Thursday, June 18, 2009

UP, a correction on the previous post

The first time that I saw this was also at the Century 14 Vallejo on May 30th, for the 9:40 pm show in auditorium 7. Sorry for the mix-up.

The second time was at the same cineplex, as noted, on June 2nd, for the 10:30 pm 3D show in auditorium 8.

noteworthy scenes: 1.) The Doberman Alpha Dog speaking for the first time (a totally unexpected "this came out of nowhere" scene--very clever of the Pixar writers); 2.) The leaf blower to-the-rescue scene, also a very clever one; 3.) The dogs playing a card game (a nod to contemporary art); and 4.) The grape soda bottle-cap in the closing ceremony (which I expected would happen).

spoiler alert! The media could have easily gone along for a flight alongside the floating house and, by extension, discovered Kevin's natural habitat, as well. But, then again, this is a kid's movie. So, suspend any and all of your disbeliefs and just sit back and enjoy the movie with your inner child and/or your children.

tidbits: Attention: Alexandria Leanne W., my co-worker. I know you love dogs. Go see this movie because it's got dogs that you'll enjoy watching.