I started to watch this "Wear Masks ๐ท And Practice Social Distancing And Don't Mind Us Allowing ILLEGALS & JIHADISTS Into Our Country While We Tell You To Stay Indoors To Avoid Getting Sick During The ๐Planned Introduction Of A New PLANdemic Virus Variant๐ Which Is About To Be Released And To Remind You To Be Sure Next Year To Just Mail-In Your 2022 Midterm Selection Ballots For The Ballot Stuffers And Ballot Mules To Fraudulently Collect Them For The Sake Of Your Own Very Fragile Health & Wellbeing" movie at predawn today, Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, in bed ๐️ via my cellphone's ๐คณ TUBI Streaming App.
Scene Commentaries:
"It even comes with its own holster!" Sheath? I think that you meant to say, Sheath. ๐คจ
An Asian Canadian is ordered by his "god" to hunt down aliens. ๐
๐ https://youtu.be/NvWK3pHOLF8?si=Nb3u8SCHs0SFCYE3
My blogsite got some Data Dump again for my USA readers. I cannot link a whole lot of them to any of the visits to my site! ๐
I completely forgot about Saturday, February 22nd, 2025‼️๐ด‼️It marked the 50th Anniversary of my & my siblings ๐ซ arrival here in the USA! ๐ฌ For some strange reason, I thought that the anniversary would be today, the 25th! ๐ค I waited 25 Long Years For This Day ... ONLY TO FUMBLE IT❗๐ ๐❗ I Have Better Not Mess Up 25 Years From Now ( by THAT, I mean the 22nd )❗๐คจ❗๐♂️❗
I made a quick errand for vitamins & nutrition supplements because today is Walgreens Drugstore's final day.
Here's what the letter said, "This notice is to let you know that your neighborhood Walgreens, located at 1050 Redwood Street in Vallejo, CA, will be closing on February 25th, 2025." The way that it was written fooled me and a lot of other customers into coming by today for a Final Day Of Shopping ❗๐❗๐ ๐‼️
Then, I went to the local CSAA Branch Office to make a payment on my car insurance.
As an aside .... ๐
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/tCvZ9ZBlrRY?si=0mbTvM1E1vx0C2H1
Good luck on paying off your student loans❗ ๐๐
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/505910149219418?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
The DEMON-crats are doing Damage Control once again with their Fake News Media claim that barry odumbass soetoro is a US Citizen. Because they will lose BIG TIME if they cannot convince anymore of the newer crop of clueless Libertard IDIOTS that an ILLEGAL can "constitutionally" occupy the Highest and the 2nd Highest offices in our Government! And that it's okay for the JIHADIST enemies of the United States to occupy GOVERNMENTAL OFFICES, too‼️๐ ❗๐ก❗๐คฌ‼️
barry odumbass soetoro's real dad? A good argument is presented in this video!
๐ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TQl7XnmBy5E
Just search my blog post from the Summer of 2012 to get more information ON THE GREATEST FRAUD FOISTED ON THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES❗
Arrested "... for walking as black." ๐ถ๐ฟ♂️
๐ https://youtu.be/S3ADfkzdi9k?si=V-b5VDE4w6YGryv4
Back when Donald Trump won for the 1st time. ๐
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/Qqogdy436ig?si=FWYSjGqyTqnRyIym
Alex Jones just discovered something about iPHONES' Siri. ๐ก
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/NDApM89mE8Q?si=MPqitiw9nR9SRrL9
Pres. Trump's 15-sec. Army recruitment ad is way better and straight to the point, compared to brandon's 97-sec. woke lgbtqxyz-abc ad❗๐ช❗
๐ https://www.westernjournal.com/watch-new-ultra-manly-us-army-ad-will-begin-rebuilding-military/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=newsletter-CT&utm_campaign=dailypm&utm_content=conservative-tribune
A Military Contractor pitches Pres. Trump a 25 BILLION Dollars Mass Deportation plan to remove 12 million illegals before the 2026 midterms๐❗๐ ( Pres. Trump only asked for 4 Billion Dollar$ to finish building the Southern Border Wall during his 1st Term! But The DEMON-crats opposed him so that they could send over 2 HUNDRED BILLION DOLLAR$ OF US CITIZENS TAXPAYERS' MONEY TO DEFEND THE BORDER OF ukraine ‼️๐❗๐ ❗๐ก❗๐คฌ❗๐‼️ ) "Let's go, brandon!"❗๐❗๐❗
๐ http://opr.news/7545b5fa250225en_us?link=1&client=opera
A haitian suspect in a triple murder case in North Carolina was flown in by brandon‼️๐คฌ‼️
๐ http://opr.news/7bab7ecc250228en_us?link=1&client=opera
And speaking of ukraine ....
The Libertard Left's propaganda against Pres. Trump and Pres. Putin is crumbling in the face of Historical FACTS❗
The double-crossing zelenskyy❗๐คฌ❗
๐ https://youtu.be/LV-d8vlnXi4?si=62pgIaycNHX1IMGc
zelenskyy, the ingrate, should not be allowed to get anymore "assistance" from the USA ❗ He can defend his own F()€King border‼️๐คฌ‼️
๐บ๐ธ๐ฆ ๐บ๐ฒ๐ฆ ๐บ๐ธ๐ฆ ๐บ๐ฒ๐ฆ ๐บ๐ฒ๐ฆ ๐บ๐ฒ https://www.facebook.com/lohud/videos/3783335095238266/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
How to deal with cheapskates & thieves in chy-nah๐❗๐
๐ https://youtu.be/P6Uq75OR3uQ?si=kcORl9RwBkkq9O_6
QR Code, Bollard Obstacle Course and "exotic" ๐คขFood!๐คฎ๐
๐ https://youtu.be/YpAou_D-7Ro?si=DVUIHiwrQADxo14K
A chy-nah Shill gets publicly humiliated for Fake Video. ๐
๐ https://youtu.be/QseAxgmZQzs?si=2-Z_NTxSOBrg97X2
The prejudice hierarchy in Asia. ๐
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/qdKwJLgibjI?si=po7q7P0ylR9b8tf4
Kick the Jihadist INVADERS out of your own country, already‼️๐คจ‼️
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/GIsdeU_5fnE?si=HAXprF9rqzQUQHpn
Sam Shamoun points out that the koran approves of a devout follower of More HAM Mad having sex with any married woman that he fancies❗Are you paying attention to this, europe⁉️๐คท♂️⁉️๐♂️⁉️
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/lDHKGdyLT-Y?si=6Leu92kA-C5WiUYt
Always keep in mind the Historical & Cultural contexts of any Bible passage. ๐ง
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/lWgOTPLdoOo?si=OA7yVlKycOsl4LNQ
HAM๐Ass leader admits that he and the rest of the FAKEstenians Are Actually Egyptians & Arabs❗๐ก‼️๐คฌ❗
๐ https://youtu.be/zNOwzTYsXkI?si=46Tp0p7N-Zeb798M
"Anti-Zionism is the new Anti-Semitism." ๐ง
๐ https://youtu.be/6SqJYsdPG3c?si=CCyQuRnwSMI4tebK
The bbc deliberately mistranslated what a FAKEstenian Taqqiya gal said to hide her jihadist hatred of Jews❗๐คฌ❗
๐ https://youtu.be/j0FUdQunMRk?si=v6MqGg6_9_EAF5oM
Uncle Roger's M.I.L.F. fantasy! ๐คฃ ๐คฃ ๐คฃ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/729051412771862?mibextid=9drbnH
Uncle Guga's electric ⚡ Steak! ๐ฅฉ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/549426687573559?mibextid=9drbnH
Uncle Guga's Cyber Truck Steak ๐ฅฉ and Fries ๐ in front of a salt bae restaurant. ๐
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1416797329284111?mibextid=9drbnH
Uncle Guga aged a Steak ๐ฅฉ inside of a "Potato" ๐ฅ that he buried in the ground❗๐ณ
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/dj26AB_tbQQ?si=vRy7n5DKUQKUIqsw
Uncle Guga's Primitive Brisket Bake❗๐ฎ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/450689891431159?mibextid=9drbnH
Uncle Guga's Italian Steaks Tour. ๐คจ ๐ฅฉ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1671605893407254?mibextid=9drbnH
Nephew Nick & Uncle Guga enjoying a $1,500 Leg of Ham❗๐คค❗
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/351902601290105?mibextid=9drbnH
Uncle Guga's Mystery Meat Surprise taste test! ๐ณ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1114062866908302?mibextid=9drbnH
( If Uncle Guga had done an Internet search first, he would have likely come across this Pinoy dish recipe: Soup Number 5! [ The # 5 stands for the "5th" kind of meat ] ๐ )
50 Rotisserie Chicken recipes. ๐คค
This is 1 way of enjoying Breakfast! ๐
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1353676035029704?mibextid=9drbnH
Are these edible enough for a Seafood Stew? ๐ฒ
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/0NO85YRa58M?si=7tFYQUjGgpNEBYNY
Drawing the street artist Minori. ๐ฒ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/devonrodriguezart/videos/609656915293635/?mibextid=9drbnH
When the Heimlich Maneuver just won't work, you just have to get down & dirty❗๐❗
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1549004129144132?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
But you need to have the right size tool for the job. ๐คช
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1011728524347689?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
Stiff Noodle Kung Fu! ๐ค ๐ฅ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1268642894430190?mibextid=9drbnH
And 3 other "content creator" be like .... ๐ฅด❗ ๐๐
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/R9dhBTT7aOM?si=Yd40eHTTCYVQIGtJ
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/TpLZf4KoQG4?si=T1dp2H7vXlwAryuA
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/MVOvYhRkdmw?si=W3Dd2aWlpYZDKJYs
Don't pick on helpless old people❗๐ก❗
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/Fc4NiLX70FI?si=j8bXlluKVYHUUPlG
The Phobia Support Group. ๐ฆ ๐จ ๐ฑ ๐ฌ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/889052476728933?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
Smart Monkeys! ๐
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/UaBfM-tONmI?si=aaakhHvIKx6nY2xV
Johann Sebastian Bark! ๐ฆฎ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/855558849953438?mibextid=9drbnH
The loveable T-Rex. ๐ฆ
๐ https://youtube.com/shorts/2Gfm1i3DTaw?si=RMtPOUqVQ-Z01nSi
An A.I. Cat speaking in Baby Talk. ๐บ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1393023395397336?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
Is this for real⁉️๐คท♂️ ⁉️
๐ https://www.facebook.com/IgboTvCam/videos/1314514609738053/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
Just 1 big meowy kitty! ๐
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/962441581925567?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
"Can't Touch This!" ๐ผ
๐ https://www.facebook.com/reel/3967025096913999?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
Here are Tuesday's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners:
Here are Wednesday's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners:
Here are yesterday's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners:
Thanks to the countries that participated in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! ๐ ๐ฃ️ ๐️
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