Thursday, April 18, 2024

CIVIL WAR ( 2024 )

I went to see this here at the Century 14 Vallejo in Vallejo, CA today, an All Day Bargain Tuesday. The price of admission was $6.50.

Auditorium 1, B-6

Scene Commentaries:

This is like The Hunger Games but with Guns & Ammo.

When this movie started with a CaliExas ( California-Texas ) secessionist movement, 

California is diametrically opposed
to Texas in politics and in
personal values.

it lost its plausibility! In the regional map shown above, nevada, hawaii and california ( and maybe alaska ) should also be colored yellow! And Florida and Texas and the rest of the Southern States would be part of the mostly Blue region! What this movie aims at is 👉Ambiguity👈 by playing both sides, leading up to November in this Presidential Election ( or Corruption ) Year!

Where's the ambiguity, you ask? This movie mentions a DICKtatorial 3rd term "resident." If brandon wins again, it will be barry odumbass soetoro's HOPE for a radical Change, 3.0❗ Remember that stalin, hitler and mao ALL HAD THEIR POLITICAL ENEMIES JAILED just like brandon is trying to put Pres. Trump away for a jail time of more than 400 YEARS ❗😠❗😡❗🤬❗

And remember, too, that Dangerous DOTARD brandon SOLD our National Emergency Oil Reserves to China and to India just in case the US Military turns against him then they won't have the necessary fuel needed to carry out an attack on washington dc.

And the "woke" movement in
the  military  must  #DIE,
especially the blm who
disrespect the Flag
and the National 
Now, go back to my MAIDAAN movie blog
and re-read what I attached regarding 
the Libertard Left's call for riots and 
wars if they don't get what they
demand from the rest of us!
And why we need The
2nd Amendment.

South Dakota Governor has this to say about the Illegitimate & Illegal administration in office:

Now, if Pres. Trump wins again, IT WILL BE HIS 3RD TERM IN OFFICE because Jan 6 was/is a Coup❗ A coup means that he was the duly elected President❗❗ Why else did they still try to Impeach him after brandon won IF TRUMP WAS NO LONGER THE PRESIDENT❓ Since An Impeachment Only Applies To Someone Who's In Public Office And Trump Was No Longer In Office, or so they had their clueless Libertard IDIOT followers believe in! Still, there is no legal justification for the impeachment process if they maintain the claim that Pres. Trump LOST in 2020! So, now they desperately throw all of these charges against him which mostly exonerate him and destroy the Libertard Left's claim of Trump's malfeasance and fascism ( obviously, antifa doesn't know what fascism means 🧐 ).

But that is exactly the Libertard Left's plan all along, a 👉Pyrrhic Victory👈. So that when President Trump wins again, they will have the evidential proof that he is not eligible to run for, and hold, a 3rd Term under the 22nd Amendment. If Pres. Trump calls them on their 🐂 💩 and refuses to step down, his "dictatorial" act will galvanize the socialist/communist/globalist pro ILLEGALS, pro JIHADISTS DEMON-crats and which will cause mass RIOTS ( not protests ) throughout the country! President Trump will be forced to reinstate Martial Law and dissolve all of the soetoro/brandon w--p-n-z-d 3-letter agencies. Just like how this movie mentions that the president got rid of the fbi! Also, he will likely enforce the US Civil Code regarding Acts of TREASON. And to drive home the point, this president is intentionally shown wearing a Red Tie❗🤬❗

FYI: The US Civil Code on Acts of Treason was last used on June 19th, 1953, when a Jewish couple, the Rosenbergs, was executed as Soviet spies! The DEMON-crats in office now, as well as their RINO cohorts, Are Commiting Far Worse Things in comparison to what the Rosenbergs were accused of commiting ❗🤬❗

When Pres.Trump enforces this Civil Code,
the clueless Libertard IDIOTS with
butt-hurt feelings will cause
mass rioting and massive
destruction that will 
make the 2019
riots  pale in 
He will be accused of being
a "dictator" and their plan 
to take over The US
will take

But if the long-dormant Lincoln's Martial Law is reactivated ( because Pres. Johnson didn't rescind it via Executive Order after Pres. Lincoln's death ), IT WILL NOT BE THE PRESIDENT RUNNING THE COUNTRY BUT THE DIRECTOR OF F.E.M.A. ( Federal Emergency Management Agency ) Who Will Be In Charge Of The United States ❗ The President would first declare a National Emergency And Then Would Not Even Be In The White House Any Longer But Would Be Flown OR Transported To A Safe, Unknown Location. The F.E.M.A. Director will have emergency power to assume the temporary role of Commander-in-Chief and will then have the power to call to duty the mostly Patriotic US Armed Forces scattered throughout the world in over 👉800👈 Bases❗ 😲❗These scattered US Armed Forces have nuclear weapons, EMPs, satellite destroyers, radio and radar jammers, blockade capabilities and infrastructure destroyers to bring the enemy states quickly to their knees WHILE DEFENDING THE US FROM OUTSIDE ATTACKS AT THE SAME TIME AND SECURING THE BORDERS ❗❗❗ I guess that the writer/director forgot about this tiny 👌 detail ❗😏❗

And Let's Not Forget That The United States has a Mutual Defense Pact alliance with other nations that have a vested interest in the stability of the US government and will not hesitate to come to its aid❗😎 ❗

And 👉each👈 of the >800 US Military Bases all over the world has enough non-nuclear firepower to annihilate a small country❗ The enemy states would not have a chance at winning❗❗And the acting Commander-in-Chief has that kind of emergency interventional act of power ❗❗❗

Therefore, this doomsday scenario is belly-up dead in the water from the get-go❗👎❗ It's just a way for Libertard woke Whollyweird to--FEARMONGER--get their Useful IDIOT Dumb-Masses ( rhymes with Dumbasses ) to vote Ty-D-Bol Blue come November because "Orange Man bad." Just in case ILLEGAL Alien votes and financially irresponsible, student loan-indebted, entitled socialist/communist student votes aren't enough to assure them of a FRAUDULENT "win" ❗😡❗

Don't forget that they already tried taking over the city of Seattle in Washington. And named their short-lived "sovereign" territory CHAZ ( Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone ), in honor of their patron goon, st. floyd! That didn't go well for them when they realized that their "sovereignty" meant that stepping outside of their CHAZ state meant that they'd be required to have passports!  🤣 🤣 🤣  Plus, their Gas, Electric and Water all come from outside of CHAZ and belong to the State of Washington ❗ There's no accounting for the Clueless Libertard Left's IDIOCY ❗🙄❗

By the way, Dangerous DOTARD brandon's DISunited States' Banana Republic Kangaroo Court INjustice System enforces a 2 Tier ILLEGAL system: Law of The Land, i.e. Constitutional Law = A defendant is Innocent until proven guilty ( reserved for those in their favor ) and Law of The Sea/Mutiny Law, i.e. Admiralty Law = A defendant is GUILTY and good luck trying to prove innocence )! If you don't believe me, just observe what they're doing to Pres. Trump and the Jan. 6 Protesters to decide for your own selves what kind of "justice" system that they employ against their political oppositions❗

They just want Pres. Trump dead
one way or another because 
he can still run the USA 
even if in prison. So,
they want to take 
away his own 
As if a Coup and Election 
Interference aren't bad
enough already!!!
They All Know That They're All
Guilty Of TREASON ❗
Remember that jeffrey epstein 
didn't "suicide" himself 
while in prison!

Also, the reason why the yellow states are called "New People's Army" is because most of them have huge patches of land, valuable real estate and/or important big businesses that the chinese communist government have invested in and/or owned by billionaire communist sympathizers❗It makes one wonder why there are a lot of military age chinese males invading through our Southern Border ....  🤔  And Why The Clueless Libertard IDIOT socialist/communist/globalists keep chanting, "❗No Borders, No Walls❗" This is like when a lot of military age japanese males moved to the Philippines and quietly started businesses ONLY TO TURN OUT TO BE OFFICERS IN THE JAPANESE IMPERIAL ARMED FORCES AFTER THE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR ❗😳❗🤯❗Sun Tzu's ART OF WAR, anyone ...?  🧐 If "History repeats itself,"  this is a good reason why History Classes should ALWAYS BE TAUGHT IN SCHOOL❗👌❗👍❗And shoved up the Clueless Libertard IDIOTS' Collective Asses 🍑⬅️📚 where the Sun Tzu don't shine❗😠❗😡❗🤬❗

Now, just for the fun of it, let me pick-apart some of this movie's scenes.  🧐 ( I should have bought a bag of popcorn, though 🍿 ....  😏 )


Well, first off, living in a particular State doesn't necessarily mean that you are politically aligned with whichever Party is in charge! Just like I switched from DEMONcrat-leaning Independent to Republican-leaning Independent to Conservative Republican even though I live in CLUSTERFUCKNIA ❗So, the hard drawn regional lines of the above map don't really mean much. In other words, all 4 of the regions have all been infiltrated by their enemies and the spies of said enemies long before the 1st shot was even fired❗🤦‍♂️❗

The secessionists cannot be coordinated if they don't have cellphones and the necessary NETWORK PROVIDERS which would be THE Primary Targets for the opposition to prioritize before they do a Sweep & Mop Incursion in enemy territory. When the corrupt Philippine Pres. Joseph Estrada was trying to run away from the protesters, those with cellphones were able to coordinate and prevent him from getting away, according to a news article.

The socialist south africans would be most likely the ones to "necklace" their execution victims! Welcome to The Lawless States of America where you're not required to assimilate anymore! You can practice your shari'a law and whatnot. No thanks to Dangerous DOTARD brandon's 👉Invaders Allowed👈 policy❗ 😡❗

Canadian Dollar$ would be worth more, compared to the play money that brandon keeps printing out to pay the national debt!  😒  This is what the Japanese did in the Philippines during World War 2. I have 2 of these Japanese play money somewhere in my bedroom.

The hanging victim is still bleeding from the mouth after 2 days of being kept hanging. How ...?  🤷‍♂️

Why are those dogs just running past the cadavers in the parking lot?  🤷‍♂️  When they could have been feasting on them!  🤦‍♂️

There are no dead rape victims anywhere. Even Though This Kind Of Stuff Is Actually Quite Common In War-Torn 3rd World SH!THOLE Countries!

I wonder if their Press vehicle license plate number, WFD 27C3, is some kind of an "Easter Egg" ....   🤔 

Now, THIS is what REAL fully automatic Assault Rifles sound like! Say, Goodbye, to your AR-15 friend! If you use real fully automatic assault rifles, you'd better learn to communicate using hand signals BECAUSE ALL OF THE GUNSHOT NOISES WILL MAKE YOU GO DEAF❗ Like The Soldier & Militia Shooters In This Movie Who Don't Wear Ear Protection at all!  🙄  I guess that it's only required to use ear protection at a shooting range but not when you and your buddies--in close proximity to each other--are shooting high powered rifles at the enemy! 🤦‍♂️ I think that the firefight sounds were added-in during the editing in a Sound Studio.  😏

Why did they execute the loyalist soldiers using a high powered machine gun? The Nazis used pistols and rifles and the commies used pistols and rifles. In other words, save the Big Guns for the Big Projects! 🤨 Unless you identify as a woman:,Germany%20during%20World%20War%20II.

By one estimate, blokhin personally 
executed 20,000 Polish POWs.
Another mass executioner
is peter maggo with
10,000 kills to
his credit.

Antifa massacre. An eventuality! 👌🙂 👍

Two dead people hanging from a bridge. What you get when illegal alien rival drug dealer gangs have a turf war. 😕

A twilight zone time portal.  😧

That dead white soldier on the road should have already had its face sunburned by then!  😒

"What kind of American are you?" EXACTLY ❗What people don't realize is that any citizen of canada, mexico, central america and south america ARE ... ALL ... AMERICANS❗❗ That's Why I Make The Distinction That I'm A US Citizen❗❗❗ Claiming themselves as "americans" is a legal technicality that shady, anti USA "lawyers" use to exploit the system to import more ILLEGALS into our country, all in the name of money❗ 😡❗🤬❗

With her life on the line, she should have improvised when asked why her State is the "Show Me" State. 😉  

A FACT about war is that life becomes uncertain! Because of it, soldiers get sexually aroused easily as their genes compel them to engage in procreative sex however way they can get it❗ Jessie AND Lee would be forced to "take one for the team!" ( Please hire Cine-Man for his acute Observational Input 🙃 )

Hong Kong guy is supposedly a journalist yet didn't know what to say to the xenophobic interrogator to save his sorry ass!

They should have heard the Press SUV barreling towards them!

Those dead bodies in the mass grave are all in different states of decomposition. But, oddly enough, none of them looked bloated! Fire the SFX new guy and hire me, Cine-Man, the Apprentice!

Why were 2(?) air force jets doing stunts as they headed out? Is that their own version of the "Missing Man Formation"?  😏

The road trip to HELL is quite a symbolic imagery.

Speaking of air force, where was Air Force One? Or Marine One?

In an urban warfare setting where the enemy is shooting at you from one side of a doorway, position yourself on the opposite side for a better shot. And wait for him to reload as you fix your sight at the edge of the door frame where the enemy will be most likely to appear after reloading, then fire at will. This is when an Extended Mag will come in quite handy❗👍 Of course, if your assault rifle is a high powered kind, just shoot through the door frame to hit the enemy instead of waiting for him to come out shooting❗🙄❗ 

Lee, being the experienced journalist, should have tackled Jessie down instead of doing what she did.

You hear of dictators with body doubles. They forgot to get one for this guy. But the Red Tie is his trademark™️! No further explanation necessary. It's similar to a bullfighter using a red cape even though a bull 🐂 cannot see the color Red! Symbolically speaking then, the red color means that they are not seeing what they think that they are actually seeing ❗

Newsflash: The White House has secret doors and passages that lead underground to a bunker. As well as to a subterranean High Speed Rail System that connects the White House to the Pentagon and to a number of military bases, including Area 51. Psst .... This is our own little secret.  🤐

Vivek Ramaswamey on the Cold civil war which is happening now:

There is nothing Civil about War! It's an euphemistically idiotic oxymoron ❗😒❗

Disclaimer: Except for the JIHADIST Suicide Bomber & the 2 Asian Infiltrating(?) "Spies" from the New People's Army, No illegal Alien INVADERS were harmed in this movie because they all went back to their sh!thole countries after they realized that it is much worse here than in their own sh!thole countries! And they didn't want to take the chance of being forced to become Cannon/Machinegun Fodder for some crazy/lunatic political ideology that they feel is not in their best 👉FREE-LOADING👈 interest at all to be involved in! Adios, banditos 🏜️❗


I was only able to walk 🚶‍♂️ for 3,282 steps by midnight, before I went home, for a total of 30 minutes and 1.4 miles ( 2.3 km ).

The Egg Experiment 2 is not going well as planned. It seems that Brown Eggs are not only harder shelled but also have 4 layers: Dark brown outer film, Light brown middle film, a "Clear coat" layer, then a White layer! The Vinegar peeled off the brown layers as if they were some sort of delicate film. The "Clear coat" layer seemed resistant to acid. So, I carefully took both eggs out, drained the plastic container, washed the eggs of their acid protecting layer and then put them gently back in the container with a new amount of Vinegar ( 1½ cups ). That did the trick because the eggs are now covered in tiny bubbles and the Vinegar is foaming at the top. 👍


I went to the Vallejo Kaiser Permanente Hospital Podiatry Department for a custom orthopedic shoe fitting this morning.

I'll get my new shoes in 3 weeks' time,
according to my podiatrist.

Then, I went to J&R Mini Mart across from the hospital to buy some lottery tickets and went to BofA for some money before heading home for breakfast.

I swung by the Dollar Tree Store in the Admiral Callaghan Lane Target 🎯 Shopping Center to buy a bottle of water and some water flavoring mixes.

Then, I went to the local CSAA branch to pay on my car insurance and for my car license tag. I affixed the new tag on my car's license plate and changed the registration document on my car's visor.

I looked at the new movies premiering tonight. Ehh ... they can wait until next Bargain Tuesday.  😕


Here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners. Drumroll 🥁 please ....

Congratulations to Hong Kong for 
winning in 1st place!
Congratulations to China for 
winning in 2nd place!
Congratulations to Israel for 
winning in 3rd place!
Congratulations to Singapore for 
winning in 4th place!
And congrats to Germany & USA for
both rounding-up the top 5!

Thanks to all of the countries that took part in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! 🏁  🛣️  🏎️

Welcome back, Singapore 🇸🇬 ❗ Glad to have you back once again❗❗Thanks to the Singaporean government for granting access to my OFWs readers in Singapore❗❗❗ 👍


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