Ray machine; 25.) "'Can't beat a classic"; 26.) One on one; 27.) "I had to carve a turkey"; 28.) Heads-up; 29.) "Sometimes, it's fun to run with the pack"; 30.) "That thing belongs in a museum"; 31.) Package; and 32.) "You really should learn how to fight."
audience reaction: The audience liked it but didn't give it a "Hands Clapper" ending.
recommendation: I liked it enough. People who want to wax nostalgic for Action Movie heroes of yesteryears will flock to the theatres for this one ( a pathetic gimmick, if you ask me ).
spoiler alert! Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger are not the same height! Arnold is taller than Sylvester. When they were on top of a building, they stood-up straight and were fully-exposed as they exchanged fire with the bad guys below who were armed mostly with automatic rifles--but none of them got hit! The cannon on the nose of the seaplane shouldn't have hit the same spot on the bridge three times for two reasons: 1.) The first shot would have already obliterated the target; and, 2.) The closer the plane got to the bridge, the incrementally higher ( and choppier ) the waves would have gotten, making it impossible to hit the same spot twice--or thrice, in this case. Is it just me or does Jet Li's "replacement" in this movie, Yu Nan, look just like him, facial-wise ...? I know that they needed Dolph Lundgren's character to have "another minority to pick on". But, a look-alike? 'Come on, seriously .... I'm sure that they could have easily found something to prop-up the plane's door with. Couldn't they have come-up with a better name for Jean-Claude Van Damme's character? I don't recall seeing their weapons confiscated. What I'm getting at is this: They could all have picked-up their weapons and shot at the helicopter easily. Why did none of the bad guys wear a Haz-Mat suit? X-Ray images are in black-and-white only! Those spent radioactive fuel rods ( ? ) strewn all over the floor should have readily oxidized and heated-up the area and probably burned-up some stuff in the process. And why did they have to have that stupid sight gag involving the car doors of that Smart Car?
fyi: It's kinda sad to see Action Movie heroes well past their prime still trying to act like a bunch of Bad-Ass Dudes. Brett, a co-worker of mine, was right about the unappealing "geriatric-ness" of some of the characters in this movie whose names I shall not mention--since you know which ones I'm talking about, already! With that in mind, they should have given this movie the title:
Since some of these guys are at that age when incontinence starts to make its "presence" known to some unfortunate ones. ( I hope that I don't end-up as one of them. )
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I found these two product parodies on the Internet. |
word of advice: Don't seriously piss-off someone.
tidbits: I was able to sleep straight for about three-and-a-half hours last night. The night before, I slept for almost two hours here and almost two hours there because of my bad back.
My appointment with my Chiropractor yesterday afternoon was moved to today because the doctor couldn't make it in time for my scheduled appointment.
So, today, at 8:30 a.m., I went to my Chiropractor's clinic for some spinal adjustments. After he cracked my neck, I told him honestly that I was always apprehensive about getting my neck cracked because some bad guys in the movies get their necks cracked and they get killed that way. The doctor said, "I'm still trying to learn that trick!" Ha, ha, ha. ( So, I guess that he's just been practicing on me all this time ...? Hey! wait a minute .... )
He, then, asked me if I've been getting more sleep lately. I told him that I have been getting a little more sleep. It's been about three weeks now with very little sleep for me--'probably just about 18 hours total. He looked at me incredulously, unable to comprehend how someone could be without sleep for so long and still function normally. I told him that I'm glad that I do Delta Brainwave Frequency Sound Meditation every night because it "fools" my body into "thinking" that I'm getting a Good Night's sleep every night. I will have to make him a CD copy so that he can check it out for himself.
If anything, this sleep deprivation will eventually just put dark circles under my eyes. Perfect! Now, I'll look the part of an actual Yogi. All that I'll need now is a beard and a turban to go with the dark circles under my eyes. Then, I'll name myself, Swami No Sleepy. Ha, ha, ha.
After my Chiropractic session, I went to the shopping center across the street to have a buffet breakfast at Max's of Manila. As I ate my breakfast, the TV showed an investigative news report about sidewalk vendors in Tarlac, Philippines, who sell Chicharon ( fried pork skins ). It was a very disgustingly unsanitary sight to behold. Yuck! And double yuck!! It made eating my breakfast less enjoyable, as a result.
After breakfast, I went to the Dollar Tree Store in the same shopping center to buy some stuff.
Then, I went to the nearby branch of Bank of America ( BofA ) to make a deposit in my savings account.
And, on the way home, I stopped first at the Chase Bank in the Lucky's Supermarket on the corner of Tuolumne and Redwood streets to make a deposit in my checking account. Then, I decided to buy a bottle of Lecithin Capsules at the store. But they didn't have it. So, I just bought a 1.75 quart-size brick of Bayview Farms Mint 'n Chip Ice Cream since I hadn't had a taste of it in so long.
After work, I went to my brother's place to drop-off some ingredients for my chocolate cake recipe. Since my brother repeatedly and unsuccessfully tried to duplicate my recipe for about 20 years now, I finally just decided to share my recipe ( my own invention ) with him and our two sisters--with the stipulation that the recipe stays in the family ( they cannot be giving it out to friends and co-workers, or whoever, since I invented it, myself ). My recipe is a chocolate version of "The Better Than Sex Cake". Whether or not it's actually better than sex depends on how much you like chocolate, I guess. Me, I'm not really a fan of chocolate anything, to begin with.
After the movie, I went across the freeway to buy $9.00 worth of gas at the Chevron Gas Station.
And I went across the street to buy a 2-litre bottle of Diet Pepsi and of Diet Coke and 2 snack packs of Planters' Peanuts at the Arco Gas Station.
When I got home, I put a TABLESPOON of B.B. Burgerbrau Original Czech Lager in a mug full of Diet Pepsi. I munched on some peanuts as I drank it. And I repeated the whole thing, but with Diet Coke the second time around. As you can see, I'm not really a drinker of alcoholic stuff at all. More than a tablespoon of the lager would have ruined the taste for me ( And gotten me drunk and sexually-compromised--where was a piece of my chocolate cake when I needed it? Bwa ha, ha, ha, ha---Snort! ).
I'm probably gonna wake up in a few hours not only with a painful back but with a nasty hang-over, too! Oh, swell ....
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
THE BOURNE LEGACY, PG-13 ( 2 hr & 15 min )
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I chose this poster because it has the wrong start date on it: It's a week ahead of schedule. |
where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Sunday, August 12th, 2012
show: 4:10 p.m.
costs: $10.00 Ticket + $1.06 bulk Chocolate Candies + $4.50 medium 30.0 oz Hi-C Lemonade/Fruit Punch = $15.56
auditorium: 7
seat: 5th row, 9th column
synopsis/overview: There never was just one! And, because of the Jason Bourne "fiasco", Treadstone decides to shut-down the whole clandestine operation by "deactivating" all of the remaining super secret agents, one-by-one. But they underestimate the resilience and persistence of one "chems"-dependent agent.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Special Operations training site; 2.) Nosy writer; 3.) "You break it, you bought it"; 4.) Infection; 5.) Waterloo Station; 6.) Secret Lab; 7.) YouTube; 8.) "You beat the record by two days"; 9.) "You're not a contact, are you"; 10.) Eminent threat; 11.) A familiar name; 12.) "We're transitioning everyone"; 13.) Nosebleeds; 14.) '"You hearing that"; 15.) "We just lost that second beacon"; 16.) Implanted tracking device; 17.) "You should have left me alone"; 18.) "Sin-Eaters'; 19.) Mad scientist on a killing spree; 20.) Examining room; 21.) "I always thought he was gay"; 22.) Assassins in disguise; 23.) "You do this"; 24.) "Number five"; 25.) "We can't drive there"; 26.) "Can you viral-off Blues"; 27.) Viral receptor mapping; 28.) "This was me"; 29.) "Where the hell can she go"; 30.) "She was having her passport picture taken"; 31.) Watch; 32.) "Consider yourself informed"; 33.) Police; 34.) Chase; 35.) "Hang-on tight. Follow me"; and 36.) "No more!"
audience reaction: Just an average reaction from this bunch.
recommendation: It was just "okay", to me. This movie is one hour too long. There is not that much going-on in the first hour. So, if you go see this movie and happen to be up to an hour late for the show, you won't really miss that much! I'm afraid that only the Pilipinos will be the only ones most interested in seeing this fourth installment ( and that would be the Pilipinos in the Metro Manila area only ). Ha, ha, ha.
spoiler alert! "There was never just one." Yeah, you kinda get that idea after watching part one with Matt Damon in it---Duh .... Here in the United States, if there is an emergency vehicle on the road with its siren blaring and its lights flashing, and whether or not the emergency vehicle is traveling in the same direction as you are, YOU HAVE TO PULL OVER TO THE CURB OR THE ROAD SHOULDER ( unless a center divider shields you from an oncoming emergency vehicle )---It Is The Law! After I was sworn-in as a naturalized citizen eleven years ago, one of the officials told me that a proper passport photo would have to have both ears shown! When I went to Davao City in Mindanao, Philippines ( southern part of the archipelago ), many years ago, I stayed mostly indoors sweating 24-7 for the first two weeks with an electric fan on full-blast until my body became gradually acclimatized to the weather. Yet, these two fugitives, fresh off the plane, stayed in a hot and humid bedroom without the electric fan on--and Metro Manila in Luzon, Philippines ( northern part of the archipelago ) actually gets much hotter and more humid than it does in Davao City! But, as soon as the bad guys came "sniffing around", the electric fan was kept turned-on even though the bedroom was no longer occupied! "Chief, how do we spot the fugitives in this crowd when they are well blended-in?" "That's easy. Just look for a couple of stupid idiots who are dumb enough to go walking around wearing a jacket in the hot and humid weather that we are currently having here in Manila!" ( Ha, ha, ha. ) Big Navel Oranges in the Philippines would be considered a luxury fruit--they didn't have it prominently-sold when I was there in '82 - '83. So, anybody who could afford to buy a whole bunch of such a luxury fruit wouldn't be standing around waiting for a bus or a jeepney; a person who could afford to buy such a fruit could also afford to ride in a taxicab! And why didn't they just substitute the comparably-sized native Dalandan for the Orange?
Dalandan fruit, a.k.a. Citrus Aurantium |
I don't know how many millions of Dollars they spent to make this movie, only to have the sharp-eyed, four-eyed Cine-Man find many mistakes in it. Which begs the question: When is Hollywood ever gonna realize that IT ACTUALLY NEEDS MY SERVICES as Cine-Man?!?!?!
fyi: When I was in Michigan three years ago, my brother-in-law showed me the fake Rolex watch that he bought somewhere in Metro Manila, Philippines. The one thing that the seller told him about fake Rolexes is that the gold-tone ones are not good to buy because the "gold" rubs-off eventually under normal use! So, yep ... that close-up shot of the fake gold Rolex near the end of the movie is an "inside joke"--and you can consider yourself in on "it" now.
Supposedly, according to my sister in Michigan, all of the taxicab drivers, the bus drivers and the jeepney drivers in the Philippines wear fake Rolex watches. Ha, ha, ha.
You don't have to go to the Philippines, or some other exotic locale, to buy fake Rolexes. You can buy them on-line. There are actually two types of fake Rolexes sold on-line: The cheap version ( like the ones sold in the Philippines that stupid people think that they are getting a good deal on--please don't tell my brother-in-law ) and the slightly more expensive version which are of a better quality. You do get what you pay for--even on fake merchandise!
word of advice: Tie-up loose ends, a.s.a.p.
tidbits: I could have used the first hour of this movie to catch-up on some much-needed sleep-time, had I known beforehand that it was just an extraneous hour!
And speaking of sleep ....
Because of my bad back, I only got about eight ( 8 ) hours of sleep in the last two weeks--with no sleep at all in the first five days, and no sleep last night, as well!
My experience should prove interesting and promising to those involved in the military experiment on Sleep-Deprivation. Today's militaries want their soldiers to be battle-ready 24-7. And my experience proves that a sleep-deprived person can be fully alert and highly functional in the course of a day provided that such a person is allowed a 30-minute Delta Brainwave Frequency Sound Meditation session and allowed to nap for 30 - 45 minutes per day. There's a Caveat, though: The first few Delta Brainwave Frequency Sound Meditations will most likely put someone in Deep Sleep for 12 hours or more per session. I'm so hoping that the Pentagon ( which pays $500.oo per toilet seat and $1,000.oo per hammer ) will pay me handsomely for my "research findings" since I'm a patriotic citizen doing my part to help develop a better and meaner American Military--I just hope that all of my foreign country readers are US soldiers stationed overseas ( 'got my fingers crossed on this one )!
I salute the men and women of the US Armed Forces!!!
Friday, August 10, 2012
THE CAMPAIGN, R ( 1 hr & 25 min )
Quickie Review: It is a cutthroat campaign where anything goes in this political circus of a movie.
I went to see this today, Friday, August 10th, 2012, here in Vallejo, CA, at the CENTURY 14 VALLEJO, for the 1:25 p.m. show in auditorium 14, 5th row, 7th column.
The audience liked this movie but didn't give it a "Hands Clapper" ending.
I liked this movie, too. Go see this if you're into political parody, especially since it's an Election Year.
I liked the Answering Machine scene.
I liked the Chinese ( ? ) Maid scenes.
I liked the Honest Kids scene.
I liked the highly-controversial Kiss The Baby scene. ( Eh ... that baby's gonna grow up to be a spoiled brat, anyway. Ha, ha, ha. )
I liked The Lord's Prayer scene.
I liked the Hospital scene.
I liked the Celebrity Dog scene.
I liked the Hunting "Accident" scene.
I liked the Scars scene.
This movie has a Bonus Scene about "cleaning-up the mess" in Washington, D.C., if you want to stick around for it.
I finally got the two motorcycle helmets that I ordered last week. I had to have the package re-routed so that I could go and pick it up after the movie at the Fed-Ex/Kinko's Center on Admiral Callaghan Lane here in Vallejo; because the owner of Goin' Postal closed her shop for today, Friday, and tomorrow as she'd be out of town until Monday. One helmet is for me; and the other one is for my nephew who will be having his 21st B-day party tomorrow, a Saturday.
This is the exact kind of helmet that I bought for myself:
This black one is the exact kind of helmet that I bought for my nephew:
The one that I got for my nephew was not the first choice. The first choice had graphics on it that made it look better. Unfortunately, they were all sold-out! So, I just had to settle for buying this for him. He can personalize this himself, if he wants to. And I'm giving this to him as a birthday present because I read his e-conversation with his older brother on FaceBook two weeks ago about his wanting to sign-up for a Motorcycle Riding Course.
As for me, the helmet that I picked for myself was not my first choice, too. This was my first choice:
BUT ... this Arai motorcycle helmet costs $3,995.oo!!! Can you believe that?!?!?! And it's not even a modular and/or a dual-visor. For such a ridiculously-high price, they should just round it up to an even four grand. After all, what's five bucks if you've got that kind of money to throw around? You'd need a half-a-million-dollar bike to go with this helmet ( or, preferably, the Batbike )! All the more reason why I need to win the lottery, a.s.a.p. Ha, ha, ha.
And if you must know, my helmet costs $90.oo ( originally, $180.oo ) on close-out. And my nephew's helmet costs $70.oo ( originally, $120.oo ) on sale.
I also ordered a helmet bag from another website. I should be getting that one on Monday of next week, at the soonest.
Then, I'll take both helmet and bag to work so that I can show them to my co-workers, as promised.
My helmet is too warm for summer riding. I'm gonna have to get another helmet, an open-face one.
Next on my To-Do List: Take my Honda Gyro Scooter out of its 16-year long storage and have it serviced and road-ready once again.
Or wait 'til next summer when the kind of motor scooter that I'd like to buy will be CARB-approved for California, according to an e-mail that I got from a motorcycle dealer four days ago.
Quickie Review: It is a cutthroat campaign where anything goes in this political circus of a movie.
I went to see this today, Friday, August 10th, 2012, here in Vallejo, CA, at the CENTURY 14 VALLEJO, for the 1:25 p.m. show in auditorium 14, 5th row, 7th column.
The audience liked this movie but didn't give it a "Hands Clapper" ending.
I liked this movie, too. Go see this if you're into political parody, especially since it's an Election Year.
I liked the Answering Machine scene.
I liked the Chinese ( ? ) Maid scenes.
I liked the Honest Kids scene.
I liked the highly-controversial Kiss The Baby scene. ( Eh ... that baby's gonna grow up to be a spoiled brat, anyway. Ha, ha, ha. )
I liked The Lord's Prayer scene.
I liked the Hospital scene.
I liked the Celebrity Dog scene.
I liked the Hunting "Accident" scene.
I liked the Scars scene.
This movie has a Bonus Scene about "cleaning-up the mess" in Washington, D.C., if you want to stick around for it.
I finally got the two motorcycle helmets that I ordered last week. I had to have the package re-routed so that I could go and pick it up after the movie at the Fed-Ex/Kinko's Center on Admiral Callaghan Lane here in Vallejo; because the owner of Goin' Postal closed her shop for today, Friday, and tomorrow as she'd be out of town until Monday. One helmet is for me; and the other one is for my nephew who will be having his 21st B-day party tomorrow, a Saturday.
This is the exact kind of helmet that I bought for myself:
![]() |
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A modular ( flip-up ) dual visor helmet. |
This black one is the exact kind of helmet that I bought for my nephew:
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A dual-visor. |
The one that I got for my nephew was not the first choice. The first choice had graphics on it that made it look better. Unfortunately, they were all sold-out! So, I just had to settle for buying this for him. He can personalize this himself, if he wants to. And I'm giving this to him as a birthday present because I read his e-conversation with his older brother on FaceBook two weeks ago about his wanting to sign-up for a Motorcycle Riding Course.
As for me, the helmet that I picked for myself was not my first choice, too. This was my first choice:
![]() |
Arai Corsair V RC Race Carbon Fiber helmet. |
BUT ... this Arai motorcycle helmet costs $3,995.oo!!! Can you believe that?!?!?! And it's not even a modular and/or a dual-visor. For such a ridiculously-high price, they should just round it up to an even four grand. After all, what's five bucks if you've got that kind of money to throw around? You'd need a half-a-million-dollar bike to go with this helmet ( or, preferably, the Batbike )! All the more reason why I need to win the lottery, a.s.a.p. Ha, ha, ha.
And if you must know, my helmet costs $90.oo ( originally, $180.oo ) on close-out. And my nephew's helmet costs $70.oo ( originally, $120.oo ) on sale.
I also ordered a helmet bag from another website. I should be getting that one on Monday of next week, at the soonest.
Then, I'll take both helmet and bag to work so that I can show them to my co-workers, as promised.
My helmet is too warm for summer riding. I'm gonna have to get another helmet, an open-face one.
Next on my To-Do List: Take my Honda Gyro Scooter out of its 16-year long storage and have it serviced and road-ready once again.
Or wait 'til next summer when the kind of motor scooter that I'd like to buy will be CARB-approved for California, according to an e-mail that I got from a motorcycle dealer four days ago.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
DIARY OF A WIMPY KID: DOG DAYS, PG ( 1 hr & 34 min )
Quickie Review: School's out for the summer. And Greg's ( Zachary Gordon ) plans don't go as planned.
I went to see this yesterday, Saturday, August 4th, 2012, in Emeryville, CA, at the UA Emery Bay Stadium 10, at 9:10 p.m. in auditorium 3, 6th row, 12th seat.
There were just a couple of people in the auditorium with me. So, the audience reaction gauge for this movie is inadequate. But I liked it. It's a good Family Movie to go see this summer.
I liked the Civil War Reenactment scene.
I liked the Swimming Pool Rescue scene.
I liked the 911 Response scene.
I liked the Princess scene.
I liked the Pot Roast scene.
And I liked the Song Dedication scene.
I was at my friend Hector's place in Oakland, CA, earlier today, a Saturday, to sit-in on his Bible Study Class with his relatives ( I jokingly refer to it as an "al-Qaeda" meeting, LOL ). They kept me in the kitchen to cook, and closed the door behind me while they gathered around the dining table to talk about whatever they want to talk about and not have me listen-in on their conversation. I think that my U.S. Border Patrol baseball cap made them suspicious of the nature of my unplanned visit. Ha, ha, ha.
I gave a present to one of the persons in the study class: A 14.0 oz mug with the word, "Faith," on it. I paraphrased a New Testament Bible verse when I said to the person, Even if you have Faith the size of a 14.0 oz mug, you will be able to move your bowels. ( This person is highly constipated! )
Later, one of the persons gathered around the dining table asked, "What's the mug for?"
I answered, X didn't have Faith. But now that X has Faith, X can move mountains ( of poop ).
And X added, "It's an inside joke."
Quickie Review: School's out for the summer. And Greg's ( Zachary Gordon ) plans don't go as planned.
I went to see this yesterday, Saturday, August 4th, 2012, in Emeryville, CA, at the UA Emery Bay Stadium 10, at 9:10 p.m. in auditorium 3, 6th row, 12th seat.
There were just a couple of people in the auditorium with me. So, the audience reaction gauge for this movie is inadequate. But I liked it. It's a good Family Movie to go see this summer.
I liked the Civil War Reenactment scene.
I liked the Swimming Pool Rescue scene.
I liked the 911 Response scene.
I liked the Princess scene.
I liked the Pot Roast scene.
And I liked the Song Dedication scene.
I was at my friend Hector's place in Oakland, CA, earlier today, a Saturday, to sit-in on his Bible Study Class with his relatives ( I jokingly refer to it as an "al-Qaeda" meeting, LOL ). They kept me in the kitchen to cook, and closed the door behind me while they gathered around the dining table to talk about whatever they want to talk about and not have me listen-in on their conversation. I think that my U.S. Border Patrol baseball cap made them suspicious of the nature of my unplanned visit. Ha, ha, ha.
I gave a present to one of the persons in the study class: A 14.0 oz mug with the word, "Faith," on it. I paraphrased a New Testament Bible verse when I said to the person, Even if you have Faith the size of a 14.0 oz mug, you will be able to move your bowels. ( This person is highly constipated! )
Later, one of the persons gathered around the dining table asked, "What's the mug for?"
I answered, X didn't have Faith. But now that X has Faith, X can move mountains ( of poop ).
And X added, "It's an inside joke."
TOTAL RECALL, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 49 min )
where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Friday, August 3rd, 2012
show: 5:35 p.m.
costs: $7.50 Ticket + $0.83 Bulk Chocolate Candies + $4.50 medium 30.0 oz Hi-C Pink Lemonade/Fruit Punch = $12.83
auditorium: 7
seat: 5th row, 9th column
synopsis/overview: After a biochemical and thermonuclear world war, only two places on Earth remain habitable: The United Federation of Britain and The Colony. The Federation wants more land for their masses but an army of resistance fighters in The Colony stands opposed to the Federation's imperial ambition. Only one secret agent has what it takes to infiltrate and make or break either side; the problem is, his memory was altered some time ago so that he doesn't know which side he is on and whether or not he is actually a super spy.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) The "Fall"; 2.) Nightmare; 3.) "No shit"; 4.) "You're gonna wish you had three hands"; 5.) Rekall Lounge; 6.) "I give good wife"; 7.) 'Phone call; 8.) "Where can I get one"; 9.) "I'm his wife"; 10.) Safe deposit box; 11.) The chase; 12.) Piano; 13.) "It was a memory"; 14.) Scars; 15.) Stand-off; 16.) Elevator; 17.) "You really know how to pick 'em"; 18.) "I want to remember"; 19.) Firewall; 20.) Trap; 21.) Kill code; 22.) Hero; 23.) Second chance; 24.) Stasis; 25.) Breastplate; 26.) Explosion; and 27.) No scar.
audience reaction: Only a slightly better-than-average reaction from this crowd.
recommendation: It was okay. Go see this if you're into Summer Action Movies.
spoiler alert! The "Fall" shuttle would only be able to achieve such a high speed of travel it the hole that it traveled through was a complete vacuum ( somehow, I'm guessing that it wasn't ). You know how when you're on a scary roller-coaster ride it plummets really fast initially to gather momentum for all the twists, turns, dips and loops ... and you get that "funny" feeling in your stomach and in your genitals? Well, then, why didn't the "Fall" commuters get the same "funny" feeling when they were plummeting way faster than anyone ever could on a roller-coaster ride? The "Fall" shuttle didn't really pass through the Earth's Exact Center of Gravity ( 'missed it by many miles ) so that the scenes of weightlessness were pure nonsense! Since there were only two humanly habitable places left remaining in this movie, and neither one of which was the United States of America, what the hell was Douglas Quaid ( Colin Farrell ) doing with a brick of Obama dollar bills?!?!?! In order for his gas mask to work properly, he would have to "grease" his beard stubble first! In the shuttle, he covered for Melina ( Jessica Biel ) by shooting at the bad guys as she made her escape but, when it came time for him to make his escape, Melina didn't cover for him--so ... his butt should have been peppered with bullets!!! Why was the robot's breastplate so easily yanked-off? And, considering the kind of work that they were programmed to do, why weren't the robots designed to be, at least, water-resistant, in the first place? The Colony, i.e. Australia, was still a continent. In other words, if their point of incursion was only at that shuttle depot, they would be easily surrounded and slaughtered by the resistance movement--you would think that they would resort to the military strategy for a planned massive invasion by employing the use of warplanes then warships, and flanking maneuvers, at the very least!
fyi: Do you remember the Hegelian Dialectic that I mentioned in my Batman blog? Well, the dialectic is hinted at in this movie.
Here's a "censored" dual photo of the blessedly-stacked, lovely young lady ( Kaitlyn Leeb ) which I found on the Internet.
"You're gonna wish you had three hands." ( Kaitlyn Leeb )
Actually ... NO! God gave me a mouth for a very Good Reason. Heh, heh, heh .... ( Cine-Man )
word of advice: Reality can be just an illusion.
tidbits: I've been awake for about five ( 5 ) straight days, now! My lower back has been acting-up, hurting me so much to "near-tears" whenever I'd lie down in bed. Standing up and walking around doesn't hurt my back. But sitting/squatting down can give me pain. And lying down is sheer torture to me. I tried Excedrin Back and Body Extra Strength Pain Reliever, but it didn't help at all. I would just doze-off for anywhere from thirty to forty-five minutes. Then, I'm wide awake again for the rest of the night, tossing and turning, getting up to walk around, using a percussion massager to try to alleviate the pain---Anything and everything to make the pain go away; but, to no avail! Fortunately for me, my Delta Brainwave Frequency Sound Meditation helps me to function "normally" in the daytime hours and at work--and, more importantly, behind the steering wheel of my car.
So, today, after I went to Chase Bank in the Lucky's Supermarket here in Vallejo to make a deposit and after I went to Goin' Postal a couple of doors down to pick-up my mail, I finally went to a Chiropractor for the first time in my whole life at 1:45 p.m. In the almost-two-hours that I was at the clinic, all I got, though, was an evaluation, body-weight distribution analysis ( I lean > 20 pounds to my left, I guess because of the pain on the right side of my lumbar region--I used to lean to my right because of my left knee injury ), some x-rays, a back massage along my spinal column and some electrical muscle stimulation down in the lumbar area.
My spinal adjustment is scheduled for Monday of next week at 2:30 p.m. We'll see how that will go.
After my chiropractic visit, I went to Selecta Pilipino Buffet on Springs Road here in Vallejo, CA, to have lunch ( my first meal for the day ) and to purchase $7.00 in lottery tickets. A former co-worker of mine, the Eva Mendes lookalike, was there to redeem her recycling voucher. We greeted each other but I completely forgot her name because whenever I'd look at her at work, I'd always say to myself that she looks like the Hollywood actress, Eva Mendes!
Then, I walked next door to the 99-Cent Only Store to buy some stuff.
And I was off to the theatre to see this movie, after all of that ... where I got a much-needed nap while the movie played. The scene where the couple's flying vehicle was being chased around by cop and government agent flying vehicles was when I just dozed-off. I woke up after the couple's flying vehicle crash-landed! ( And I was awake again for the remainder of the day. )
After the movie, I went to the Dollar Tree Store at the nearby Target Shopping Center to buy some stuff. Then, I went to the Fed-Ex Kinko's to make some xerox copies. Finally, I went to the nearby Admiral Callaghan Lane Safeway to buy some groceries.
I took my nap-time at the theatre as a hint because tonight I decided to sleep sitting-up and leaning slightly to my left and using my neck pillow to prop-up my head. The one thing that I noticed about trying to sleep like this was that my mouth would fall wide open as soon as I was asleep and the inside of my mouth would get so painfully dry that I would have no choice but to wake up again just to close my mouth! This was how it went all night long until I finally just decided to endure the pain and sleep on my back which really was impossible to do, to begin with! So, it was another practically sleepless night for me. ( I know that some Yogis out there can go without sleep for YEARS, but that kind of a feat is not for this particular Yogi. No siree, Bob! )
I can't wait for my first Spinal Adjustment!!! Maybe, a well-adjusted spinal column will help me in my Chakra Meditation, too! That would really make for quite an added Bonus--a blessing in disguise, if you will.
where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Friday, August 3rd, 2012
show: 5:35 p.m.
costs: $7.50 Ticket + $0.83 Bulk Chocolate Candies + $4.50 medium 30.0 oz Hi-C Pink Lemonade/Fruit Punch = $12.83
auditorium: 7
seat: 5th row, 9th column
synopsis/overview: After a biochemical and thermonuclear world war, only two places on Earth remain habitable: The United Federation of Britain and The Colony. The Federation wants more land for their masses but an army of resistance fighters in The Colony stands opposed to the Federation's imperial ambition. Only one secret agent has what it takes to infiltrate and make or break either side; the problem is, his memory was altered some time ago so that he doesn't know which side he is on and whether or not he is actually a super spy.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) The "Fall"; 2.) Nightmare; 3.) "No shit"; 4.) "You're gonna wish you had three hands"; 5.) Rekall Lounge; 6.) "I give good wife"; 7.) 'Phone call; 8.) "Where can I get one"; 9.) "I'm his wife"; 10.) Safe deposit box; 11.) The chase; 12.) Piano; 13.) "It was a memory"; 14.) Scars; 15.) Stand-off; 16.) Elevator; 17.) "You really know how to pick 'em"; 18.) "I want to remember"; 19.) Firewall; 20.) Trap; 21.) Kill code; 22.) Hero; 23.) Second chance; 24.) Stasis; 25.) Breastplate; 26.) Explosion; and 27.) No scar.
audience reaction: Only a slightly better-than-average reaction from this crowd.
recommendation: It was okay. Go see this if you're into Summer Action Movies.
spoiler alert! The "Fall" shuttle would only be able to achieve such a high speed of travel it the hole that it traveled through was a complete vacuum ( somehow, I'm guessing that it wasn't ). You know how when you're on a scary roller-coaster ride it plummets really fast initially to gather momentum for all the twists, turns, dips and loops ... and you get that "funny" feeling in your stomach and in your genitals? Well, then, why didn't the "Fall" commuters get the same "funny" feeling when they were plummeting way faster than anyone ever could on a roller-coaster ride? The "Fall" shuttle didn't really pass through the Earth's Exact Center of Gravity ( 'missed it by many miles ) so that the scenes of weightlessness were pure nonsense! Since there were only two humanly habitable places left remaining in this movie, and neither one of which was the United States of America, what the hell was Douglas Quaid ( Colin Farrell ) doing with a brick of Obama dollar bills?!?!?! In order for his gas mask to work properly, he would have to "grease" his beard stubble first! In the shuttle, he covered for Melina ( Jessica Biel ) by shooting at the bad guys as she made her escape but, when it came time for him to make his escape, Melina didn't cover for him--so ... his butt should have been peppered with bullets!!! Why was the robot's breastplate so easily yanked-off? And, considering the kind of work that they were programmed to do, why weren't the robots designed to be, at least, water-resistant, in the first place? The Colony, i.e. Australia, was still a continent. In other words, if their point of incursion was only at that shuttle depot, they would be easily surrounded and slaughtered by the resistance movement--you would think that they would resort to the military strategy for a planned massive invasion by employing the use of warplanes then warships, and flanking maneuvers, at the very least!
fyi: Do you remember the Hegelian Dialectic that I mentioned in my Batman blog? Well, the dialectic is hinted at in this movie.
Here's a "censored" dual photo of the blessedly-stacked, lovely young lady ( Kaitlyn Leeb ) which I found on the Internet.
"You're gonna wish you had three hands." ( Kaitlyn Leeb )
Actually ... NO! God gave me a mouth for a very Good Reason. Heh, heh, heh .... ( Cine-Man )
![]() |
Bwa, ha, ha, ha, ha---Snort! |
word of advice: Reality can be just an illusion.
tidbits: I've been awake for about five ( 5 ) straight days, now! My lower back has been acting-up, hurting me so much to "near-tears" whenever I'd lie down in bed. Standing up and walking around doesn't hurt my back. But sitting/squatting down can give me pain. And lying down is sheer torture to me. I tried Excedrin Back and Body Extra Strength Pain Reliever, but it didn't help at all. I would just doze-off for anywhere from thirty to forty-five minutes. Then, I'm wide awake again for the rest of the night, tossing and turning, getting up to walk around, using a percussion massager to try to alleviate the pain---Anything and everything to make the pain go away; but, to no avail! Fortunately for me, my Delta Brainwave Frequency Sound Meditation helps me to function "normally" in the daytime hours and at work--and, more importantly, behind the steering wheel of my car.
So, today, after I went to Chase Bank in the Lucky's Supermarket here in Vallejo to make a deposit and after I went to Goin' Postal a couple of doors down to pick-up my mail, I finally went to a Chiropractor for the first time in my whole life at 1:45 p.m. In the almost-two-hours that I was at the clinic, all I got, though, was an evaluation, body-weight distribution analysis ( I lean > 20 pounds to my left, I guess because of the pain on the right side of my lumbar region--I used to lean to my right because of my left knee injury ), some x-rays, a back massage along my spinal column and some electrical muscle stimulation down in the lumbar area.
My spinal adjustment is scheduled for Monday of next week at 2:30 p.m. We'll see how that will go.
After my chiropractic visit, I went to Selecta Pilipino Buffet on Springs Road here in Vallejo, CA, to have lunch ( my first meal for the day ) and to purchase $7.00 in lottery tickets. A former co-worker of mine, the Eva Mendes lookalike, was there to redeem her recycling voucher. We greeted each other but I completely forgot her name because whenever I'd look at her at work, I'd always say to myself that she looks like the Hollywood actress, Eva Mendes!
Then, I walked next door to the 99-Cent Only Store to buy some stuff.
And I was off to the theatre to see this movie, after all of that ... where I got a much-needed nap while the movie played. The scene where the couple's flying vehicle was being chased around by cop and government agent flying vehicles was when I just dozed-off. I woke up after the couple's flying vehicle crash-landed! ( And I was awake again for the remainder of the day. )
After the movie, I went to the Dollar Tree Store at the nearby Target Shopping Center to buy some stuff. Then, I went to the Fed-Ex Kinko's to make some xerox copies. Finally, I went to the nearby Admiral Callaghan Lane Safeway to buy some groceries.
I took my nap-time at the theatre as a hint because tonight I decided to sleep sitting-up and leaning slightly to my left and using my neck pillow to prop-up my head. The one thing that I noticed about trying to sleep like this was that my mouth would fall wide open as soon as I was asleep and the inside of my mouth would get so painfully dry that I would have no choice but to wake up again just to close my mouth! This was how it went all night long until I finally just decided to endure the pain and sleep on my back which really was impossible to do, to begin with! So, it was another practically sleepless night for me. ( I know that some Yogis out there can go without sleep for YEARS, but that kind of a feat is not for this particular Yogi. No siree, Bob! )
I can't wait for my first Spinal Adjustment!!! Maybe, a well-adjusted spinal column will help me in my Chakra Meditation, too! That would really make for quite an added Bonus--a blessing in disguise, if you will.
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