Tuesday, April 19, 2011

SOUL SURFER, PG ( 1 hr & 45 min )

where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Monday, April 18th, 2011
show:  10:00 p.m.
costs:  $9.75 Ticket + $4.50 20 fl. oz. Essential Orange VitaminWater + $0.00 Pierre 2 mini Spicy Breaded Chicken Sandwiches + $0.00 Banana-Walnut Muffin = $14.25
auditorium:  3
seat:  3rd row, 7th column

synopsis/overview:   In this "based on a true story" movie, teen surfing champion, Bethany Hamilton ( AnnaSophia Robb ), loses her arm in a shark attack.  But instead of  wallowing in self-pity, she goes back to the world that means so much to her: Surfing.  And against all odds, through sheer dogged determination, she becomes a worldwide inspirational role-model.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) Little mermaids; 2.) Competition; 3.) Eye-patch; 4.) Jeremiah 29:11; 5.) Night surfing; 6.) "I love home school"; 7.) Attack; 8.) "Tom, it's Bethany"; 9.) Hypovolemic Shock; 10.) "I guess I ruined your surf shirt, huh";11.) "She's a living miracle"; 12.) "When can I surf again"; 13.) Hospital cafeteria; 14.) "It wasn't a dream.  It was real"; 15.) "I though you were gonna die out there"; 16.) "Can we try a shower first"; 17.) Surf board signs; 18.) News reporters; 19.) "Nice driving, Double O Seven"; 20.) "Where's my Spam"; 21.) "That arm can't come soon enough"; 22.) "It's gonna look better once the stitches are out"; 23.) "Sarah, how could this be God's plan for me"; 24.) "That's a perfect fit, bro"; 25.) Photo shoot; 26.) "Perfect time"; 27.) Thanksgiving; 28.) Prosthesis; 29.) Barbie Doll; 30.) "People like normal, Mom"; 31.) Venus De Milo; 32.) "I don't need easy.  I just need possible"; 33.) Hawaiian Island Regionals; 34.) Interference call; 35.) Fans; 36.) "She will never be the same"; 37.) "Listen for what comes next"; 38.) Phuket, Thailand; 39.) "The Lord works in mysterious ways is an understatement"; 40.) Fan mail; 41.) "I think I want to compete"; 42.) Genius; 43.) Training; 44.) Sixth sense; 45.) "I want to thank you for never going easy on me"; 46.) Paddle battle; 47.) "She feels something"; 48.) "It counted, totally  counted"; 49.) Trophies; 50.) "The chance to embrace more people than I could ever do with two arms"; 51.) Faith; and 52.) Bonus Scenes of  the real Bethany Hamilton with family and friends, and Photos during the Ending Credits.

audience reaction:  At the most, there were about 10 people in the audience.  And I didn't hear a reaction from any one of them.

recommendation:   Go see this movie if  you're into inspirational/motivational types  of movies.

spoiler alert!  This movie is one of  those "Christian-themed" movies.  And the Hamiltons are a devout Christian family in real life.  But they toned down the "Christian message" of this movie so as not to offend the rest of the world.  So, in their  intent to present a movie that is as politically-correct as possible, the makers of  this movie produced a "feel-good" film that  only "treads in safe water" without the intense drama and conflict that would otherwise be present in a "tempestuous sea" of  human emotions had they chosen a more bolder and, hence, realistic approach to their subject at hand.  I don't like the Youth Ministry group leader, Sarah Hill ( Carrie Underwood ), who used a Passive-Aggressive subtle form of  Coercion to make Bethany feel remorseful about not volunteering for a Youth Mission.  Doing volunteer work for humanitarian reasons is good and noble but only if it is being done through one's  own Free Will!   If you do volunteer work because others coerce you into doing it, whether passively or aggressively, then such work is not acceptable to God because it does not come from the goodness of  your heart, even if  such work is done in His Name--a simple analogy to this is the type of sacrificial  offering required by God, an offering that must be the best and foremost of its kind and free of  any blemishes and/or abnormalities whatsoever.   In other words, it has to be pure;  likewise, good deeds done in God's Name must be emotionally pure.  I don't think that we really want to find out what Spam is actually made out of!  I cannot add anything else here except that surfers take a chance when they go to coral reefs just for the "surf breaks"  because that is a shark's feeding ground in the first place.

fyi:  Bethany's real-life dog, Ginger, passed away before the production of this movie commenced.  The dog in the movie is, Hana.  Hana is the dog of  Bethany's brother, Noah.

I didn't go see this movie right away last week because I have a deep-seated, irrational fear of  sharks.  This phobia goes all the way back to that point in my life that I talked about in my blog for MARS NEEDS MOMS.  This phobia of  mine was so overwhelming that I waited about 15 years before I got the nerve to see the movie, JAWS.  In fact, at one time when I was much younger, I would not even dare put either of my leg in a bucket of  muddy water because there might be a shark in it waiting to bite my leg off!  But my phobia has tapered off somewhat so that now I can go swimming  in dark water so long as it's not more than six feet deep.  Any deeper than six feet and it had better be a swimming pool.  And, no, I will refuse to swim alone in a swimming pool because there might be a shark in it!  No thanks to some old movie where they showed  a shark  swimming in a man-made pool of some sort and eating its helpless victim alive!  Nope, that ain't ever gonna  be me.

So, what's your phobia?

word of advice:  God works in mysterious ways. 

tidbits:  Before the movie, I swung by the Benicia, CA, Chevron gas station to buy gas and some lottery tickets.  And I was gonna buy  a Banana-Walnut Muffin and the Spicy Breaded Chicken Sandwiches to smuggle into the theatre.  But the clerk gave them to me for free because any food they have left unsold past a certain time in the evening gets thrown away.  Now I know what to do before I go catch the last show at the Vallejo theatre: Get some Free Food and some Free Snack first!   

The cashier at the theatre box office told me that the last show for two movies were canceled because they were converting the screens to digital.  And I told the concessions cashier that I'm world-famous now because of my blogsite.

Special Announcement:  I would like to take this time to say, Thank You and Welcome, to my readers in:

Algeria, Austria, Cyprus, Hungary, Japan, Singapore and Sweden.

Thank you, once again.  Please keep reading my weekly updates.  And tell your friends, and everybody else who you know, about my blog. 

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