Friday, October 29, 2010

SAW 3-D: THE FINAL CHAPTER, R ( 1 hr & 31 min )

where: EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX in Fairfield, CA
when: Thursday, October 28th, 2010
show: 10:00 p.m.
costs: $15.00 Ticket + $0.00 small Popcorn ( Free on Movie Watcher Rewards Card ) + $4.75 small Diet Coke = $19.75
auditorium: 5, with a 3-D screen
seat: 3rd row, 10th column

synopsis: A con-artist decides to exploit Jigsaw's surviving victims for fame and profit. But, in doing so, he gets put to the test to see whether or not he also has what it takes to survive.

noteworthy scenes: 1.) Leg stump; 2.) Display window; 3.) Stitches; 4.) Protection and immunity; 5.) Reborn; 6.) Prophetic nightmare; 7.) Racists; 8.) Survivors' group; 9.) The message on the mirror; 10.) "Start your life anew"; 11.) Flashback; 12.) "Understand your problems"; 13.) Safe-house; 14.) DVD; 15.) "Redefine your priorities"; 16.) The book signing; 17.) Video surveillance; 18.) "Verify your self-worth"; 19.) "Ignore your detractors"; 20.) " This is where he saved my life"; 21.) "Value your loved ones"; 22.) Self-dentistry; 23.) Trace; 24.) Secret room; 25.) "Embrace everyday as if it's your last"; 26.) The "familiar" game; 27.) Diversion; 28.) "You were warned"; 29.) The police station; and 30.) The tables turned.

audience reaction:
I didn't really hear much, reaction-wise, from the audience.

Go see this if you're into "Torture Porn." Otherwise, stay away from this perverted morality play.

spoiler alert! Couldn't the police have shot-out the glass? And a cop could have used the puppet's tricycle to jam/block the perpendicular saw while the other worked to disable it. And since it's just a department store display window, and more than likely electrically-wired in the typical fashion, one only has to pull the plug to disable the saw(s). There was no way for that piece of intestine to get cut-off like that--it would have been shredded-up, instead. After just one day, the sutured area should have become swollen--unless he had access to some Prednisone. When the glued skin tore away, it looked too rigidly fake. Depending on how tall the racist in the car was, he could have easily used his right foot to pull on the lever since his legs were not "crazy-glued" to the seat. Any big, gaping wound to the face and/or head will generate a lot of blood, but some of the victims in this movie didn't shed much blood. Contrary to what the author said, an injured mind doesn't heal as well as an injured body. Why didn't he stuff a sock in his publicist's mouth to lower the pitch of her voice? He could have used the heel of his shoe and his belt buckle to jam the sprocket wheel and break the chain to stop the gears. When those spikes penetrated his body at either side, the side where the liver is at should have spurted darker-colored blood. He should have told the man to pull out his shirt and use it to catch the key with. He was striking the tooth extractor sideways, so the tooth should have cracked and broken into pieces. When he dragged the victim's body out of the body-bag, there should have been a trail of blood, something which he would have had no time to clean-up. Knowing their suspect, when the machine gun popped-up, they should have ducked for cover since they had enough time. When each hook pierced through the skin, blood should not have squirted out since the puncture wounds were still tightly-sealed by the hooks. He could have hooked the hooks together and used them as a "stirrup" when he needed to hoist himself up. He was stabbed in the neck, but where was the blood? Why didn't she take with her the dead police officer's gun? Why were there still corpses in the torture room when an earlier sequel showed that it was discovered by the police and, presumably, the bodies were taken to the morgue for forensic work? Did Jigsaw's apprentice, at one time, work at a fortune cookie factory? The author's wife, as well as some other innocent people, should not have been included among the guilty victims.

Is this really the final installment of this franchise? I hope so.

Back in Ancient Greece, the "Brazen Bull" was invented to slowly roast to death a torture victim inside of its hollow body. It was equipped with a mouthpiece for the victim to cry into for help or in pain. But the victim's voice would get altered as it flowed through the pipes and out of the "bull's" mouth so that it would sound more like the bellowing sound of a bull. All the while, revelers would gather around it to witness the diabolically barbaric, macabre spectacle.

Incidentally, the "Brazen Bull's" inventor, Perillos, was its first victim! Well, somebody had to find out whether it worked according to its design. Perillos never imagined this as his reward for a job well-done ( 'get it? ). Actually, King Phalaris only had him roasted to "medium-rare." Then, the king had the hapless inventor sentenced to death by having him thrown off a cliff! ( Perillos should have had everything down in writing, first. )

word of advice: Have the punishment fit the crime.

As I was about to enter the auditorium with my soda and popcorn in hand, a kind black lady offered to open and hold the door for me. That was so nice and polite of her and her husband to do for me. I don't think that that would have been the case here in Vallejo since there are a lot of people with no manners here.

After the movie, I asked the clerk where they have their recycle bin for the 3-D glasses. She told me that they don't have it, that I could either just throw it away or keep it--I kept it. My guess is that they only have a recycle bin in auditoriums 11 and 12.