I went to see this today, Passover Thursday, April 9th, 2015, here in Vallejo, CA, at the CENTURY 14 VALLEJO, for the 4:30 p.m. showing in auditorium 1, 4th row ( counting from the front ), 7th column ( counting from the left ). The price of admission was $12.50. And I bought a small popcorn ( $5.95 ) and a 16.9 oz bottle of Honest Tea Green Tea ( $4.60 ) at the concessions counter.
Quickie Review: What do these four years have in common: 1492, 1948, 1967 and 2015? They have the lunar phenomenon, "Blood Moon," occur four times in each one. Christian minister and author, John Hagee, offers up the interestingly thought-provoking proposition that such is a sign reserved only for the Jewish people at pivotal times in their history. Interestingly enough, these Blood Moons are not visible in Israel. And the last Blood Moon in this year's tetrad will be on September 28ht ( Jesus' birthday ), the day of The Feast of Tabernacles/Harvest Festival, i.e. Sukkot.
The audience, comprised of believers, liked this movie.
I liked this movie, too. The evidence cannot be readily chalked-up to mere coincidence, although they did have a believing scientist as a guest panelist to temper people's zealous enthusiasm for the supernatural. Go see this movie when it comes out as a rental or buy the book that it is based on.
At some point, I was teary-eyed and was overcome by a yearning to visit Israel as I watched this documentary. I guess that it was the Jewish blood in me which stirred up the emotion. But I could never live there because I wouldn't belong there at all; and this self-acknowledgment made me sad. Now I know how Moses, himself, felt as he watched his people walk into the Promised Land.
While the rest of you celebrated Easter, I waited until today, Thursday, April 9th, 2015, to
commemorate Passover Thursday, a Chol Hamoed day on the 20th day of Nissan, in the year 5775. It
was on this day that Jesus Christ held The Last Supper.
New International Version:
And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for
you; do this in remembrance of me." ( Luke 22:19 )
This Is The Only Day Of The Year That HE Told Us We Should Observe In HIS Memory. He never
said anything about Easter or Christmas, for that matter.
I was gonna have some Matzo Bread with my Passover Seder meal but it's made of white flour! Why
they don't have an organic whole wheat Matzo Bread for the Passover Seder meal, I simply don't
know. I mean, for thousands of years, the Jews used organic whole wheat flour--white flour was
popularized in the Middle Ages. So, it follows then that I couldn't have Gefilte Fish or Matzo
Balls, either because they're made with white flour, too! There's nothing Kosher about white flour, if
you ask me, since it has been altered from its true natural state. Go tell that to an Ultra Orthodox
According to Moses, a Jewish home must be kept free of mold and mildew. Which is why during
Passover everyone in the household must ensure that there are no extra flour hidden somewhere
because it might become contaminated with mold and mildew and become unfit for human
consumption. This is why white flour became popular and eventually replaced whole wheat flour
because it is more resistant to molding and mildewing, provided that it is kept from getting wet or
damp. Now, if you take a closer look at this provision, it is obvious to see that the Jews are to only use
a sufficient amount of organic whole grain wheat which is to be made into flour on the very day that it
is to be used for Passover! Store-bought flour, whether white or whole wheat, should be a "no-no"
during Passover.
popularized in the Middle Ages. So, it follows then that I couldn't have Gefilte Fish or Matzo
Balls, either because they're made with white flour, too! There's nothing Kosher about white flour, if
you ask me, since it has been altered from its true natural state. Go tell that to an Ultra Orthodox
According to Moses, a Jewish home must be kept free of mold and mildew. Which is why during
Passover everyone in the household must ensure that there are no extra flour hidden somewhere
because it might become contaminated with mold and mildew and become unfit for human
consumption. This is why white flour became popular and eventually replaced whole wheat flour
because it is more resistant to molding and mildewing, provided that it is kept from getting wet or
damp. Now, if you take a closer look at this provision, it is obvious to see that the Jews are to only use
a sufficient amount of organic whole grain wheat which is to be made into flour on the very day that it
is to be used for Passover! Store-bought flour, whether white or whole wheat, should be a "no-no"
during Passover.
I substituted Totopos Multi-Grain Chips for the unleavened Matzo Bread. The grains that it's made
from ( corn, quinoa, maca and chia ) are all native to the Americas. But, it's not Kosher, you say.
from ( corn, quinoa, maca and chia ) are all native to the Americas. But, it's not Kosher, you say.
Heck, they serve Kedem Grape Juice at a Passover Seder meal; and Kedem Grape Juice is made
from Concord Grape which is native to the East Coast of the United States! It didn't originate in the
Middle East. It was first cultivated in Concord, Massachusetts. Hence, the name. What's so Kosher
about that then? Go and ask an Ultra Orthodox Rabbi why he thinks that it's a Kosher juice.
from Concord Grape which is native to the East Coast of the United States! It didn't originate in the
Middle East. It was first cultivated in Concord, Massachusetts. Hence, the name. What's so Kosher
about that then? Go and ask an Ultra Orthodox Rabbi why he thinks that it's a Kosher juice.
And speaking of Rabbis, they just added the Charoset to the Passover Seder meal even though
Moses said nothing about it. I'm thinking that I should use Mince Meat as a substitute for Charoset
next year. Hmm ....
I used Horseradish Sauce as a dip for my chips. And I washed it down with the grape juice because I
don't drink wine. Note to a couple of my nieces out there ( you know who you are ): Don't give me
wine as a present because I can't drink it--unless you want to guzzle it all down for me. Ha, ha, ha.
don't drink wine. Note to a couple of my nieces out there ( you know who you are ): Don't give me
wine as a present because I can't drink it--unless you want to guzzle it all down for me. Ha, ha, ha.
Later on in the day, I went to the 4:30 p.m. showing of FOUR BLOOD MOONS, here in Vallejo, CA. It's
about Bible Prophecy and God's Promise to His People.
about Bible Prophecy and God's Promise to His People.
All in all, I had a wonderful solemn commemorative Passover Seder meal today.
>>> And speaking of the month of Nissan, I think that my next car will be a Nissan!
wink emoticon
wink emoticon
( My trail hike at the lake park in the morning before my Passover observation was an
altogether different matter: I slipped down an embankment and strained my bad left knee because I
forgot ( "senior moment" ) to put on my articulated knee brace and was too lazy to go back home--just
a couple hundred yards away--to fetch it---Yeah, lesson learned the hard way. Ouch! And I still had a
mile to go to get back home. But my knee felt better as the hike progressed. It wasn't until the next day
when the pain started setting in; but it is subsiding with each passing day. )
We all know the story of the Unleavened Bread that the Jews use to commemorate the Passover. They didn't have time to let the bread dough rise because they had to leave Egypt in a hurry. Well, that also tells me that they didn't have time to take a bath, either! And they couldn't even bathe in the sea because it parted for them so they wouldn't get wet as they ran away from pharaoh's army. Now this tells me that observant Jews should also not take a bath if they are to observe the Passover in the strict traditional sense. And since they had to wander around the desert for 40 years, I'm pretty sure that taking a bath was at the bottom of their "To-Do" list whenever it came time to decide on what to do with their precious supply of water ( and they wouldn't have shaved--both men and women--either ). Yup, another two things to point out to a rabbi.
Heck, I'm a Passover revisionist, what else can I say!
I actually wanted to see this on Monday, March 16th, the day I returned home from my brother-in-law's funeral in Michigan. But the show was sold-out. I am just glad that I eventually did get to see this documentary.
And this is what I had waiting for me, around midnight, in my e-mail in-box from Lagos, Nigeria:
Apr 10 (2 days ago)

Your ATM Visa Card worth of $3.5Million United States Dollars we wish to inform you that the diplomatic agent conveying the ATM Card valued the sum of $3.5 Million United States Dollars is currently stranded at your International airport now. We required you to reconfirm the following information below so that he can deliver your consignment box to you today.
NAME: =================
ADDRESS: ===============
MOBILE NO.:=============
CODE NUMBER: 0140479
Also make sure that you forward your Code Number and Company Re registrations to him because it is very important to enable him locate to you with your package. Please do contact the diplomatic agent with the email below with the information required.
Contact Person: Mr.YOUNG MARTINS, Diplomat Agent.
Email: diplomaticyoungmartins76@ hotmail.co* ( I omitted the last letter, but you already know which one it is )
He is waiting to hear from you today with the information,
NOTE: The Diplomatic agent does not know that the content of your package is ATM Card worth of $3.5Million United States Dollars and on no circumstances should you let him know the content. The package was moved from here as Magazine Booklet, so never allow him to open the package untills its delivered to you.
Best Regard,
Dr.John Ikenna
FEDEX Courier Company Lagos
+229-6850536* ( I omitted the last number, but it's between 6 and 8 )
Your ATM Visa Card worth of $3.5Million United States Dollars we wish to inform you that the diplomatic agent conveying the ATM Card valued the sum of $3.5 Million United States Dollars is currently stranded at your International airport now. We required you to reconfirm the following information below so that he can deliver your consignment box to you today.
NAME: =================
ADDRESS: ===============
MOBILE NO.:=============
CODE NUMBER: 0140479
Also make sure that you forward your Code Number and Company Re registrations to him because it is very important to enable him locate to you with your package. Please do contact the diplomatic agent with the email below with the information required.
Contact Person: Mr.YOUNG MARTINS, Diplomat Agent.
Email: diplomaticyoungmartins76@
He is waiting to hear from you today with the information,
NOTE: The Diplomatic agent does not know that the content of your package is ATM Card worth of $3.5Million United States Dollars and on no circumstances should you let him know the content. The package was moved from here as Magazine Booklet, so never allow him to open the package untills its delivered to you.
Best Regard,
Dr.John Ikenna
FEDEX Courier Company Lagos
+229-6850536* ( I omitted the last number, but it's between 6 and 8 )
Seriously ...? Come on, now! These dumb-ass Nigerian scam artists are insulting my intelligence with their glaringly obvious schemes. ( 'Remember the 1st one that I reported on in my KICK-ASS 2 blog? )
Here, allow me to give them some good piece of advice: If you want your scam to have a better chance at success, work first on your spelling and on your English grammar and punctuation!
And, another thing, 3.5 million dollars might seem like a lot of money to some poor scheming Nigerians, but you'll need more than twice that amount to be considered a millionaire here in the United States just to adjust for inflation!
Lastly, there's such a thing called, "The Internet." And it has records of your very, very, very stale scam for all of the World to readily access.
Here, allow me to give them some good piece of advice: If you want your scam to have a better chance at success, work first on your spelling and on your English grammar and punctuation!
And, another thing, 3.5 million dollars might seem like a lot of money to some poor scheming Nigerians, but you'll need more than twice that amount to be considered a millionaire here in the United States just to adjust for inflation!
Lastly, there's such a thing called, "The Internet." And it has records of your very, very, very stale scam for all of the World to readily access.
And I "truly feel sorry" for the very patient "diplomatic agent" stranded at some airport somewhere who's still waiting for a response from me these last few days! Ha, ha, ha---Snort! May he rot in jail.
p.s. 'Sorry for the differences in the format. I had to copy and paste from my Gmail and Facebook to save on time.
p.s. 'Sorry for the differences in the format. I had to copy and paste from my Gmail and Facebook to save on time.
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