Friday, May 10, 2024


I started watching this COVID Lockdown movie tonight, Thursday, May 9th, 2024, in bed ๐Ÿ›️ via my cellphone's ๐Ÿคณ TUBI Streaming App.

Scene Commentaries:

Such a nice 2-story, 2-car garage house for a DIBoT ( Dual Income, Both Teachers ) couple. It must be nice to be a teacher in Texas. Because DIBoT couples wouldn't be able to afford such a house here in California WITHOUT HAVING ANOTHER SOURCE OF INCOME❗ Teachers in liberal, sanctuary states are Understaffed, Underpaid, Overworked and Overstressed❗❗ I wouldn't want to be in their shoes❗❗❗

That's quite a strange classroom setting. ๐Ÿคจ  And with beanbags, no less!

I have a friend who is a Vallejo CA public school teacher. He hates it because the city is a sanctuary city! And the LOW-LIFES just can't be taught because they are unmotivated, disrespectful and rely heavily on #d.i.e. to get them "passing grades!!" They cannot even read or write or do math expected of students at their own grade level!!! And if you give them a bad grade based on their lackadaisical performance in class, they complain to their parents and the parents complain to the principal about the "racist" teacher and the principal threatens to cut your hours and/or put your tenure in jeopardy❗My friend can't wait to retire because of the Teacher's Pension that he worked so hard to put into. In the meantime, he works at a side job just to make ends meet❗❗That's THE sanctuary city "Education" System In A Nutshell---And according to him, Vallejo ranks near the bottom in the National Ranking of Public Schools❗❗❗

And, Internationally speaking, the United States is no longer among the Top In Education because of the #d.i.e. that is dragging down our Academic Performance--EVEN IN THE IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS--on the World Scale❗๐Ÿ˜ก❗๐Ÿคฌ❗

I thought that Christmas ๐Ÿฆ€ Crabs ๐Ÿฆ€ are edible. But the Crazy Ants do love to feast on them!

You can actually fix a car with a hammer! But not where the across-the-street neighbor guy was hitting his car!! It's mostly down under the car where you use a hammer to fix the problem!!! I've seen 2 different mechanics do exactly just that. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

That apple ๐ŸŽ with a rotten spot looked like its produce sticker was peeled off. Don't remove such a sticker until it's time to eat the fruit. Otherwise, the spot where you removed the sticker from will lose its ability to resist an accelerated rate of decay.

Damn, the grocery store courtesy clerk beat me to it when he suggested the use of Water Treatment!  ๐Ÿ™

Tips on Survival Foods: High Calorie Food Is A Must! Peanut Butter in glass jars will keep for a decade or more--I know this personally! Coconut Oil, Lard and Ghee ( highly saturated fats are stable and will last a Long Time--and they're not inflammatory )! Canned Goods! Dried Fruits & Vegetables & Freeze Dried Foods! Powdered Milk and Protein! Green Tea, Chocolate Powder and Strong Coffee! Dried Nuts and Legumes! Sea Salt and Multi-Vitamin/Mineral tablets! Raw Honey! And The Ultimate Survival Food, PEMMICAN❗ You can also have Beans, Lentils, Brown ( more nutritious ) Rice and Pasta--but these ones require you to use Water which should primarily be reserved for drinking, instead! Avoid non-Food Grade containers. Cooking will only have hungry, desperate hordes drawn to your food stash! Get a Solar Distiller and Solar Oven, too!

And train yourself to Fast! I've gone without food for 23 DAYS!! I could have gone longer on my Fast had it not been for my infected Diabetic Foot Ulcer that sent me to the Emergency Ward back on August 1st, 2021!!!

Also, put water-filled plastic boxes in EACH Corner of your freezers so that when the power goes out, your frozen meat will stay frozen for a longer time. But do start eating through your frozen foods first before they spoil. Plus, you'll have all of that melted water to come in handy! ๐Ÿ‘And, yes. A propane stove will come in handy!  ๐Ÿ‘Œ

The saying, "Don't put your eggs in one basket," also applies to where you stash your Food Supply❗

And be ready to Smell to High Heaven because you'll have to force yourself to do away with personal hygiene for A Long, LONG TIME ❗

Never give up your guns---Ever! The only "gun control" that ALWAYS Works: Aim, Hold Steady, Shoot! Get The BEST that your money can buy when it comes to Shotguns, Handguns and Rifles!! And invest in Thermal Imagers & Night Vision scopes because most prey animals come out at night.

For hunting: SILENT ONES = Slingshot ( plenty of "ammo" laying on the ground everywhere ), Bow ๐Ÿน & Arrows ( reusable "ammo" ), Air Rifle ( cheap, plentiful ammo ); and .22 rifle ( cheap ammo, not as noisy and why the US Air Force has/had(?) such survival rifles issued to pilots ). Speaking of ammo, Extended MAGAZINES! Strong rope & strings, Spears for reach advantage against a big predator or prey. Knife, Machete, Saw, Pick, Shovel and Axe. Fishing ๐ŸŽฃ pole, nets and traps. And WD-40 ( research the many uses for it ), a Firestarter, Filter Straw, a Map ๐Ÿ—บ️ and a Compass! ๐Ÿงญ Plus ... essentials. No, don't go rushing to the store and buy-up toilet paper like what IDIOTS did during the PLANdemic❗ Instead, buy some 70% or 91% Rubbing Alcohol for wound treatment, Hand Sanitizers, Bleach, Aspirins and First Aid Kits! You'll also need Tarps and Plastic Sheets and Chamois or Shammy to help you collect Water. In the case of the Chamois and Shammy, just wrap them around your Lower Legs and go walking in a grassy field early in the morning to collect Dew from the grass blades.

Primitive H2O Filtering Techniques:


And train your dog to growl, not bark❗For chrissakes❗❗ Remember what I said in my blogpost on HORNET❗❗❗

The Only Rule In A Life Threatening Fight is ...
In other words, Don't Hesitate,
Don't Hold Back, Don't 
Show Mercy!

If Worse comes to WORST, you may be forced to resort to c@nn!b@l!sm❗ History shows this to always be the case, even in The Bible! Just keep in mind that it's supposed to taste like Pork❗๐Ÿท❗If you don't eat Pork but want to be a Survivalist, start eating Pork❗๐Ÿคค❗๐Ÿ˜‹❗These Texan Survivalists have plenty of Wild Hogs and Javelinas to hunt down!

Who are you calling, "Pigs?" 
Not US! We're not!

So, is it Kosher or halal? 
Gourmands NEED 
to know!

There are also Capybaras in Texas, too! But they're just so Adorable and Friendly and Trusting❗๐Ÿ˜ Never Betray Someone's Trust In You❗๐Ÿคจ ❗


People Who Betray My Trust NEVER Gain It Back❗๐Ÿ˜ค❗๐Ÿ˜ ❗ Because I don't need duplicitous LOW-LIFES around me! ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ‘Ž When you're in a Survival Mode, keep such LOW-LIFES away from you❗๐Ÿšท❗

They got 2 Karate ๐Ÿฅ‹ Gis for a one-day martial arts course for a discount price of 2 for $35.00❓ ๐Ÿค‘❗

And why did they have to change clothes 5 times IN ONE DAY❓ ๐Ÿค” ❗

That gun shop owner sure shot a lot of sexual innuendos at the innocent couple!  ๐Ÿ˜•

"Cawpz" reality show. ๐Ÿ˜„

"Bug-Out location."  ๐Ÿ˜ถ‍๐ŸŒซ️ The thing about bug-outs is that the longer you hole ๐Ÿ•ณ️ yourself up in such a place, the stinkier your surroundings get because you have to dispose of your Bladder & Bowel movements somewhere and it will just attract unnecessary attention❗๐Ÿคข❗

The important thing about underground shelters is that you need to conceal the entrance AND, ESPECIALLY THE AIR VENTS❗ Because if intruders can't break into your shelter, they can flush you out by blocking and/or tampering with your air vents❗❗Hints: Gas Masks and Perchlorate Oxygen, i.e. Oxygen Candles❗❗❗

At the 00:59:00 mark, this movie puts the blame squarely where it ought to be: In front of the DEMON-crats❗๐Ÿ˜ก❗๐Ÿคฌ❗

It's Never A Good Idea To Tell Friends, Co-workers, Neighbors AND Strangers That You Are Prepping Out❗

The Ebola Virus and the AIDS Virus were the front-page news back when I studied Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and AIDS Transmission & Prevention back in the school year of '85-'86!

He has mostly good points in his speech from 01:09:15 to 01:11:33. Except, I don't agree with his "climate argument" about Carbon Pollution because The United States and Europe have a small Carbon Footprint, as it is❗ China and India are The TOP CARBON POLLUTERS In The World❗❗ But nothing is being done about it other than to shift the blame to The United States and Europe by GUILT-SHAMING us into paying for the Environmental Crime that we are not guilty of❗❗❗This is why Pres. Trump REFUSED to take part in the Climate DIScord which angered climate "expert" greta dunderhead!!!

When you go looking for an intruder in the dark, don't use a headlamp! Or, if you're using a flashlight, ๐Ÿ”ฆ keep it away from your body's Center Mass!! Because an intruder with a gun will shoot at where the light is coming from!!!

How was the intruder able to run blindly inside a very dark house❓If you intrude in my condo in the dark, you'll trip and fall before you can get to me because I don't keep a clear, straight line leading up to where I sleep❗And, through the years, I've built up the necessary Muscle Memory for me to be able to navigate my darkened condo without tripping on something. It's like how a blind person can walk around BLINDLY in a familiar area. ๐Ÿฆฏ 

It's really no time for Good Guy Heroics! If you have the drop on them, Just Sniper The Hell Out Of Them❗ A .22 rifle would have been a good choice because it's not as loud as a higher caliber rifle and you can hit all 4 of them in 2 seconds before they can even figure out where the shots were fired from❗❗And the other one can just finish off the Wounded and Panicked bad guys❗❗❗

That is one seriously armed neighborhood enclave! Don't mess with Texas❗๐Ÿ˜Ž❗

There are Bonus Scenes throughout the Ending Credits.  ๐Ÿ˜€


I was able to walk ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ 8,839 steps for a time of 1h & 21 min, and burned 327.0 Kcal while covering a distance of 3.6 miles/5.8 km. I brought a 42.20 fl oz/1.25 liter of empty bottle with me to refill at the Dan Foley Park's Baseball ⚾ and Soccer ⚽ Sports Field's drinking water fountain. There's plenty of water here for when SHTF before the effects of an EMP strike sets in❗⛲ ❗Which reminds me, I need to buy some collapsible water containers.

On my way home from the park, as I walked around a blind curve, there was a homeless man standing there bending down in the dark! If I didn't have my phone's light on, I would have rear-ended him❗๐Ÿคช❗

My Movie Blogsite reached a new milestone with my FALL GUY post:

Yay .... 100 more to go to 
reach 1,000 posts!

Now, if only the All Time
views will reach 

If I didn't get censored by 150+
countries, my site would 
have already been 
near the range
of 1 million

And I may have lost
another one 

I decided to do my own version of the Chinese Egg Roll by putting my 2 acid-peeled Eggs in a frying pan. ๐Ÿณ But they wouldn't do the Cine-Man Egg Roll for me. I transferred them to a small deep pan where I keep used oil in to Deep Fry Them In Rancid Oil Because I Had No Other Choice! The smell of Rancid Oil And Vinegar-Soaked Eggs Is Not A Pleasant Smell To Have In The Kitchen, much less The Whole House❗And the Eggs ended up tasting more Disgustingly ❗๐Ÿคข❗
Note to Self: Put the rancid oil in a plastic bottle and throw it in the dumpster, once it has cooled down❗❗❗

The only thing good about my supper was that I had it with some delicious Swedish style crisp bread.
It's so light and crispy! I put some
Nacho Cheese Spread on it 
๐Ÿ‘Œ ❗๐Ÿ˜‹❗  ๐Ÿ‘


Here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners. Drumroll ๐Ÿฅ please ....

Congratulations to Hong Kong for
winning in 1st place!
Congratulations to Israel & USA for 
tying in 2nd place!
And congratulations to Germany 
for winning in 3rd place!

Thanks to the countries that took part in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish!   ๐Ÿ    ๐Ÿ›ฃ️    ๐ŸŽ️


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