Tuesday, May 7, 2024


I started watching this COVID Lockdown movie at predawn today, Monday, May 6th, 2024, in bed ๐Ÿ›️ via my cellphone's ๐Ÿคณ TUBI Streaming App.


Scene Commentaries:

RE The New World Order, under the guise of P-NAC ( Project for the New American Century, that I had physically seen an official ~95 pages White House document of ) which is spoken of by soetoro, his mentor w. bush and brandon was essentially quagmired by Pres. Trump's unexpected, improvisational countermeasures! Damage Control Had To Be Done❗

September 5, 2018 article below:
January 13, 2019 article below:
I figured this out from watching just the first 
7 minutes of this movie. And I'm not
even an investigative reporter
at all. I'm just a blogger!
Well, it helps to be 
Cine-Man, Par

Hence, the outcome of the 2020 Selection year❗ A TREASONOUS Coup d'ร‰tat, despite what Fake News Media would have you believe otherwise ❗❗ 

A Witness's Statement on the Jan. 6 Coup d'ร‰tat:


https://www.facebook.com/reel/25351246434521708?mibextid=9drbnH ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

Now, wait what the DESPICABLE BASTARDS, in a desperate attempt at a Pyrrhic victory, will pull out of their sleeves next! After Pres. Trump wins the 2024 Election, they will concede defeat and agree that he DID win back in Election Year 2020❗ And cannot, therefore, have a 3rd Term according to the Amended US Constitution❗๐Ÿ˜ ❗If Trump protests, they will accuse him of not being fit for office and will vote to discharge him using The 25th Amendment❗๐Ÿ˜ก❗๐Ÿคฌ❗Only Clueless Libertard IDIOTS will not know this coming because❗they don't ๐Ÿ™ˆ❗they don't ๐Ÿ™‰❗they don't ๐Ÿ™Š❗THE TRUTH❗

But which left his TREASONOUS "successor" in the befuddled senile state that he's in now, eroding our standing on the World Stage and our Confidence in THE VERY ILLEGITIMATE & ILLEGAL "ODDministration" ❗๐Ÿ˜ ❗๐Ÿ‘Ž❗

๐Ÿ‘‰ BUT PAY CLOSE ATTENTION TO WHAT I AM ABOUT TO SAY: There Are Simply Two (2) Reasons Why They Don't Want Pres. Trump To Win In This Year's Presidential Election. 1.) His Presidency Will Void EVERY Single ILLEGITIMATE, ILLEGAL executive order That Dangerous, Decrepit DOTARD brandon Signed Into Law! And 2.) All Complicit DEMON-crat Actors, soetoro & RINOs Included, Will Be Found Guilty Of TREASON Under Federal Crime Of Treason 18 U.S. CODE § 2381❗❗❗ ๐Ÿ‘ˆ

And, believe me, when this happens, the FASCISTIC Burning, Looting, Murdering, Assaulting, Raping, et cetera that will occur Will Be Far Worst Than What Took Place Leading Up To The 2020 residential selection❗❗❗ MARTIAL LAW Will Be/Must Be Reinstated❗❗❗❗ 

"Ordinary men and women are too ๐Ÿ‘‰small-minded๐Ÿ‘ˆ to govern their own affairs.  Order, progress, can only come when individuals surrender their rights to an all-sovereign." The condescending and narcissistic  teleprompter-reading barry odumbass soetoro with FAKE "credentials", aka Manchurian Politician, declares dictatorially❗ Who Among The US Citizenry Did Not Find This Message Very Concerning❓ Oh, I know: The CLUELESS LIBERTARD IDIOT GLOBALIST Minion pawns who fawned ๐Ÿฅฐ over him❗๐Ÿคฌ❗

Why do the soldiers wear helmets that expose the ears? At first, I thought that they were bicycle helmets! As it turns out, they're the new Ops-Core FAST Helmet❗

They're designed to protect against shrapnel---Not with my ๐Ÿ‘‚ ears ๐Ÿ‘‚ exposed, they're not❗๐Ÿ™‰❗Give Us Back The Older Kevlar Helmets❗

Leave ... Well ... Enough ... Alone!
The  new  design  looks 
like  they  simply  did
away with the ear
๐Ÿ˜’ ๐Ÿ‘Ž
I wonder how much money the New
Design Team made for such a
Lazy-Ass copycat innovation?

The outcome of the meeting with the Senate Commie-T members sets the tone for conflict on a broad scale with their so-called "Litmus Test." And I honestly didn't know that Alex Jones is an actor. I always thought of him as a conspiracy Podcaster with his Infowars.com Podcast! ๐Ÿ˜•


๐Ÿ‘‰The US needs to be destroyed for the New World Order to commence.๐Ÿ‘ˆ The Birth Pangs ....

Urban Warfare training in Small Town, USA!  ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

Imagine the US Army violating our 2nd Amendment Rights through Martial Law❗ Even though The US Constitution allows for Citizen Militias❗❗Socialist & Communist dictators always CONFISCATE the guns of the people before they exterminate the resistance---ALWAYS❗❗❗

"I'm just a crisis actor, man." Already, I can see where the "sh!t hits the fan!" Alex Jones talked a lot about False Flag Crisis Actors on his podcast! And he had HELL to pay for it❗

UN vehicle non-ally passengers. UN Vehicles with military personnel--dressed militarily--in it, whether allies or not, on US soil VIOLATES OUR SOVEREIGNTY in the absence of a National Emergency BECAUSE WE HAVE F.E.M.A. ( Federal Emergency Management Agency ) For That❗And it is at the FEMA Director's, not the President's, discretion to decide whether or not we need outside help!

And just how in HELL did all of those UN vehicles sneaked themselves into our country, to begin with❓❗❓❗❓❗Do you remember when they allowed the mexican army to volunteer to come to our aid after the August 29, 2005 Hurricane ๐ŸŒ€ Katrina? And most of them DISAPPEARED VOLUNTARILY into our landscape, instead ❓๐Ÿคฌ❗

Never again, you say❓Not with >Open Borders< department of homeland INsecurity SECRETary alejandro mejor-ASS in charge❗

"Well, the committee and I have decided now is the time." ๐Ÿ˜ณ

Hypersonic EMP Missile Strike❗ No Current Anti Missile Defense System Can Defend Any Nation--The United States Included--Against It❗❗ Russia Is Currently THE ONLY Nation Which Has Such A Missile Strike Capability: ESSENTIALLY ANY TERRORIST'S WET DREAM❗❗❗( The not so hidden message here in this movie is that Russia has the Firepower and China has the Manpower that, combined, can finally bring the USA down to its knees! ) A Hypersonic EMP Missile Strike originating from space is harder to track and much harder to retaliate against than one which is launched from Earth! But People Just Laughed When Pres. Trump Started The Space Force Program!! Pres. Trump was just thinking ahead of everyone else!!! Who's Laughing Now?

INSUBORDINATION. Which Is What A Patriotic Response Would Be, can be easily manipulated by the Fake News "media" and labeled as an Armed Insurrection❗ If you are not concerned about what such a scenario can rapidly devolve into, you're either a Clueless Libertard IDIOT or a Terrorist❗❗And You Would Be A Clueless Terrorist IDIOT If You Do Not Wait Until The Dead Of Winter To Launch Such A Strike❗❗❗There Are 5 States That Would Serve As Primary Targets In Declawing Our Ability To Fight Back. Those of you in the know ๐Ÿ‘‰KNOW๐Ÿ‘ˆ Which States Are The Ones That I Am Talking About! Let me just leave it at That!! As this movie is affecting me in a really bad way Because It Is Mostly Hitting The Right Buttons!!!

Why did they hide themselves in the tent which only has one access way? ๐Ÿคท‍♂️

And why were the chy-nese nato soldiers firing away at Elbow height when the US army soldiers would most likely be crouched down? ๐Ÿคฆ‍♂️ I guess that they were just worried that they might be using real bullets instead of blanks!

Damn foreigners destroying The Stars & Stripes❗๐Ÿ˜ ❗ Don't They Know About The Law Against Destroying Our Flag, 18 U.S. Code § 700❓๐Ÿ˜ก❓

That old Harley hog motorcycle is loud and slow. There was no way that the bad guys couldn't have stopped him from riding away on that!

"The average American family only has three days of food." Yeah, don't tell anyone that I got a year's worth of food!  ๐Ÿคซ

I don't trust GMOs. "Don't try to fool Mother Nature."  ๐Ÿคจ

"Every administration for the last 50 years has been working towards this." Except Trump's; I don't say this because this movie was made during his term in office. But because, since Woodrow Wilson, every administration signed an executive order that contributed to this movement towards a New World Order, piece by piece! Just research which particular executive orders that each of them signed and you will know that they've been patiently & DIABOLICALLY chipping away at our Constitutional Rights ever since the time of Wilson❗Back when I first heard this phrase about "chipping away at our Constitutional Rights," I hadn't the faintest idea what it was all about! Until One Day The Largely Unheard Of Information Presented Itself To Me❗๐Ÿคฏ❗

Those university students must've been wishing for the day back when they could bring their shotguns & rifles to school, leave them in the parking lot in their trucks and not worry about a damn thing❗ That was before safe-space, butt-hurt feelings gun-grabbers came around ❗❗ I'm missing the Good Ol' Days when there was no gun control and NO Mass Shootings❗❗❗ What's wrong with this picture❓  ๐Ÿค” 

Were those UN military vehicles first prepped for an EMP attack?  ๐Ÿคท‍♂️

"Gesundheit!" ๐Ÿ˜‚ 

Will a Molotov Cocktail toast a helicopter in real life?   ๐Ÿค” 

The National Defense Authorization Act, executive order 13603 ...

Notice that the movie's reference to EO 13603
is different from this NDRP EO's stated
purpose of delegating authority to 
various agencies in the interest 
of national defense. Notably,
NDRP replaces FEMA with
The Department of
Homeland Security
which  is  run  by
none  other  than
❗alejandro mejor-ASS❗
But what seems clear is that the
President will still be in charge
instead of the FEMA Director
in a state of National 
Emergency.  And it
keeps the Director
away from the line 
of succession. The 25th Amendment 
should have  something  to say
about it! I mean, would you
want brandon to still be
running the show in
a national emergency
along with alejandro mejor-ASS?

The National Defense Authorization Act
is fictitious. It's an invented agency
made for this movie alone.
And aren't we all glad
for that? And can
now breathe
a sigh of 
BUT  ...  what is nonfiction  IS
❗alejandro mejor-ASS❗
obamagate  soetoro's  CONgress
did   away  with  FEMA's  right  of
succession   and  gave  it  to  the
>Open Borders<  department  of
homeland Insecurity SECRETary!

If this were to happen in real life, it would start a chain reaction. The USA is a dominant military presence all over the world with over 800 bases! And it has a Mutual Defense Pact with many nations on top of NATO. Long Story Short, it's gonna be One HELLa Big MESS❗

My Doom & Gloom Trifecta Recommendation: AMERICA HAS FALLEN, CIVIL WAR and AMERIGEDDON.

Where is Cine-Man's Pulitzer Prize for Public Service now ...? ๐Ÿคท‍♂️


Here's my latest Egg Experiment results: The eggs got bigger because they weren't contained in shells anymore. The shells turned into Calcium paste which I gently scrubbed off using the ridges of my thumb and index finger prints. The membrane-enclosed eggs are translucent and yellowish in color because of the yolk. I had to wash them off in order to remove as much of the Acetic Acid as was possible. Because I was going to be boiling them in an aluminum pot which is easily corroded by acidic food. The aluminum pot was my late mom's. It's about 45 years old and has pits, here & there, where it reacted to acid.

The Brown eggs have a yellow ring 
around each one of them since 
the shell-less egg in the 
middle had torn its 
membrane and 
the yolk was 

It's THE Most disgusting Boiled Egg That I've ever eaten---EVER! ๐Ÿคข  It's bitter with a hint of Vinegar!! The cooked membrane is not edible at all as it is just like a popped rubber balloon in texture!!! This Ain't No Pickled Eggs, That's For Sure. ๐Ÿ‘Ž


Today, Tuesday, May 7th, 2024, after I posted this latest blog, I took a short walk ๐Ÿšถ‍♂️ around the theatre's parking lot after buying my movie tickets for TAROT & FALL GUY.


Here are Monday's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race winners:

And here are the winners in today's 24-Hour Le Cine-Man's Race. Drumroll ๐Ÿฅ please ....

Congratulations to Hong Kong for 
winning in 1st place!
Congratulations to Israel for 
winning in 2nd place!
Congrats to Germany & Russia 
for tying in 3rd place!

Thanks to all of the nations that took part in today's 24-Hour Race to the Finish! ๐Ÿ  ๐Ÿ›ฃ️  ๐ŸŽ️


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