I would like to take this time to say, "Thank you," to Lee S. in Benicia, CA for informing me that my blog site is already on the internet. You, as well as some other people who have expressed a sincere interest in my proposed hobby, have encouraged me to sail past my literary doldrums and set a course for vicarious adventures in the vast ocean-world of Creative Writing. Egads! does this mean that you are my Muse? I hope not because I've never heard of such a thing as a bearded muse! You've got the long hair going for you, though--but that's about it.
Likewise, I'd like to thank Richard Allen D., a co-worker of mine in Benicia, for letting me confirm the operational status of my blog site on his I-Phone. Sorry, Nikki, you had your chance.
It is now official: I AM ON THE WEB, FINALLY. To paraphrase my namesake, Napoleon Bonaparte, "Today, Benicia. Tomorrow, ze World!"
Now, for the BAD NEWS: Everybody at work knows that I go to the cinemas quite a lot, including management. So, from now on, I had better be careful whenever I call in sick or tell them that I cannot work extra hours because they'll be checking my blog site to keep tabs on my whereabouts. 'Tis the price to pay for worldly fame, methinks.