Wednesday, December 11, 2013

THE STARVING GAMES, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 23 min )


I saw this last night, just past midnight, Wednesday, December 11th, 2013, at home in my futon bed on my brand-spankin' new Samsung Galaxy Mega through

Samsung Galaxy Mega is the one on the left. Samsung Galaxy Note is on the right. As you can see from the comparison, the Mega is bigger than the Note. And the Mega is essentially a Galaxy S 3, only much bigger and slightly faster.
Quickie Review: In a depressing post-Apocalyptic World wherein most people live a hard-scrabble life, two teens from each of 12 districts are selected to participate in a "kill-or-be-killed" competition in which only one is expected to survive and win a discount coupon for a foot-long sandwich, a half-eaten pickle and a ham to feed his/her family with for one meal. Yes, it's the 75th Annual Starving Games! And Kantmiss Evershot ( Maiara Walsh ) volunteers to take the place of her manipulative little sister while Peter Malarkey ( Cody Christian ) also volunteers himself just because he has a long-time infatuation on Kantmiss. And, so, the games take place with spoofs on recent movies, and funny references to pop culture characters and celebrities alike, with an interesting twist at the end.

I liked this stupid movie enough.

I liked the "Motorboat" scene ( I wasn't expecting it ), the "Cheerleaders" scene, the clever ad placements on someone's face, and the Outtakes.

Go to to see this movie--but be forewarned:

As I watched this movie, a "your cellphone might be infected with a virus, please do a quick free scan" pop-up appeared. And, later on in the day, when I revisited the website to watch a Hulk and Ironman movie, a note flashed on my cellphone screen, informing me that my cellphone was infected with a virus!

I private-messaged on Facebook my friend Hector's son, Isma, about it. He said that my cellphone could be infected. And I just bought it less than two days ago, on Monday!

Oh, swell, I said to myself. I should have known better than to visit the site. Now, I'm gonna have to shell-out more money just to get rid of the virus. I already spent around $500.oo on it and on some accessories for it!

So, I drove to the Best Buy store in town to see if they could get rid of my cellphone virus for me.


The bearded clerk at the service center told me that all it needed was a "factory reset", and that I should check with my service provider first.

I drove to the MetroPCS store, my service provider, at 3315 Sonoma Boulevard, Suite 70, here in Vallejo, CA, to have someone do a reset for me.

One of the two girls behind the counter did the reset for me at 2:22 p.m. It took her just a few minutes---Hell, it took me longer to re-add six ( that's 6, as in: only 6 ) 'phone numbers to my Contacts list, using my Tracfone "pay-as-you-go" flip-phone! I had the girl show me how to do the reset, just in case I get stupid enough to revisit once again to watch an illegally uploaded movie!!!

Boy, am I glad that a factory reset was an easy thing to do--and free!!! Whew ....

For her trouble, she tried to talk me into buying a case for my Samsung Galaxy Mega. But I told her that I already bought a blue case from them when I bought the 'phone two days ago. Then, she wanted to know if I'd be interested in buying a screen protector; but since the screen is made of "gorilla glass" it should be scratch-resistant. And, I added that I preferred to use the Nintendo hard case that I bought for it at another store because I could keep everything in it, including the charger and earphones.

These are Nintendo hard cases. I bought one in blue. I drove all the way to buy it at the Big Lots! Discount Store in Vacaville, CA, hours after I bought my new Samsung Galaxy Mega and minutes before I went to see THE BOOK THIEF's 8:50 p.m. show--which I liked, by the way--at the BRENDEN VACAVILLE 16.

But I did ask the girl if they were ever gonna carry a shock- and water-proof case for the Mega. She said that they might eventually do so.

Maybe, I should go back to Best Buy in a few days' time to see if they already have the shock- and water-proof case for it. At the same time, I will buy a Micro SD card for it.

Speaking of Samsung ....

I just found out last night that an Apple Store in Vancouver, Canada, had someone working for them by the name of Sam Sung! Ha, ha, ha. Now, isn't that just ironic?


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