where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Friday, September 17th, 2010
show: 9:30 p.m.
costs: $13.25 Ticket + $5.00 Kid's Pack + $3.24 little Notebook = $21.49
auditorium: 7, with the 3-D screen
seat: 5th row, 10th column
synopsis: A pair of wolves, life-long friends but polar opposites in the dominance hierarchy, find their way back home to try and prevent an all-out battle for territory between their pack and a rival pack.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Law of the Pack; 2.) Failed first attempt; 3.) Arranged mating; 4.) Moonlight howl; 5.) The howl; 6.) Tranquilizer darts; 7.) Birds; 8.) "A birdie ruined your birdie"; 9.) "Relocated to repopulate"; 10.) Biker & Librarian; 11.) "Rabid" wolf; 12.) Tail; 13.) "Your eyes are beautiful"; 14.) Bears; 15.) Train; 16.) The howling; 17.) Conflict; 18.) Reminder; 19.) "Go organic"; 20.) United packs; 21.) Lone wolf; 22.) In love with an omega; 23.) Stampede; 24.) Unity; 25.) Party time; 26.) Dedication to Dennis Hopper; and 27.) Artwork, sketches and 3-D models during the Ending Credits.
audience reaction: There were just an handful of people in the audience with me. But I surmise that they were just lightly entertained by this movie.
recommendation: The theme of this movie, Settling For Less ( in terms of [ less qualified ] partner and [ less amount of ] food ), is beyond the grasp of its intended target demographic: The little brats. And I seriously doubt that any doting parent would want to intentionally wreak havoc on his/her child's sense of self-worth by teaching the child to have lower expectations in life. As for this movie's entertainment value, the funny scenes are few--two or three, at the most--and very far in-between. I have the nagging suspicion--and justifiably so--that the only reason why they're showing this in 3-D is so that they can make a "quick buck" off of it! This movie is not even worth seeing in 2-D on the Big Screen. It is strictly a rental.
spoiler alert! A "dog" movie without any "butt-sniffing" scene is no "dog" movie! If you double the amount of mouths to feed, then you cut in half the amount of food to eat just to start with--plain and simple math. What do you think will happen when puppies pop out? How come the pair was not out-fitted with tracking devices? Shouldn't the bears have been in hibernation, judging from all that snow? I could mention more things wrong with this movie but I won't since it's a children's movie, a type that I am wont to spare from my harsher criticisms just because ....
fyi: According to the native custom of some Pacific Islanders, if a female of marrying age puts a flower over her right ear, it means that she is single and available. If the flower is worn over her left ear, it means that she is married.
I saw this TV documentary once about a pack of wolves. The omega wolf in that pack was a female runt which was always in a playful mood. Whenever tension was in the air, her playfulness would soon erase it. But the other wolves in the pack seldom socialized with her and kept their distance. One night, a cougar sneaked-up on her and mauled her to death. The next day, the other wolves went in search of her. Soon, they found her remains. After which, they became so depressed that they just curled-up around each other and stayed there without eating or drinking for a long time.
word of advice: When you settle down to raise a family, your primary responsibility will be to your children. So, choose your future spouse wisely.
tidbits: I forgot to bring my mini notebook with me. So, after work and before going to the theatre, I bought a Mead "Fat Lil' Notebook" at Safeway so that I could take notes while watching this movie.
attention: Sorry, I kind of "jumped the gun", so to speak, in announcing that the weblog awards is coming soon. Actually, nominations will start on January 1st ( ? ) of next year for the 2010 entries. I will be sure to remind you come December to pick through all of my 2010 blog posts for any particular one that you deem worthy of submission/consideration/inclusion in the nomination process. Thank you. ( It's obvious that I impatiently cannot contain my excitement! )