where: BRENDEN CONCORD 14 in Concord, CA
when: Friday, January 22nd, 2010
show: 6:50 p.m.
costs: $8.25 Ticket + $4.50 small White Cherry Icee + $4.00 Bridge Toll = $16.75
auditorium: 14
seat: 5th row, 10th column
synopsis: For "tooth money" call 1 ( TOO ) THF - AIRY.
Derek ( Dwayne, "The Rock", Johnson ) is summoned to Fairy Land to do community service as a tooth fairy for committing the crime of "Dissemination of Disbelief."
noteworthy scenes: 1.) First game; 2.) Locker room; 3.) Little fan; 4.) Card game; 5.) Tooth money; 6.) Summons; 7.) Tutu tooth fairies; 8.) Fairy godmother ( Julie Andrews ); 9.) Jerry ( Billy Crystal ); 10.) Deal; 11.) First case; 12. ) Behind the couch; 13.) Flushed with excitement; 14.) Second case; 15.) Wing envy; 16.) Amnesiac dog; 17.) Hanging out; 18.) Third case; 19.) Lack of funding; 20.) Jail time; 21.) My way; 22.) fourth case; 23.) Second game; 24.) Touche; 25.) Drills; 26.) Loss; 27.) Bad day; 28.) Own medicine; 29.) Surprise; 30.) Home; 31.) Dreams are good; 32.) Flight wings; 33.) Concert; 34.) Staples center; and 35.) Bonus scene.
audience reaction: The audience gave it a "Hands Clapper" ending.
recommendation: This movie will appeal to little greedy, spoiled brats who always want more candy, money, and toys ( you have been duly warned ).
spoiler alert! A molar, or bi-cuspid ( I forget ), went flying in the air--which didn't look like a real tooth, by the way--even though the tooth knocked out was an incisor in the upper-right quadrant. When he fell on his wings, he didn't say, "Ouch!" Everyone in Fairy Land, it seemed, was oblivious to his stench. He didn't use amnesia dust on most of the families that he visited. At the concert, Randy ( ? ) was easily accompanied by other players who never practiced with him.
fyi: Didn't we already see Dwayne, "The Rock", Johnson in a tutu in the movie, THE GAME PLAN ( 2007 )? If he's comfortable getting in touch with his "feminine" side for all the world to see, then he should do a comedy film about a "female" bodybuilder in a string bikini--have you seen how hideous such muscle-bound freaks look like? It's enough to give horndogs a nightmare! Hey, he could easily turn it into an horror film, seriously! With his luck, it will spawn sequels and merchandising tie-ins! His action-figure doll will easily kick Barbie's ass ... or whatever--ahem! And what will wimpy "man-bitch" Ken do about it, huh? Yeah, that's right, nothing! ( And, yes, Dwayne's butt will look big in a thong--Yuck! [ You have to see THE TOOTH FAIRY movie to know what I'm talking about here. ] )
I believe Arnold, "The Governator", Schwarzenegger started this trend about action heroes forced to deal with little brats with his movie, KINDERGARTEN COP ( 1990 ).
It's good to see that Dwayne finally got rid of his gynecomastia ( bitch's tits ) because, in his early movies as an action star walking around topless, it didn't fit well with our preconceived image of an he-man.
word of advice: Guys, if you want to keep your legs warm in the winter, wear pantyhose under your pants--just don't get into an accident in which they'll need to take you to emergency, or you just might die of embarrassment! ( I'm told that wearing pantyhose to keep your legs warm in winter really works. But I'm glad I live in sunny California. Hey, I have some in-laws in Michigan who might just be interested in knowing this. I won't even need to tell them because some of them already read my movie blog. Heh, heh, heh .... )
tidbits: As I waited outside near the box office of the theatre for this movie to start, I witnessed an argument across the side street. A middle-aged fat woman was at it with a skinny kid. As the kid turned to walk away, the woman grabbed his jacket. The jacket slipped-off as the kid just kept walking away. I guess the woman was too out-of-shape to chase after him. So, she dumped the jacket in the bushes but, later, changed her mind and took it with her as she walked in the opposite direction. That skinny kid probably ended-up suffering from the effects of hypothermia!