Sunday, August 25, 2024


I started to watch this "Wear Masks 😷 And Practice Social Distancing And Don't Mind Us In Allowing ILLEGALS & JIHADISTS Into Our Country While We Tell You To Stay Indoors To Avoid Getting Sick During The 👉Planned Introduction Of A New PLANdemic Virus Variant👈 Which Is About To Be Released And To Remind You To Be Sure To Just Mail-In Your 2020 Residential Selection Ballots For The Ballot Stuffers And Ballot Mules To Fraudulently Collect Them For The Sake Of Your Own Health & Wellbeing" movie at predawn today, Sunday, August 25th, 2024, in bed 🛏️ via my cellphone's 🤳 TUBI Streaming App.

Scene Commentaries: 

President Trump 45 gets his long-awaited redemption in the Donald 2.0.  😀  As this movie presents an alternate, pre-nuclear war Chinese-manufactured cyborg clone of Pres. Trump.  😏

Pres. Trump on 👽 UFOs 🛸 



Mark Rubio must be laughing about this:

Aleister Crowley

I had an encounter with Lord Anubis back in the mid '90s in an out-of-body experience. I abruptly ended the encounter by floating back to my body because the encounter didn't make sense to me at all! In retrospect, I should have stayed and learned what he had to show me. The account is posted on my THE PYRAMID blog from Saturday, December 6th, 2014.
"It's the Chinese clone of his DNA." 😃

A post millennial reign Trump:

"The days are hot, the nights are frigid." Actually ....

"I'm not the Donald, I'm just a Donald."
A butt-naked female alien. Watch
out for the hand!  😏
The Queen Varuna, leader of
the Atlantean Army.

The prophesied savior ...

"We're still at war, Donald. The allied forces are battling the Illuminati army in every corner of the universe." 

Dang, this Trump is one bad-ass MMA fighter❗😎❗

It's not a dance. It's a diversion to catch the enemy off-guard. And it's one heck of a warm-up, too❗🤪❗

But Queen Varuna just had to be a big party-pooper! 🙄

Trump: "So, what do we do now?" 

Queen: "Now, you go to Hell." 

Trump: "F()€k you, bitch!"  😆 😂 🤣

Queen: "Listen, Trump. The prophecy states, you must travel all the way to Hell to face Lucifer and destroy the Illuminati."

I don't think that Mark Cuban will
make for a good sidekick. 😄
Cigar it is, then!

Princess Carney: "I'm sending my best man, Jack Van Helsing, to back-up Trump."  🙂

" Donald V2. He's a Chinese lab clone ..."

👌 😎 👍
😉  😜  😘

"And we won't have to worry 
about tanning it." 😄

"we stand a real chance of 
winning this war and
ushering in an era
of peace." ☮️

"A little something that Dr. Jekyll's been working on ..." 
"... and scramble intentions."

"Heck, a fifth of Bourbon
will do that."  😆

"Help me bring peace to the universe, soldier, and I'll give you anything you want."
😉  😍  😘

Queen: "Whereas he was a despised villain, you'll be a beloved hero."

Trump: "Well, since you put it that way, just like my namesake, I do what I say I'm gonna do."

"How's it hanging ( Bigfoot )?"

This is like a Star Wars parody.

"This is my chance to show the universe that, even after a thousand plus years ..."

👌  ❗  👍

"... and order your army to stand
down, immediately."

I don't believe that interstellar spaceships can make swooshing sounds as they speed through the Vacuum of Deep Space.  🌌 

Jack: "Got it. How does one go to Hell anyway?" 

Well, according to The Gospels, Lucifer 
owns the whole 🌎 world 🌍 

Trump: "Dubai. Why was Dubai spared?" 

Queen: "It's the Entrance to Hell."  😨

Human Outer Space experiment in 1949.  😧

"The Illuminati? No one crosses the Illuminati." 

"The Age of Lucifer can truly begin, signaling a postmortal godless universe of hedonism and debauchery, previously unseen in recorded living history." Well, we're seeing the beginning of it now!  ☹️

"The Hammer of God."  Mjölnir?

😁  😁  😁

"If you must know, I lost my legs centuries ago ..."

"Somebody's getting lucky tonight."  😜

"If I had a dime for everytime someone shoved his fist and cursed my name, I'd rebuild Trump Hotel Plaza and Casino."  💰🤑💵

Rallying Satan's army! 😈 👹 🤖 👺 👿

This looks like the lovechild of Pin Head & Pumpkin Head:

The Illuminati defeated!  👌❗👍

"Another witch hunt, another witch hunt, another witch hunt, another witch hunt. Another fake news story out there, it never ends. Another witch hunt. Where the hell is Global Warming when you need her? To everyone including the haters and losers, Happy New Year. Another fake news story out there, it never ends ...."  🤨

I like this sometimes funny, satire movie. I think 🤔 that the subtitles are computer generated because there are a lot of "Wrong Word" transcriptions.  😕  But the animation is good; even though it could have been better.  👍


Writing the previous post took the better part of my free time ( downloading & adding images, double-checking the quotes verbatim, noting a misspelled name, reading relevant articles, watching relevant videos, & doing some added research ) that I ended-up not being able to complete my walk! 🙁 And I had a very late lunch--½ hour before midnight--because of it. Yes, my supper was at 4:30 a.m. this morning!  😕


"Jobs that don't exist, votes that didn't exist." 


The problem with democracy is DEMON-crats:


JIHADIST & ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS who will be voting in our election so that they don't get their asses deported back to the sh!thole outhouse countries where they crawled out from 👉Is Foreign Interference👈❗ 🤬 ❗ 


"Only smoke & mirrors, and balloons." No substance at all is what the dnc was all about!


RFK Jr on addiction, faith & synchronicity:


We welcome RFK Jr with wide, open arms❗👏❗




Joe Rogan on RFK Jr.


Joe's more of an influencer than bj kammy's PAID "effluencers"❗💩❗


Knife wielding suspect in Germany's "diversity"  festival turned himself in. 


And the police want people with information to come forward. Just be careful not to criticize the usual suspects Or You'll Be The One Arrested❗Lord knows that they don't want the INVADERS' "feelings" to get hurt❗🤬❗


Poland has the right mindset❗



The future of precision strike, cost-effective Warfare:



If you don't condemn HAM👉Ass ...


Excellent, keep up the good work! 👏 


His-Bolas tunnels are more extensive than those of HAM👉Ass!


If I were the US President, I'd get rid of the u.n. building on US soil! It's a terrorist organization!! That should give a strong message to the JIHADISTS who have infiltrated our country and our Federal & State Governments!!!



Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit Of God ❗👿❗😈❗


End of Days, Sunday sermon by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn:



Here's just a simple, feel-good music video:  ☺️


But I don't know if his presence is good or not.  😕



Here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners. Drumroll 🥁 please ....

Congratulations to the USA for 
winning in 1st place!
Congratulations to Israel for 
winning in 2nd place!
Congratulations to Singapore for 
winning in 3rd place!
Congratulations to Russia for 
winning in 4th place!
And congratulations to Germany 
for rounding up the Top 5!

Thanks to the countries that participated in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! 🏁          🛣️          🏎️


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