Monday, February 28, 2011

HALL PASS, R ( 1 hr & 38 min )

where:  UA EMERY BAY STADIUM 10 in Emeryville, CA
when:  Saturday, February 26th, 2010
show:  8:00 p.m.
costs:  $10.75 Ticket + $6.00 small Popcorn w/ Butter + $0.00 small Zero Sprite ( free on my Regal Rewards Card ) + $5.00 Carquinez Bridge Toll = $ 21.75
auditorium:  4
seat:  7th row, 12th column

synopsis/overview:  Two guys get a one-week break from each of their marriages to do whatever they want to do.  So, they go out to try and hook-up with women in the hope of getting laid--'easier said than done.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) Family album; 2.) Checking out a girl's butt; 3.) Line of vision; 4.) Stupid move; 5.) Worst-case scenario; 6.) Bedtime story; 7.) Pretend sleep; 8.) Neighborhood park; 9.) "Mental photographs for my 'spank bank'"; 10.) Card game; 11.) Switched monitors; 12.) Sleep apnea mask; 13.) Hall pass; 14.) Friend's driveway; 15.) Security camera; 16.) "Embarrassed for Fred ( Jason Sudeikis )"; 17.) Week-off from marriage; 18.) "You're not living your dream"; 19.) Cops; 20.) "I got a hall pass"; 21.) Applebee's; 22.) A game of golf; 23.) Street intersection; 24.) Ball park; 25.) "At least, take a couple of swings"; 26.) Fake chow; 27.) Johnny's Hideaway; 28.) Motel bed; 29.) Coffee shop; 30.) Hamster wheel; 31.) Massage parlor; 32.) Health club jacuzzi; 33.) Night club; 34.) Tides Motel; 35.) Bathtub; 36.) Aunt Meg ( Kristin Carey ); 37.) Coakley's ( Richard Jenkins ) house party; 38.) "Hugh Hefner and his girlfriends"; 39.) Mistaken identity; 40.) "My sister, Jenny"; 41.) "Mutiny on my hands"; 42.) "More tongue"; 43.) "Baseball coach"; 44.) "You're not Rick"; 45.) Mother; 46.) "It was never for him"; 47.) Hospital; 48.) "You were my first"; 49.) "That was intended for Rick"; 50.) Deal; 51.) Bonus scene at the start of the Ending Credits; 52.) Bonus scene at the end of the Ending Credits; and 53.) A dedication.

audience reaction:  The audience enjoyed this.

recommendation:  I liked this movie, too.  Go see this if you're a Farrelly Brothers fan.

spoiler alert!  They had to have signed some papers in order to use the golf cart; in other words, they could be easily tracked down and get themselves in trouble with the law.  Even a blind person can tell whether or not he/she is getting  real oral sex.  The partition between the two businesses is just a room divider; it would be easy enough to hear a person talking on the other side of it.  The first of two nude scenes, an in-your-face kind,  is definitely not intended for you horndogs out there!  Anyone suffering from explosive diarrhea can tell when one just happened.  What, does "Johnny quick-stud" not know anything about "cougar" women?  Grace ( Christina Applegate ) is hot enough to be a "cougar", in my opinion.  I can't believe that Rick ( Owen Wilson ) would turn-down Leigh ( Nicky Whelan ), who's hotter than his own wife, Maggie ( Jenna Fischer ), even for just a "one night stand".  The shooter fired from an angle that should only have made the bullets deflect from the van's body panel, instead of punching holes into it.  This movie is actually about the promiscuous wives!

fyi:  Supposedly, I have a co-worker who has to take a quick shower after each  time that he uses the toilet at home to do a "number two".  I said, supposedly.

It's true.  Beautiful girls usually have plain or ugly girls hanging around them.  The plain/ugly girls are just doing what they have  to do to catch some "rejects" or "leftovers" in the Mating Game.  It's just simple animal biology is what it is.

word of advice:  The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.

tidbits:  I visited my friend, Hector, and his family earlier in the day.  They have a two-and-a-half-months-old male tabby kitten, Tiger, that they had found abandoned on a street on a rainy day over a month ago.  They felt sorry for it and took it home with them.  They named the kitten, Tiger; and it's aptly named.

I just discovered that Tiger has a favorite spot on the couch that it considers its own personal space.  When I sat there to watch TV, he came over and proceeded to make a scratching post out of my right forearm.  When I pushed him off, he clawed deeply into the back of my left hand.

They also have a female pitbull puppy that they named, Two-Face.  Two-Face is practically three times bigger than Tiger.  But when they played with each other last week, Tiger made Two-Face cry--imagine that, a  tiny kitten making a pitbull cry.

Tiger is one roughhousing little kitten.  Once he's full-grown, he's gonna own the neighborhood.  I have a strong feeling about it.

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