I started watching this 1973 riffed movie at predawn today, Saturday, February 1st, 2025, in bed ð️ via my cellphone's ðĪģ TUBI Streaming App.
Scene Commentaries:
How come I never got to see this in the Philippines? ðĪ·♂️ My siblings and I still had about 2 years before we left the country. I would have gone to the theatre for this; if only to practice on my English comprehension and listening skills. ð Although ... the Opening Scene looked quite promising on things which may yet come! ð
This riff doesn't have any subtitles. ð
Hey, wait a minute! You used tranquilizer darts on US Citizens but you used a real bullet on that poor Pinoy security guard! Man, that was just so racist of you to discriminate❗ð ð❗
This does remind me of a Community
College! But which one and where
is it? And is it still around? ðĪ·♂️
I find it hard to believe that they had
this kind of architecture in
the 1970s Philippines!
You get on/off a plane like this back then,
no matter what the weather was❗
In some places in the Philippines,
people still have to get on/off
the plane the same way!
I wonder how they were able to
accommodate people with
mobility issues. ♿
My very first flight was when my father took
me and my 3 siblings to Manila for our
appointment with health screenings,
my eldest sister's interview with
an immigration official since
she was already 18 years
old and to get issued
our very own
ð ðŦ
Understand that my Uncle who was already
here in the USA petitioned for my mom
in 1957 because Pilipinos have an
imposed racially-motivated
waiting period of twice
as long as the wait
times for other
Asians! ð
That's the 1st insult ❗The 2nd one is the fact
that both of my parents were US CITIZENS
and I have Citizenship Inheritance
that was denied us by the US
And As For The Interview That The US
Embassy official had with my sister
was to make sure that we had
the Financial Mean$ to
support ourselves
and not be a
burden to the US Government❗
But Times have changed, haven't they❓
Nowadays, any LOW-LIFE alien & jihadist INVADER can just cut-in-line and get expedited
through the process and on top of all that have Free Stuff given to them very generously and
without Hesitation‼️This Is The 3rd Insult, not
just to me and my siblings BUT TO ALL OF THE
This was a typical scene back then. Even when
I went back for a visit in 1982-'83. Pinoys
are just curious about who have come
to visit. Most of them are only there
to watch the procession of strangers.
Of course, in this case, the movie
gave them 15 seconds of fame.ð
The iconic Jeepney: World War 2 Jeeps
repurposed for people transportation.
When in 1973 was this movie made? I ask because the weather in Manila can get hotter than in the southern region of Mindanao's Davao and Kidapawan cities where I came from. And this man is wearing a suit & tie! ð
So, this is the Rob Zombie regular, Sid
Haig. Not that I care, mind you. I
don't like Rob Zombie movies.
I didn't know that they already had Chihuahuas
in the Philippines back then! Interestingly,
it was in '73 that my mom sent us two
calendars, one of San Francisco &
the other of tiny puppies, in-
cluding a Chihuahua. ð
San Francisco was not
a sh!thole back then.
This white guy beggar must be a Passport
Bro who got conned out of his money.
That's a sad reality of being one. It
happens in other countries, too,
not just in the Philippines!
These three tricycles are another mode of
transportation. Especially on narrow
roads and in congested traffic or
out in rural areas. They're all
designed with tiny Pinoys
in mind. Good luck if
you're a Big & Tall Foreigner! And these
trikes are usually in the 125cc
to the 250cc range! ðŽ
Underpowered yet Overworked ❗ð❗
An Insurance Investigator being chased by many bad guys only has a double-barreled sawed-off shotgun for defense❗ðĪĶ♂️ And why didn't he grab the weapon of the 1st bad guy that he overpowered❓ðĪ·♂️
Is that a Bullet-Deflecting Pillow❓ðĪŊ❓
Dang, she can run for quite a distance❗ððž♀️
Oh, no! Poor chickens on a stick. ðĨš
A traffic cop shack! ðē I had never seen
such a shack in the Philippines. The
traffic cops that I had seen where
all on foot, directing the traffic.
That's a "grease gun" that she's wielding.
The look that you get on your face when
your Mind Meld Sex Session gets
interrupted by an emergency!
Whatever happened to the good old days when a cat fight involved lots of grabbing and pulling at each other's long hair❓ðĪ·♂️❓
Meat Locker. There, I fixed
it for you--2 words! ðĪ
Yup, it's mostly Pinoys and Pinays who get killed in this movie! They're so expendable❗ðð Is it because they all looked the same and wouldn't be missed as much? ðĪŠ
If only today's covid doctors and nurses knew that a clear plastic mouth shield is more effective at blocking bacteria and viruses than an N95 mask is! ðĪĢ ( BTW, the N95 mask was specifically designed to filter out the TB bacteria and nothing else! It Can Not Filter Out Viruses Which Are Way Tinier Than Bacteria! ð§ )
Close The Borders❗ð ❗ðĄ❗ðĪŽ❗
"Didn't notice me taking a dump back there!" ð ð ð
How many Shotgun Shells does he even have❓ðĪ·♂️❓
"So, she was a giant sack of flour all along!" ð
This B Movie is so-so .... ð
After I left the McDonald's Restaurant on Sonoma Boulevard, I swung by the Dollar Tree Store just to buy a box of 150-count Scottie's Facial Tissue and 4 more of this:
I arrived home to 3 brand new Park Benches. They were installing this one when I left earlier in the day:
They removed the wooden benches last
year because they were rotting.
I thought that the benches
were removed because
some people would
hang out at the
benches late
at night and bother the neighbors
with their loud and lewd
conversations. ð
I did an extra bit of walking around the parking lot before I entered my building. ðķ♂️
7.06 kilometers
6.81 km
I forgot that today is the 1st day of the month! ðĪĶ♂️! Now, and the 15th of the month, is not a good day to go to the bank. Since it's when people cash or deposit their monthly or bi-weekly cheques❗But I needed to deposit money into my account. ð
I stopped by the Neighborhood Wal-Mart to buy a gallon (3.78 g) of Distilled Water and a 4.0 oz (113 g) jar of Beech-Nut Green Beans baby food.
I drove by the Wendy's Restaurant on Redwood Street. It seems like the Dining Area is now ready for diners. I'll swing by on Monday because I have some errands to do in the general area.
When I arrived at my condominium complex, I noticed that some asshole driver had parked his car at the Entrance Gate just waiting for some other driver who'll be forced to remotely open the gate for him❗ðĪŽ❗I wasn't going to have anything to do with him! So, I just drove on over to the Dan Foley Park's Foley Recreation Center parking lot and waited about ½ hour before I went home. I didn't mind because I had some other thing to do anyway. ð
It was time to install the new bathroom lavatory faucet and supply lines. I've only done faucets before but never the supply lines. I had to watch a DIY video on YouTube to see how it is done correctly. It Took Me About 2 hours, with my bad Lower Back and my bad Right Shoulder, to finish the damn job---I had to take a Coffee ☕ Break in-between.
The 10-minute YouTube tutorial was heavily edited, it dawned on me❗ðĪŽ❗Now, I'm just waiting for the very tiny drip from the Hot Water supply line to stop. I tightened the top and bottom nuts little by little so that I wouldn't run the risk of over-tightening the supply line connectors. I installed the Cold Water supply line perfectly, it seems. ðð
With the now-empty jar of Beech-Nut Green Beans baby food, I made my 4-Garlic Condiment. I should stop adding Sesame Seed Oil to it. And I should change to using either White Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar instead of the Balsamic Grape Juice Vinegar. This size jar is perfect for me to take to Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant. ð
5.99 kilometers
5.78 km
Today, Sunday, March 2nd, 2015, I'm having my 1st meal of the day at Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant: ( I'm also hoping that it will rain later on today so that my Saturn SC-1 will get a free carwash while I take my time eating my meal. ð ). TJ was a No-Show; I guess it was because his Arthritic Right Knee was acting up in the cold weather.
Clockwise starting with what were on the
sectional plate: Pork Pinakbet, Beef w/
Broccoli, Fried Chicken, Fish Esca-
beche, plus Chicken and Beef
Adobo ( I'd much prefer
Pork instead of beef).
Two cups of Coffee, 1 cup of Chicken
Tinola, Banana, homemade Garlic
Condiment & Fried Mackerel.
Ooh, and a Fortune Cookie.
Atsara is to us Pinoys what to
Indians is the Chutney.
I cracked open the Fortune ðĨ Cookie at 3:51 p.m. And it says, "A new venture will be a success." ðĪ
I walked 7 doors to the Dollar Tree Store to look for stuff to buy.
Looky what I found! ð It's not exactly 3
gallons (11.36 liters) in size. It is just
9 liters (~2⅓ gallons)! I'll test it out
in next year's National Movie
Popcorn Day Celebration ❗
It should be good for 3 movies watched
on that day! If not, I will just do an
upgrade to a 3 gallon bucket for
the Year 2027 and Beyond‼️
I'll hold off on buying it now because
the next popcorn Day celebration
is still >11¾ months away!
I bought 2 of each kind. Plus a gallon (3.78
liters) of Crystal Geyser Spring Water.
They're so cheap now that they got rid of the
handle for it! The good news is that when
I'd pick it up by the cap & neck, I'd get
to strengthen my Thumb, Index
and Middle Fingers❗ðŠ❗
And I alternate using
both of my hands.
I walked around the shopping center parking lot. And I saw Rey as he was about to leave. He asked me what I was still doing in the shopping center. I told him that I need to walk around every day whenever possible because of my Congested Heart Failure. He told me to be careful and hurry home because the weather was cold! ðĨķ
10° Celsius.
I put $5.00 worth of gas in my Saturn SC-1 at the National Gas Station ⛽ just about 3 or 4 blocks away before I went home. It never rained so my car was denied a free carwash by Mother Nature! ðð
I finished my Distance Walk before I entered my unit. ðķ♂️
6.92 kilometers
6.68 km
After I did 2 errands today, Monday, March 3rd, 2025, I swung by the 1001 Redwood Street Wendy's Restaurant. They finally reopened the dining room yesterday! ð
According to an employee, some Asshole
LOW-LIFE smashed the door that you
see in the background yesterday, too!
‼️ð ❗ðĄ❗ðĪŽ‼️
"Welcome" to the sanctuary/reparations
city of Vallejo, CA‼️ð❗ð‼️
I just got a Coffee and a Fountain Drink.
The dining area is more spacious
now that they got rid of
1 row of tables.
The Fountain Drink Station
is narrower now. But the
machine on the right
still has no Ice and
only dispenses
warm drinks!
And they still have 2 of the
Trash Receptacles, 1 by the
broken door shown in
the 3rd picture. And
1 to right of where
I sat, about ten
away. ð
The 2 restrooms have been upgraded.
ðŧ But neither one requires a key
to access. I don't think that it's
a good idea because of the
homeless people who
come here all of
the time❗ð
I swung by the Sonoma Boulevard Dollar Tree Store to look around.
I did a size comparison between the popcorn
tub that I bought for this year's National
Popcorn Day at the movies and the 1
bucket ðŠĢ that I'll be taking to
the movies with me next
year. Yeah, I will be
getting the bucket
for next year!
I just bought a 2-cup Liquid Measuring Cup
that holds 16 oz ( 500 ml ) of liquid. It's
the same one that I have now which
has seen much better days‼️
It is the one on the right side.
I finished my Distance Walk when I arrived home. ðķ♂️
7.34 kilometers
7.06 km
Whollyweird's SNORE-FEST oscars. ðð
ð https://youtu.be/wMahLXDtjvE?si=ATI8o_U_3P15Vaja
Doctor destroys gender "ideology." ð
ð https://youtu.be/abTMFKoytMo?si=W3qfcxundXH_XTGN
Cyclist ðē karen is having a MASSIVE Meltdown❗ð
ð https://youtube.com/shorts/np_5CeozEDc?si=MjVjVgcin9JRtR_S
BLMers support anti-White Racism! ðĪĶ♂️
ð https://youtu.be/4l99mY_-mx4?si=SiKh5bvYeiHJCGHN
Deserving of privilege for being black .... ð
ð https://youtu.be/uAzCCcS-2PU?si=JIOUnodxjD6UI_5j
A liberal is proven as a Racist! ðĪĻ
ð https://youtu.be/oBPEZ9eyMKY?si=QVR5zMr2kA2SIlxK
DOGE Uncovers Waste & Money Laundering, and DEMON-cratic Voter Fraud‼️ðĪŽ‼️
ð https://youtu.be/wegzvVK9pO0?si=5pJDt4U22xJVKG8G
This has been going on for way before I was even born❗ This Is The Quiet Part Of The Military Industrial Complex SCANDAL that Pres. Eisenhower warned us all about‼️ðļ❗ðļ❗ðļ‼️ It Is How They Maintain Or Even Increase Their Own Defense Budget‼️ðĪŽ‼️
ð https://youtube.com/shorts/0CvKcIvovIQ?si=XpfKdxCX43hyhS7i
Sue this clueless Libertard IDIOT❗ðĪŽ❗
Vivek Ramaswamy is now a victim of racism in his own home! ðĪĶ♂️ðĄðĪ·♂️
ð https://youtube.com/shorts/wbnkQC696Ik?si=EcbADozghCA9VnRm
"Who will pick our crops?" ðĪ·♂️ Racist, much? ðð Immigrant farm workers are under the H-2A agricultural work program. But I Do Have An Issue When They Come Here And Start Producing ðanchor ⚓ babiesð Whose Parents Are Subject To The Jurisdiction Of The Countries From Whence They Came❗ðĄ❗
And the DEMON-crats are desperately trying to change the 14th Amendment to give legitimacy to illegal alien barry odumbass soetoro's ILLEGITIMATE Residency & illegal Alien bj kammy's ILLEGITIMATE Vice Residency---It Was Only For This Obvious Reason That They Are Saying, "Nobody Is An Illegal Alien!" You Would Have To Be A socialist/communist/globalist Idiot Or A Desperate Illegal--OR BOTH--To Believe In This UNCONSTITUTIONAL IDIOTIC RATIONALIZATION❗ð ❗ðĄ❗ðĪŽ❗
ð https://youtube.com/shorts/MEFt0Xm5Q-c?si=TWTQY2PHWxVBXApt
"The damage has been done." ð
ð https://youtube.com/shorts/NJMpf_6B-94?si=f7EAlf0vQ1_qOEli
A mexican Drug Cartel Kingpin is finally facing justice here in the USA after 40 years, for the assassination of a DEA Agent❗ð
ð https://youtube.com/shorts/_kxmPsdnNIU?si=z4YjGtS2XE6v8zFh
Pres. Trump's DOJ arrested the leaders of a large Illegal Alien Smuggling Ring! ð❗ð
ð http://opr.news/6a46ea63250303en_us?link=1&client=opera
Pres. Trump sends Heavy Weapons & Soldiers to help defend the Southern Borderð‼️ð
ð https://youtu.be/gBd-a1j13MQ?si=lmDQrc9FRG_xNWOr
An--Entitled To Her Ill-Gotten Gains--"anchor ⚓ baby" got triggered because of her Faulty Logic❗ð And she refused to accept the Definition of Criminality Because She Is A Product Of Such An Act❗ðĄ❗
ð https://youtu.be/u4MXnfWw8mQ?si=BAVFhOe-6TAdWNsn
Many Hongkongers hate Donnie Yen❗ðŪ
ð https://youtu.be/j4t3Dn7-2UQ?si=On41QtYa1Y4nvYMJ
Thailand is deporting Uyghurs back to a life of uncertainty in chy-nah❗ðē❗
ð https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2025/02/27/asia/thailand-deporting-uyghurs-china-intl-hnk
100% Fake chy-nese Celebrities who use beauty filters. ð
ð https://youtu.be/3v6-4EV8pRI?si=chdtR8ZuFdncJLQn
South Korean man tried to smuggle through customs 17,000 suspicious capsules! ð
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/1209548610391670?mibextid=9drbnH
Another chy-nah PLANdemic virus❗ðð
ð https://youtu.be/sKHdo9TxoDg?si=wwVrK3UuxH25ue5r
South Africa arrests chy-nese human traffickers❗ð
ð https://youtu.be/RptZopCewko?si=QuLD82OK-GvMUC5q
The homeless problem in chy-nah 2025.
ð https://youtu.be/dHmKLCEapJQ?si=H99CR-B3ON7pRUkC
To show respect to them, don't say
their name the way that the
chy-nese commie party
wants you to say it!
It's "Oy-Ghur."
Pres. Putin is playing his cards right❗ð
ð https://youtu.be/7q7wYcwFBEs?si=QKYl1cSpnI8OukVO
"which doesn't happen to be threatened
because that's the border with Poland.
If there is a threat ... it is at the
... eastern Polish Border."
"If we have two categories of borders in
Central Europe, we are creating De
Facto, a no man's land between
Russia and Germany." Which
encourages "nationalism
in both Russia and Germany" ... creating
the same "tensions and wars
before World War II."
"What I'm saying is we should have the
friendliest political relations with
Russia." Henry Kissinger
And echoed by Pres. Trump❗ð
RFK Jr explains how the ukraine war began, and that brandon told zelenskyy to rip apart the Peace Agreement with Russia‼️ðĪŽ‼️
ð https://youtu.be/RBpPPki-7Rc?si=hDBKHhnlQj2QonOd
Candace Owens explains why we should not support ukraineð❗
ð https://youtu.be/fI61HrNXQaQ?si=MwyVbDVJHcPd2a9z
What Fake News Media conveniently edited out .... ð
This FACT is another one that the
Fake News Media is so hoping
that their Short Attention
Span fans have already
forgotten about‼️
zylenskyy, the player. ðĪĻ
ð https://youtu.be/0X6q08jcqvU?si=cHXAQZEkBhrHR3CR
Yes, of course ❗ It is US Citizen Taxpayers'
MONEY. It Needs To Be Fully Audited!
The west bank leaders are urging their people to kill all of the Jews in Israel‼️ðĪŽ‼️
ð https://youtu.be/JCgeHQKNLwc?si=a3N9iHrLxXo3j0tQ
ððšðē‼️ðŪðą ð
Uncle Roger reviews Australian Fried Rice. ð
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/1835093730578515?mibextid=9drbnH
Uncle Roger reviews Mark Wiens' Thai Green Curry Chicken. ð
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/692137772043860?mibextid=9drbnH
Uncle Guga & Max, the Meat Guy, taste test some Weird Meat Snacks. ðŪ
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/1227229341655871?mibextid=9drbnH
Uncle Guga's Future Crazy ð Burgers ð prediction! ðģ
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/489532443954372?mibextid=9drbnH
Nephew Nick tests some 1-Star rated restaurants. ðĪĻ
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/825397353056944?mibextid=9drbnH
"We RFK'd our Fries." ð
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/1197099035387821?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
The Giant Pacific Octopus ð is such a voracious eater❗ðē❗
ð https://www.facebook.com/animalskingdomtvanimls/videos/494991706978392/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v
ð ð ð ð ðĪĢ
The Clone Alpha™ Robot❗ðĪ❗ðŽ❗
ð https://youtube.com/shorts/5sOkVlqWP8Y?si=pKf8PFNyMqdve5YI
The Best Actor OSCAR Award goes to .... ðē
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/1294316191605455?mibextid=9drbnH
Her son got in trouble at school for identifying as a cat‼️ðĪĶ♂️❓ðĪ·♂️‼️
ð https://www.facebook.com/ItsGoneViralOfficial/videos/664142289374431/?mibextid=CDWPTG
"The toughest job for a father--or parent--is try to find the hidden genius in their kids." ð§
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/1004830798192832?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
The best, so far, of non-Woke ads!ð Courtesy of Chevrolet. ðĨēð
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/673428871622116?mibextid=9drbnH
When you honestly want to express your love ð for someone special in your Life in a Superlative Way❗ð❗
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/587396534099638?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/966967691761610?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
ð ❌ ð
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/1116960926284213?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/1703517537257741?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
A cat understands what will happen to him if he doesn't behave and be a good boy to his mom! ðđ
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/666285855965866?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
ðš Cats ðļ Are ðž The ðð World ðð⬛
ð https://www.facebook.com/reel/600101709516978?mibextid=9drbnH&s=yWDuG2&fs=e
Here are Saturday's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners:
Here are Sunday's day's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners:
Here are yesterday's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners:
And here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners. Drumroll ðĨ please ....
ðĄ ð ðī
Congratulations to Russia & Singapore for
completing the Race and for
tying in 1st Place!
‼️ ðĨ ‼️
Thanks to the countries that participated in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! ð ðĢ️ ð️
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