Thursday, March 24, 2011

LIMITLESS, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 45 min )

where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011
show:  10:05 p.m.
costs:  $9.75 Ticket + $4.50 Pretzel Bites + $4.50 20 fl. oz.  XXX VitaminWater = $18.75
auditorium:  13
seat:  5th row, 7th column

synopsis/overview:  An aspiring writer, Eddie Morra ( Bradley Cooper ),  who just broke-up with his girlfriend, Lindy ( Abbie Cornish ),  and is about to get himself evicted from his apartment,  has a chance encounter with his former brother-in-law, Vernon ( Johnny Whitworth ),  who is peddling a new kind of  illicit drug: NZT-48.  A drug that can help its user access the largely-untapped portion of one's mind.  He gets hooked on this mind-altering drug and is totally dependent on it as it takes him on a whirlwind ride of  prestige and financial success.  But just as his supply dwindles and the side effects become more pronounced, he finds himself  on the run from  unsavory characters who will stop at nothing to get what little he has left.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) Penthouse balcony; 2.) Writer's block; 3.) "I was your girlfriend"; 4.) The new drug; 5.) "I was blind but now I see"; 6.) The landlord's wife, Valerie ( T. V. Carpio ); 7.) House cleaning; 8.) "I was back"; 9.) 'Phone messages; 10.)Murder;  11.) The secret stash; 12.) "Worth the risk"; 13.) New-found skills; 14.) New friends; 15.) Loan; 16.) Dinner date; 17.) "It will be cost-effective"; 18.) Side effect; 19.) "Actual recipe for grandeur"; 20.) "Move, digest, ingest"; 21.) Skips; 22.) Fight; 23.) "I couldn't account for the last 18 hours of my life"; 24.) Hieroglyphs; 25.) Victim of  foul play; 26.) Bugged; 27.) 'Phone calls; 28.) "I didn't want you to see me this way"; 29.) "Try to taper-off"; 30.) "I feel good, man"; 31.) "I had no choice"; 32.) Stalker; 33.) "You'll take it and then you'll know"; 34.) "Who's back, Eddie"; 35.) The chemist; 36.) Body guards; 37.) The shady lawyer; 38.) "Don't make me your competition"; 39.) The limousine driver; 40.) The police line-up [ I am  number 4--Ha, ha, ha ]; 41.) The package; 42.) The missing stash; 43.) The bad guys; 44.) Blood; 45.) Hospital; 46.) "Have you ever asked yourself when you ran out"; and 47.) "I see everything."

favorite scene:  I liked the subway fight.  It made me laugh.

audience reaction:  I didn't hear much of a reaction from the audience.

recommendation:  It's good enough to be a "date" movie. 

spoiler alert!  A drug that is  in pill, tablet, capsule or gel form usually takes approximately half an hour to dissolve in a person's stomach--if  the person  takes  it with a glass of water.  But Eddie, Lindy and the bad guy, Gennady ( Andrew Howard ),  just popped it in their mouths  without  washing it down with water.  In other words, the drug's effects would have taken longer to get noticed.  So, if the new drug that he took went into effect in just "30 seconds" then it could not have been in solid form in the first place!  I don't know about you, but I've called 911 a few times and I always got a recording first!   A bum who reports a murder all of a sudden starts to go into "fashion make-over" mode--shouldn't this have raised a "red flag" and gotten the cops suspicious? He should just have kept the drug in his pocket because,  even if  Gennady patted him down, it would still have gone  unnoticed.  There were a lot of people in that skating rink when the blood-stained bad guy with a big knife fell down--and nobody had a camera cellphone ...?   That dude got a big gash on his left cheek and would be easy to spot in broad daylight after the two murders and one attempted murder in the park got the front-page/latest news treatment from the media.  Okay, the drug made him a super genius but it never occurred to him to buy-out a Chemistry laboratory, buy and read-up on Chemistry books and "reverse engineer" the drug's formulation, himself?  Maybe he never heard of the expression, "If you want it done right, do it yourself."  Eddie said it wrong when he said, "We're instinct of  creatures" ( It should have been, "We're creatures of instinct" ).  An average human has about a gallon and a quart of blood in his/her body.  So, the amount that he ingested would have just contained a very diluted amount of the drug and would not have been enough to "super-smart" him in that time of emergency.  The most he would have gotten from that tiny amount of blood would just have been a  fleeting "flash of genius".  Even if he removed the evidence from the safe and shoved it down the garbage disposal, because that was a homicide crime scene, the CSI personnel would have thoroughly inspected that penthouse so that blood residue would be evident inside that safe since Eddie didn't have enough time to thoroughly clean it.  In other words, the police detectives would have thought  twice about  finalizing their conclusion that it was all a case of mistaken identity in which the former tenant was an illegal arms dealer because of  the FRESH blood residue in the safe. 

fyi:  You don't need a drug to become super smart.  Just master the skill required to shift your brainwave frequency from Beta to Theta.  Theta is were your mind stores all the possible answers/solutions to all of your problems.  Of course, this is easier said than done!  I haven't even began to try it since I've been doing Alpha brainwave frequency sound meditation  all along for the last eight years.  And meditating to sound is not the same as acquiring the necessary skills to shift one's brainwave frequency at will.  But I guess now is as good a time as any for me to "switch gears", so to speak. 

word of advice:  Too much of a good thing is too much.

 If you want something done right, do it yourself.

tidbits:  As I made my way to auditorium 13, I came across Raymond, a former co-worker of mine,  who was in the hallway waiting for his girlfriend.  They were there to see the same movie as I was.  I wanted to  shake hands with him but his right hand was really swollen.  He told me that he had an accident the night before in Sacramento, CA.  He must have been driving a little too fast in the rain.

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