Saturday, May 11, 2024


I started watching this "COVID Social Distancing because it's getting close to the 2022 Midterm Election Year" movie at predawn today, Saturday, May 11th, 2024, in bed 🛏️ via my cellphone's 🤳 TUBI Streaming App.

This was 1st shown in 2021. It
Is A Political Allegory.

Scene Commentaries:

If the aliens insist on coming here Butt-Naked, then they're in the wrong country❗They should go to the South of France:

The aliens will feel right at home here!
And, from the looks of it, they won't 
even need to worry about a thing 
when they go frolicking in the 
water when it gets ice cold!

Here are 2 things about Interstellar Aliens: They always come to Earth Butt-Naked & they don't know how to land their own Spaceships!  🙄

"Never negotiate with terrorists." How in Hell did you even arrive at that conclusion if they're just hovering around nonthreateningly and simply requesting to get back 2 of their missing crew members? 🤷‍♂️ Talk about missing a Historic opportunity to establish a friendly Interstellar Relationship! The resident in the White House could have taken a page from Trump's Art Of The Deal. I thought that "Dangerous, Decrepit DOTARD brandon" loves 💞 aliens so much that he opened up Our Borders, even including our Sovereign Air Space!  🤦‍♂️ So, why the Flip-Flop?  🤷‍♂️

Given the choice between The Real Deal or an inferior IMPOSTER, which one would you rather pick?

The Choice Is Rather Obvious!


This movie is not the John Travolta starrer, BATTLEFIELD EARTH ( 2000 )! Which was an idiotic movie that really set the bar low. Let's see if this 2021 movie will have no problem jumping over the bar!  🧐  At least, the aliens in the Travolta movie had the common decency to come to Earth fully clothed!

The New Hampshire 1961 abduction of Barney & Betty Hill by aliens from the Zeta Reticuli Solar System, 39 Light Years away. 😳

Epsilon Indi and Epsilon Eridani.  🤔 

As is expected, "brandon" imposes "house arrest", covid lockdown style, so that Aliens can invade our country without opposition!  😒

The aliens get to go sightseeing in Egypt during an active "invasion."  😏 But who's the Astronaut in the orange pumpkin suit?

"But, Romney, this is an election year." Mitt, is this you❓😯❗See, the " Dangerous, decrepit DOTARD" in the White House is willing to gamble with US Citizens' lives. Unlike Pres. Trump who has the odd distinction of any recent US President of not starting any war during his presidency!

T.800 android model. Is this the Ah-nold model? You Send A JIHADIST Android To The Spaceship❓🤯❗Are you f()¢k!ng NUTS❓😡❗Is your puppeteer, "barry," the one who taught you that❓🤬❗The DEMON-crats just love to have endless wars, don't they❓ There must be Ton$ of BLOOD MONEY to be made in the Military Industrial Complex❗💵❗💰❗

This movie is just like a bunch of wet
noodles being thrown at a wall to
see which ones stick to it!
And there's way too much talking for
a supposed "action" movie.

What's next, Mutilated Cows ...?  🤷‍♂️

The difference between these two Drone
characters is as clear as 🧔🏻‍♂️ & 👴🏻.
Their "2-Tier Injustice System of Mutiny
Law's GUILTY And Goodluck Trying 
To Prove Your Innocence In Our 
Kangaroo Court" is showing!

Hah, I knew that she was going to say, "I'm pregnant!" 🤣  🤣  🤣 Well, at least She isn't a He!

"Weasel" ... "Troglodyte" .... This alien android must've been downloading American slang and English dictionary words ....  😕

News Flash to the Aliens, the Reptilian race have already been here way before you got here:


Betty Hill's alien abduction account. But I'd be more interested in Benny Hill's account!  😉

The aliens are buffed and especially more so is their Super BUFFED Leader Gweldor! But do they have to slather on copious amounts of baby oil? What did they do in Outer Space on their way to our planet, watch muscle building contests? 💪🏋️‍♂️

But the baby oil that they've been using better not be oil rendered from Baby Fat❗🥺❗

So, this Oddministration's plan is to bomb US Citizens in order to secure a win in the upcoming midterm election? And Deflect The Blame, Of Course ....  😒

"Governments tell their citizens that it is all about democracy ( read: DEMON-crazy ), and safety. Bullshit." Yup, as I was saying, this movie is a Political Allegory!  🤓

Gen. Romney's Vietnam war recollection.  😐

"The ultimate solution."  😶

Wow, mr. resident! What a way to lose votes❗⚰️❗

This movie is Very Boring UNLESS ... You Can Read Between The Lines❗🧐❗


Last night, writing about Pork in my PREPPER blogpost gave me a craving for Pork Rinds of the Fresh Kind! Only mexican grocery stores make them fresh in my area. I went to the Vargas Grocery Store because their Website says that they're open from 7:30 a.m. 'til 10:00 p.m. And I still had over an hour before closing time. Or so I thought .... 😒

But they closed an hour early!
Because  they  are  on
mexican  time!

This reminds me of an outtake from
the PREPPER movie: "No cerveza,
no trabajo!" Well, I hope that
they get the Corona kind.
So that they can stay
closed  as  long
as they like.

Why are they allowed to be on mexican time in Clusterfucknia just because this is a sanctuary state? 🤷‍♂️ SMDH 🤦‍♂️

So, I just went a mile away to the American Canyon Wal-Mart's because I needed to buy some stuff. They only had one item that I needed to buy. They were out of the other things that I needed to buy. I just bought a micro SD Card for my new emergency back-up cellphone:

It costs $10.48 + $0.81 tax.

Because my new back-up 'phone only
has 16 GB. And opening it plus 
putting 2 apps on it ate
up 8.8 GB. Which
left me with
just 7.2

I installed the memory card when I arrived home. Then, I tried to install a Compass App. But my cellphone doesn't support such an app! Oh, well. What can I do ....  😕

I did change the generic wallpaper ( it only has one ) by selecting a wallpaper from my main 'phone and sending it to my back-up 'phone number. From there, I downloaded it to my Photos File. Then, I used it:

I like the serenity of it!

And below is my main 'phone's wallpaper:

Yeah, all of my 'phones' wallpapers 
are Water Themes.


Today, I went to the new location of the Dollar Tree Store here in Vallejo, CA. I was told that they opened last Friday, May 4th. I only learned about this new location when I tried to buy some Chicharons ( Pork Rinds w/ Meat ) last night. This new Dollar Tree Store is the biggest Dollar Tree Store that I've ever been in! Of course, they're selling stuff priced from $1.25 and up. That's why they have a center post at the front and another one at the rear with a Price Scanner; that way, you don't get "Price Sticker Shock!"  😲 

Then, I went back to the Vargas mexican store with dogged determination to get my Chicharons craving satisfied! 👌🤤👍

I bought 0.72 lb/0.33 kg
for $9.35❗

Finally, I went to the metroPCS on Sonoma Boulevard in downtown to pay on my 'phone & WiFi service for the month.

And I Know Exactly What I'm Having For My Late Lunch As Soon As I Post This!  👌😋👍


Here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners.  Drumroll 🥁 please ....

Congratulations to Hong Kong for 
winning in 1st place!
Congratulations to Israel & USA for
tying in 2nd place!
Congratulations to Russia for
winning in 3rd place!
And congrats to China, Germany and 
Romania for tying in 4th place!

Thanks to the nations that took part in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish!  🏁    🛣️    🏎️

Let's all give 🇹🇩 Romania 🇹🇩 a Warm Welcome for entering this 24-Hour Race!  🤗 


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