Saturday, May 18, 2024


I went to see this movie today, Thursday, May 16th, 2024, here at the Century 14 in Vallejo, CA. The matinee admission price was $7.50. I brought a packet of Hawaiian Punch drink mix to flavor my bottled water with. And I brought a Ratio™ Keto Friendly Toasted Almond Crunchy Bar & CereBelly Apple Kale Smart Bar for my lunch. 

Auditorium 13, B-6 @ 2:10 p.m.
This is not  the  seating assignment 
for  today, Thursday, but for  this
Friday. Because I was running 
a little late and forgot to 
screenshot my  seat
assignment for 

Scene Commentaries:

Before I begin, allow me to put my college EDUCATED "thinking hat" on in Human Anatomy & Physiology and in Anthropology. Because not much has changed since I studied these 2 sciences over 40 years ago, except for the INDOCTRINATION in the field of Human "biology". 🙄

This movie starts out vague, from an evolutionary standpoint. For millennia, humans have aggressively clawed their way to the top of Apex Predators, displacing other predators along the way and even forcing some to become extinct! What happens when the Top Predator is suddenly removed from the equation is that lesser predators and their prey become bigger in Number AND In Physical Size until such genetic trends correct themselves. It was what happened when the Dinosaurs became extinct and the Mammals took over. Millions of years ago, Mammals grew bigger before Nature reversed its course! Since this movie is just a few centuries from the time when humans were displaced by apes, both apes and other creatures should still have been in the growth trend. It is obvious that Noa, in size comparison to Nova while they are being led as captives, has grown taller than an average Bonobo ape. But the other apes should have grown taller, too. Especially Raka, the Orangutan, since such apes have the genetic code of the once biggest ape in the world: Gigantopithecus, which grew up to 3 yards/meters tall❗And the Horses should also be in the growing bigger trend ( think: Clydesdale ) before an evolutionary correction starts happening❗❗ As well as all the other predators displaced by humans and the prey animals hunted by humans to near extinction ❗❗❗

As an indirect aside, bear in mind that the Japanese were relatively short before World War 2. But after the war they adapted themselves to a higher meat Western Diet and are now taller! I am talking about just 2 generations here, folks!😲! Just ... Two ... Generations .... 🕰️  And give the Vietnamese just one (1) more generation after the Vietnam War to adapt to a Western Diet and they will be taller on average, too! 👍

The Eagle Egg harvesting is quite a different topic, though. It's a scientifically proven fact that only one eaglet from a brood of hatchlings will survive to adulthood, very rarely two. In which case, harvesting such eggs to raise them as pets/trained hunters will keep their growth in a Genetic Stasis because the number of such Raptors becomes doubled, at the very least! 

I'm reminded of an IDIOTIC "scientific" experiment in which they observed a Hawk hatchling stolen by an Eagle and that then raised it alongside its bigger sized eaglet. Of course, the eaglet bullied its smaller adopted brother❗ When it fell off the nest, the idiot "scientists" put it back in the nest for further "scientific" observation instead of rushing it to a Bird Sanctuary❗😠❗ Predictably AND Tragically, the young hawk died of Starvation AND Malnutrition because it required a different diet❗😡❗🤬❗ Whatever happened to WOKE scientists who put more value in raptor eggs and hatchlings than they do in human fetuses and babies❓🤷‍♂️❗🤦‍♂️❓ I don't know about you, But This Is Plain Animal Abuse & Neglect to me! To paraphrase, You can lead a DUMBASS to Common Sense but you can not make The DUMBASS accept such Common Sense❗

As I've explained it years ago in another Planet Of The Apes movie, such apes cannot develop the ability to talk like humans do if they continue swinging from trees and continue to ambulate quadrupedally through Knuckle-Walking/-Running. Because they first need to become fully Bipedal to initiate the necessary changes in the anatomy of their Necks and of their Heads. In a truly Bipedal animal, the Skull rests perpendicularly to the ground with very little resistance to the Force of Gravity. At the same time, Gravity forces the skull to become narrower and elongated. This has the effect of increasing the Volumetric Capacity of the Brain 🧠 Case. Likewise, Bipedalism allows for the decrease in the Musculature of the Neck and which gives it room for the Hyoid Bone to become fully developed and enable the animal to make complex vocalizations. By the way, I presented this Hyoid Bone development as The Adam's Rib of Genesis in my college essay in 1985❗As symbolically alluded to by the Genesis writer( Moses?) where Adam first began talking about Eve. At most, the apes in this movie should only be able to "talk" through Sign Language in the way that Koko, the Gorilla, did!

As for the rest of the Ape Anatomy:

The  numbers  are  the  estimated 
population sizes for each one.
Bonobos are leaner but have longer
legs than the chimpanzees.
Bonobos & Chimpanzees have bigger 
Testicles and larger penises than
the Orangutans & Gorillas.
Female Bonobos & Chimpanzees
display Estrus Swelling. But
Gorillas display very little 
of it and Orangutans 
do not display it.

Female Humans don't display
an Estrus cycle.

Human Males on the other hand:

But only through a medical condition!
And 60 kilos is quite a lot of extra 
weight to dangle around by
whatever system of

You wouldn't want to get in a fight 
with that thing asking for 
some kicking❗

As you can see, ape boobs and private parts DO Show! So, why do the apes in this movie have such thick body hair? 🤷‍♂️ Because they can just easily wear some clothes if they have to. It better not be an issue of decency because they think that the InCels among them will get aroused by such visual tits--I mean treats!  😁 😁 😁


Now that we've got most of the "sciencey stuff" out of the way ....

The Bonobo apes should have chased after the intruder by way of the trees. Judging by their relative size and built to the Chimpanzees, they should be able to catch-up to the intruder more easily.

There was this true incident at a primate lab where the cruelly treated chimps managed to escape! The taxi driver/guide panicked and ran away!! The chimps climbed the trees and chased him down!!! Then, they savagely attacked him and ripped off his privates before killing him❗😬❗

The night raid! 😧 But how was the raiding party able to have those electric prods? Being that Gorillas and Chimpanzees don't have Opposable Thumbs! And such Thumbs are the key to making intricate, precise inventions.

Obviously, they acquired the
prods in a different way.

And how were they able to recharge the prods? They had no recharging stations for them at all! 😕

The Knowledge Keeper named Raka. There's a subtle wordplay here! If you've read the New Testament of The Bible, then you should know what Raka means:

Gee, and they have a black
man play this role! 😒

The Parting Gift, symbolic of Caesar's command that Apes should not harm fellow Apes.

I'm still scratching my head because of the Zebra Scene! 🦓

"I have a name." 😳

Noa learns how to use the electric prod.


"They will skin your monkeys!" I don't know about you. But, to me, Trevathan was being a racist when he said this!  😃  Where are the "virtue-signalling, offended-for-you, Butt-Hurt crowd when you need them?  🤷‍♂️

The Rear Naked Choke. Except neither one is naked! I guess that in this chokehold, nudity is just an option❗😜❗

Rear Naked Choke on the ground.

It was at this moment when Noa realized 
that Humans were just a bunch
of Savage Apes!

But the young and naive Noa obviously didn't get the memo:

Chimpanzees are no strangers
to gang killings!
The Chimpanzees' motto:
Make War not love!

The  Bonobos'  motto:
Make ❤️ Love 
not war!

The SatCom key.  🙂

The Bonobos saw the illustrations in the children's book and realized that the rumors about their distant past were true after all!  😨

"Apes will learn from what's inside the vault." 🤐

"Kingdom for Apes, not clans." 😐

The Noa's Flood. Not exactly like the Noah's Flood in The Old Testament Book of The Bible but, ehh ... Close Enough 👌❗👍

And speaking of Noah's Flood:


The deposed King Proximus Caesar. If you get attacked by some eagles, try to keep 1 arm free for defense. With the free arm, use it to grab an eagle's wing and snap it. Repeat, Rinse & Repeat some more until the other eagles see with their very sharp vision what you did to the unfortunate ones. They will fly away from you, knowing that an eagle with a broken wing Is As Good As DEAD❗ There was an incident at the san francisco zoo many years ago where an eagle with a broken wing was attacked and killed by a lone stray cat that managed to sneak into the enclosure!  💪😼👍

"It was ours!" True Dat. 👌❗👍

The Parting Gift, symbolic of Noa's wish that Humans and Apes don't harm each other ever again.  ☮️

Now for 👉THE SPOILER👈:

Eighteen (18 ) of the 23 main roles are played by White Actors❗And one of the primary roles is played by a black man, the role of Raka i.e. the worthless, brainless idiot, foolish one according to the New Testament's Book of Matthew 5:22. I can't wait for all of the #d.i.e. Woke Ass, Butt-Hurt Feelings RAKAS to complain about the "racist" casting of what they thought was made with their WOKE-ishness in mind. Yeah, it was made with them in mind, alright! But just totally different from what they expected of Libertard Whollyweird❗😎❗Well, as they say, "Money 💵 talks, 🐂 💩 walks" ❗🤑❗


The one who sold me my movie ticket was Marissa whom I haven't seen in quite a while. Because she worked on days that I was not able to go see movies at this Cineplex. She is a nice, pretty girl with such a pleasing personality. It's always good to interact with her. I told her about my movie blogsite. 

I went to a liquor store to buy some Lotto tickets and to the Dollar Tree Store on Admiral Callaghan Lane in the Target 🎯 Shopping Center, after the movie ended, to buy The Works Classic Clean Toilet Bowl Cleaner, a bottle of Tampico Zero Sugar Mango Punch and a Brim's Old Fashioned Seasoned Pork Cracklin Dippers.

I had time to walk 🚶‍♂️ to the Dan Foley Park after I got home to eat my breakfast. Which was my 2nd meal for the day since I started with my lunch first. 

4.7 kilometers 


The following day, Friday, I had Wasa Multi Grain Swedish Style Crisp Bread for breakfast.

I put Land O Lakes Mucho Queso 
Jalapeño Cheddar Cheese
Dip spread on it!

I like the Light Rye Crisp
Bread better.

And I enjoyed it with my Chocolate flavored Collagen beverage and a slice of Keto Bread. Plus, a Cosmic Crisp Apple & a seedless Cuties California Mandarin. 😋 

I went out to do some shopping an hour before the Neighborhood Wal-Mart's closing time at 11:00 p.m. I bought a bag of Gala Apples, a bag of Broccoli Slaw, a bottle of Lifeway Strawberry Kefir Yogurt, a bag of Mac's Chicharrones Original Pork Cracklins and 2 bags of Keto Culture Keto Burger Buns.

There was a long line of people because 
only register 5 was open. I said, Oh, crap. Somebody must have called in sick!

Registers 4 & 6 were opened
at just a minute before
their closing time.

I couldn't walk enough because I was just too busy with stuff. I only managed to walk for this much:


1.50 kilometers 🙁


Here are Fridays 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners.


Today, Saturday, I started the day with the same exact breakfast as that which I had yesterday. But about the Cuties California Mandarin. I actually eat the peel as well. It all started years ago when I saw this PBS TV documentary on Zoos. In one scene, a zookeeper was chopping oranges in half and giving them to a Gorilla 🦍. The Gorilla ate the whole thing: Seeds, Peel and all. I reasoned that THAT is probably why they're so strong! Wishful Thinking ....   😒

Then, I drove to the Vallejo CSAA to pay on my car insurance.

Once again, their FAT security guard
is hogging 2 parking spaces!
I  complained to the one
who  processed  my
cheque payment.
He'd better tell the
about it!

I don't even want to hear the morbidly obese security guard's excuse for not doing his best to get fit. It hurts me at times to walk because of my callused foot ulcer. Not only does it hurt me in my Foot to walk. My Lower Back, my Hips and my Calves also hurt because of my forced, unnatural gait! BUT I walk anyway because I have no other choice!! And it has gotten so that I don't even remember how to walk normally anymore because of my foot condition!!! So, no enabling excuses for him at all. 

Then, I went to the Dollar Tree Store on Admiral Callaghan Street, in the Target 🎯 Shopping Center, to buy

To buy a bottle of Alkaline Water and a
bottle  of  Tampico  Zero
Sugar Mango Punch.

I also bought this Sanding Sponge
because they don't have the 
Pumice Stone that I need
for my foot callus.

I also walked around the block of Admiral Callaghan Lane, Plaza Drive and Turner Parkway. But I'm not done for the day yet.


And here are today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners.  Drumroll 🥁 please ....

Congratulations to Hong Kong for 
winning in 1st Place!
Congratulations to Israel for 
winning in 2nd place!
And congratulations to China for 
winning in 3rd place!

Thanks to the countries that joined in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish!   🏁     🛣️     🏎️ 


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