Saturday, August 31, 2024


I finished watching this pre-PLANdemic movie tonight ( because I was too busy with other stuff ), Saturday, August 31st, 2024, 🛏️ via my cellphone's 🤳 TUBI Streaming App.

Scene Commentaries:

Wait a minute, I thought that they have a very strict gun control law in Japan❗😒 ❗ I'm gonna have to have some serious sit-down talk with Dan Bongino about the security breach at the US Military Base in Japan during barry odumbass soetoro's term's Fast & Furious Gun-Running Operation❗

Since fighting the Undead is a whole different kind of ballgame, a short skirt school uniform just won't do! 🤨 A crime-fighting girl has gotta strip down to her bikini❗👙❗ 

Yeah, that's it, Bikini Girl! Save the best for the last evil bad guy❗😜 And thank God her tattoo is just a temporary arm patch---Could it be some kind of Nicotine Patch❓🤔

Dang, how many bullets are in your double barreled, sawed-off shotgun? And why is it not chambered with shotshells❓🤷‍♂️ ❓And what happened to its recoil❓🤦‍♂️❗Fire the HOD Armory and hire me Cine-Man, one who knows the difference between a Rifle and a Shotgun!  🤣 🤣 🤣

I'll drink to That! 😉

Yes, Stiffies to dump are 
a dime a dozen!

Friend Zone Alert, you desperate 
InCel horny-pants, you!
😁  😁  😁

"Saki is Aya's little sister."  😲

"Please, don't kill her. She's my sister!" I got dibs❗🤪❗

Hey, this isn't my Karate 🥋 Girl!
Eh, she'll just have to do.  😕

"I sympathize with you. But now is not the time to be saying that."  🙁

This is worse than Michael Jackson's Thriller zombies from da Hood!  😱
These ARE zombies in hoodies! 😆

You know that stuff is going to get really serious once Aya shows the zombie bad guys her Red Bikini! 👙 

I've heard of sister rivalry but---Damn!  😬

Hey, it's no time for extended Flashbacks! Focus, Bikini Girl❗ FOCUS❗😠❗

I am sure that Bikini Girl is still too young to start experiencing Hot Flashes! 🔥 

Bikini Girl is channeling the stitched-mouth Deadpool!  😏

Attention, George Lucas: Take a close look at these Light Saber wielders:
And get your Jedi Knights in Bikinis 
& your Siths in Short Skirt School 
Uniforms  instead  of  the 
bathrobes that they
are wearing.
And I don't mean the guys who
identify as girls❗😄❗
None Of That 
woke b.s.

You know, if you stand this close to your enemy,
it would really be to your great
advantage if you have 
Halitosis!  🤢

Ah, hello? Have you not been 
paying close attention to 
what you've been 
doing  all
Girls, I swear .... 😒

I'd keep the weapons, if I were you.
Especially the shotgun that
does not run out
of bullets!

What's with the Christian burial
tradition? Aren't you guys
Shinto Buddhists?

This is an okay movie. 

Did this movie give you a craving for some authentic, exotic Japanese food? Here are 11 to whet your appetite: 



After having my lunch at Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant, I headed for home. As I was about to cross on a Green 🚦 Light at the intersection of Springs Road & Vervais Streets, a white Van crossed the on a Red in front of me at 7:24 p.m.❗🤬❗I don't know whether or not it was a BLMer or an ILLEGAL Alien behind the wheel but this area has a bunch of alien restaurants and stores and is a local venue for low-rider shows. I'm just putting this out there.  😕

I went for my evening walk 🚶‍♂️about an hour later. 

As I arrived at the Sutter Solano Medical Center's Cancer Building parking lot, I saw a black & white cat easily climb up a 3-yard/meter vertical wall 🧱. I thought that I saw some movement in the bush around the base of the lamppost. There was another dark colored cat. It ran towards me and stopped to look at me. It was a standard Tabby Tomcat. But it was a Rumpie Manx Cat❗🙀❗Just like my Manx Cat Winky but with the fur color of my other cat Marshall! It was a Winky/Marshall combination❗Was it just a strange coincidence that a Winky/Marshall cat combo appeared before me at 8:54 p.m. after I poured my Heart out about my 2 cats the day before ❓ I have never seen a Manx Cat in this area before ❗And the last time that I saw a Manx Cat near here ( about 300 yards/meters away ) was when an orange Rumpie Manx Cat crossed my path on Fairgrounds Drive 20 years ago❗Could it be a sign that my cats are still hanging around with me❓🤔 ❓

There are 2 kinds of Manx Cats: Rumpie & Stumpie. A Rumpie has a tuff of fur growing in the hollow of which should be the base of its tail. A Stumpie has a very short vestigial tail. The Rumpie is the one that suffers from Incontinence, and Leg & Eye problems in Old Age. Never Allow Manx Cats To Breed With Each Other❗

I took this photo about 40 minutes later:

You can see the black & white cat in the 
red circle. The base of the lamppost 
is where the 2 cats were at. In
the far left is the stairs to 
the upper parking lot.

What happens after a pet dies?


Before I took the above photo, after I had gone to the park's sports field, I spoke with the tall black Security Officer Doug. He's my age, just 2 months older, and looks quite fit. We talked about health and fitness. And he shared some encouraging words with me. 

As I was heading towards the lower parking lot, a hospital staff lady asked me if I was one of the security guards because she would sometimes see me walking around in the evening. I just told her that I use the hospital parking lots to get to the Dan Foley Park because it's safer at night than to walk on the street where homeless people living in their vehicles are parked with their dogs loose at times! And I don't want to be forced to have to kill another pitbull because of some irresponsible dog owner❗But I'll be damned if I allow some asshole to deny me my right to Self-Defense❗😡❗

Here are yesterday's walking results:

7.58 kilometers 
7.31 km


Professor wins lawsuit against #DIE initiatives❗💵❗



This is why I refuse to go out on a "Let's Meet For Some Coffee" blind date:


Or Any Kind Of Blind Date, For That Matter❗ Remember, friends who set you up for a blind date Are PRACTICAL JOKERS❗😠❗


Yet another proud member of the "tolerant" FASCIST Left. 😒


A message to young democrats who supported RFK Jr.


"I didn't leave the democratic party. The democratic party left me." Pres. Ronald Reagan 

To those among you who are still undecided on whether to vote for Pres. Trump or VICE resident Illegal Alien, "black" participation awardee bj kammy, watch this argument and see if you can come up with a solid rebuttal❗


I'm waiting .... 🦗 🦗 🦗

TREASONOUS TRAITOR border czar bj kammy ❗ 🤬 ❗ 



Bobblehead bj kammy at the Adult Table:


Even a dog breed which has the best Sense of Hearing can't make sense of this:


Why nato HATES Pres. Trump and why We Don't Need nato:


joke smut's election interference ❗ 🤬 ❗ 🖕 ❗ 





The cocaine baggie has partial DNA but they don't want to investigate the brandon situation ❗🤬❗


To HELL with ILLEGAL & JIHADIST INVADERS and the TREASONOUS TRAITOR GRABBERment officials who favor them over their own US CITIZEN Constituents❗🖕❗


Aren't they enforcing the same 🐂 💩 in the UK ❓


Dutch activist slams UK's pro islam stance:


This is what happens when a communist chy-nese is caught at the border and interrogated!



This Is What The DEMON-crats Want, MORE TAXES❗💸❗💸❗💸❗

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐱 𝐏𝐨𝐞𝐦

Tax his land, tax his wage,

Tax his bed in which he lays.

Tax his tractor, tax his mule,

Teach him taxes is the rule.

Tax his cow, tax his goat,

Tax his pants, tax his coat.

Tax his ties, tax his shirts,

Tax his work, tax his dirt.

Tax his chew, tax his smoke,

Teach him taxes are no joke.

Tax his car, tax his grass,

Tax the roads he must pass.

Tax his food, tax his drink,

Tax him if he tries to think.

Tax his sodas, tax his beers,

If he cries, tax his tears.

Tax his bills, tax his gas,

Tax his notes, tax his cash.

Tax him good and let him know

That after taxes, he has no dough.

If he hollers, tax him more,

Tax him until he’s good and sore.

Tax his coffin, tax his grave,

Tax the sod in which he lays.

Put these words upon his tomb,

“Taxes drove me to my doom!”

And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,

We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.

( author unknown )


Mickey D backfire❗


"Vote for Trump,
not for tramp!"
Watch what happens in December or
in January. That's when they will
25th Amendment brandon's 
ass out of office so that 
whether or not they
win this election,
they can brag
that their 
party  is
the 1st
a "black" participation awardee 
illegal Alien ho'-man resident!
❗😠 😡 🤬🖕🤬 😡 😠❗
They ain't foolin' those
of us with 🧠❗ 🧠
and a pair of 👀!
I like the Old School 
Normal better!


Dork suckerburp LIED
under Oath❗


The Voice of Common Sense Reason:


Douglas Murray exposes the evil of HAM👉Ass:


Anti-Semitism in jihad-DEAD europe❗


Candace Owens' father-in-law speaks out.


Why Candace hates Jews:


Posters of hostages are being torn down ❗🤬❗


Harassment of blacks by pro-FAKEstenian supporters❗


Antisemitic press secretary:


Lebanese filmmaker: FAKEstenian cause is FAKE❗


Car bomb attacks in West Bank:


Amen ....  🙏


Here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners. Drumroll 🥁 please ....

Congratulations to Israel for 
winning in 1st place!
Congratulations to Singapore & USA 
for tying in 2nd place!
And congratulations to Germany 
for winning in 3rd place 

Thanks to the countries that participated in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! 🏁          🛣️          🏎️


Friday, August 30, 2024

RIDE ON ( 2023 )

I started to watch this "Wear Masks 😷 And Practice Social Distancing And Don't Mind Us In Allowing ILLEGALS & JIHADISTS Into Our Country While We Tell You To Just Stay Indoors To Avoid Getting Sick During The 👉Planned Introduction Of A New PLANdemic Virus Variant👈 Which Is About To Be Released And To Remind You To Be Sure Next Year To Just Mail-In Your 2024 Residential Selection Ballots For The Ballot Stuffers And Ballot Mules To Fraudulently Collect Them For The Sake Of Your Own Health & Wellbeing" movie at predawn today, Friday, August 30th, 2024, in bed 🛏️ via my cellphone's 🤳 TUBI Streaming App.

Scene Commentaries:

Foreclosure. 💸 

Movie prop alley.  😶‍🌫️

Property seizure notice.  😕

Deathbed Promise. I've said this before, if you make a Deathbed Promise, you must uphold it if it's morally & ethically safe to do so. Because a dying person is being attended to by an angel for the transition. An angel that reports to God.  🤨

"Have you seen a Native American fighting with a spear?" Cultural appropriation time. 😏

Red Hare's background.

Red Hare's first day as a stunt horse. 🐎 

Chinese bad guys wear a hat, suit & tie and dress shoes--oh, let's not forget the hatchets! 🪓 Are they dressed for a formal affair or just readying themselves for their own upcoming funerals?  😒

They actually have lotion applicators for hard-to-reach-places in the Back that are made & also sold in China.  🤨

"What happened? Why is Red Hare wounded. Can you stop him making dangerous stunts? ... You're too reckless on set."  😦

An accident.  😧

"He looks like a walking QR code."  😆

"Are Mickey's parents Donald and Daisy?"  😏

The awkward dinner date with the parents of his daughter's fiancé.  🤦‍♂️

"Even children know how to reciprocate."  😟

"Red Hare, your leg. Don't force it."  😦

"Everytime your dad visited you, he asked for the surveillance footage. He would watch it on a loop whenever he missed you."  ☹️

Stunt footages from his
previous movies.

The near fatal on-set stunt injury❗🤕 ❗

Horse thieves❗😡❗

Jackie's new set of clothes looks 
like the one he had on in
an earlier movie.

"So Red Hare never belonged to the company?" 

"You're hurting Red Hare again."  😟

"We do it my way, or not at all."  🤨

"He's not a stuntman. He's just a child who wants to make his dad happy. He can feel pain too." 😢

"When I stepped down for the first time, I understood the true spirit of the stuntman has never changed."  🙂

"It's my fault for losing Red Hare."  😭

I almost always saw Mitsubishi vehicles in Jackie Chan's previous movies. But the Land Rover Defender is quite a departure from his norm:

The above scene reminded me of the last cat, Marshall, that I was forced to give away after my mother died in February 1996 and her house went into foreclosure. I was in no financial way able to keep any of the of the cats. A kind family decided to adopt Marshall. As they took him away in his Pet Carrier, he cried at the top of his lungs. I could even hear him as they put him in their SUV. The couple's daughter has to cover her ears. After I waved goodbye, I turned and walked away with tears in my eyes. I knew that it was the best thing for him because I couldn't afford to care for him.

I rented a room at my sister's house. One of her daughters is asthmatic. So that I couldn't have any cats with me. 

Except for my favorite, Winky, an Orange Manx Tabby who had a bad Leg and was Incontinent because of his Congenital Defect. He had to be kept outside in the backyard with my mom's Maltese dog ( a dog that my eldest sister in another State made a Deathbed Promise to our mother to care for--I couldn't break such a promise by putting it up for adoption ). Back then, there was no animal sanctuary that I ever heard of and I had the feeling that nobody would want to adopt Winky and that he'd just be Euthanized! Sadly, I was forced to have Winky put to sleep because he was dying of Cancer 9 months later.  😢

There's a long story about Winky, a premonition, that I keep close to my Heart because I failed to interpret the prophetic dream in time to save his life! His death became my spiritual epiphany. That was when I declared war on the Evil Spirit Realm. THAT WAS WHEN I Totally Lost My Fear Of Them And Am At The Ready For Any And All Future Encounters No Matter The Personal Consequence Of My Defensive Actions❗

Both Winky and Marshall, on separate occasions a few years after their passing, visited me. Winky, or a Guardian Angel disguised as Winky, saved my ass from the DEADLIEST Evil Spirit that I encountered to date---And I Want A REMATCH---I may lose the War but I Shall Win All Of My Battles❗🤬❗ Marshall, on the other hand, introduced me to about a DOZEN Types of Breaths❗🌬️❗I like to think that Adonai Ruach Ha'Kodesh has something to do with the Breaths.

"Red Hare is the son of a kung fu stuntman."  😐

The Chinese film industry has finally taken a cue from the American Humane Association, it seems. As I have seen 2 kung fu movies with animal cruelty in them: 1.) A bad guy eating a live Goldfish, but it was "okay" because he was portraying an Imperial Japanese Army Officer named Sushi-san 😏; and 2.) Jet Lee's SHAOLIN TEMPLE, in which a bad guy on a horse chased after a lamb 🐑 and slashed it with a sword 🗡️ then choked it to death❗😲❗

But the US film industry has instances of animal cruelty, too :


This movie is a homage to Jackie Chan's life-long stunt works. As well, it's dedicated to the work of countless stuntmen and stuntwomen, and stunt animals, all over the world. I recommend that you watch this movie to learn to be more appreciative of their dedication and hard work. 👌🤕👍


This pharmacy commercial should really 
do a better job of protecting its 
own patients' privacy! 🔏 


I didn't have time for my outdoor walks yesterday as I was busy with other things.


I did a quick stop at the Admiral Callaghan Lane Grocery Outlet Bargain Market to buy a few things. This is one of them:

I bought 3 of the 6 kinds.

And, at 4:25 p.m., as I was getting ready to turn left at the intersection of Springs Road & Oakwood Streets, some ILLEGAL Alien Asshole LOW-LIFE in a black SUV crossed the Red Traffic 🚦 Light and would've hit my car had I not had time to step on my Hyundai Accent's brakes❗🤬❗

I went to the Dollar Tree Store to buy some low calorie juice drinks.

And I'm ready to walk 7 doors to the Selecta Pilipino Buffet Restaurant for a quick lunch and some lottery tickets.


Another PLANdemic is being prepared just in time for the Presidential Election❗😒❗


The GRABBERnator G.ruesome is buying Illegal Alien Votes in clusterfucknia for bj kammy & tampon tim through NO INTERE$T ( that US CITIZEN TAXPAYER$' will be forced to shoulder ) 150K Home Buying Loan$❗ 😠❗😡❗🤬❗If they put this to a vote, I'm voting HELL NO❗🖕❗ TREASONOUS TRAITORS ❗ 🖕❗


On the federal level, they're planning another russiagate collusion hoax❗😠❗😡❗🤬❗


bj kammy is on her knees choking and begging her interview host to stop coming up with more HARD, DEEP Stuff for her to deal with❗😜❗


Violent meltdown-time rhetoric coming in hot from the socialist/communist/globalist/Fascist Clueless Libertard IDIOTS❗ 


TDS is real & scary: 😰



Secret US bases in the Middle East:  🤫


DEMON-crat tampon tim's Anti-Semitism:


Myth of Arab expulsion in FAKEstine:


Israel has a Legitimate Right To The West Bank❗


Saving 3,500+ Jewish women trapped in arab cities!


PM Netanyahu's meeting with a Rabbi 30 years ago.


Israel's false Messiah and The 3rd Temple:


"Let Moshiach Come But Let Me Not See Him." 


I guess that Rabbi Friedman, in the above interview, is indirectly referencing Zechariah 12: 10.  😶  In a way, I hope that He appears to the world in my lifetime BUT, in another way, I also honestly dread His prophesied 2nd Coming❗ Because of the prelude of worldwide Conflicts & Calamities leading up to it❗❗And I would have to be one demon-possessed Lost Soul to wish Ill Fate on COUNTLESS OTHERS when God's Cup of Vengeful Wrath is finally poured down on us all❗❗❗


Here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners. Drumroll 🥁 please ....

Congratulations to Israel for 
winning in 1st place!
Congratulations to Singapore for 
winning in 2nd place!
Congratulations to the USA for 
winning in 3rd place!
And congrats to Germany & Ireland 
for tying in 4th place!

Thanks to the countries that participated in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! 🏁          🛣️          🏎️


Thursday, August 29, 2024


I went to see this movie at the Century 14 Vallejo here in Vallejo, CA today, Wednesday, August 28th, 2024. The price of admission was $7.50. I brought a packet of Welch's Passion Fruit flavor mix to flavor my 20 oz ( 591 ml ) bottle of Dasani Water. And I had a Lenny & Larry's The Boss! Immunity Bar Peanut Butter Cup protein bar and a ½ of a FlatOut flatbread with a slice of Arla Queso Havarti cheese as my lunch.

Scene Commentaries:

Why would they have a Sick Bay in the Jackson's Star colony If They Get A Health Screening Before They Can Be Admitted In, And The Recycled Air Is Filtered and Purified For Obvious Reasons❓ 😒

A 5-year work extension.  😳

The planned decommission.  😟

In today's world of energy-efficient LEDs, why does the spaceship have FLICKERING Fluorescent Lights❓🤷‍♂️❗🤦‍♂️

Why is the robot's programming installed on a micro CD when today's memory sticks can store 2TB or more of Data❓🤷‍♂️

The bug-zapper on-a-stick should have also zapped the victim of the xenomorph❗😕

They couldn't break the door's glass but the tiny xenomorphs with less mass and density could--yeah, right ....  😒

That xenomorph was actually face-humping its victim❗😲 And its appendage went in deep, way deep; enough to block the Trachea and deprived its victim with the ability to breathe❗❗The breathing tube that was inserted down my Trachea during my Open Heart Surgery was much smaller in diameter than this movie xenomorph's appendage. In other words, the victim should have died of suffocation ❗😕❗And is that how they impregnate females, via the oral route❓😏❓

I think that the female Asian victim had ordered some Ikezukuri sushi from Door Dash. 😁

If an alien being is starting to break through your Chest, it should hurt so much that you'd fall on the floor in intense agony❗😖❗ And it looks like it's breaking through the center of your Chest where ... the ... Sternum ... Should ... Be ... Located❗🤦‍♂️❗So, where was, or what happened to, her Sternum ❓🤷‍♂️❓ 

"Converse"  👟 Shoes in Space! 🌌 Okay ....  😏

"Sacrifice has to be made."  😐

"I'm afraid I have a new directive to do." 

"What's best for the company if we make it out of here alive."

The Prometheus Fire.  🔥 

"We simply can't wait for Evolution anymore." 🧬 

The outcome of the Rat Experiment!   😧

Since the Aliens are highly acidic, quickly go to the kitchen and round up all of the Baking Soda that you can get your hands on, mix it with water and boom! And splash or spray the bejesus out of them!  😆

That claw-like appendage went through the center of the Chest as the victim was lifted off the floor. Meaning, that the pull of Gravity would have forced a blockage in the victim's Trachea and damaged the Diaphragm and prevented him from breathing AND having the ability to Speak because one needs Air To Allow The Vocal Cords to make Sound❗🧐❗

The Gravity Generator.  😮

In the absence of a strong enough wind, Blood that's forced out of a victim will be airborne as Blood Vapor which will linger on in the vicinity for a while. ( A paramedic told me this back during the AIDS Epidemic to confirm what I learned in Microbiology. ) So, Blood Vapor should have been present in that Enclosed Area and acted like BATTERY ACID to her exposed Eyes❗😣❗

Gravity purge.  😦

The synthetic human Andy must think that it's Superman, with its ability to stop a falling elevator 🛗 with just one hand without even so much as being slightly budged by the impact!  🙄 Actually, in very tall elevator 🛗 shafts, the elevators have already been made with an automatic braking system in place to prevent it from crashing down to the bottom❗🤨❗

"I'm afraid I must deny your petition."  🙂

The new directive. 👌

Stasis Aborted!  😨

Can you imagine that Thing needing to breastfeed❓😬  Boy, that's one YUGE mouth to feed❗😂❗

WTF❓❗We know that the alien is Butt-Naked❗But do they really need to show us on The BIG SCREEN its 3-Slits Vagina, or is it a Tri-gina❓🤔❓This movie is Torture Porn, not XXX Porn❗🤦‍♂️❗🤷‍♂️❗Talk about "kinky stuff."  😏

Acid can only corrode a proportional amount of material or matter❗ IT CANNOT BORE A HOLE THROUGH MANY LEVELS OF ANY STRUCTURE❗🤨❗If acid was so Super Overly Corrosive, it would have eaten holes in my butt back when I studied Chemistry years ago! ⚗️ 🥽 🧪 🧤 

In the Deep Vacuum of Space, the Alien's Innards should have been sucked out❗🧐❗

"Stasis Log."  😴

Edited Out scene:

When the company realized that the Aliens looked like overgrown rodent fetuses, they sent a Spec-Ops force to intercept the returning spaceship: 



I'm all for "diversity," but when it comes to REPROGRAMMED Synthetic Humanoids, I'd much prefer to have a bunch of them in Female Form! 😜 The moslems can keep their own 72 virgins!  🤪

Note: If the makers of this movie had me onboard as a consultant, and after reviewing the Script and looking at the Storyboard, I would have called the whole Cast & Crew a bunch of Stupid Idiots❗🤣❗🤣❗🤣❗


I went to the fiveBELoW after watching the movie ....

to buy a set of resistance tubes. They
will be complementary to my daily
walks.  I can burn more calories 
that way and also, at the same,
time, tone my upper body.

I walked on over to the Target 🎯 Shopping Center's Dollar Tree Store to buy some Zero Calorie drinks after I left the fiveBELoW store.
They ran out of shopping bags! So, I thought of buying this:

But they didn't have what I needed to buy. So, I just walked back to my car, taking The LONGER Way so that I could log-in more steps.

Here are yesterday's walking results:

8.26 kilometers 
7.95 km

I plugged-in my Remington R3 shaver at 9:00 p.m. as soon as I got back home.


Today, I unplugged it at noontime! I Give Up❗ It's not getting fully charged at all❗🤦‍♂️❗ That's a total of 53½ Hours wasted❗😲❗But the green light monitor didn't even turn itself off after all of that time spent recharging itself❗👎❗


10 reasons why Orthodox Jews are voting for Pres. Trump❗👌


RFK Jr lays FACTS in the face of a Clueless Libertard IDIOT anti-Israel news reporter❗👍



Wasn't it Malcom X who once said that The WHITE Liberals Are Very Dangerous To All Of The Black Communities❓🤔❓



Viewpoint Neutrality With Taxpayers' Dollars In Public Schools & Universities👌❗🧐❗👍



If Illegal ALIENS are not INVADERS, how in HELL did they come into possession of Guns and Automatic Rifles❓🤬 ❗


Just wait until the jihadist sleeper cells get their call to jihad❗🤬❗

❗🖕Open Borders brandon🖕❗🖕Border Czar bj kammy 🖕❗🖕 tampon tim 🖕❗ALL TREASONOUS TRAITORS ❗😡❗🤬❗


Of course, the socialist communist bj kammy doesn't know how MORE Taxe$ affect the Common People❗🤬❗



Release the unlawfully imprisoned Jan 6 protesters❗🤬❗



Why the Telegram CEO was arrested in France by NATO ( hint: 🇷🇺Russia & MAGA🦅 ). ❗🤬❗



HAM👉Ass has always had the intention of using its own citizens as sacrificial offerings to inflame the moslems' jihadist zeal to remove Israel from the Map❗ 


Jihadist uprising in Israel!



Queers for FAKEstine has a new spox:


The Muslim rescued by the IDF has important facts omitted by the Fake News Media❗😡❗


Since Rockets & Bombs don't discriminate, Muslims have voluntarily enlisted in the Israeli Army to fight against the JIHADISTS❗👍❗


History and impact of the Temple:


An open challenge to moslems:


Don't let the Cancer metastasize into Sleeper Cells all over the 🌎World🌍 


And please pray 🛐 for the Muslims in Iran and in other countries that have turned their backs on islam:




Here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners. Drumroll 🥁 please ....

Congratulations to Israel & the USA 
for tying in 1st place!
Congratulations to Singapore for 
winning in 2nd place!
And congratulations to Germany 
for winning in 3rd place!

Thanks to the countries that participated in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! 🏁          🛣️          🏎️
