Tuesday, October 9, 2012

FRANKENWEENIE in 3-D, PG ( 1 hr & 27 min )


where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Sunday, October 7th, 2012
show:  12:15 p.m. ( Extra Dollar Off First Show Matinee )
costs: $10.00 3-D Ticket + $4.50 20.0 oz VitaminWater Revive + $1.08 bulk Chocolate-covered Peanuts = $15.58
auditorium:  1, with a 3-D screen
seat:  6th row, 7th column

synopsis/overview: All Victor wants is for his dog, Sparky, to be back with him again, even if it meant bringing him back from the dead. When his science experiment becomes a success, the other kids in his science class decide to imitate him, unprepared for the disastrous outcome.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) Home movie; 2.) Grumpy neighbor; 3.) Spooky class; 4.) Dream; 5.) Baseball game; 6.) Frog; 7.) Pet cemetery; 8.) The attic; 9.) Waffle iron; 10.) Water; 11.) Fly; 12.) Cat; 13.) Fat woman; 14.) Baby pacifier; 15.) "Your friend is here"; 16.) Show and Tell; 17.) Dead fish; 18.) "Double top secret"; 19.) "Maybe they don't last"; 20.) Rooftop experiment; 21.) Town meeting; 22.) "You changed the variables"; 23.) "Tonight, we shall bring the dead to life"; 24.) Secret; 25.) His parents' discovery; 26.) Dutch Day; 27.) Fire Chief; 28.) Experiments all gone awry; 29.) Salt; 30.) Mob; 31.) Windmill; and 32.) Jumper cables.

audience reaction: The audience liked it. But it didn't get a "Hands Clapper" ending.

recommendation: It was okay. But it has scenes that were a little too much for a couple of brats in the audience. Leave your infants and bratty toddlers at home if you want to go see this movie, in polite consideration of the other people in the audience who will be sharing the movie-watching experience with you.

spoiler alert!  A cat's eyes are essentially fixed in their sockets. The only way a cat can visually track a moving object is by moving its head. If a gravesite is tampered with, the groundskeeper would more than likely notify the people who own the plot. The parents should have noticed the door open because outside noise would become more audible and there would be a change in room temperature. Rain didn't fall into the attic when he opened the roof window. The stitches suggest that he took his dog apart, limb from limb, but why ...? If flies hovered above Sparky, it only meant that his body was putrefying; so, people should have been able to smell him. Shouldn't they have used electric transformers? Who covered-up the grave?

fyi: This movie has pop culture references that are quite obvious to fans of the Horror/Monster genre. I would just like to rattle-off a few: Vincent Price, Gremlins, Godzilla Vs. Bambi, Bride Of Frankenstein, Gamera, etc.

I liked the bicycle and the cars that they used in this movie.

I felt sorry for the cat--hey! what can I say ... I'm a cat person.

word of advice: Consider first the consequences of your intended action.

Don't let Envy and Greed cloud your Judgment.

tidbits:  Early in the day, I went to a store to look at their computer selection. I found a good one that I liked, a laptop, for only $368.oo. I'll probably buy it in the next few days.

Throughout the movie, some spoiled-brat toddler kept crying every now and then. And his mother just "Shushed" him each time. What good would shushing do to a bratty toddler who's too young to know what kind of behavior is expected of him/her in public? Why can't irresponsible and inconsiderate parents just leave their infants and bratty toddlers at home in somebody else's care while they go to the movies? Oh, I know the answer: Because They Are Irresponsible And Inconsiderate!!!


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