where: EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX in Fairfield, CA
when: Tuesday, August 28th, 2012
show: 9:20 p.m.
costs: $0.00 Ticket (Movie Pass ) + $1.00 popcorn ( upgrade to a medium on a Free Popcorn on my Regal Movie Watcher Rewards Card ) + $4.75 small 32.0 oz Zero Coke = $5.75
auditorium: 5
seat: 4th row, 7th seat
synopsis/overview: In this documentary, Obama's influential secret past is revealed, showing the whole world his true color and what he supposedly stands for.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) "A different kind of empire"; 2.) Destiny; 3.) Dartmouth Review; 4.) "Underground Racism"; 5.) "Reagan Generation"; 6.) "Out of nowhere"; 7.) Disappointments; 8.) American wealth loss; 9.) Conflicting decisions; 10.) Someone else's dream; 11.) Dreams From My Father; 12.) Absentee father; 13.) "I'm not a disappointment"; 14.) "These smells and sounds were completely familiar to me"; 15.) Bedroom arguments; 16.) American colonization of Hawaii; 17.) Controversial political figure; 18.) Pro Soviet/Pro Communist; 19.) Different "picture" of Obama, Sr.; 20.) Like father, like son; 21.) George Obama; 22.) "I'm part of the world"; 23.) Basket case; 24.) "To confront his father's ghost"; 25.) "Where his father failed, he will succeed"; 26.) The Neo-colonization System; 27.) One hundred per cent taxation; 28.) "The American recipe"; 29.) "Not an angry Black man"; 30.) "Important insight"; 31.) "America's accomplishment"; 32.) "Obama's 'Founding Fathers'"; 33.) $180,000 bribe; 34.) "Enriching the previously colonized countries"; 35.) Brother against brother; 36.) "Anti-Colonial Freedom Fighter"; 37.) "Occupy Wall Street"; 38.) Dinesh D'Souza story; 39.) "Anti-Colonial Framework"; 40.) "Three Predictions"; 41.) 5,000 - 1,500 - 300 - 0; 42.) "The result is a mish-mash"; 43.) Radical Islam; 44.) "United States of Islam"; 45.) "Debt as a weapon of mass destruction"; 46.) "Temporary safe haven"; 47.) Sing For Change; and 48.) "The Future is in your hands."
audience reaction: I didn't hear a reaction from the crowd of about a dozen people in the auditorium with me. But I know this for a fact, one of my customers today went and saw this movie twice at this theatre! And I have two other customers who are very interested in seeing this.
recommendation: I found this movie to be very fascinating, as well as being quite an eye-opener. Go see this movie, whether or not you voted him into office.
spoiler alert! This movie doesn't show the controversial birth certificate for close scrutiny. It fails to mention that for a person to be considered a Natural Born Citizen, both parents must be American Citizens and the person must be born on American Soil or in an American Territory!!! Clearly, Obama IS NOT A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN! This movie fails to state that Obama's mother was underage when she became pregnant and that his father could have easily been charged with Statutory Rape. 'Must have been the reason why she married him and moved with him to British East Africa Protectorate! And, later, when Obama's mother married an Indonesian man and lived in Indonesia, she would have had to renounce her American Citizenship as well as that of her son, Barack's, citizenship in order for them both to stay in Indonesia. Since his mother was PRO-COMMUNIST, in order for Obama to live in the newly-added State of Hawaii with his grandparents in relative peace, his mother would have had to produce a fake born-in-Hawaii birth certificate for her son, to keep the young Barack free of any governmental scrutiny. REMEMBER: THIS WAS JUST A FEW YEARS AFTER THE "McCARTHY ERA" ENDED BUT IT STILL WAS IN THE MIDST OF THE "COLD WAR" ( a Key Point to seriously consider because there is no record of the Indonesian pro-Muslim/pro-Communist Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Obama, ever applying for US Citizenship ) !!! It doesn't show the Chinese Delegates planting their Communist flag on American soil in full view of Obama ( as shown on YouTube ). It doesn't mention the fact about US soldiers being forced to burn Bibles in Afghanistan, even though the president is supposedly a "christian" ( as shown on YouTube ). It makes no mention of the fact that an Israeli Delegate was forced to enter through a side door of the White House ( used primarily by staff personnel ), instead of through the front door, as with other Heads of State, to meet with Obama ( as mentioned in the Levitt Letter ). It doesn't reveal the fact that Obama's administration imposed an arms embargo on Israel, the United States's staunchest ally in the Middle East, while at the same time it approved a 10-billion dollar weapons sale to its neighboring anti-Israeli/anti-American Arab Muslim States ( as mentioned in the Levitt Letter ).
fyi: When Bush, Jr., won twice because the Florida votes were somehow "tampered with" in one and some Black votes were "not accounted for" in the other, I knew something was up.
And when Obama was marketed as "Black" instead of half-White and half-Black with the "Vote for Change" campaign slogan, I knew exactly what it would lead to. Those who voted for him didn't use Critical Thinking Skills to arrive at their decision. I didn't vote for him because I knew better.
One of my customers today, Mr. H, told me that Obama's application at Harvard still lists his place of birth as Kenya--or should that have been "British East Africa Protectorate". Hmm ....
On a side note, if a child is born in International Waters to an American couple, US Citizenship may not be automatically conferred on the infant if its mother was a minor, i.e. under the age of consent, according to the law of her home State/Territory, when it was born. ( I believe that the mother would have to be at least 21 years of age before she can confer US Citizenship on her child. )
Also, a woman of another nationality who comes into the US with the intention of giving birth to an infant on American Soil, i.e. an "Anchor Baby", would not have automatically given birth to an American Citizen, technically speaking. Its mother can apply for citizenship and be granted one, provided that she meets the requirements, which she then can confer on her infant child. Or the child can claim its citizenship once the child is considered of legal age in the State/Territory where it was born.
An infant born in the United States or in any one of its Territories is issued a Social Security Number based on where it was born. For example, if the infant was born in Hawaii, the first three digits of its SS #, i.e. Area Number, would either be 575 or 576; if the infant was born in Connecticut, its Area Number would be anywhere from 040 to 049. If a person, i.e. former Anchor Baby or Immigrant, applies for a Social Security Number later on in life, the Area Number assigned to said person will be based on the Zip Code used on the person's application form and doesn't necessarily have to be the same Zip Code of the city or town of the State/Territory where the person was born and/or lives in since a person's mailing address can be different from said person's residential address. As an example, if the person, i.e. former Anchor Baby or Immigrant, applies for an SS # using a Zip Code for a city or town somewhere in Connecticut, even though the applicant was born or grew up in Hawaii, the Area Number on his card would be anywhere from 040 to 049. Example: 04X-XX-4425
Each State or Territory is assigned its own sets of two-digit Group Numbers.
And the four-digit Serial Number is the number assigned to the person. Of course, this number doesn't say anything about the person's race, gender or age.
We need another "Joseph McCarthy" in the Senate. Right now! A.S.A.P.
If Congress removes him from Office, imagine what would happen to all of those Bills that he signed into Law--'two words: Null and Void!!! I'm talkin' about One Big Headache and One Big Nightmare both rolled into One Gigantic Mess, not just for us but for the Whole Wide World to deal with! ( Could this be the reason why .... )
When I went to the INS ( Immigration and Naturalization Service ) office in San Francisco, CA, in 1999 for my naturalization interview, the agent asked me: "Do you belong to or have you ever been a member of a Communist Party?"
I looked at him as if to ask, Dude, where have you been the last 50 years? 'Cause you sure ain't current on your Current Affairs!
Of course I told him that I was not and never have been nor will I ever be a member of a Communist Party.
But just to let me know that the INS kept track of all immigrants ( which would include the Obamas, one would think ), the agent opened a file cabinet and pulled-out the file that the agency had on me. It was almost an inch thick--and I don't even have a criminal record ( or even a speeding ticket ) to speak of! Can you just imagine how thicker my file would have been had I been a member of a Communist Party?
My P.E. coach at Laney College in Oakland, CA, once told the class that he had been to many different countries in the world but The United States, even though it's not a perfect country, is the best place to live in. I would have to agree with him on that.
If you believe in the New World Order Conspiracy Theory/End Times Prophecy, whoever wins in 2012 will just be another one of many DOMINO "pieces" that set the EFFECT into motion.
word of advice: Don't fall for the hype.
Connect the dots.
tidbits: After I got off work, I still had an hour and 30 minutes before this movie was scheduled to start. So, I went to the MacDonald's Restaurant on Rose Drive in Benicia, CA, to have a Mini Meal Deal for dinner, and to relax for a while. Then, I went to the Chevron Gas Station in the next block to get $5.50 worth of gas.
I found the following comments on the Internet--on Digg News, I think--sometime ago ( last week of June, 2012 ) and am posting them here in their entirety, unaltered--spelling errors and all--except for my red/yellow highlights.
Surflaunch Overlord
Happy to kiss the arse and drink the Kool-Aid
Just give me one logical answer to these three issues and I will follow you to the polls and march in support of our King.
Food for thought.
1. Back in 1961 people of color were called 'Knee-groes.' So how can the Obama 'birth certificate' state he is 'African-American' when the term wasn't even used at that time?
2. The birth certificate that the White House released lists Obama's birth as August 4, 1961. It also lists B H Obama as his father. No big deal, right? At the time of Obama's birth, it also shows that his father is aged 25 years old, and that Obama's father was born in " Kenya, East Africa ". This wouldn't seem like anything of concern, except the fact that Kenya did not even exist until 1963, two whole years after Obama's birth, and 27 years after his father's birth. How could Obama's father have been born in a country that did not yet exist? Up and until Kenya was formed in 1963, it was known as the "British East Africa Protectorate".
3. On the birth certificate released by the White House, the listed place of birth is "Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital". This cannot be, because the hospital(s) in question in 1961 were called "KauiKeolani Children's Hospital" and "Kapi'olani Maternity Home", respectively. The name did not change to Kapi'olani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital until 1978, when these two hospitals merged. How can this particular name of the hospital be on a birth certificate dated 1961 if this name had not yet been applied to it until 1978?Resources: http://www.kapiolani.org/women...
Post-colonial history (from Wikipedia) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H...
A Liked
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/blogs/national-affairs/colbert-theres-definitely-no-proof-obama-was-born-in-amercia-20120531#ixzz1ytHw6ZZ9
The Alien President:
But congress does have the authority to remove him from office based on the fact he was not even born in this country of two american citizens...his mother a US citizen, his father a Kenyan (British subject) in 1961. He was never naturalized either..truth be told he is an illegal alien! He uses a social security number of a person long dead that lived in Connecticut and his Selective Service records have disappeared..Imagine that??
In 2007 i found a video on the net where Obama out of his own mouth told a chicago reporter he could not run for president because he was born in Kenya, that video dissappeared a week after i watched it, i didnt save it because i didnt think obama would win the election, he was losing to hillary clinton at that point, but there is not a shred of doubt in my mind he's an illegal usurper of our constitution!
The Dems Tried to pass legilastion 8 Times that would qualify BO for pres and on the 8th try they watered it down and managed to qualify John McCain to be Pres. They have known since 2005 BO was not legal and the Republicans have known it also and were a bunch and are still a bunch of cowards. Not a statesman in the bunch and damdest thing of all Clinton has known all along and has told many people he was not qualified and the guy is a totaly made up imposter.
Re: "My God What Have We done?" Don't include *me* in that *We.* I didn't vote for this liar, imposter, con-man, racist, bigot, limp-wristed destroyer of America! I pegged him at the very beginning and feared what was going to happen - and it did. Almost every black person I know voted for him - some in their 40's who have never voted before, registered and voted according to skin color and what the "brother" would do for them. But that's not being racist, is it?
You sound like me especially when commenting on the fact of Obama being a wimp. Our country has been taken over and being the majority of americans are undereducated, ignorant, and lack critical thinking skills, they believe in all the media says defending, hiding, and absolving "The Bastard" as I lovingly think of him, from illegally representing the presidency. I think its too late.
Sarah, thanks for your post. Perhaps you can enlighten me as to why all the black voters who claim to have voted for Obama because he is black seem to be blind to the fact that he is half white. Granted, he definitely holds onto and talks more about his black heritage then he does his white heritage, but if they voted for him because he is black, it seems to me that would mean they didn't want to vote for someone who is white. Nobody seems to want to discuss this. Nobody should cares who he is, but what he is.
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I found this somewhere on the Internet. He looks better as a "White man", don't you think? |
I don't know about you, but none of the half-White/half-Black people that I'd seen had dark skin unless they went and got themselves a really good tan! And he got those dark lips from smoking too many cigarettes during his 30-year habit. Obama is about as Black as Michael Jackson was White!
It's time to put an American in the White House, even if that American happens to be just a Naturalized Citizen.
Okay, America, let's vote for some "Real Change" this time around! Vote for me, Cine-Man, because I'm not an illegal alien, I'm a Naturalized Citizen.
They'll probably have Arnold, the "Gubernator", Schwarzenegger ( another Naturalized Citizen ) run against me. But I have the advantages of speaking English better, of being cuter, and of never having f-cked-up a State Budget!
How can I mess-up the budget if I'm such a big cheapskate? I shop at the dollar store all of the time, after all. If I ran this country, I'd probably create such a Budget Surplus that historians will refer to it as: The Dollar Store Economy. "Always Low Prices", guaranteed--sorry, Wal-Mart's. LOL
If I win, everyone who voted for me will get a Free Movie Pass. Ha, ha, ha. Okay, 2016, here I come!
'See ya at the movies, for sure ....
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From www.zazzle.com. A possible "Real Change" campaign slogan for me. |
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