where: BRENDEN VACAVILLE 16 in Vacaville, CA
when: Thursday, September 2nd, 2010
show: 12:50 p.m.
costs: $10.00 Ticket + $5.00 small Popcorn w/ Butter + $4.25 small Diet Pepsi = $19.25
auditorium: 9, with the 3-D screen
seat: 6th row, 9th column
synopsis: James Cameron went back to the planet of Pandora to shoot additional scenes. But, seriously folks, I already blogged about this movie when it first came out. Feel free to re-read my previous blog-post on this movie.
noteworthy scenes: 1.) Abandoned school for the Na'vi children; 2.) More spinning creatures; 3.) Hunting a herd; 4.) Burned and destroyed equipment; 5.) Home Tree's destruction; 6.) Extended battle scene; and 7.) The replacement warrior chief.
audience reaction: There were two little old ladies in the audience with me. And I don't know how they liked this movie.
recommendation: For die-hard AVATAR fans, this movie is a must-see.
spoiler alert! 'Same as what I've blogged about before.
fyi: The added scenes really added more substance to this substantial movie.
word of advice: 'Same as before.
tidbits: I got $7.00 worth of gas at the Chevron gas station by the theatre. They sell novelty fake driver's licenses. I bought a couple of them. I learned that it's not a good idea to clean your windshield if it's hot: the cleaning solution dries up before you can squeegee it off and just leaves filmy streaks that are hard to wipe off.
On the way home, I picked up my check, looked at my schedule for next week, went to B of A and Chase banks to make deposits, bought two gallons of alkaline drinking water, ate at Selecta Filipino Buffet, and bought some lottery tickets.