Sunday, May 29, 2011

THE HANGOVER PART II, R ( 1 hr & 42 min )

where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Friday, May 27th, 2011
show:  10:30 p.m.
costs:  $10.25 Ticket + $5.50 small Popcorn w/ Butter + $3.50 20 fl. oz. Essential VitaminWater = $19.25
auditorium:  8
seat:  2nd row, 5th column

synopsis/overview:   Considering what happened at a friend's Las Vegas bachelor party, Stu ( Ed Helms ) thinks that having his own bachelor party held in Thailand will bode well for him and his friends. But, factoring-in Alan ( Zach Galifianakis ) might just yield an equation with unexpected results.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) "It happened again";  2.) "This is  the bachelor party"; 3.) "You were  supposed to delete these"; 4.) Chattering teeth toy; 5.) Doogie Howser; 6.) Toasts; 7.) "Albino polar bear"; 8.) "Your hair is gone"; 9.) Tattoo; 10.) Finger; 11.) Mr. Chow ( Ken Jeong ); 12.) Text from Chow; 13.) Police station; 14.) "We cannot analyze everything"; 15.) Charade; 16.) Tattoo parlor; 17.) 'Phone camera; 18.) Mini bus; 19.) "What is this, a P. F. Chang's"; 20.) "No talk"; 21.) "Garden of  Meditation"; 22.) Strip club; 23.) Bad guys; 24.) "This wasn't part of  the plan"; 25.) Message on tummy; 26.) Insurance; 27.) "It's not your business"; 28.) "'Ever see a monkey go to jail"; 29.) Car chase; 30.) "I wish monkeys could skype"; 31.) "Blah, blah, blah.  Who cares"; 32.) "Bologna 1"; 33.) Bait; 34.) Clues; 35.) Speedboat; 36.) Semen; 37.) "Switch sides"; 38.) "Asiatic people"; 39.) Wedding song; and 40.) Photographs during the Ending Credits.

audience reaction:  The audience really liked this movie.  Someone seated behind me gave it a "Hands Clapper" ending.

recommendation:  I liked it.  If  you liked part I, you might like part II even better.

spoiler alert!  The nudity in this movie is not to everyone's taste!   This movie is just a raunchier rehash of  part I.  Here is a "bullet list" of  the similarities between parts I and II:

  • Friends at a bachelor party
  • Bachelor party held in a "sin city"
  • Unwelcome and unwanted immature, irresponsible man-child
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Dentist joke
  • No recollection of  the previous night's shenanigans
  • Bathroom with an animal in it
  • Korean male's exposed genitalia
  • Korean male unexpectedly jumping out of  confinement 
  • Mobsters 
  • Missing friend
  • Missing body part
  • "Babysitting"  an infant ( part I );  "babysitting"  a minor ( part II )
  • Police department
  • Stu standing-up for himself
  • Wedding
  • Mike Tyson
  • Embarrassing and incriminating photographs
  • Female nudity ( altered in part II )
  • "Sex" with an animal ( altered in part II )
As for the rest of  the spoilers, here they are ....

Shouldn't the Nitrous Oxide face mask be kept sterile before use?  Even if  you took a doctor's prescription pad, the pharmacist would still have to call-in the prescription just to double-check with your doctor--forget the doctor, bribe the front desk employee who takes calls from pharmacies!  Okay, they had a severed finger and a pre-med student ... so, why didn't they go to a hospital, instead?  Would you really keep a ring on a finger like that, especially considering the situation?  The power outage was temporary ( notice the electric fan was "on" after he went missing ), so he shouldn't have been left stuck in that elevator all that time.  How'd Mr. Chow's manhood shrink in size during the intervening time between parts I and II?  Maybe, Mr. Chow's "shrinkage" will be the subject of,  The Hangover Part III ( or should the title be, Hung-Under?  L.O.L. ). Even though the bullet just grazed his biceps, he would still have temporary limited use of  his left arm.  Those cops sure are dumb.  Why didn't the burned-down nightclub's employees attack them?  How could the helicopter, on stake-out,   hover nearby without being heard?  Having unprotected sex in Bangkok , which is a city with one of  the highest rates of  AIDS infection in the world--I wouldn't want to marry that  guy if  I were her without first insisting on an AIDS/STD test!  This movie screams, "ANIMAL ABUSE!" in big, bold capital letters.

fyi:  I had a Chinese co-worker named, David ( who looks somewhat like  Ken Jeong ), at my other job.  He worked as a newspaper reporter back in Hong Kong.  As a news reporter, he traveled to many places in Asia.  And, of course, he had been to Bangkok, Thailand.  One time, he brought pictures of  his Bangkok trip to show to me and the rest of  the crew.  He had many pictures of  him posing with a bevy of  Thai beauties--'only thing was ... they were all pre-op transsexuals!  I ogled and drooled for nothing!

Ken Jeong is actually an American MD.  He was discovered while doing stand-up comedy when he was working on his residency at a  hospital in New Orleans.

YouTube  has videos of  monkeys sexually doing what this movie's monkey was simulatingly doing. Go check-out the videos by clicking on the YouTube icon that you'll find on the left side of  my blogsite.

word of  advice:  Alcohol and Drugs don't mix.

Think twice before getting a mail-order bride from Thailand!

tidbits:  I planned on seeing this movie at the Edwards Fairfield  Stadium 16 & I-Max in Fairfield, CA, after I got off  from work.  When I arrived at the theatre in Fairfield, I noticed a long line at the door.  I asked the box office clerk for a ticket to the 10:10 p.m. show.  She told me that it was sold-out.  Can you believe that?  This movie came out yesterday, a Thursday, and, yet, these idiots decided to show-up in droves today, instead!  The clerk offered to sell me a ticket for the 11:15 p.m. show.  But I didn't want to stand in line for that long.

So, I left and headed straight to the Century 14 Vallejo for the 10:30 p.m. show.  I didn't like having to sit too close and way off  to the side but, at least, I didn't have to wait in line.

I saw Carl, a former co-worker of  mine, along with his son,  in the main lobby by the condiments counter. They were there to see the movie, JUMPING THE BROOM.  We exchanged pleasantries and caught-up on the latest goings-on at work.

Special Announcement:  I would like to take this time to say, Thank You and Welcome, to my readers in:


Thank you, once again.  Please keep reading my weekly updates.  And don't forget to tell your friends, and everyone else who you know, about my movie blogsite.

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