where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Sunday, September 15th, 2013
show: 8:35 p.m.
costs: $10.00 Ticket + $1.00 5.0 oz Muncheros Crunchy Peanuts ( bought at the nearby Dollar Tree Store in the Target Shopping Center and smuggled-in ) + $4.50 1-litre Dasani Water = $15.50
auditorium: 14
seat: 5th row ( counting from the front ), 6th column ( counting from the left )
synopsis/overview: For Elise ( Lin Shaye )
Something from beyond has come to exact revenge on the Lambert family.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Paranormal investigation circa 1986; 2.) "I think it's stupid"; 3.) Piano; 4.) "You first"; 5.) VHS tape; 6.) "You have to go"; 7.) "How is that possible"; 8.) Forensics result; 9.) "Row, row, row your boat"; 10.) Old acquaintance; 11.) Dick; 12.) "This was an ICU"; 13.) "Your dead soul is killing his living skin"; 14.) Old patient's record; 15.) The song; 16.) "Hey, look! They left the window open"; 17.) Rocking horse; 18.) "If she sees you, she'll make me kill you"; 19.) "I'm not Foster" [ Andrew Astor ]; 20.) Portrait; 21.) Bride in Black; 22.) "It's not the house"; 23.) Code word; 24.) Knife; 25.) "I know you, don't I"; 26.) "He's got your baby"; 27.) Reunion; 28.) Memories; 29.) "So, that's what that was all about"; 30.) Teapot; 31.) Little boy; 32.) I played your song; and 33.) "The accident was no accident."
audience reaction: The audience seemed to like this movie.
recommendation: I didn't like this movie. It was "comical" in its delivery. I had to restrain myself from heckling this movie. It is strictly a rental.
spoiler alert! Don't tell me that the gender-confused boy's mom went around in public wearing that kind of a hideous makeup! The strangle-hold on the woman was wrong---You cannot quickly kill someone using that kind of a hold. There are no such things as fogs, flashlights and lamps, or houses--or solid land to walk on, in the dark after-world--listen to someone who knows: Me! There is only one scary scene in this movie along the line of "Boo! gotcha ...." This movie uses stupid, loud and grating "music" that was in common use maybe around 50 years ago.
fyi: According to the Canadian Psychic ( he looked like a young version of the '70s US Diplomat, Henry Kissinger ) who taught me over a decade ago how to destroy bad ghosts ( I said Ghosts, this technique doesn't work on Spirits or Demons ), when you leave your body as you go on an out-of-body astral travel, any ghost which happens to be nearby will be able to see you as if you are a searchlight shining in the dark!
Imagine leaving your body and, all of a sudden, from out of nowhere in the darkness, you feel an invisible hand slam hard against your forehead and shove you back into your own body! Or, how about awakening in your darkened room to the feel of a pair of hands grabbing at your head while another pair of hands is grabbing at your ankles as if a couple of invisible entities have decided to play Tug-of-War with your body in the darkness while, at the same time, you hear a diabolical laughter in the background? Or, how about awakening in the dark because a pair of invisible hands has grabbed you by the head and is trying to break your neck by twisting your head to either side? I've experienced all these and suchlike encounters throughout the years.
And, in an out-of-body state, I once ventured into the world of darkness to issue a challenge to the dark entities because I want to get even with them all. A number of them had taken me up on the challenge, only one almost killed me in a sneak attack ( read my blog on OMG--OH MY GOD! [ Oct. 8ht, 2012 ] ).
The realm immediately after the physical world is a vast expanse of darkness inhabited by dark entities which crave what humans have: Physical Existence! You cannot see them because they're dark but these base entities can see your soul when you do an out-of-body astral travel simply because you're yet alive which makes your soul "glow" in the dark to them, drawing them in like moths to a flame. I call this dark realm The Wilderness Of Sin. This vast expanse of darkness is mentioned in the New Testament of The Bible as the place "where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth" [ Matthew 22: 12-14, 24: 50-51; Luke 13: 27-29 ]. This is the place inhabited by Lost Souls, Evil Spirits and Demons, i.e. Whoremongers ( Sexually Immoral ), Sorcerers, Idolaters, Murderers, Liars and Dogs. In the New Testament's Book of Revelation, the word Dogs mean the Fearful ( the Faithless ), the Unbelieving ( the Atheists and Agnostics ) and the Abominable ( the Blasphemers ) [ Revelation 21: 8, 22: 15 ]. The one who successfully traverses The Wilderness Of Sin and enters into the Kingdom of God is called the Overcomer [ Revelation 21: 7 ].
Jesus Christ said, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God ... and all these things shall be added unto you" [ Matthew 6: 33 ]. This may seem out of context in light of what chapter 6 expounds upon but ... you cannot really approach God without first entering into His Kingdom--'just plain ol' common sense. Remember, after Jesus Christ was baptized, the Devil tempted Him by telling Him that he, Satan, rules this God-forsaken World [ Matthew 4: 8-9 ]. So, leave the Sinful World to seek God's Holy Kingdom but know beforehand that between Earth and His Kingdom is the Wilderness of Sin. Here's a fitting analogy: In Medieval Time, you're a traveler walking alone in the forest on your way to a safe, fortified city. Will you feel safe walking alone in the forest knowing that there are wild, man-eating beasts lurking about, and the relative safety of the fortified city is over a day's journey away? And Jesus Christ did say that anyone who loves his/her life will lose it [ John 12: 25 ], i.e. anyone who will not dare cross the Wilderness of Sin in search of the Kingdom of God because he/she feels safe and comfortable in the physicality of his/her insular world.
Avoid "christians" who are too scared to even see a horror movie for fear that they will have nightmares about it. And avoid "christians" who sleep with the lights on! ( I keep my condo as dark and as quiet as much as possible in order to attract entities who might be stupid enough to try and engage me in a battle of Faith. And think of the money I save on my monthly electric bill--I pay around $12.00/month on my electric bill! )
When you venture into the Wilderness of Sin, you will not be alone. Your Guardian Angel will be there with you. Although your Guardian Angel keeps itself invisible in the wilderness it is there with you at all times should you become "overwhelmed" and be in need of its assistance. I must stress the word Assistance--You don't get a "free ride" without doing any necessary work on your own! After all, your Divine Gift of Free Will makes you responsible for your own Salvation. Remember, whenever two or more are gathered in God's Name, God is in their midst, too [ Matthew 18: 20 ]---So, you're not really alone by your lonesome self when you find yourself in the Wilderness of Sin.
Faith Tip for the Day: The name "Jesus Christ" strikes fear in the "hearts" of these dark entities. And I really don't know why because The Messiah's true name in Hebrew is not Jesus Christ, it is Y'Shua ( or a variation thereof )! Feel free to use the name "Jesus Christ" as your first-and-only line of defense--I use it as my last line of defense because I'm hell-bent ( or should that be "heaven"-bent ) on revenge!
If the dark entities cannot overcome you in the Wilderness of Sin, they will find somebody in the Physical World near you who is spiritually unevolved and possess such a weak and faithless person and have it do their work for them and attack you in the Physical World. That's why Jesus Christ told his Apostles and Disciples to be humble [ through 1 Peter 5: 6 ] and to love their enemies [ Matthew 5: 44 ] and to offer the other cheek [ Matthew 5: 39 ]. He also said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" [ Luke 23: 34 ]. A word of caution here: These teachings were given to His Apostles and Disciples and, in turn, were handed down to ONLY THOSE WHO WERE/ARE ACTIVELY CULTIVATING THEIR OWN SPIRITUALITY! These teachings are not meant for those who take God's Name in Vain and just pay Him lip-service!!!
Have I found the Kingdom of God? No. That can wait. I want to get even first with all of the dark entities who terrorized me since I was a helpless little boy! Why had I been under constant attack? Simple, I don't belong to them---I'm their enemy. And if Bad Ghosts, Evil Spirits and Demons all consider me their sworn enemy, guess whose side I am on? And I take great comfort in that. Amen ....
word of advice: Home is where the entity is.
tidbits: After the movie ended, a man seated a few seats to my right jokingly said to his two sons, "Well, my mind is blown."
A bit of bad news for you, my readers: I'm taking a sabbatical from blog posting for the next few months because my free time is now taken-up by my on-line study. I'm taking an on-line course and will have to devote my free time to it.
On the practical side of things, I've been blogging for well over 4 years and have not made one single penny on any of the ads I've posted on my blogsite---Honestly! And since I'm getting close to retirement age, I need to find ways of supplementing my income. Which is why I'm taking an on-line course and hoping for the best.
But I will blog about a movie once in a while if I have something good to write about in my fyi and/or tidbits sections.
'Til next time, then ....
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
RIDDICK, R ( 1 hr & 59 min )
where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Thursday, September 5th, 2013
show: 10:00 p.m. Advanced Screening
costs: $10.50 Ticket + $1.77 bulk Chocolate Candies + $4.50 1-L Dasani Water = $
auditorium: 2
seat: 4th row ( counting from the front ), 5th column ( counting from the left )
synopsis/overview: Court intrigue lands Riddick ( Vin Diesel ) on an alien planet. His only means of escape is to trigger an emergency beacon at an abandoned outpost. But the beacon brings with it two problems: a group, out for justice, that wants to arrest him; and a group of bounty hunters greedy for a reward on his head.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Left for dead; 2.) "Dogs"; 3.) Map; 4.) "Not Furya"; 5.) "I got civilized'; 6.) Venom; 7.) Pool creature encounter; 8.) "I thought we shared everything"; 9.) MRE; 10.) "'Looks like our time is up here"; 11.) "Bounty doubled"; 12.) "Cut that 60.0 kilos loose"; 13.) "I was getting attached to her"; 14.) "Here comes the neighbor"; 15.) Malfunction; 16.) Traps; 17.) "So, this was overkill, huh?"; 18.) "One night, three dead"; 19.) "I'm pretty sure we killed that one"; 20.) "Barium detected"; 21.) Sideshow; 22.) "May all your dreams come true"; 23.) "He could be anywhere"; 24.) "I don't f*ck guys, either"; 25.) "Fair trade"; 26.) "Are you scared of me"; 27.) "Incompatible ships"; 28.) '"Too late for back-up"; 29.) The father; 30.) Tranquilizer; 31.) Interrogation; 32.) "I know what's coming"; 33.) "Why don't we sit this one out"; 34.) "'Small ones are the worst"; 35.) "You said, 'No weapons'"; 36.) Morphine; 37.) Ground game; 38.) High ground; and 39.) "Sooner or later, we have to head home."
audience reaction: The audience sort of liked this movie.
recommendation: I didn't like this movie--save for two scenes ( heh, heh, heh ). You'd have to be a fan of the first installment if you really want to see this on the Big Screen. Otherwise, wait for this to come out as a rental.
spoiler alert! Why didn't that bird use its claws to try to free itself? The leg plate which he screwed to his leg bone was done unsanitarily. In that sparsely vegetated planet, Riddick should have died of malnutrition well before his "puppy" became full-grown. If they were capable of interplanetary travel, why were they not equipped with infra-red, thermal imaging and night-vision goggles to better hunt down their quarry with? When Riddick was coming down on his enemy, the bad guy had enough chance to fire-off a few shots--even the guy seated two seats to my right made the same observation when he expressed it vocally to his girlfriend.
fyi: When the Bone Marrow is introduced to an environmental contaminant, it sets the stage for some serious infection.
The last time that I was in Grand Rapids, Michigan, my sister gave me some MREs ( meals ready to eat ) that someone from the military gave to her. The packaged meals were actually quite tasty; and there were quite an assortment of entrees too. Unlike the k-rations which I had for the first time back in 1982 which were limited in selection and were just "palatable" in taste.
word of advice: If you want to finish-off someone, do a thorough job of it.
tidbits: I started my day off with an 8:45 a.m. appointment with my Chiropractor ( I had to reschedule my usual every-other Monday appointment because this Monday was Labor Day, a Holiday ).
Then, I went to my Periodontist to pay $100.oo for a cleaning. I still have $136.oo left to pay, which I'll do within the next two weeks.
And I went to the Goin' Postal Store in the Food Maxx Shopping Center here in Vallejo to pay the fee on my postal box. The fee increased from $37.oo to $43.oo! And I hardly ever use my box; I only use it for when I order a big merchandise on-line. I will have to close this account if they raise the fee next year.
I then went to Benicia, CA, to pick-up my paycheck and to shop at the Safeway Supermarket for ingredients that I would need for the Corned Beef and Cabbage that I planned on cooking later on in the day.
I made a deposit in my savings account at the Benicia BofA ( Bank of America ). Next, I drove to the nearby Chevron Gas Station to gas-up my car and to buy some lottery tickets. And I went to the Benicia Chase Bank to make a deposit in my checking account.
As I was about to back-up my car, I noticed something familiar across the parking lot from Chase Bank. There, on the sidewalk in front of Starbucks, was a vintage Piaggio Stella Scooter. It was beige-and-red in color and looked a little beat-up for its age. I went and had a chat with its owner because I'd never seen one up-close and personal. This classic vintage scooter is now popularly reiterated as the new Genuine Scooter 4-stroke Stella. It is made in India by the same company which makes engines for Vespa. It is essentially like the old Stella except that it has a glove box, has a better front brake, has an electric start, and comes with the option of a rear chrome rack and rear mirrors. The old Stella could only go 45 mph while the new Stella can go up to 65 mph. And the new Stella is claimed to go 140 miles on a gallon of gas! This is a definite must-have, if you're looking for a city-commuter type of scooter---Oh, 'less I forget, the new Stella also comes with an optional side-car. The world-famous singer, Billy Joel has a green Genuine Scooter 4-stroke Stella with a side-car. I'd like to get one in the blue/white two-tone combo.
Then, I was on my way to Oakland, CA, to visit my friend Hector and his sons, whom I haven't seen since April when his wife was rushed to the hospital---She's still in the hospital!!! I don't know how he can afford the medical expenses since he's retired and is on a fixed income.
One of Hector's sons, Tito, is a mechanic on disability. I wanted him to show me how to replace the headlight assemblies on my 2001 Hyundai Accent.
If you remember, I went to a local dealership a few months ago to have the headlights replaced. But the dealer quoted me a price of about $250.oo for a single OEM headlight assembly--and I needed a pair.
I went to Pep Boys to see if they could just restore my headlight lenses. But the mechanic told me that the headlight restoration job was only good for a year because the headlight lightbulbs are high-intensity bulbs that "cook" the headlight lens from the inside. So, in the long run, I was better off just having the headlight assemblies replaced, especially since the bulbs were still the original 2001 pair and would soon need replacement, too.
I went on-line and came upon www.partsgeek.com. And they had After-Market replacement headlight assemblies for my car. I ordered a pair for only $86.oo ( each headlight assembly was just $43.oo ).
As I waited for Tito to come home from running errands, I spent the time cleaning my tires and wheels. I used a cheap tire-and-wheel cleaner that I bought earlier in the day at the 99-Cent Only Store in Vallejo.
Hector's youngest son, Ivan, offered to sell me his brand-new Bluetooth at a discount. But since I was on a tight budget because my workplace screwed-up my pay the last two weeks, I couldn't buy it from him. Maybe, later.
Hector's two cats, Sylvester ( the female ) and Snow White ( a.k.a. Harry Potter ) had a baby kitten. But it died after just being alive for a month. Poor kitten.
If you remember, I renamed Snow White as Harry Potter because, just like his famous namesake, he is white and has a "lightning streak" birthmark on his forehead---Well, the word should be "Had" because his birthmark is no longer visible. Maybe, somebody bleached it out. Ha, ha, ha.
When Tito finally arrived home, and after he rested-up for a short while, we went to work on replacing my headlight assemblies. I replaced the headlights on my 1978 Honda Civic and on my 1994 Geo Metro years ago. But the Hyundai Accent headlight assemblies proved tricky to work on. Tito finally figured-out that in order for each headlight assembly to be replaced, we had to unbolt the fenders at the top and move each one up an inch and out of the way! The battery had to be removed as well. But the end result was professional; and my new headlights are now 3X brighter. Tito saved me approximately $470.oo in out-of-pocket expense had I chosen to have the dealer replace my headlight assemblies, instead. I gave him $40.oo for his help. The next time that I visit him, I will buy a part for his car engine.
-These are the headlights on my 2001 Hyundai Accent before Tito and I replaced them. The time was around 5:50 p.m. when I took these photos. Notice how badly oxidized the lenses are.
These are the new replacement headlight assemblies that Tito and I installed on my Hyundai Accent. The time was around 6:37 p.m. when I took these photos. We spent the better part of the time scrounging around for the tools that Tito's dad, Hector, somehow misplaced.
After we finished replacing my headlights, Tito asked who cleaned my tires. I said that I did, that I used a cheap tire and wheel cleaner that I bought at the 99-Cent Only Store. He told me not to use the cheap stuff because it will just dry out my tires. I said that that was exactly what my mechanic at Wheel Works said. I'm just gonna have to buy a better quality cleaner for next time.
Then, we went to pick up Tito's father, Hector, who stayed the whole day with his wife, Elsa, at a nearby hospital. We rode in the used 2000 Ford Taurus that Hector bought. Tito was angry when his dad bought the Taurus because he looked at them at the used car lot and told his dad specifically NOT TO BUY EITHER OF THE TWO USED FORD TAURUS cars on the lot. But Hector, after some "advise" from his other son, Isma ( who is not a mechanic ), went and bought one of the two Taurus cars anyway---And he's paying $300.oo a month on a car that sounds and drives like it is on its "last leg"!!! Since he was paying that much for a car, he should have gotten a new one, instead! But it is just I and Tito talking ....
Anyway, as I was cooking the Corned Beef and Cabbage, Hector said that Russia and China were sending their warships to Syria because of the planned US attack on Assad's military in response to the use of Chemical Weapons against the Syrian civilians. And I said that if we ever get into a war with China, I will personally launch an attack on all the Chinese Buffet Restaurants here in Northern California! My famous namesake once said, "An army travels on its stomach." Well, them Chinese commies won't be able to travel far if they decide to invade California because I will have already eaten their food supply by then! They will learn the hard way not to mess with Cine-Man, a.k.a. Pig-Out Man!!!
where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Thursday, September 5th, 2013
show: 10:00 p.m. Advanced Screening
costs: $10.50 Ticket + $1.77 bulk Chocolate Candies + $4.50 1-L Dasani Water = $
auditorium: 2
seat: 4th row ( counting from the front ), 5th column ( counting from the left )
synopsis/overview: Court intrigue lands Riddick ( Vin Diesel ) on an alien planet. His only means of escape is to trigger an emergency beacon at an abandoned outpost. But the beacon brings with it two problems: a group, out for justice, that wants to arrest him; and a group of bounty hunters greedy for a reward on his head.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Left for dead; 2.) "Dogs"; 3.) Map; 4.) "Not Furya"; 5.) "I got civilized'; 6.) Venom; 7.) Pool creature encounter; 8.) "I thought we shared everything"; 9.) MRE; 10.) "'Looks like our time is up here"; 11.) "Bounty doubled"; 12.) "Cut that 60.0 kilos loose"; 13.) "I was getting attached to her"; 14.) "Here comes the neighbor"; 15.) Malfunction; 16.) Traps; 17.) "So, this was overkill, huh?"; 18.) "One night, three dead"; 19.) "I'm pretty sure we killed that one"; 20.) "Barium detected"; 21.) Sideshow; 22.) "May all your dreams come true"; 23.) "He could be anywhere"; 24.) "I don't f*ck guys, either"; 25.) "Fair trade"; 26.) "Are you scared of me"; 27.) "Incompatible ships"; 28.) '"Too late for back-up"; 29.) The father; 30.) Tranquilizer; 31.) Interrogation; 32.) "I know what's coming"; 33.) "Why don't we sit this one out"; 34.) "'Small ones are the worst"; 35.) "You said, 'No weapons'"; 36.) Morphine; 37.) Ground game; 38.) High ground; and 39.) "Sooner or later, we have to head home."
audience reaction: The audience sort of liked this movie.
recommendation: I didn't like this movie--save for two scenes ( heh, heh, heh ). You'd have to be a fan of the first installment if you really want to see this on the Big Screen. Otherwise, wait for this to come out as a rental.
spoiler alert! Why didn't that bird use its claws to try to free itself? The leg plate which he screwed to his leg bone was done unsanitarily. In that sparsely vegetated planet, Riddick should have died of malnutrition well before his "puppy" became full-grown. If they were capable of interplanetary travel, why were they not equipped with infra-red, thermal imaging and night-vision goggles to better hunt down their quarry with? When Riddick was coming down on his enemy, the bad guy had enough chance to fire-off a few shots--even the guy seated two seats to my right made the same observation when he expressed it vocally to his girlfriend.
fyi: When the Bone Marrow is introduced to an environmental contaminant, it sets the stage for some serious infection.
The last time that I was in Grand Rapids, Michigan, my sister gave me some MREs ( meals ready to eat ) that someone from the military gave to her. The packaged meals were actually quite tasty; and there were quite an assortment of entrees too. Unlike the k-rations which I had for the first time back in 1982 which were limited in selection and were just "palatable" in taste.
word of advice: If you want to finish-off someone, do a thorough job of it.
tidbits: I started my day off with an 8:45 a.m. appointment with my Chiropractor ( I had to reschedule my usual every-other Monday appointment because this Monday was Labor Day, a Holiday ).
Then, I went to my Periodontist to pay $100.oo for a cleaning. I still have $136.oo left to pay, which I'll do within the next two weeks.
And I went to the Goin' Postal Store in the Food Maxx Shopping Center here in Vallejo to pay the fee on my postal box. The fee increased from $37.oo to $43.oo! And I hardly ever use my box; I only use it for when I order a big merchandise on-line. I will have to close this account if they raise the fee next year.
I then went to Benicia, CA, to pick-up my paycheck and to shop at the Safeway Supermarket for ingredients that I would need for the Corned Beef and Cabbage that I planned on cooking later on in the day.
I made a deposit in my savings account at the Benicia BofA ( Bank of America ). Next, I drove to the nearby Chevron Gas Station to gas-up my car and to buy some lottery tickets. And I went to the Benicia Chase Bank to make a deposit in my checking account.
As I was about to back-up my car, I noticed something familiar across the parking lot from Chase Bank. There, on the sidewalk in front of Starbucks, was a vintage Piaggio Stella Scooter. It was beige-and-red in color and looked a little beat-up for its age. I went and had a chat with its owner because I'd never seen one up-close and personal. This classic vintage scooter is now popularly reiterated as the new Genuine Scooter 4-stroke Stella. It is made in India by the same company which makes engines for Vespa. It is essentially like the old Stella except that it has a glove box, has a better front brake, has an electric start, and comes with the option of a rear chrome rack and rear mirrors. The old Stella could only go 45 mph while the new Stella can go up to 65 mph. And the new Stella is claimed to go 140 miles on a gallon of gas! This is a definite must-have, if you're looking for a city-commuter type of scooter---Oh, 'less I forget, the new Stella also comes with an optional side-car. The world-famous singer, Billy Joel has a green Genuine Scooter 4-stroke Stella with a side-car. I'd like to get one in the blue/white two-tone combo.
![]() |
I found this on the Internet. I believe that this is a Genuine Scooter Stella, not the Piaggio Stella of the '70s. |
Then, I was on my way to Oakland, CA, to visit my friend Hector and his sons, whom I haven't seen since April when his wife was rushed to the hospital---She's still in the hospital!!! I don't know how he can afford the medical expenses since he's retired and is on a fixed income.
One of Hector's sons, Tito, is a mechanic on disability. I wanted him to show me how to replace the headlight assemblies on my 2001 Hyundai Accent.
If you remember, I went to a local dealership a few months ago to have the headlights replaced. But the dealer quoted me a price of about $250.oo for a single OEM headlight assembly--and I needed a pair.
I went to Pep Boys to see if they could just restore my headlight lenses. But the mechanic told me that the headlight restoration job was only good for a year because the headlight lightbulbs are high-intensity bulbs that "cook" the headlight lens from the inside. So, in the long run, I was better off just having the headlight assemblies replaced, especially since the bulbs were still the original 2001 pair and would soon need replacement, too.
I went on-line and came upon www.partsgeek.com. And they had After-Market replacement headlight assemblies for my car. I ordered a pair for only $86.oo ( each headlight assembly was just $43.oo ).
As I waited for Tito to come home from running errands, I spent the time cleaning my tires and wheels. I used a cheap tire-and-wheel cleaner that I bought earlier in the day at the 99-Cent Only Store in Vallejo.
Hector's youngest son, Ivan, offered to sell me his brand-new Bluetooth at a discount. But since I was on a tight budget because my workplace screwed-up my pay the last two weeks, I couldn't buy it from him. Maybe, later.
Hector's two cats, Sylvester ( the female ) and Snow White ( a.k.a. Harry Potter ) had a baby kitten. But it died after just being alive for a month. Poor kitten.
If you remember, I renamed Snow White as Harry Potter because, just like his famous namesake, he is white and has a "lightning streak" birthmark on his forehead---Well, the word should be "Had" because his birthmark is no longer visible. Maybe, somebody bleached it out. Ha, ha, ha.
When Tito finally arrived home, and after he rested-up for a short while, we went to work on replacing my headlight assemblies. I replaced the headlights on my 1978 Honda Civic and on my 1994 Geo Metro years ago. But the Hyundai Accent headlight assemblies proved tricky to work on. Tito finally figured-out that in order for each headlight assembly to be replaced, we had to unbolt the fenders at the top and move each one up an inch and out of the way! The battery had to be removed as well. But the end result was professional; and my new headlights are now 3X brighter. Tito saved me approximately $470.oo in out-of-pocket expense had I chosen to have the dealer replace my headlight assemblies, instead. I gave him $40.oo for his help. The next time that I visit him, I will buy a part for his car engine.
After we finished replacing my headlights, Tito asked who cleaned my tires. I said that I did, that I used a cheap tire and wheel cleaner that I bought at the 99-Cent Only Store. He told me not to use the cheap stuff because it will just dry out my tires. I said that that was exactly what my mechanic at Wheel Works said. I'm just gonna have to buy a better quality cleaner for next time.
Then, we went to pick up Tito's father, Hector, who stayed the whole day with his wife, Elsa, at a nearby hospital. We rode in the used 2000 Ford Taurus that Hector bought. Tito was angry when his dad bought the Taurus because he looked at them at the used car lot and told his dad specifically NOT TO BUY EITHER OF THE TWO USED FORD TAURUS cars on the lot. But Hector, after some "advise" from his other son, Isma ( who is not a mechanic ), went and bought one of the two Taurus cars anyway---And he's paying $300.oo a month on a car that sounds and drives like it is on its "last leg"!!! Since he was paying that much for a car, he should have gotten a new one, instead! But it is just I and Tito talking ....
Anyway, as I was cooking the Corned Beef and Cabbage, Hector said that Russia and China were sending their warships to Syria because of the planned US attack on Assad's military in response to the use of Chemical Weapons against the Syrian civilians. And I said that if we ever get into a war with China, I will personally launch an attack on all the Chinese Buffet Restaurants here in Northern California! My famous namesake once said, "An army travels on its stomach." Well, them Chinese commies won't be able to travel far if they decide to invade California because I will have already eaten their food supply by then! They will learn the hard way not to mess with Cine-Man, a.k.a. Pig-Out Man!!!
THE GRANDMASTER, PG-13 ( 2 hr & 10 min )
I went to see this on Saturday, August 31st, 2013, in Fairfield, CA, at the EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX for the 10:20 p.m. show in auditorium 15, 4th row ( counting from the front ), 5th column ( counting from the left ). The price of admission was $11.50. I ate at the Hometown Buffet Restaurant across the street before I went to see this movie ( I spent $15--something for dinner and tip ).
Quickie Review: Before the beginning of the Japanese Occupation of China during World War II, a highly-skilled martial artist from Southern China is tested to see if he is deserving of the Martial Arts Grandmaster title when the current Grandmaster prepares to step down. Based on the life of the legendary Wing Chun Kung Fu Master, Ip Man, mentor of the late, great Jeet Kune Do Founder, Bruce Lee.
The audience liked it.
I didn't. Although it was kept to a minimum, wire-work was obviously employed in certain scenes. It was because of this that my enjoyment of the movie was spoiled. Go see this if you like watching a martial arts dance movie.
But there are other things in this movie that spoiled it for me: Before I go down the list of things that are wrong about this movie, allow me to say that the fight scenes are done more with fancy style and less with practical substance---And it is all just a well-choreographed "dance". In the first fight, where Ip Man ( Tony Leung ), was surrounded by armed bad guys, he would have been easily defeated had all of them rushed him at once! In a situation such as that where you find yourself surrounded by bad guys, Adrenaline kicks-in while you're deliberating between Fight or Flight and your Fine Motor Skills ( needed to execute fancy moves ) all go flying out the window. In other words, a good composure in such an instance is impossible unless you can anticipate your enemies' every move BECAUSE YOU'RE A PSYCHIC and/or YOU CAN SEE ALL AROUND YOU ( and you can move very fast, have powerful punches and kicks, and you don't get tired very easily )!!! A real fight doesn't drag on for a long time; it's usually over in a few seconds---And, even then, whether you are the winner or the loser, more than likely, you'll come out of the "few-seconds-fight" gasping for breath--and good luck to you if you're out-of-shape and/or are a chain-smoker! The bad guy that he kicked in the right knee and who eventually got kicked to the ground didn't react to his knee injury in the right way when he fell. In the first fight scene, why didn't the bad guys realize soon enough that the reason why their collective asses were being handed to them by the hat-wearing Ip Man was because their vision was being impaired by the pouring rain? Before he fought Gong Er ( Zhang Ziyi ), Ip Man said that if ANYTHING got broken, she'd win the fight---How stupid of a pre-fight condition is that?!?!?! Never mind that a bunch of bad guys that he fought with earlier probably ended-up with broken bones ( but "won" anyway ...? )! I guess Wing Chun Kung Fu doesn't have any Joint Locks and Submission Holds in its arsenal. A Cardinal Rule in Close-Quarters Fighting is to Never Turn Your Back On Your Enemy!!! Turning your back on your enemy as you deliver alternating back-fist strikes will only get your arms and/or shoulders put out of commission by a fighter such as myself before your butt gets kicked to the ground! Zhang Ziyi was probably channeling Kristen Stewart while acting in this movie, what with her expressionless eyes! A disclaimer at the end says that the characters are fictional, making this movie which is "based on the life of Ip Man" just a fancy work of fiction.
The one thing that I liked in this movie was Ip Man's use of Open-Palm Strikes, which are practical to use against multiple attackers because the bones in the fists are kept safe from breaking.
I once observed from far away an old Chinese man doing Tai Chi. As I watched him, I noticed that even from such a distance I Could Feel His Chi! I mentioned this to a Vietnamese-Chinese co-worker, Dang. He told me that that was good because it meant I had good Chi. But I answered Dang by telling him that the old Tai Chi Master knew how to manipulate his energy and that I was only sensitive to it; meaning, if the old Tai Chi Master and I got into a fight I WOULD STRONGLY FEEL EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS PUNCHES AND KICKS---Ouch!!!
I do know how to manipulate my Chi: I can move it anywhere on my body but I cannot project my Chi consciously at somebody else. And before I saw that old Tai Chi Master, I could never feel anybody else's Chi.
At one other time, I mentioned to "John", a Chinese co-worker from mainland China, that I was using Ginseng. He told me to stop using it because my Chi was very strong. I asked him how he could tell. He just smiled at me and walked away. Damn! those mainland Chinese sure are so secretive!
The next time that I eat at Hometown Buffet Restaurant, I will be sure to sneak-in some burrito-size tortillas because they only have taco-size ones--and they would always run-out of them before I could get a chance to make myself a big, fat burrito.
I went to see this on Saturday, August 31st, 2013, in Fairfield, CA, at the EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX for the 10:20 p.m. show in auditorium 15, 4th row ( counting from the front ), 5th column ( counting from the left ). The price of admission was $11.50. I ate at the Hometown Buffet Restaurant across the street before I went to see this movie ( I spent $15--something for dinner and tip ).
Quickie Review: Before the beginning of the Japanese Occupation of China during World War II, a highly-skilled martial artist from Southern China is tested to see if he is deserving of the Martial Arts Grandmaster title when the current Grandmaster prepares to step down. Based on the life of the legendary Wing Chun Kung Fu Master, Ip Man, mentor of the late, great Jeet Kune Do Founder, Bruce Lee.
The audience liked it.
I didn't. Although it was kept to a minimum, wire-work was obviously employed in certain scenes. It was because of this that my enjoyment of the movie was spoiled. Go see this if you like watching a martial arts dance movie.
But there are other things in this movie that spoiled it for me: Before I go down the list of things that are wrong about this movie, allow me to say that the fight scenes are done more with fancy style and less with practical substance---And it is all just a well-choreographed "dance". In the first fight, where Ip Man ( Tony Leung ), was surrounded by armed bad guys, he would have been easily defeated had all of them rushed him at once! In a situation such as that where you find yourself surrounded by bad guys, Adrenaline kicks-in while you're deliberating between Fight or Flight and your Fine Motor Skills ( needed to execute fancy moves ) all go flying out the window. In other words, a good composure in such an instance is impossible unless you can anticipate your enemies' every move BECAUSE YOU'RE A PSYCHIC and/or YOU CAN SEE ALL AROUND YOU ( and you can move very fast, have powerful punches and kicks, and you don't get tired very easily )!!! A real fight doesn't drag on for a long time; it's usually over in a few seconds---And, even then, whether you are the winner or the loser, more than likely, you'll come out of the "few-seconds-fight" gasping for breath--and good luck to you if you're out-of-shape and/or are a chain-smoker! The bad guy that he kicked in the right knee and who eventually got kicked to the ground didn't react to his knee injury in the right way when he fell. In the first fight scene, why didn't the bad guys realize soon enough that the reason why their collective asses were being handed to them by the hat-wearing Ip Man was because their vision was being impaired by the pouring rain? Before he fought Gong Er ( Zhang Ziyi ), Ip Man said that if ANYTHING got broken, she'd win the fight---How stupid of a pre-fight condition is that?!?!?! Never mind that a bunch of bad guys that he fought with earlier probably ended-up with broken bones ( but "won" anyway ...? )! I guess Wing Chun Kung Fu doesn't have any Joint Locks and Submission Holds in its arsenal. A Cardinal Rule in Close-Quarters Fighting is to Never Turn Your Back On Your Enemy!!! Turning your back on your enemy as you deliver alternating back-fist strikes will only get your arms and/or shoulders put out of commission by a fighter such as myself before your butt gets kicked to the ground! Zhang Ziyi was probably channeling Kristen Stewart while acting in this movie, what with her expressionless eyes! A disclaimer at the end says that the characters are fictional, making this movie which is "based on the life of Ip Man" just a fancy work of fiction.
The one thing that I liked in this movie was Ip Man's use of Open-Palm Strikes, which are practical to use against multiple attackers because the bones in the fists are kept safe from breaking.
I once observed from far away an old Chinese man doing Tai Chi. As I watched him, I noticed that even from such a distance I Could Feel His Chi! I mentioned this to a Vietnamese-Chinese co-worker, Dang. He told me that that was good because it meant I had good Chi. But I answered Dang by telling him that the old Tai Chi Master knew how to manipulate his energy and that I was only sensitive to it; meaning, if the old Tai Chi Master and I got into a fight I WOULD STRONGLY FEEL EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS PUNCHES AND KICKS---Ouch!!!
I do know how to manipulate my Chi: I can move it anywhere on my body but I cannot project my Chi consciously at somebody else. And before I saw that old Tai Chi Master, I could never feel anybody else's Chi.
At one other time, I mentioned to "John", a Chinese co-worker from mainland China, that I was using Ginseng. He told me to stop using it because my Chi was very strong. I asked him how he could tell. He just smiled at me and walked away. Damn! those mainland Chinese sure are so secretive!
The next time that I eat at Hometown Buffet Restaurant, I will be sure to sneak-in some burrito-size tortillas because they only have taco-size ones--and they would always run-out of them before I could get a chance to make myself a big, fat burrito.
Monday, September 9, 2013
LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER, PG-13 ( 2 hr & 12 min )
I didn't see this movie nor do I want to see it at any time in the future. My father served in the US Army in WWII and my friend Hector served in the US Marines in the Vietnam War. I am boycotting this movie out of respect and out of a strong sense of moral obligation to the servicemen and women who served in the Vietnam War and were betrayed by "Hanoi Jane" Fonda who plays the part of First Lady Nancy Reagan in this grossly inaccurate Hollywood movie.
And according to none other better/higher authority than Pres. Reagan's son, Michael, himself ...

Former President Reagan's administration is currently on display in the new movie "Lee Daniels' The Butler," where the 40th president is portrayed as a racist because he was in favor of lifting economic sanctions against South Africa.
"My father was not a racist, but the whole story ... is really a bogus story," says his son and Newsmax contributor Michael Reagan in an exclusive Newsmax interview.
Reagan said the movie, which supposedly is based on the life of Eugene Allen, who worked as a butler in the White House for 34 years, is filled with inaccuracies for the purpose of disparaging his father's name.
I didn't see this movie nor do I want to see it at any time in the future. My father served in the US Army in WWII and my friend Hector served in the US Marines in the Vietnam War. I am boycotting this movie out of respect and out of a strong sense of moral obligation to the servicemen and women who served in the Vietnam War and were betrayed by "Hanoi Jane" Fonda who plays the part of First Lady Nancy Reagan in this grossly inaccurate Hollywood movie.
And according to none other better/higher authority than Pres. Reagan's son, Michael, himself ...
Michael Reagan: 'The Butler' Disparages Memory of Ronald Reagan
Jane Fonda as Nancy Reagan and Alan Rickman as Ronald Reagan in a scene from "Lee Daniels' The Butler."
Tuesday, 27 Aug 2013 03:55 PM
By Courtney Coren
"My father was not a racist, but the whole story ... is really a bogus story," says his son and Newsmax contributor Michael Reagan in an exclusive Newsmax interview.
Reagan said the movie, which supposedly is based on the life of Eugene Allen, who worked as a butler in the White House for 34 years, is filled with inaccuracies for the purpose of disparaging his father's name.
"Eugene Allen — whom I knew, by the way — is a guy who comes from segregated Virginia, gets a job at the White House, works there 34 years, retires in 1986.
"The story in the movie about Cecil Gaines, he was born and raised in Georgia, his mother was raped, his father was shot, he got a job at the White House, then he quit the White House to join a protest against America and what's going on in Vietnam and race, which is the farthest from the truth about Eugene Allen," Reagan explains.
"You could have done a movie just about Eugene Allen and it would have been a great movie about somebody working at the White House. But instead, Hollywood decided they want to make this about Ronald Reagan and disparage Ronald Reagan and others, and did the same thing to Eugene Allen's wife. To sit there and take his wife, make her an alcoholic, as Oprah Winfrey did, and have her have an affair with the neighbor is outrageous.
"I hope people who go see it don't believe it's a true story. Once again, it's a fictionalized account of a true person at the White House, but it's written and directed by a person who, in fact, has another agenda, and that's to disparage the memory of Ronald Reagan."
The son of the 40th president adds that it was his father — "that 'racist' Ronald Reagan" — who signed the law that gave us Martin Luther King Day. "People have forgotten that," he said.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/reagan-ronald-reagan-the/2013/08/27/id/522522?s=al&promo_code=14AA9-1#ixzz2eRyVlGzM
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"The story in the movie about Cecil Gaines, he was born and raised in Georgia, his mother was raped, his father was shot, he got a job at the White House, then he quit the White House to join a protest against America and what's going on in Vietnam and race, which is the farthest from the truth about Eugene Allen," Reagan explains.
"You could have done a movie just about Eugene Allen and it would have been a great movie about somebody working at the White House. But instead, Hollywood decided they want to make this about Ronald Reagan and disparage Ronald Reagan and others, and did the same thing to Eugene Allen's wife. To sit there and take his wife, make her an alcoholic, as Oprah Winfrey did, and have her have an affair with the neighbor is outrageous.
"I hope people who go see it don't believe it's a true story. Once again, it's a fictionalized account of a true person at the White House, but it's written and directed by a person who, in fact, has another agenda, and that's to disparage the memory of Ronald Reagan."
The son of the 40th president adds that it was his father — "that 'racist' Ronald Reagan" — who signed the law that gave us Martin Luther King Day. "People have forgotten that," he said.
Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/reagan-ronald-reagan-the/2013/08/27/id/522522?s=al&promo_code=14AA9-1#ixzz2eRyVlGzM
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Monday, September 2, 2013
INSTRUCTIONS NOT INCLUDED, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 55 min )
I went to see this today, Monday, September 2nd, 2013, here in Vallejo, CA, at the CENTURY 14 VALLEJO, for the 4:40 p.m. show in auditorium 8ht, 5th row ( counting from the front ), 9th column ( counting from the left ). The price of admission was $10.00. And I bought a $4.50 1-litre bottle of Dasani Water at the concessions counter.
Quickie Review: An irresponsible Acapulco playboy, Valentin ( Eugenio Derbez ), wakes up one day to find out that he is the father of a baby girl. In a futile attempt to track down the baby's mother who left it in his care, Valentin finds himself in Los Angeles where he becomes a stuntman to support his daughter, Maggie ( Loreto Peralta ). When Maggie's mother, Julie ( Jessica C. Lindsey ), reappears a few years later, the inevitable custody battle ensues. Then, Valentin realizes just how precious life with his daughter truly is and he turns his back on everything to be with his darling daughter, Maggie, forever.
The audience really liked this movie. And a whole bunch of them gave this movie a "Hands Clapper" ending.
I liked this movie, too. Except for its Ending---The Ending sucks! IMO. Go see this movie if you like Spanish Comedy with a Heart.
I stepped into the auditorium thinking that this movie was subtitled! Nope, it wasn't---The preview for this movie was, though! Talk about false advertisement. I wanted to walk out and demand to be given my money back. But I decided to stay and see if my limited command of the Spanish language would help see me through. It was daunting at times because, just like my friend Hector, a Puerto Rican, once told me, he would have a hard time understanding Mexican Spanish because Mexicans speak too fast. Yup, I definitely noticed that as I tried to be as attentive as a non-native speaker could watching a foreign movie. But, I guess, if they spoke Spanish at a slower rate this movie would have been four ( 4 ) hours long, instead! Ha, ha, ha.
I took a year of Spanish while I was in high school. But I didn't take more advanced courses because I soon realized that the only Spanish words I needed to know if I ever found myself in a Spanish-speaking country are these two words: ?Hablas Ingles? Am I not just so smart? Of course, in the Philippines, we have hundreds of Spanish and Spanish-based words. So, I was somewhat able to follow along as I sat watching this movie. And it helped that I look like them. Si ....
I went to see this today, Monday, September 2nd, 2013, here in Vallejo, CA, at the CENTURY 14 VALLEJO, for the 4:40 p.m. show in auditorium 8ht, 5th row ( counting from the front ), 9th column ( counting from the left ). The price of admission was $10.00. And I bought a $4.50 1-litre bottle of Dasani Water at the concessions counter.
Quickie Review: An irresponsible Acapulco playboy, Valentin ( Eugenio Derbez ), wakes up one day to find out that he is the father of a baby girl. In a futile attempt to track down the baby's mother who left it in his care, Valentin finds himself in Los Angeles where he becomes a stuntman to support his daughter, Maggie ( Loreto Peralta ). When Maggie's mother, Julie ( Jessica C. Lindsey ), reappears a few years later, the inevitable custody battle ensues. Then, Valentin realizes just how precious life with his daughter truly is and he turns his back on everything to be with his darling daughter, Maggie, forever.
The audience really liked this movie. And a whole bunch of them gave this movie a "Hands Clapper" ending.
I liked this movie, too. Except for its Ending---The Ending sucks! IMO. Go see this movie if you like Spanish Comedy with a Heart.
I stepped into the auditorium thinking that this movie was subtitled! Nope, it wasn't---The preview for this movie was, though! Talk about false advertisement. I wanted to walk out and demand to be given my money back. But I decided to stay and see if my limited command of the Spanish language would help see me through. It was daunting at times because, just like my friend Hector, a Puerto Rican, once told me, he would have a hard time understanding Mexican Spanish because Mexicans speak too fast. Yup, I definitely noticed that as I tried to be as attentive as a non-native speaker could watching a foreign movie. But, I guess, if they spoke Spanish at a slower rate this movie would have been four ( 4 ) hours long, instead! Ha, ha, ha.
I took a year of Spanish while I was in high school. But I didn't take more advanced courses because I soon realized that the only Spanish words I needed to know if I ever found myself in a Spanish-speaking country are these two words: ?Hablas Ingles? Am I not just so smart? Of course, in the Philippines, we have hundreds of Spanish and Spanish-based words. So, I was somewhat able to follow along as I sat watching this movie. And it helped that I look like them. Si ....
!Viva Mexico y Viva La Raza Tambien!
After the movie, I went to the Dollar Tree Store in the Target Shopping Center near this theatre. I bought a 6.5 oz bottle of Spice Supreme's French Fry Seasoning just to try it out. Then, I went to the nearby MacDonald's Restaurant to buy a large Sweet Tea and a large order of French Fries. After I sprinkled some of this seasoning on some ketchup and on my fries, I found out that I didn't really like this seasoning at all--'not to my taste. Maybe, I'll use it to season barbecue meats someday.
Today, Labor Day, please don't Drink and Drive! Have a safe vacation.
Today, Labor Day, please don't Drink and Drive! Have a safe vacation.
GETAWAY, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 29 min )
where: EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX in Fairfield, CA
when: Thursday, August 29th, 2013
show: 10:00 p.m.
costs: $11.50 Ticket + $11.50
auditorium: 5
seat: 4th row ( counting from the front ), 7th column ( counting from the left )
synopsis/overview: Brent Magna ( Ethan Hawke ), a race car driver, moves with his Bulgarian wife, Leanne ( Rebecca Budig ), to Bulgaria after he is banned from racing. But a criminal mastermind ( Jon Voight ), who has other plans for him, abducts his wife and forces him to enter the "race of his life", a city-street car chase in which he has to race against the clock by a set of reckless rules and win or lose his wife if he fails and/or is caught by the cops.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Abduction; 2.) The "To-Do List"; 3.) The unwanted passenger; 4.) "That's assault with a deadly weapon. They could shoot at us, you know"; 5.) "Perfectly suited to my needs"; 6.) Overload; 7.) "I told you not to let her out of the car"; 8.) Bank; 9.) "There's a procedure"; 10.) Parking garage; 11.) "Back-off"; 12.) Live feed; 13.) The route; 14.) Car flip; 15.) "It's not mine"; and 16.) "If only you believed you could."
audience reaction: The audience kind of liked it.
recommendation: I liked it enough. This movie is essentially a Car-Chase Movie ( a road-trip movie of the "fast and furious" kind ), with chase scenes strung together from beginning to end. A newspaper reviewer said it best when he said that this movie is just a list of traffic violations put together. If you like Car-Chase Movies, this one's made with you in mind.
spoiler alert! It would have taken some time for all of those cameras to get installed. So, wouldn't someone have noticed it being done? Ramming that police car was an assault with a deadly weapon and attempted homicide/murder. Why was she worried so much about being shot at when she knew that the car was bullet-proof? The bikes that the bad guys used weren't automatic bikes. So, in the train yard ( ? ) car chase, how was the bad guy able to keep up with them when his left hand was holding an automatic rifle instead of being used to work the clutch? If he was, indeed, a race car driver, and considering the fact that he was in an armored vehicle, then he would have known how to "fish-tail" and ram the SUV that he was chasing after! Don't tell me that there are no news helicopters and police helicopters in Bulgaria that could have easily pinpointed his exact location at any given time. This movie should have been released in time for Christmas and re-titled: THE GRINCH WHO CRASHED CHRISTMAS!
Does this movie show what we, "ugly" Americans, would do if we were allowed to run "wild and loose" in another country? Ha, ha, ha.
fyi: I have a co-worker, Eric, who is studying to be a Computer Programmer. I asked him if he could hack into any computer. He said he could. Then, I asked him if it was a fast and easy thing to do. He said that it would be a relatively fast and easy thing to do IF YOU KNOW WHAT PROGRAM THE INTENDED TARGET COMPUTER WAS RUNNING ON. And I am not certain that "The Kid" ( Selena Gomez ) was privy to such information even though she appeared to hack the bad guy's computer with such virtuoso and with such aplomb.
A Bulgarian Christmas might just prove to be an interesting event for me to experience sometime in the future.
word of advice: Driving is not a Right, it is a Privilege. A privilege which can be revoked! Drive responsibly and practice road courtesy while you drive---And don't talk/text on your cellphone at the same time!!!
tidbits: I don't really like Ford vehicles. But I'll make an exception in this case because ...
where: EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX in Fairfield, CA
when: Thursday, August 29th, 2013
show: 10:00 p.m.
costs: $11.50 Ticket + $11.50
auditorium: 5
seat: 4th row ( counting from the front ), 7th column ( counting from the left )
synopsis/overview: Brent Magna ( Ethan Hawke ), a race car driver, moves with his Bulgarian wife, Leanne ( Rebecca Budig ), to Bulgaria after he is banned from racing. But a criminal mastermind ( Jon Voight ), who has other plans for him, abducts his wife and forces him to enter the "race of his life", a city-street car chase in which he has to race against the clock by a set of reckless rules and win or lose his wife if he fails and/or is caught by the cops.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Abduction; 2.) The "To-Do List"; 3.) The unwanted passenger; 4.) "That's assault with a deadly weapon. They could shoot at us, you know"; 5.) "Perfectly suited to my needs"; 6.) Overload; 7.) "I told you not to let her out of the car"; 8.) Bank; 9.) "There's a procedure"; 10.) Parking garage; 11.) "Back-off"; 12.) Live feed; 13.) The route; 14.) Car flip; 15.) "It's not mine"; and 16.) "If only you believed you could."
audience reaction: The audience kind of liked it.
recommendation: I liked it enough. This movie is essentially a Car-Chase Movie ( a road-trip movie of the "fast and furious" kind ), with chase scenes strung together from beginning to end. A newspaper reviewer said it best when he said that this movie is just a list of traffic violations put together. If you like Car-Chase Movies, this one's made with you in mind.
spoiler alert! It would have taken some time for all of those cameras to get installed. So, wouldn't someone have noticed it being done? Ramming that police car was an assault with a deadly weapon and attempted homicide/murder. Why was she worried so much about being shot at when she knew that the car was bullet-proof? The bikes that the bad guys used weren't automatic bikes. So, in the train yard ( ? ) car chase, how was the bad guy able to keep up with them when his left hand was holding an automatic rifle instead of being used to work the clutch? If he was, indeed, a race car driver, and considering the fact that he was in an armored vehicle, then he would have known how to "fish-tail" and ram the SUV that he was chasing after! Don't tell me that there are no news helicopters and police helicopters in Bulgaria that could have easily pinpointed his exact location at any given time. This movie should have been released in time for Christmas and re-titled: THE GRINCH WHO CRASHED CHRISTMAS!
Does this movie show what we, "ugly" Americans, would do if we were allowed to run "wild and loose" in another country? Ha, ha, ha.
fyi: I have a co-worker, Eric, who is studying to be a Computer Programmer. I asked him if he could hack into any computer. He said he could. Then, I asked him if it was a fast and easy thing to do. He said that it would be a relatively fast and easy thing to do IF YOU KNOW WHAT PROGRAM THE INTENDED TARGET COMPUTER WAS RUNNING ON. And I am not certain that "The Kid" ( Selena Gomez ) was privy to such information even though she appeared to hack the bad guy's computer with such virtuoso and with such aplomb.
A Bulgarian Christmas might just prove to be an interesting event for me to experience sometime in the future.
word of advice: Driving is not a Right, it is a Privilege. A privilege which can be revoked! Drive responsibly and practice road courtesy while you drive---And don't talk/text on your cellphone at the same time!!!
tidbits: I don't really like Ford vehicles. But I'll make an exception in this case because ...
I Want That "babe-magnet" Car!!!
( Well, after they fix it up---Of course! It was a tax write-off so they can just give it to me for free. )
( Well, after they fix it up---Of course! It was a tax write-off so they can just give it to me for free. )
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