where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Sunday, September 15th, 2013
show: 8:35 p.m.
costs: $10.00 Ticket + $1.00 5.0 oz Muncheros Crunchy Peanuts ( bought at the nearby Dollar Tree Store in the Target Shopping Center and smuggled-in ) + $4.50 1-litre Dasani Water = $15.50
auditorium: 14
seat: 5th row ( counting from the front ), 6th column ( counting from the left )
synopsis/overview: For Elise ( Lin Shaye )
Something from beyond has come to exact revenge on the Lambert family.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Paranormal investigation circa 1986; 2.) "I think it's stupid"; 3.) Piano; 4.) "You first"; 5.) VHS tape; 6.) "You have to go"; 7.) "How is that possible"; 8.) Forensics result; 9.) "Row, row, row your boat"; 10.) Old acquaintance; 11.) Dick; 12.) "This was an ICU"; 13.) "Your dead soul is killing his living skin"; 14.) Old patient's record; 15.) The song; 16.) "Hey, look! They left the window open"; 17.) Rocking horse; 18.) "If she sees you, she'll make me kill you"; 19.) "I'm not Foster" [ Andrew Astor ]; 20.) Portrait; 21.) Bride in Black; 22.) "It's not the house"; 23.) Code word; 24.) Knife; 25.) "I know you, don't I"; 26.) "He's got your baby"; 27.) Reunion; 28.) Memories; 29.) "So, that's what that was all about"; 30.) Teapot; 31.) Little boy; 32.) I played your song; and 33.) "The accident was no accident."
audience reaction: The audience seemed to like this movie.
recommendation: I didn't like this movie. It was "comical" in its delivery. I had to restrain myself from heckling this movie. It is strictly a rental.
spoiler alert! Don't tell me that the gender-confused boy's mom went around in public wearing that kind of a hideous makeup! The strangle-hold on the woman was wrong---You cannot quickly kill someone using that kind of a hold. There are no such things as fogs, flashlights and lamps, or houses--or solid land to walk on, in the dark after-world--listen to someone who knows: Me! There is only one scary scene in this movie along the line of "Boo! gotcha ...." This movie uses stupid, loud and grating "music" that was in common use maybe around 50 years ago.
fyi: According to the Canadian Psychic ( he looked like a young version of the '70s US Diplomat, Henry Kissinger ) who taught me over a decade ago how to destroy bad ghosts ( I said Ghosts, this technique doesn't work on Spirits or Demons ), when you leave your body as you go on an out-of-body astral travel, any ghost which happens to be nearby will be able to see you as if you are a searchlight shining in the dark!
Imagine leaving your body and, all of a sudden, from out of nowhere in the darkness, you feel an invisible hand slam hard against your forehead and shove you back into your own body! Or, how about awakening in your darkened room to the feel of a pair of hands grabbing at your head while another pair of hands is grabbing at your ankles as if a couple of invisible entities have decided to play Tug-of-War with your body in the darkness while, at the same time, you hear a diabolical laughter in the background? Or, how about awakening in the dark because a pair of invisible hands has grabbed you by the head and is trying to break your neck by twisting your head to either side? I've experienced all these and suchlike encounters throughout the years.
And, in an out-of-body state, I once ventured into the world of darkness to issue a challenge to the dark entities because I want to get even with them all. A number of them had taken me up on the challenge, only one almost killed me in a sneak attack ( read my blog on OMG--OH MY GOD! [ Oct. 8ht, 2012 ] ).
The realm immediately after the physical world is a vast expanse of darkness inhabited by dark entities which crave what humans have: Physical Existence! You cannot see them because they're dark but these base entities can see your soul when you do an out-of-body astral travel simply because you're yet alive which makes your soul "glow" in the dark to them, drawing them in like moths to a flame. I call this dark realm The Wilderness Of Sin. This vast expanse of darkness is mentioned in the New Testament of The Bible as the place "where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth" [ Matthew 22: 12-14, 24: 50-51; Luke 13: 27-29 ]. This is the place inhabited by Lost Souls, Evil Spirits and Demons, i.e. Whoremongers ( Sexually Immoral ), Sorcerers, Idolaters, Murderers, Liars and Dogs. In the New Testament's Book of Revelation, the word Dogs mean the Fearful ( the Faithless ), the Unbelieving ( the Atheists and Agnostics ) and the Abominable ( the Blasphemers ) [ Revelation 21: 8, 22: 15 ]. The one who successfully traverses The Wilderness Of Sin and enters into the Kingdom of God is called the Overcomer [ Revelation 21: 7 ].
Jesus Christ said, "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God ... and all these things shall be added unto you" [ Matthew 6: 33 ]. This may seem out of context in light of what chapter 6 expounds upon but ... you cannot really approach God without first entering into His Kingdom--'just plain ol' common sense. Remember, after Jesus Christ was baptized, the Devil tempted Him by telling Him that he, Satan, rules this God-forsaken World [ Matthew 4: 8-9 ]. So, leave the Sinful World to seek God's Holy Kingdom but know beforehand that between Earth and His Kingdom is the Wilderness of Sin. Here's a fitting analogy: In Medieval Time, you're a traveler walking alone in the forest on your way to a safe, fortified city. Will you feel safe walking alone in the forest knowing that there are wild, man-eating beasts lurking about, and the relative safety of the fortified city is over a day's journey away? And Jesus Christ did say that anyone who loves his/her life will lose it [ John 12: 25 ], i.e. anyone who will not dare cross the Wilderness of Sin in search of the Kingdom of God because he/she feels safe and comfortable in the physicality of his/her insular world.
Avoid "christians" who are too scared to even see a horror movie for fear that they will have nightmares about it. And avoid "christians" who sleep with the lights on! ( I keep my condo as dark and as quiet as much as possible in order to attract entities who might be stupid enough to try and engage me in a battle of Faith. And think of the money I save on my monthly electric bill--I pay around $12.00/month on my electric bill! )
When you venture into the Wilderness of Sin, you will not be alone. Your Guardian Angel will be there with you. Although your Guardian Angel keeps itself invisible in the wilderness it is there with you at all times should you become "overwhelmed" and be in need of its assistance. I must stress the word Assistance--You don't get a "free ride" without doing any necessary work on your own! After all, your Divine Gift of Free Will makes you responsible for your own Salvation. Remember, whenever two or more are gathered in God's Name, God is in their midst, too [ Matthew 18: 20 ]---So, you're not really alone by your lonesome self when you find yourself in the Wilderness of Sin.
Faith Tip for the Day: The name "Jesus Christ" strikes fear in the "hearts" of these dark entities. And I really don't know why because The Messiah's true name in Hebrew is not Jesus Christ, it is Y'Shua ( or a variation thereof )! Feel free to use the name "Jesus Christ" as your first-and-only line of defense--I use it as my last line of defense because I'm hell-bent ( or should that be "heaven"-bent ) on revenge!
If the dark entities cannot overcome you in the Wilderness of Sin, they will find somebody in the Physical World near you who is spiritually unevolved and possess such a weak and faithless person and have it do their work for them and attack you in the Physical World. That's why Jesus Christ told his Apostles and Disciples to be humble [ through 1 Peter 5: 6 ] and to love their enemies [ Matthew 5: 44 ] and to offer the other cheek [ Matthew 5: 39 ]. He also said, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" [ Luke 23: 34 ]. A word of caution here: These teachings were given to His Apostles and Disciples and, in turn, were handed down to ONLY THOSE WHO WERE/ARE ACTIVELY CULTIVATING THEIR OWN SPIRITUALITY! These teachings are not meant for those who take God's Name in Vain and just pay Him lip-service!!!
Have I found the Kingdom of God? No. That can wait. I want to get even first with all of the dark entities who terrorized me since I was a helpless little boy! Why had I been under constant attack? Simple, I don't belong to them---I'm their enemy. And if Bad Ghosts, Evil Spirits and Demons all consider me their sworn enemy, guess whose side I am on? And I take great comfort in that. Amen ....
word of advice: Home is where the entity is.
tidbits: After the movie ended, a man seated a few seats to my right jokingly said to his two sons, "Well, my mind is blown."
A bit of bad news for you, my readers: I'm taking a sabbatical from blog posting for the next few months because my free time is now taken-up by my on-line study. I'm taking an on-line course and will have to devote my free time to it.
On the practical side of things, I've been blogging for well over 4 years and have not made one single penny on any of the ads I've posted on my blogsite---Honestly! And since I'm getting close to retirement age, I need to find ways of supplementing my income. Which is why I'm taking an on-line course and hoping for the best.
But I will blog about a movie once in a while if I have something good to write about in my fyi and/or tidbits sections.
'Til next time, then ....
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