Monday, March 22, 2010

OUR FAMILY WEDDING, PG-13 ( 1 hr & 30 min )

where: CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when: Monday, March 22nd, 2010
show: 11:50 a.m. Extra Dollar Off First Show Matinee
costs: $6.25 Ticket + $5.75 Kid's Pack ( w/ Dollar Upgrade ) + $6.49 Lunch @ Wendy's Restaurant ( Bacon & Blue Cheese Burger Combo with Side Salad substitute [ w/ Ranch Dressing ] and small Lemonade ) = $18.49
auditorium: 3
seat: 3rd row, 7th column

synopsis: Our families' meddling ....

A young couple, Lucia and Marcus ( America Ferrera and Lance Gross ), very much in love, plan on getting married. But will their families' inter-racial differences ruin it all for them or will their love survive the "... slings and arrows of outrageous ..." situations?

noteworthy scenes:
1.) Daddy 'phone calls; 2.) No parking zone; 3.) Restaurant; 4.) When things calm down; 5.) Guy talk; 6.) Abuela ( grandmother ); 7.) Police department; 8.) Life doesn't always make sense; 9.) Smudge; 10.) Bathroom; 11.) Our marriage, their wedding; 12.) Seating arrangements; 13.) Dinner jacket; 14.) Bridal gown; 15.) Make-out point; 16.) The garage; 17.) Traditional Mexican wedding; 18.) Baseball game; 19.) We speak every Sunday; 20.) Front porch; 21.) Cake tasting; 22.) Couch; 23.) Radio call-in; 24.) Night club; 25.) Parking lot; 26.) I'm a wife, I'm a mother; 27.) Stand-up for me; 28.) I love what I do; 29.) Best friend; 30.) Even when I'm mad at you, I still love you; 31.) Dominate their brain; 32.) Never laughed at my jokes; 33.) Serenade; 34.) Graduation photo; 35.) You two were meant for each other; 36.) Wedding cake; 37.) The goat; 38.) You're her choice; 39.) Mariachi; 40.) Dance; and 41.) Photo montage during the Ending Credits.

audience reaction:
The audience enjoyed this Rom-Com movie.

I liked it as it was funny, informative, and revealing about what takes place leading up to a wedding--OMG! I'm sounding like I'm entertaining the thought of a married life. LOL.

spoiler alert!
Both bathroom scenes were hard to swallow, especially the one with the wet Viagra tablets ( Brad [ Forest Whitaker ] didn't notice it at all? ) and the goat overdosing on said tablets ( it would have died of a massive heart attack brought on by a massive hard-on! ). The two scenes with the broken vases were also hard to believe. Likewise, the cake-fight and what followed after a wedding cake was smashed were ridiculous. Does a DJ of a LOCAL radio show actually make enough money to afford an expensive home, fancy cars, parties, one-night-stands with desperate groupies, the services of a lawyer, wedding costs, and college tuition for his son on top of all these? I don't think so!

I was invited to a wedding once where someone actually went to all the trouble of baking an home-made three-tiered wedding cake. It was leaning almost precariously to one side. I made fun of it, calling it The Leaning Tower of "Cake-sa", not knowing that the lady who made it was standing next to me--awkward!

Back at the apartment complex where my family lived in Matina, Davao City, Mindanao, Philippines, the Ilocano family next door decided to cook a goat for a party. So they took a goat to the empty lot next to the apartment and forced it to drink a litre of sugar cane vinegar. It bleated and gurgled all the while until it died of vinegar intoxication. Although I partook of the dishes that they cooked with it, what I witnessed gradually made me lose interest in goat meat.

word of advice:
Love is blind.

tidbits: At 2:15 p.m., when I was eating my lunch at Wendy's, I noticed a fake Great Horned Owl on the roof of the IHOP across the lot. Then I saw a pigeon land next to it. Yup! it didn't fool the pigeon at all. Maybe I'll get a BB gun and knock down the fake owl one of these nights.

And when I went up to the counter at 2:22 p.m. to get a refill on my lemonade, I noticed a sign saying that they are skimping on tomatoes and will add a ( paper-thin ) tomato slice to a customer's order only if the customer specifically asks for it because the tomato freeze in Florida supposedly made tomatoes a scarce commodity. Come on! Hot-house Tomatoes ( a.k.a. Steak Tomatoes ), the kind used in burgers, is on sale right now at Safeway for $1.99 a pound. Why couldn't Wendy's just send one of its employees to the Safeway grocery store just a mile down the road and buy-up a bunch of tomatoes? Otherwise, its patrons are just being charged the same price for less. What a scam! Come to think of it, their new burger, The Bacon & Blue Cheese Burger, doesn't show a tomato slice in the poster!

Here's a new jingle for Wendy's: Yes, we have no tomatoes. We have no tomatoes today!

The next time that I eat at a burger joint, I'll be sure to bring my own tomato! And should I decide to go to MacDonald's, I'll be sure to bring an onion, as well! Have you noticed the onions on a MacDonald's burger ...? They probably use a magnifying glass and tweezers to put onions on their burger buns!

One night years ago, I went to a Nation's Restaurant in Napa, CA. I ordered extra onions on my burger. When I took a bite out of it, tears rolled down my eyes! Yup! you get what you ask for if you eat at Nation's. Now, that was what I call "A real burger for a real man"!