when: Thursday, June 4th, 2009
show: 9:45 pm
auditorium: 14
seat: 3rd row, 7th column
Christine Brown ( played by Alison Lohman) is a loan officer who wants to impress her boss and her fiance's (played by Justin Long) parents. Nothing but becoming the assistant manager will do it for her, in her own mind. So, in her desperate bid to win the promotion, she denies a 3rd extension on a mortgage loan from a mysterious sugar-treats pilfering old woman, Mrs. Ganush (Lorna Raver). In the process, she incurs the VERY vengeful wrath of the shamed woman who makes quite a spectacle of herself in front of Christine and the rest of the people in the bank at the time. Christine gets her promotion, but is it worth it ...?
noteworthy scenes: All the oral ones.
audience reaction: They enjoyed this movie which plays more like a comedy than a horror film, hearkening back to its horror-meister Sam Raimi's glory days.
recommendation: Go see it, if you're a Sam Raimi fan. Otherwise, it's a perfect rental for "stay-in" nights.
spoiler alert! One would think that a woman who possesses such powers would have in her mix-bag of dirty magic tricks a thing or two about making lots of money the easy way.
fyi: This has got to be THE MOST oral-centric movie ever made outside of porn! It seems that Sam Raimi has a very disturbingly "Deep Throat"-ed oral fixation. You name it, it's here: Forced Entry; Deep Penetration; Gagging; Fluid Exchange; Swallowing; Spitting; Facial; Gum-Job; Biting; Tongue Action--did I miss anything else?
word of advice: You'd probably want to add this to your private/personal porn collection even though it only has a PG-13 rating.
tidbits: The caption on the movie poster and the picture itself pretty much tell you how the movie ends.
Why is it that horror movies have to have LOUD MUSIC to convey a Boo! Gotcha! feeling? It's not this way in real life--trust me, I know.