I went to see this on Monday, April 13th, 2015, in Richmond, CA, at the Century 16 Hilltop, for the 7:55 p.m. showing in auditorium 14, 5th row ( counting from the front ), 5th column ( counting from the left ). The price of admission was $6.15 ( Monday Senior Discount Day ). And I bought a medium Popcorn w/Butter ( $6.95 ) and a 16.9 oz bottle of Glaceau's Fruitwater Strawberry/Kiwi ( $4.60 ) at the concessions counter.
Quickie Review: A hot teen is forced to have sex just to get rid of the boogeymen which come out of nowhere and sexually assault their victims to death! ( And I don't know why this isn't a porno movie, instead. )
The gist of this amateurish horror movie is that one can get rid of one's own boogeyman simply by having sex with some innocent and/or desperate sex partner, kinda like having "revenge sex" to infect someone--anyone--with your STD. Ha, ha, ha---Snort! And forget "safe sex"! You definitely don't wanna use a condom for this curse to work effectively! LOL. Had I been the director of this B-movie, I would have made it more interesting to watch by having the female protagonist do most, if not all, of the nude scenes instead of having some plain, old and/or ugly women do the "crucial" scenes---But this is just me talkin'! Heh, heh, heh. In all fairness, though, in the interest of "equality", a scene shows an old butt-naked man standing on a rooftop in broad daylight for all of the neighborhood kids to gawk at ( but the scene is not hard--no pun intended--on the eyes because it was a cold day when they shot this particular scene [ 'get it? ] ). And for those of you who care to know, yes, there is also an obligatory scene meant to pander to the prurient interest of a certain segment of the movie-watching demographic: A porn mag called, of all things, Playpen ( obviously a play-on-words on, and a lascivious nod to, Playboy and Penthouse ) which a nerdy character conveniently peruses in a close-up shot---
Cinema Verite, my butt! I don't know if this has anything to do with the ( lack of ) quality of the movie, but it was mostly filmed in Lexington and in Detroit, Michigan ( I apologize to all of my relatives and in-laws in that state ).
I am not sure how much the audience enjoyed this movie. I didn't enjoy it at all. Wait for this to come out as a rental for a night when you have got nothing else better to do with your time.
I had to start my day off with a trip to my chiropractor's clinic for a spinal adjustment. I took the bus to get there. But the bus route had been changed a few months ago. So, I still had to walk a mile-and-a-half with a bad knee to get there. I was just glad that I had the presence of mind to wear my articulated knee brace this time around. Well, at least I got some exercise done for the day.
After my chiropractic appointment, I walked an additional couple hundred yards to get to the Hertz Rent-a-Car to pick-up the subcompact that I reserved for today. I got a 2014 Ford Fiesta SE which I drove for a total of only 80 miles.
In the last 5 months, I've rented from Hertz a Kia Soul, a Kia Forte, a Mazda 2 ( twice ) and now this, a Ford Fiesta. I loved the Mazda 2! This Ford Fiesta is slightly better than the Mazda 2, though. And it's no wonder, Ford and Mazda co-developed these two cars, after all. The Kias were unimpressive.
The Ford Fiesta has a very solid and stable steering and its road manners are exemplary for a subcompact. And it comes with floor illumination in different colors; I chose the green lighting on my drive home ( the other colors are red, blue and pink? ).
But, although I liked the Ford Fiesta, for the life of me, I couldn't locate the rear window defroster. And the Fiesta's rear view is somewhat obstructed by the small size of the rear window, itself, and by the rear seat headrests. Plus, its side windows are small. And, just like the Mazda 2 before it, it's got that damn seat height adjuster that's only good at having its driver and front passenger accidentally bang the side of their head against the top door frame if really short people adjusted the seats to maximum height before returning the car to the rental lot!
After doing some shopping and after buying a couple of lottery tickets ( my "retirement" plan--LOL ), I went to East Oakland, CA, to visit with my friends and former co-workers at CVS, Hector and his son, Isma. I cooked a big batch of spaghetti for everyone. I didn't eat the noodles, though. I used the sauce as a salad dressing.
My friends' house in East Oakland, CA. And that would be the Ford Fiesta SE rental in the foreground. |
My friends, Hector and his 2nd son, Isma. |
After having dinner with my friends, I drove on over to the Rockridge District in North Oakland to take a look at the now boarded-up CVS Drugs, which was formerly a Longs Drugs Store, which was formerly a Rite Aid, which was formerly a Payless Drugstore. Safeway Supermarkets, which owns the shopping center, didn't renew CVS's lease because Safeway wants to build a giant "super" Safeway in its place.
Here's a picture of the now boarded-up CVS Drugs. In all of its various iterations, this drugstore was The Biggest drugstore in California, if not in the whole United States! |
Since the night was still young, I decided that I wanted to go see a movie. I decided on seeing, IT FOLLOWS. It's an R-rated horror movie. This movie is not playing in Vallejo. I had three choices on where to go see it at on my way home: Richmond, Napa or Fairfield. I scratched Napa off my list. And had I chosen to see this movie in Fairfield, I would have had to wait nearly one hour for the movie to begin at 8:40 p.m. That left me with Richmond as the most viable venue option with its 7:55 p.m. scheduled showing of said movie.
This is the Century 16 Hilltop in Richmond, CA. I like this theatre with its fancy facade and its trendy concessions area. But I don't like its relatively small and cramped parking lot! |
When I went to buy my movie ticket, the box office clerk sold me a Senior Discount ticket for $6.15---Damn! What was that all about? I turned and looked at the next movie patrons, a couple, standing in line behind me. I observed that they were sold regular adult price tickets. And the man and I looked practically the same age. Then, it dawned on me: I was by myself and the female box office clerk was a young woman who noticed that I wasn't wearing a wedding ring and gave me the discount to get me to come back for more ( and then some! ). Ah, the life of a single bachelor .... I'll have to come to this theatre more often.
What I noticed differently at the concessions counter was a new line of drinks: Glaceau Fruitwater in assorted flavors. I picked the Strawberry/Kiwi to try out. When the movie began, that was when I opened the bottle for my first sip. It was carbonated!!! I haven't drank carbonated sodas since I swore them off back in December 28ht, 2012. But I didn't want to exchange it for a non-carbonated drink because the movie had already began. I just drank half of it and threw away the rest.
After watching the movie, I went to the Richmond Hilltop Mall's Walmart Store to buy two more Black Polo Shirts for use at work. The new owner of the company that I work for has allowed us to wear either Black or White Polo Shirts as options to what we now currently wear: Button-down Khaki Shirts. The first time that I showed up for work dressed in all-black, a female co-worker remarked that I looked like a Ninja--dang, my cover is blown! LOL. ( Or was she just being a "racist"? Hmm .... )
This is the Walmart Store at the Richmond Hilltop Shopping Mall. |
And guess what I spotted across the street from the Walmart parking lot? There's a brand--spankin' new Chinese buffet restaurant, Lee's Garden Buffet. But it was already closed for the evening. I've gotta check this place out soon!
It is hard to believe. But this is actually a shot of Lee's Garden Buffet. |
I wanted to take a photo of Lee's Garden Buffet from across the street as I prepared to exit the Walmart parking lot. But there was a car behind me. Next, I turned right onto the road then made a U-turn in front of a nearby gas station so that I could stop my rental car in front of the restaurant to take a picture of it. But ... a car was approaching. So, I had to make-do with the above "drive-by" shot! 'Sorry ....