Monday, January 11, 2010
LEAP YEAR, PG ( 1 hr & 37 min )
where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Monday, January 11th, 2010
show: 4:35 p.m.
costs: $7.25 Ticket + $3.75 small Diet/Zero ( w/ Barq's & Cherry flavors ) Coke = $11.00
auditorium: 1
seat: 4th row, 8ht column
synopsis: A young woman, Anna ( Amy Adams ), tired of waiting to be proposed to, goes to Dublin, Ireland, to propose to her boyfriend, Jeremy ( Adam Scott ), on February 29th when, according to local tradition, a woman can propose to a man. But fate has other plans.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Surprise eyes; 2.) Leap Year proposal; 3.) Diverted flight; 4.) Sarcastic Gaelic Air representatives; 5.) Boat; 6.) Garagh's Bar; 7.) The overnight room; 8.) Superstitious folks; 9.) Tradition; 10.) The van; 11.) Bar brawl; 12.) Bar brawl; 13.) The castle; 14.) Bed and Breakfast; 15.) The kiss; 16.) Sunday; 17.) Wedding dance; 18.) Park bench; 19.) The proposal; 20.) The reunion; 21.) The house warming party; 22.) The 60-second test; 23.) The chicken's dry; 24.) The plan to unplan; 25.) The ring; and 26.) The trip.
audience reaction: The audience ( i.e. the women ) liked this movie and gave it a "Hands Clapper" ending.
recommendation: This is a light Rom-Com that couples might enjoy seeing.
spoiler alert! Who's the Hollywood Idiot who scheduled this movie's release for this year, which is NOT A LEAP YEAR? The last Leap Year was 2008 and the next one is 2012! And 2016 is when February 29th falls closest to a Sunday since it will be on the following day, Monday. That old car sure runs whisper-quiet, and with no road noise and no wind noise on top of that! ( 'Must be a Lexus. Ha, ha, ha. ) Why did Declan ( Matthew Goode ) sleep in the shower when there was plenty of room on the bedroom floor?
fyi: An hour before the movie, as I sat and ate at Selecta Filipino Buffet here on Springs Road and watched the Philippine news on TV, I found out that in the Philippines, where there is no divorce but where annulment of marriage ( same difference, if you ask me ) is allowed, some activists are trying to pass a law in which an expiration date of 10 years will be affixed to a marriage contract. Are they saying that I can have a new hot and sexy wife every 10 years? Wow! talk about "New Lease on Life"--married life, that is. If and when this law passes, I'll pack my bags and go prospecting for a 10-year marriage ( I'd better stock-up on Viagra now ).
When an Irish greets you with, "Top of the morning to you," the proper response is, "And the rest of the day to you, too."
Oh, how I envy those who were born on the 29th of February since I'm not the type to celebrate anniversaries and holidays.
word of advice: A regular customer of mine, Mr. Babcock, said, "If you marry a woman, marry her because you love her."
tidbits: At around 12:30 p.m. today, just when I had a lot of customers in line, I had a bad nosebleed! I had to get out of my checkstand right-quick to go head straight for the men's room to stop the bleeding. They had to get somebody else to step-in for me and take care of all those customers. Luckily, I was able to stop it in under five minutes and was able to return to my checkstand fresh and blood-free. I never had it this bad at work before. And to think I swabbed my nostrils with petroleum jelly before I left for work today to keep them from going dry. I must have missed a spot in my left nostril!
After the movie, I decided to go to the nearby CVS Drugstore to buy Cold Relief caplets and Nighttime Cold & Flu Relief liquid. On my way, I drove by the Goodwill Thrift Store which just opened in the shopping center. You know the economy is bad when you see a thrift store relocated to an upscale part of town!
On another note, the heel pain in my left foot is somewhat subsiding now.