Saturday, June 18, 2011

GREEN LANTERN 3-D, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 45 min )

where:  EDWARDS FAIRFIELD STADIUM 16 & I-MAX in Fairfield, CA
when:  Friday, June 17th, 2011
show:  10:45 a.m.
costs:  $12.00 Ticket + $6.25 Nachos + $4.75 small Zero Coke = $23.00
auditorium:  5, with the 3-D screen
seat:  4th row, 6th seat

synopsis/overview:  Parallax eats his daily servings  of "greens" 'til he comes across one that's too tough even for him to chew on!

The Guardians and its Green Lantern Corps have always had little regard for the less-advanced Earthlings.   But when a very powerful enemy threatens to destroy the universal balance of  power, a new recruit from Earth, Hal Jordan ( Ryan Reynolds ),  proves his worth as he battles the enemy all by himself.  

noteworthy scenes:  1.) Green Lantern Corps; 2.) Parallax; 3.) Planet Ryut, Last Sector; 4.) "I'm badly wounded"; 5.) "There's water on the tap"; 6.) Test flight; 7.) "Let's go somewhere I can't fly"; 8.) "Yes!  I mean, Damn it"; 9.) Flashback; 10.) Fired; 11.) "Choose well"; 12.) "I miss all the quality family time"; 13.) "I got you something, birthday boy.  I wrapped it myself"; 14.) Snatched; 15.) "Purple blood"; 16.) "Hmm, that's a spaceship"; 17.) "Proposed"; 18.) Citadel; 19.) Dr. Hammond, we need you to come with us"; 20.) Secret lab; 21.) Autopsy; 22.) Oath; 23.) "We can talk and drink"; 24.) Secrecy; 25.) Dance; 26.) "My faith's just getting warmed-up"; 27.) New recruit; 28.) Possession; 29.) Transformation; 30.) "Have you concluded admiring yourself"; 31.) "Adaptation process"; 32.) Oa, the home planet; 33.) "Green is the color of  Will"; 34.) "We are the corps"; 35.) Training; 36.) "You insult his memory by wearing his ring"; 37.) "The ring  chose you"; 38.) Class lecture; 39.) Microscope; 40.) "It was you, that's why they chose me"; 41.) Sector 2312; 42.) "Feed on fear"; 43.) Forbidden chamber; 44.) "We must forge a yellow ring"; 45.) Party incident; 46.) Evil transformation; 47.) "I want to see it"; 48.) "Hal, is that you"; 49.) "I can see your memories"; 50.) Second alien life-form; 51.) "Don't worry.  I only want what's best for you"; 52.) Lab fight; 53.) "Fearless is the job description"; 54.) "I saw that you have the ability to overcome fear"; 55.) "Help me save my planet"; 56.) Hostage; 57.) "I lied, too"; 58.) "You have failed me"; 59.) Armed missiles; 60.) "The ring chose me for a reason"; 61.) "Beware my power: Green Lantern's Light"; 62.) "The bigger you are, the faster you  burn"; 63.) "It seems Abin Sur has found another just like himself"; 64.) "My new job requires that I travel"; and 65.) Bonus Scene during the Ending Credits.

favorite scene:  The one in which his secret identity is no secret to his love interest.

audience reaction:  Surprisingly, there was only a slight reaction from this crowd.

recommendation:  This is an "Origins" movie--and one without a built-in fan base, yet--meant to establish the characters and the background story.  As such, there is not that much in terms of  action.  I liked it but would only recommend it to those who are familiar with the Green Lantern story.

spoiler alert!  Did Abin Sur really need a space-craft to fly in?  Why did Hal Jordan take-off his belt before putting-on his flight suit?  It was not as if he would be needing that particular belt for his flight suit.  Why did neither Saber test plane shoot at Hal's plane during the straight ascent?  Abin Sur's Green Lantern suit disappeared at his death and was replaced by his "birthday  suit"--again, another butt-naked extra-terrestrial on Earth!  What's up with all these exhibitionist/nudist  aliens, anyway?  When was the last time you were at a pub where the jukebox's volume was turned low?  When an unconscious Hal Jordan was being diagnosed on planet Oa, why was he wearing a "tighty-whitey" instead of being butt-naked?  After all, since he was the first human recruit, it would only make sense for the aliens to be curious about his anatomy--especially in this day and age  when many people are into having body piercings, Hal might also be sporting a "power ring" down "there", too.  Ha, ha, ha.  Why doesn't the Green Lantern's power ring's adaptation process imbue its  new recruit with the skills of  its  previous owners?  There was not enough smoke in the lab when the body was "cremated". Ahh ... "mammalian" extraterrestrial Green Lanterns  with nice breasts--sweet!  Having a "mammalian" extraterrestrial Green Lantern with nipple "power" rings might just be a matter of time ( "Let those who worship" ( Sleaze Porn's ) "might  beware my power: Green Lantern's" ( nipple rings )!  L.O.L.  What's to keep a Green Lantern from fashioning a temporary duplicate power ring since there were times when Hal could have benefited from having two of  them?  The missiles exploded upon "impact" with a thick, dark "cloud"---How ...?  Why didn't Hal fashion a super-gigantic vacuum cleaner to suck-in Parallax?  You would think that, with all of  the pop culture references, Hal would be familiar with the outer-space giant robot-maid-with-a-vacuum-cleaner in the movie, SPACEBALLS ( 1987 ).

fyi:  Hal Jordan is not the first human Green Lantern:  Alan Scott preceded him.  And, many centuries earlier, a Chinese, Yalan Gur, wore the first power ring.

I first learned of  Green Lantern back in the Philippines sometime before the imposition of  Martial Law.  A time when I was still learning the English language.  But, even back then, I already had the feeling that Sinestro was a bad guy because his name sounded like the bad word, Sinister.  And it amazed me that the English-speaking Guardians never figured-out what came naturally to non-native me!

word of advice:  There is nothing to fear but fear, itself.  In other words, nothing is more frightening to behold  than  people who  are so paralyzed by  their own fears that they simply refuse to do anything about their situation.

tidbits:  At the concessions counter, I noticed that one patron was carrying a red motorcycle helmet that I thought to be a full-face modular kind.  So, I asked him, Is that a modular helmet?    He didn't know what I meant by it so he set it on the counter, pressed a button and flipped-up the jaw guard and face shield.  Yep, it was a modular helmet.  I asked him if  it gets noisy when he uses it  on the freeway.  He said that it's quiet on the freeway, and that he really likes using it.

Then, he asked me if  I ride a motorcycle.  I said ( a little white lie ) that I did many years ago and that I would like to get back to riding bikes soon.  I didn't want to tell him, for fear of  embarrassment, that my old ride was a 1984 50cc Honda Gyro.  But I would really like to move-up to motorcycles someday ( it's a "guy thing", after all ).

So, I called my claims adjuster yesterday.  The lady told me that the other party, i.e. the Chinese bitch, is denying any involvement in the hit-and-run incident with my car.  What a f---ing low-life bitch!  This leaves me with no choice but to put three curses on her.   What that bitch doesn't know is that bad things always happen to people who are not nice to me!  But,  this time, I want it multiplied by three!


  1. Hey, been enjoying your reviews -- you have a really unique way of reviewing movies. Great stuff!

  2. Hi! Finally, my very first reader comment. Thanks for your input, Kid-in-The-Front-Row. For a while there, I was really feeling discouraged because I was getting no comments at all. But you broke that spell for good! I hope that this is the first of many more reader comments to come. Thanks again.


  3. I'm all about EverythingAugust 16, 2011 at 12:19 AM

    Hey,I like watching movies but I am picky, before I see a movie I check for the reviews but I don't read it, I look for the thumbs-up sign or the stars sign and I'd go for it. Then after watching, I go back to the review and compare notes. I love movie reviews, the very first one I wrote years ago was about "Citizen Kane" it was a requirement but still I am fascinated how one can see beyond the surface of what's showing on the silver screen. I don't have much time to enjoy this past time, your blog is interesting and I like the bits and pieces you added about yourself. Good job!

  4. Hello, "I'm all about Everything"

    Thank you for your comment. It's much appreciated. I usually buy a Friday newspaper to read the New Movie reviews, but not always. And I decided early on not to come across sounding like the other movie reviewers, especially since it is always the audience which decides whether the movie is good or not. I just add-in my own spin on the movie to make it more fun and personal--things that the other reviewers are too scared to ( lose their job over? ) get into.

    Thank you, once again.
