where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Saturday, May 1st, 2010
show: 9:00 p.m.
costs: $10.00 Ticket + $4.25 small Popcorn ( w/ Butter ) + $4.00 small Diet/Zero ( w/ Barq's & Cherry flavors ) Coke = $18.25
auditorium: 11
seat: 4th row, 10th column
synopsis: A disfigured dead sex offender, Freddy Krueger ( Jackie Earle Haley ), is out for revenge as he stalks his victims in their sleep.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Springwood Diner; 2.) Funeral; 3.) Picture; 4.) Attic; 5.) Classroom; 6.) Same dream; 7.) Preschool; 8.) Wake up! 9.) Nancy's room; 10.) Cops; 11.) Jail cell; 12.) Powell's book store; 13.) Boiler room; 14.) Cell mate; 15.) Pied piper; 16.) Connection; 17.) Bath tub; 18.) Snow; 19.) My number one; 20.) Badham Preschool class picture; 21.) Fred Krueger; 22.) Memories don't kill you; 23.) Swimming pool; 24.) Angry mob; 25.) Video blog; 26.) "I know what happened to Freddy"; 27.) Confrontation with dad; 28.) Body bag; 29.) Drug store; 30.) Cigarette lighter; 31.) Emergency room; 32.) Epinephrine; 33.) Back to preschool; 34.) Special place; 35.) Polaroid pictures; 36.) Wet dream; 37.) "You're in my world now, bitch"; 38.) Fire; and 39.) Mirror.
audience reaction: The audience enjoyed this movie.
recommendation: It's good enough for a "scary movie" thrill, but just barely.
spoiler alert! Why did Freddy wait until all the kids were teens before he started attacking them? He could have easily disposed of them had he attacked them sooner. When Freddy ran the blade across the wall, the wrong Sound Effect was used. Since Nancy ( Rooney Mara ) got Freddy back into the physical world, why didn't she torch the body? The mirror attack didn't make sense at all!
fyi: I had a crush on the original Nancy, Heather Langenkamp. I wrote her a fan letter and she responded. But only once. I never heard from her again. She probably put a restraining order on me.
Jackie Earle Haley's latest film projects in which he has more screen time, i.e. LITTLE CHILDREN ( 2006 ), WATCHMEN ( 2009 ) and, now, this movie all have to do with pedophiles. Is he type-casting himself? I hope not 'cause he's a really good actor.
This Freddy Krueger has a more authentic-looking burn victim face than the original one.
word of advice: Don't wake someone up who's having a nightmare unless you want a peaceful night's sleep.
tidbits: When Kris ( Katie Cassidy ) became bloody, a little girl in the audience said, "Eyew!" And everybody laughed when they should have been frightened.
Thomas Dekker looks like a Zac Efron clone.