Boycott this movie in the name of Good Taste!
I've had it with this franchise! Part Two was especially bad! I wanted to "up-and-leave" mid-way through Part Two. But I forced myself to endure it all the way through because this one particular girl that I really liked at that time stayed for the entire show. I lost interest in her because she was not at all offended by the movie. I guess that you could say that I lost a girlfriend because of it. After seeing it, I made a promise not to see any more sequels to this moronic and tasteless movie franchise. This franchise gives the rest of the world another good reason to hate us "Ugly Americans"--and, in today's political climate, that is a very bad thing, indeed!
I really don't know how this "movie" franchise managed to get itself approved by the MPAA Ratings Board. Because it managed to "push the envelope" of Good Taste clear off the edge of the cliff. This movie should have been rated, NC-170! Yes, you read that right. No one under the age of 170 should be allowed to see this movie. Period!