Sunday, January 28, 2024


I saw this movie late tonight, Saturday, January 27th, 2024, in my living room πŸͺ‘, via my computer's πŸ’» TUBI Streaming App.


First off, this isn't much of a Comedy unless you consider flirtatious Repartee funny. Someone might, however, consider such sexual innuendo back & forth banter between the main characters as "sexual harassment." πŸ™„

Second, the 1-2 seconds of "blackouts" between scenes are just too distracting.

Sammy Slick can kick but the fight scenes are too poorly choreographed.

That 1st fight should have been a 3 against 1 since there were 3 bad guys present. And We Know That Bad Guys Are Not Sportsmanlike When It Comes To Fights❗Especially if it's a Do or Die situation! 

There is too much talking πŸ—£️ going on in this movie. And there are 2 or more scenes of Sammy doing a monologue while facing the camera. A movie implies SHOWING, not talking too much!

This is a different breed of vampires. They smell of Lavender, they eat Garlic, they drink Holy Water, the Sun ☀️ doesn't affect them, they can not turn their victims into vampires, they can procreate with each other, they can have sex with their human victims and only a Silver Stake through the Heart can kill them!

Vampire or no vampire, why would you sleep with your bedroom window curtains not drawn closed?

The strip club patrons were all standing around mindlessly throwing dollar bills at the strippers without so much as saying a word. 🀦‍♂️ You'd think that none of them have ever been to a strip club---Hey, I'm not incriminating myself!  πŸ€ͺ

If they victimize 42 men ( and why was there a female victim? ) each week, their strip club should have already been on the cops' radar! 🀷‍♂️

The victim's Blood looked too liquidy.  πŸ‘Ž

Why is there no Crime Scene Tape put across the door? And why would someone sleep on a bed πŸ›️ where a victim was just brutally murdered hours before? 🀷‍♂️🀦‍♂️

Wow, a vampire is nice enough to use a car's turn signal indicator.  😁

The vampire guard had really bad Peripheral Vision! πŸ‘€ πŸ˜„

Since you know that vampires go for the neck, why not put on a thick neck brace before you go out hunting for them?  🀷‍♂️

At least, these vampires don't leave a mess behind for the slayers to clean up after! 😏

Finally, a door creaks as it opens At ... The ... End! πŸ˜’

There's a Bonus Scene tacked at the very end. 


This movie was released on June 15th of last year. It's an independent production funded through Indiegogo. 

I had a chance meeting with Daniel, a former co-worker, in the overflow parking area of my condominium complex. He found another place of employment 2 years ago, I learned. He doesn't have to deal with customers anymore. So, that's a definite plus πŸ‘ for him! He was there to pick-up his girlfriend. His girlfriend impatiently called him on his phone πŸ“± because I detained him with our conversation. So, I had to let him go. 

I swung by Island Pacific before going to Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant because I have a big craving for Pinoy Pork Rinds, Tsitsaron na may Laman ( pork rinds with fat & meat attached ). 🀀

I bought the Pink, Purple & Orange
labeled ones. I can't wait to
satisfy my craving!
Pinoy Tsitsaron pa More
( more Pilipino Pork Rinds )!

There's a new Pinoy restaurant which just recently opened between Island Pacific and Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant:

This used to be the Ihaw-Ihaw ( broiled 
dishes ) Restaurant. 

I had lunch and bought some lottery tickets at Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant. I also talked to my sister in Michigan about some financial matters.

Then, I went to the Dollar Tree Store to buy a 2 qt ( 1.89 L ) bottle of 9pH AlkaNine Water, an 18 oz ( 530 ml )  zero sugar Bai Lemonade drink and an 8 oz ( 227 g ) plastic shaker container of Forrelli French Vanilla Coffee Creamer.

This is the 7 oz foreign 
market version. πŸ˜•

Some Diabetic Asshole Lowlife stole a bottle's worth of Weight Loss & Turmeric pills from the Dollar Tree Store!


I then went to the 99-Cents Only Store next door to Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant to buy a bag of Unsalted Sunflower Seeds, a bag of Salted Pumpkin Seeds and a bundle of Asparagus.


And now, here are the winners of today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race: Drumroll πŸ₯ please ... 

Congratulations to Singapore for
taking first place!
And China for second place.
And the USA for third place.
Canada for fourth place.
And Germany for fifth place.

Thanks to all of you who participated in this latest 24-Hour endurance competition which is
open to all countries in the
whole 🌍 World 🌎.
All you need to qualify is access to my movie
blogsite and access to the
Internet ❗πŸ‘❗


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