Thursday, October 20, 2011

IDES OF MARCH, R ( 1 hr & 40 min )

Quickie Review:  The behind-the-scene  events on the campaign trail leading up to the Ohio Democratic Primary will impact  a candidate's chances for election.

I cannot say whether I liked it or not.  And I don't know how the audience reacted to it.  Politics isn't my "cup of tea".  I don't even vote because I know that no matter who gets elected will end-up being just a crook.  A friend of mine, after realizing that politicians just play with people's lives,  said, "All politicians are a bunch of crooks!"  I second that opinion.  And I'm not about to pick and choose between the lesser of two evils.

And what's with the title?  It's not fitting since "Ides of March" means a premonition that something terrible will happen in the middle of March/of the month/or of something.  And the "terrible" part has to do with an assassination--not suicide.  This is the original and true meaning of, "Beware the Ides of March."  A good example in our times would be when the American Astrologer Jeane Dixon went to President John F. Kennedy to warn him that something bad was about to happen.  It could have gone something like this:  Mr. President, please beware the Ides of March.


I fell asleep during the first 30 minutes or so of  the movie, just to let you know.

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