where: UA EMERY BAY STADIUM 10 in Emeryville, CA
when: Sunday, April 24th, 2011
show: 9:45 p.m.
costs: $10.75 Ticket + $5.75 Zap Pack + $5.00 Carquinez Bridge Toll = $21.50
auditorium: 6
seat: 7th row, 10th column
synopsis/overview: Shortly after President Lincoln's assassination at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C., suspects are rounded-up, including Mary Surratt ( Robin Wright ), the owner of a local boarding house where the conspirators met as well as the mother of John Surratt ( Johnny Simmons ), one of the suspects, who manages to escape from the manhunt. Mary is used primarily as bait to try to get John out of hiding. A young lawyer and Union Army war hero, Frederick Aiken ( James McAvoy ), is given the unenviable task of being the defense lawyer for Mary in a "Kangaroo Court" hell-bent on revenge!
noteworthy scenes: 1.) "You take him first"; 2.) "Hep, hep. Hurrah"; 3.) "It's good to be back"; 4.) Lincoln's assassination"; 5.) "One man did not orchestrate this all on his own"; 6.) Manhunt; 7.) Barn; 8.) Suspects; 9.) "She's entitled to a defense"; 10.) Adjournment; 11.) Inquisition; 12.) "Obey your oath as an attorney"; 13.) "There's never been a case like this before"; 14.) "I didn't ask about their allegiances"; 15.) Perfect place; 16.) "I'm trying to understand why you're here"; 17.) Secret meeting; 18.) "They all look guilty"; 19.) "If you can prove that she's guilty, you can take yourself off the case"; 20.) "You know your Proverbs"; 21.) Conspiracy to kidnap; 22.) Sic Semper Tyrannis ( "Thus Always to Tyrants", State Motto of Virginia ); 23.) "The man she denies knowing"; 24.) "Failed to show proof beyond reasonable doubt"; 25.) Travesty; 26.) "Stop treating her like a savage"; 27.) "You're trying to save you"; 28.) Wild rumors; 29.) "Either outcome, you cannot prevail"; 30.) "Right-smart in liquor"; 31.) Defense witness; 32.) Rescinded; 33.) "Predetermined her fate"; 34.) Daughter's testimony; 35.) Infatuation; 36.) "Allegiance to God"; 37.) Three acts; 38.) Majority decision; 39.) "Let us change them"; 40.) News; 41.) Three options; 42.) Writ of Habeas Corpus"; 43.) "It's not justice you're after, it's revenge"; 44.) "There should only be three"; 45.) Suspended; 46.) "In times of war, the law falls silent"; 47.) "You were more of a son to her than I ever was"; 48.) Summaries; and 49.) Photographs shown during the Ending Credits.
audience reaction: There were about ten of us in the auditorium. Although it was quiet in there, I did hear some people react upon hearing of President Andrew Johnson's crucial decision. I reacted the same way to this travesty of justice.
recommendation: I liked this Historical Period Piece. This movie is an invaluable supplemental aid to the study of US History. I highly recommend this movie to those of you who are interested in US History.
spoiler alert! Why did the accused men sit around in their jail cells with a hood over their heads? It simply didn't make sense. Mary Surratt, in her jail cell, swore on the Bible using her left hand--the proper way is with the right hand! She should have known better than to use her left hand since she was well-versed in the Bible.
fyi: It wasn't until after this movie came out on a limited release last week that I first learned of Mary Surratt and the conspirators. I always thought that John Wilkes Booth acted alone. At least, that is how I remembered it from my US History class in high school.
After the fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D., General Titus reported to Rome by giving this statement: "Jerusalem is lost." Or, to put it in Latin: "Hierosylma Est Perdita." To which, the Romans exclaimed a jubilant, "Hurrah!" This anti-Semitic victorious exclamation eventually got shortened to, "H.E.P. ( acronym ), h.e.p. Hurrah!"
Here follows a Conspiracy Theory that is relevant to our present time:
Before the Original Thirteen Colonies gained their Independence from the British Empire, they were under a martial law called, Admiralty Law ( or Maritime Law ). Mind you, this was before trains and airplanes were invented, and before the Westward Expansion. Back then, most--if not all--trade and commerce were centered around shipping. Hence, the use of Admiralty Law.
When the colonies gained their independence, the Founding Fathers drafted the Constitution, i.e. "Law of the Land", as opposed to "Law of the Sea" where Admiralty Law had jurisdiction. And as I've said in the previous paragraph, Admiralty Law, a.k.a. Maritime Law, is a form of martial law. Some of the Founding Fathers were lawyers, Admiralty Lawyers, in fact! And with their background in such law, they knowingly drafted a Constitution that would be superseded by Martial Law ( read: Admiralty Law ) in times of national crisis and/or war.
During the Civil War, President Lincoln imposed Martial Law ( read: Admiralty Law ). And he never got the chance to rescind the law after the war because he was "conveniently" assassinated! And no future US President ever, never ever, rescinded this law. Or, to put it in another way, we are still in a state of Martial Law! So, whenever you hear a "War On ..." drugs, poverty, hunger, crime, terrorists, etc., you hear an order passed under Martial Law. Why do you think the United States was involved in a war for every year of the last Century ( history books will show you this! )?
The state of Martial Law ( read: Admiralty Law ) was what caused President Andrew Johnson to suspend the Writ of Habeas Corpus. This suspension was a very telling evidence of the Admiralty Law's unlawful jurisdiction on land!
If you go to any court of law anywhere in the United States and see displayed in the courtroom a State flag and/or a US flag with gold fringe all around its edges and adorned with a golden tassel, that court of law is under the jurisdiction of Admiralty Law. Nope, they didn't adorn such flags simply to make them all look pretty. And such a flag does not represent the United States or its Constitution! If you want a fair trial, you will have to take your case all the way to the Supreme Court which may, at its own fickle discretion, decide to uphold the Constitution in your behalf if you solemnly swear to behave nicely.
This brings up the case of the prisoners ( "detainees" ) held in the detention camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. People argue that the prisoners ( "detainees" ) are innocent men held against their will. But, get this, they were transported there over a very large expanse of water where Admiralty Law has jurisdiction! Don't you just love the "legality" of this tactic? So, like it or not, they're Toast--pretty much! Unless they each can get their respective cases heard in the Supreme Court and they each solemnly swear to behave nicely. Otherwise, they will just languish, forgotten, in prison ( "detention camp" ) for the remainder of their lives.
According to http://www.doctorzebra.com/prez/g16.htm, although Abraham Lincoln was marfanoid, he didn't suffer from Marfan's Disease. He had cancer, Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia, Type 2B. And he was in the terminal stage of cancer when he was assassinated. He also suffered from Syphilis.
Abraham Lincoln was almost 6'4" tall mostly because of his longer-than-normal legs. I guess you could call him, "Daddy Long Legs."
Abraham Lincoln preferred to read while lying down on the floor.
Mary Todd Lincoln was a bitch ( ! ) who hen-pecked, battered and threatened the life of gentle and long-suffering Abe.
Abraham Lincoln was a dear friend to the Jews. Among his closest Jewish friends were Louis Salzenstein, Abraham Jonas and Julius Hammerslough. ( Levitt Letter, May 2010 issue )
Abraham Lincoln was a Cat Person; and he had four cats in the White House. ( www.theoatmeal.com: Seventeen Things Worth Knowing About Your Cat )
John Wilkes Booth had two brothers, Junius Brutus ( Jr. ) and Edwin. All three of them were stage actors, Edwin being the best among them as well as being the best stage actor in America during his time. ( www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/11/john-wilkes-booths-brother-saved-abraham-lincolns-sons-life-shortly-before-lincoln-was-assassinated )
Edwin was a staunch supporter of Abraham Lincoln, which put him at great odds with this brother, John. Edwin also saved the life of Abraham Lincoln's son, Robert, shortly before the assassination.
Had Robert attended the play in which his father was assassinated, he might have changed its outcome as he would have been seated closest to the door. Robert was a witness to the assassination of President Garfield and was present at the assassination of President McKinley. Because of these fateful events, Robert Todd Lincoln refused subsequent invitations to Presidential functions "... because there is a certain fatality about presidential functions when I am present."
word of advice: No one should be imprisoned without just cause. ( The gist of Writ of Habeas Corpus.)
Under Law of the Land, i.e. Constitutional Law, a person is innocent until proven guilty and has a right to a trial by jury.
Under Admiralty Law, a.k.a. Maritime Law, i.e. Martial Law, a person is guilty until proven innocent and has no right to a trial by jury.
tidbits: When I stepped out of my place today, Easter Sunday, I noticed some jelly beans strewn on the hallway. But there was no way that I was gonna pick them up, especially after seeing the movie, HOP.
After work, as I drove on 780 West, I saw a flare shoot up in the air in the Old Glen Cove area at 4:49 p.m. I don't know why some stupid-ass idiot would do such a thing in a residential area where it could cause a fire and lots of property damage and even death!
The "Check Engine" light came on in my Hyundai Accent for a third time, yesterday, a Saturday, after it was supposedly fixed. When I took it to the shop on Thursday, the mechanic who did a computer diagnostic test on it told me that the code that came up showed that my car's Master Air Flow Sensor was faulty. He cleaned it, hoping that it would fix the problem. Apparently, it didn't!
I decided to go visit my friend, Hector, and his family in Oakland, CA, hoping that the 60-plus mile round-trip would in some way de-activate the "Check Engine" light or burn it out so I wouldn't have to look at it again--ever! But the damn light stayed on. Aargh ....
So, Tiger, the kitten, was out there on Hector's front porch to greet me. And he recently killed another mouse. That brings his total kill to six. Nope, he doesn't eat them. He just delights in torturing them before killing them. And Tiger is not intimidated by the adult stray cats roaming around his neighborhood; he stares them down. I mean, after all, he gave a pit-bull a bloody nose at three months of age. He's four-and-a-half months old now. And he's already a confirmed killer. I commented to Hector and his sons that Tiger might be sporting tattoos the next time that I see him! What a kitten he's turning out to be.
Early in the evening, after I cooked some dinner for everyone, Hector, his wife and I watched a taped TV program called, "Where Do We Go When We Die?" One of the featured segments was about the child painter, Akiane Kramarik, who claims that she met God while in an out-of-body experience. And God taught her how to paint. AND SHE IS QUITE THE GIFTED ARTIST! Her paintings are posted on the Internet for the world to behold. Check them out.
Before the movie, I went to the restroom to empty my bladder and to wash my eyeglasses with soap and water. Some asshole used a faucet and left it on! Why do irresponsible, inconsiderate lowlifes do such a thing? It doesn't make sense at all. After all, I know they don't leave their faucets running at home. It is no wonder that I avoid socializing whenever possible because I cannot trust people to do the right thing around others and in the eyes of God.
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