Tuesday, September 24, 2024


I started to watch this "Wear Masks 😷 And Practice Social Distancing And Don't Mind Us Allowing ILLEGALS & JIHADISTS Into Our Country While We Tell You To Stay Indoors To Avoid Getting Sick During The 👉Planned Introduction Of A New PLANdemic Virus Variant👈 Which Is About To Be Released And To Remind You To Be Sure To Just Mail-In Your 2024 Presidential Election Ballots For The Ballot Stuffers And Ballot Mules To Fraudulently Collect Them For The Sake Of Your Own Very Fragile Health & Wellbeing" movie in bed 🛏️ via my cellphone's 🤳 TUBI Streaming App today, Monday, September 23rd, 2024.

Scene Commentaries:

This is the shortest Bollywood movie that I've ever seen in my whole life! They're usually between 2 to 3 hours long. This movie ends when a standard Bollywood movie would have its 15-minute "bathroom break" intermission.  😁

I don't know about his tight red shorts. It makes him look like he has a big KamalaToe!  😜


Certain people from India do have dark circles under their eyes! But This Is Outrageously Beyond Ridiculous---SERIOUSLY❗🤦‍♂️❗

I could never get any of my laptops to show a clear display whenever I try to use any of them out in the wide open, clear blue sky daylight❗🙍‍♂️❗

"I will not make Tiffin for 
your office lunch." 

Yes, because you have about 1 hour left before this movie ends.  😃

If they did this because of Trademark 
Infringement Law, they sure did 
not do such a good job of it!
Intentionally,  I  think.
I mean,  just take a
look back at the 
movie poster!

The milkman doth cometh strongly! 😉

Nice looking 😊 Honda motorscooter! But ...
don't they have a Helmet
Law in India? 😕

It is not a walking stick for the blind!  🦯 
This walking cane is actually adjustable.
I know because I had to use one
when I hurt my back and
after I had Foot Ulcer
Surgery twice!

"Finally, I got rid of that crazy watch!"  ⌚  A watch with a Pause ⏸️ and Reverse ◀️ Time Function!  The possibilities ....  😜❗🤑

👉 https://youtu.be/Dykoi6aT1Yc?si=Kg44JGahWkshL_xj

In the late '80s to the mid '90s, such "Toy" watches were a trend in the Fitness world! I had a blue one, a yellow one, a grey one, and a white one that I gave to my British-American girlfriend--which she lost!  😒  I only have the gray one and the yellow one left.  🙁  In the early '00s, the trend was the Clip-On watches ( I had plenty of them that I gave away ) and the Braided Snap-On Tube watches sold to hikers & mountain bikers. 👴  The one in this movie reminds me of an Atomic Watch that I used to have. 

I really don't think that it's a good idea for any beautiful young woman in India to be walking alone like this in the middle of nowhere.  😬

He just realized that he could travel 
back in Time. But not far enough 
to get him to a gas ⛽ station!

This strange guy keeps on gesturing with
his Chin & Puckered Lips instead of 
waving his Hand. He must be a 
Pinoy--he looks like one!

Ooh, the familiar stranger ....  🤨

So, Mr. Fisherguy's boat is not
Safety Compliant. I would 
not issue him a license 
myself, TBH❗

Imagine, Mr. Fisherguy has more than enough money to get all 10 of his boats to be Safety Compliant! He could have done that instead of trying to bribe a government official! Who did he think that he was trying to bribe, a US DEMON-crat or a RINO❓🤨❓

The Bitch-Slap is well deserved❗😎❗

Have they ever thought of forging his signature?  🤔  If I could forge my own dad's signature at 5 years of age, any one of them should have an easy time of it! Just a helpful hint from a few bank tellers who liked my signature, Don't "chicken scratch" your own signature because it will be easy for someone to forge❗

This Bitch-Slap is well deserved, too! 👍

The big black guy is More Than Likely Just A Tourist That They Hired On The Spot! They do DO that sort of casting in Bollywood movies and even in Pinoy movies, too!  😁  When's my turn coming up?  🥺

Now, they got the big black guy thumping on his chest like a gorilla! 🦍 
They need a "woke" counselor to
Guilt-Shame  them  about
their being racists. 😏
(  Am I Racist?  )
the movie 

It's 2024, after all. The Age of Woke! 😄

This looks like the BART Train 🚆 Trans-Bay tube.

😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁 😁

They could have used me for a walk-on Bit Part. Or, better yet, as Cine-Man, script consultant❗

This movie is so-so.  😒


I bought some lottery tickets and did a bit of shopping at the Sonoma Boulevard Dollar Tree Store ...

I bought the notebook on the right for
taking notes while I watch movies 
on the Big Screen.  I also bought 
16 cans of Chicken Of The Sea
Sardines in Water for a Keto
Diet that I'm curious of.
... before I went to the Wendy's Restaurant to read the 143-page 2024 California General Election Official Voter Information Guide. I accidentally spilled water on it, as you can see:  🤦‍♂️

Conveniently for them but not for me, my County is not listed in the Vote Early In
Person list of Counties. My own 
County is Solano. There are
more Republicans here 
than in any of the 
listed Counties!
Is this a form of Election Inconvenience❓ 😠
There are a total of 58 Counties here in
clusterfucknia! And only 29 ( ½ )
have early-voting-in-person

There are 35 Propositions, numbered from 2 to 36. ( I don't know if they employed "Common Core Math" to count the number of Propositions.  😒 )

Page 2 has The Voter Bill Of Rights. 


You are eligible to vote if you are:

👉- a US Citizen living in "clusterfucknia"  

- at least 18 years old 

👉- registered where you currently live 

👉- not currently serving a state or federal prison term for the conviction of a felony and

👉- not currently found mentally incompetent to vote by a court

👉 The right to get help casting your ballot from anyone you choose, except from your employer or union representative.

There are 4 other Rights. I have an issue with the ones above and the one below which I highlighted with this symbol: "👉".  Because illegals are being fast-tracked in their "citizenship" status, many of these illegals are found to have the same addresses! Criminal Trespassing--which is what invading our country is--Is A Felony, no matter how many times the DEMON-crats claim that illegal aliens are not criminals! And we know that if they're here illegally, they don't understand the language and can be MANIPULATED into voting however their HANDLERS want them to "vote." And let's not forget the mentally incompetent idiots running around these days who cannot even define what a real woman is❗😠❗😡❗🤬❗

Page 136

Warning: Electioneering Prohibited! On the "What Activities Are Prohibited," of which there are seven, I have an issue with the 7th one:

👉 7.) Do Not display information or >>>speak to a voter about the voter's eligibility to vote.<<<

Article 7 of Chapter 4 of Division 18 of the "clusterfucknia" Elections Code

At 7:24 p.m., a loud & belligerent, bearded white man was harassing the cashier, saying something about the right to remain silent and that the cashier should just STFU❗I was waiting for him to do something stupid at the counter. Three other men, a black and 2 hispanics, were also observing him. And as the men were with their families, they asked the trouble-maker to leave and escorted him out. I gave the men a Thumb's Up. 👍 Because I was about to tell the angry white man to shut-up as I was busy going through the Voter Information Guide and didn't like the interruption. There are 2 homeless encampments near here, one just a hundred yards/meters away and another one further up by the railroad tracks. GRABBERnator G.ruesome had cleaned this sanctuary/reparations city before see-gene-peeing toured clusterfucknia. But now the encampments are back! The bearded, crazy white man is probably from either of these 2 encampments.  😕

I wanted to do a quick stop at the Neighborhood Wal-Mart's but I changed my mind at the last minute and just went home.

Here are yesterday's walking results:  🚶‍♂️

5.57 kilometers 
5.38 km


Pres. Trump's criticism of Maher's "sloppy and tired" attack:

👇 https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4892121-trump-slams-bill-maher/

The truth about the "Trump Lies" that the Fake News Media is hiding from you❗🧐❗

👉 https://youtu.be/2XoS-s4DIGE?si=KUywEVi6LZdwb9Au

Show us which of the ex-presidents lost money❗💸❗

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/R3F_CAGibJg?si=WRWnPcFt01_irYAT

So far, the Best pro-Trump political ad on the dangers of COMMUNISM! 👍

👉 https://youtu.be/VWHkaP37ed0?si=m9qY6lCsjwBMF8rj

To paraphrase Pres. Trump, "You're gonna get so tired of losing that you'll beg, Please, no more losing!"

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/aFjGhCw7_M8?si=_dfGqMPe2d10FHnp

We just want the Economy to be great again for Everyone.

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/0RCFtw9FSeU?si=UdTu8ZG320MLem6k

The TDS ( Trump Derangement Syndrome ) is strong in these ones!  🥴

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/BKVuZGL5T7M?si=FByBupku1zsKyNvs

The Bullsh!t LIES Muttered crt INDOCTRINATION of impressionable, innocent little kids❗🤬❗

👉 https://youtu.be/PUZ8cPNPjpo?si=xbHk7RcLjVzwvpl6

Instead of defunding the police, we should DEFUND The socialist/communist Public Schools❗👍❗

How was a jobless wannabe assassin able to offer such an amount of money❓🤷‍♂️❓


Here's a Clueless Libertard IDIOT for you!
She's so dumb that she can't 
even take a hint!  🤦‍♂️

bj kammy is pandering for White votes❗But I thought that the DEMON-crats hate White People❗🤦‍♂️❗

👉 https://youtu.be/lpb8cXkYEt4?si=5gttGKWRD0mBFj34

"You ain't black," if you vote for bj kammy❗👎 

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/K_Ir9CYhnuE?si=EYEgC-VJGK57U263

This is just so Smart & too Savage❗🤣❗

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/4rfHy0B9Jkw?si=u2pDU3DedA-DZHRx

Judge Joe Brown on the INCOMPETENT bj kammy:

👉 https://youtu.be/XHEepisYT7I?si=GzHAiR2sLG8-nsvR

Gee, I wonder why? 🤔 
Could this be one of 
the reasons why:


Tucker Carlson on the Dangerous & Vindictive socialist/marxist bj kammy:

👇 https://www.facebook.com/theresa.laehn/videos/1306015013716847/?mibextid=NnVzG


👉 https://youtu.be/xar_oZO6VBo?si=JL78LcKykiFu3qRT

We'll see what the woke #DIE "soldiers" who vote for the DEMON-crats have to say about that❗🤨❗

Don't vote for scumbag communist tampon tim, either❗

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/fB1HIJWhB38?si=QLOK0uBM48buMOjg

And then there's the issue with the Dangerous, Decrepit, Dotard, Poopy-Pants, Pee-Pad, Pervy, Sniffy-Sniff, Foreign Agent, chy-nah joe beijing between November and January should Pres. Trump win despite the Left's PREDICTED MASSIVE CHEATING EFFORTS❗🤬❗

👇 https://www.facebook.com/NEWSMAX/videos/1251199106316144/?mibextid=9drbnH


In the near-future, it might be an excellent idea to invest in some Hi-Tech flyswatter❗🏸🪰

👇 https://www.facebook.com/dan.bongino/videos/1045149880141263/?mibextid=CDWPTG

Crime-infested US cities should follow Florida's example❗

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/WS595f24Kh8?si=wppq1BlnNEKf08Qh


Feminist's prerogative ....  🙄

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/BvI2ptYsRDg?si=wXcVlPXG2ooeksIz


brandon & bj kammy have US Citizens Taxpayers' BLOOD on their hands❗😠❗😡❗🤬❗

👉 https://youtu.be/xr-wN25-ero?si=_udjipHkULa-Adys


👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/TnoBIVeOoso?si=JCFbrWe98ZM6-qXD

The 3rd time that Pres. Trump is right about the pet-eating haitians❗🤬❗

👉 https://youtu.be/pv8TeyAf2YA?si=IrdlSbO1G0HtEy8V

And the haitian illegals are raping kids, too❗🤬❗

👉 https://youtu.be/qwoJuaeAGjY?si=Hj_c2fCKA_yCDIit


The PayPal Mafia:

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/5GATUri_V3U?si=oHiQsqLsxb39Nw4L

Tesla's Death Beam:

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/9lmxLZOIWd4?si=YMcQT4m7L11nNtN6

Could this have something to do with the many wildfires, too?  🤔


brandon/bj kammy's weak ODDministration is giving iran & its proxies the go-ahead to attack Israel❗🤬❗

👉 https://youtu.be/Gh01qyYjqT8?si=UkPPGXeOM5auAPtS

👉 https://youtu.be/yCrJqvNhGo4?si=WGU0KUdYCKlRyf36

You should never expect a RAT to change its color❗

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/WrlZkkNXJbM?si=MV-03FGeE0Dq_ZjW

Forget Waldo❗ Where's Sin-War❓

👉 https://youtu.be/q96QcQVQ1j4?si=neqWNVFRWUULYERQ

Former cia chief issues a reality check on the Israeli/HAM👉Ass war❗😐❗

👉 https://youtu.be/n7s4TMRcOhY?si=n0UVLihs7QnVEP0q

One other thing that isn't mentioned:
Terrorists launch surprise attacks.
Israel gives advance warnings!
🇮🇱  🕎  🇮🇱

The rest of the Arab World is happy to see that His-Bolas don't have the Bolas! 🔍👀 

👉 https://youtu.be/SA7hOHnXh9w?si=KyrpYDzi8ePJGiAq

👉 https://youtu.be/TY4sqsyfORg?si=A0JcedBsS9v8W_J7

iraq is launching attacks on Israel ❗ 🤬 ❗ 

👉 https://youtu.be/uYz784jt6fQ?si=YLs-JiTT7d9jsUZG

ALL of Israel belongs to the Jews! A 2-State Solution will only destroy Israel❗

👉 https://youtu.be/JG63R0udqnw?si=gFJ6--5ooNzl58eg

"How will we know when the Messiah comes?"

👉 https://youtu.be/D8jf_PTSY_Y?si=-CtAZlLV0fsG8Fa7

Mutual respect between a Messianic and an Orthodox Jew on the topic of the Messiah👌🙂👍

👉 https://youtu.be/tfKZ4872fOc?si=Sha9k9poGcxilWGC


To end this blog on a lighter note ....

"Revenge is a dish best serve cold" in a bowl! 🥣 

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/zKK9O6lvQV0?si=k0zmP7XRGrgAU8mU

There's this really dark comedy on what life is like in a PARTICULAR communist country:

👉 https://youtube.com/shorts/1YAI0DOkk2g?si=6DojMNG3Ipz-QO4J


Here are Monday's winners:


Here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners. Drumroll 🥁 please ....

Congratulations to Singapore for 
winning in 1st place!
Congratulations to Israel for 
winning in 2nd place!
And congrats to the Netherlands 
for winning in 3rd place!

Let's all give The Netherlands a nice Welcome Back!  🤗 

Thanks to the countries that participated in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! 🏁          🛣️          🏎️


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