Thursday, March 10, 2011

TAKE ME HOME TONIGHT, R ( 1 hr & 54 min )

where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Wednesday, March 9th, 2011
show:  10:25 p.m.
costs:  $9.75 Ticket + $5.00 Snack Pack + $1.18 bulk Chocolate Candy = $15.93
auditorium:  11
seat:  4th row, 8th column

synopsis/overview:   Matt Franklin ( Topher Grace ),  a recent MIT grad,   turns his back on the material world and works as a lowly clerk at a video store while he tries to figure out what to do with his life.  But his high school crush, Tori Frederking  ( Teresa Palmer ),  is suddenly back in the "picture".  To try and impress her, he makes-pretend to be somebody that he's not.  Then, they  go together on a date on a night that will forever change their lives.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) Domino effect; 2.) "You won the attendance award every year"; 3.) "We had a deal"; 4.) "I just applied to see if I could get in"; 5.) The car dealership; 6.) Glove compartment; 7.) The "Ball"; 8.) Obnoxious wheelchair guy; 9.) "Screwed ourselves into the market"; 10.)  Windsurfing; 11.) "We're doing this"; 12.) Dance-off; 13.) "You were my high school crush"; 14.) The proposal; 15.) Big life decisions; 16.) "I have cocaine on me"; 17.) Boob power; 18.) Sexual harassment; 19.) "I'm going to try this;" 20.) The Penis Game; 21.) Kinky, voyeuristic couple; 22.) Truth or dare; 23.) The letter; 24.) "I work at Sun Coast Video"; 25.) "Put a little relish on your hotdog"; 26.) "Wow, I'm wrong again"; 27.) Mulligan; 28.) Ride the "Ball"; 29.) "Tonight, I'm not afraid"; 30.) Miscalculation; 31.) Swimming pool; 32.) Telephone number; 33.) "Canceling the movers"; 34.) "That was bold"; and 35.) Name tag.

favorite scenes:  I liked the "in-the-patrol-car" scene.
I also liked the scene wherein Wendy Franklin ( Anna Faris ) had to break-up with Kyle Masterson ( Chris Pratt ).

audience reaction:  The audience, mostly male, enjoyed this movie.

recommendation:  I liked it enough.  Go see this if you're into Coming-of-Age Comedies.

spoiler alert!  That was one stupid place to hide one's stash of cocaine.  Am I supposed to believe that a  fancy, expensive house in Beverly Hills has no kind of  perimeter security--not even  a dog?  Why did Barry ( Dan Fogler ) go down like he was going to take a snort of coke, too, when there was only one snort straw?  Why did the airbags deploy when they didn't even hit anything?  Who's gonna pay for all that property damage?  If a big metal ball like that rumbled through a typical neighborhood in the middle of the night and crashed through fences, dogs would bark, car alarms would go off,  and people would be awakened.  So, I don't know why Mr. Korean Guy didn't find out about the property damage until the next day.  The ball could have its path of travel traced back to its most likely source: The house with the toilet-papered trees and party litter all over the residence.  And, of course, they could  always check for fingerprints.

fyi:  Is it just me or does Teresa Palmer look identical to Kristen Stewart?  Except for the hair color, they're practically identical twins separated at birth!

After Kim Karnes' song, BETTY DAVIS EYES, became popular, the comedian Bruce Baum came up with his parody song, MARTY FELDMAN EYES, in 1981.  I think this parody song eclipsed the original in popularity.  At least, I preferred the "Marty" version over the "Betty" version.  Check both of them out on YouTube.

word of advice:  Don't do or say anything foolish just to impress someone.

tidbits:  At the concession counter, the clerk told me that he liked this movie enough that he watched  it twice.  That was a good sign.

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