When I started this blog, I did so with the primary focus on the movie patrons' reaction to the movies which I go to see along with them. It had never been about me. But, now, I've had some people clicking on my profile only to be disappointed that I do not have anything else to say about myself. Even though I drop personal hints in the fyi and tidbits sections (in particular) of my reviews, this seems not enough to satiate the curious appetite of some of you readers who want nothing less on the plate than my literary biography.
With that in mind, I shall compose my biography and add it to my profile soon after. Please check back to this particular post every week to know when to click back on my profile for a more comprehensive background information.
I humbly thank you in advance for your expressed interest.
(adding some personal spice to my movie-watching vice)
P.S. Someone asked me once what I do for fun. I said that I don't smoke, don't drink and don't do drugs--going to the movies is my only "vice."
P.P.S. This blog originated from "guy-talk" about movies that I go to see. Whenever appropriate to the subject matter (i.e. the movie reviewed in particular), I shall revert back to "guy-talk" to connect with my intended readership. This is why there is an "adult content" warning on my blog. I apologize in advance to anyone who may find some of my entries offensive.