Friday, June 10, 2016

WARCRAFT, PG-13 ( 2 hr & 3 min )


I went to see this on Thursday, June 9th, 2016, here in  Vallejo, CA, at the CENTURY 14 VALLEJO, for the 7:00 p.m. 3-D Advanced Screening in auditorium 1, 4th row from the front, 7th column from the right. The price of admission was $15.00. And I bought a $0.00 small Buttered Popcorn ( free offer on my movie-watcher e-mail reward coupon ), a $4.85 medium Powerade Mountain Berry Blast and a $4.15 bag of Beef Jerky at the concessions counter.

Quickie Review: An Orc chieftain decides to form an alliance with the humans to help defeat an evil force which has consumed the Orcs' planet and is now starting to consume the Earth.

There were only about half-a-dozen people in the audience, myself included. I guess they liked this movie enough. I thought that it was just "okay". I never played the World of Warcraft video game so I am not really into this movie. But I'm sure that its die-hard fans will want to go see this movie.

The audience liked the Dungeon Guard scene.

Here are what I didn't like about this movie: The Orcs, the Dwarfs, the Elves and the Sorcerers all reminded me of similar characters in the LORD OF THE RINGS and THE HOBBIT movies. And since the Orcs didn't have armor, why didn't the humans use arrows on them? And mass-produced pistols would also come into play against the Orcs. So, if there will be a part two, I expect the humans to have such weapons to give them a "reach" advantage against the Orcs.


I used the toilet soon after I got out of bed. I flushed it then noticed that there was no water! The plumbers worked on the pipes without properly notifying the tenants, and they started at 8:00 a.m. when the usual time for such work is at 9:00 a.m. When I got downstairs, I noticed that some idiot posted small cards on the inside of the front and rear doors to notify everybody of the planned work. They should have posted the signs on the OUTSIDE of the doors the night before; and they should have used big, colored papers like they usually do! Some plumber probably ended up with a mouthful or faceful of my unwanted, unsolicited stinking "advice", 'sorry to say ( Eew! ) .

I had to go to the Vallejo Main Post Office, on Santa Clara Street, to get my mail because some lowlife once again vandalized the mail boxes at my condominium complex. On my way to my 9:30 a.m. follow-up appointment with my optometrist, I took a slight detour from Sta. Clara St. by making a left on the corner of Georgia and Sacramento Streets, instead of just driving up on Georgia Street. I turned right onto Virginia Street. On the corner of Main Street, I saw a cop ( one of two ) standing guard. I asked him, Officer, is there a movie shooting here on Virginia Street? He said that there was and pointed to a local business establishment just a couple of doors down from the Army surplus store where an indoor scene was being shot. I thanked him for the information.

A TV series is being shot here in Vallejo and at two other cities. The TV series stars Selena Gomez. The title of the series is, "Th1rteen R3asons Why." I couldn't stay to watch the shoot because of my doctor's appointment.

I arrived at the doctor's office only to find out that my appointment had been canceled because my doctor had some emergency to attend to! I thought about going back to the film shoot but I had some errands to do.

I mentioned the film shoot to some people in Benicia, CA. And a couple of them told me that the film shoot will last a few more months. Who knows, I might just get a chance at playing the role of a paparazzo so that I can post pictures of Selena Gomez on my movie blog.

Then, I went to the Benicia Library to go on Facebook to post about the film shoot. The table next to mine was occupied by an elderly tutor and a high school kid which he was helping with some math problems in Algebra and in Geometry. I couldn't help but hear their conversation. And I said to myself, "I wasn't a good student at math. But this kid is really having a hard time at it ( to say it nicely ).

On my way home, after I had a late lunch at the Empire Chinese Buffet Restaurant on Sonoma Boulevard, I swung by the Goin' Postal Store on the corner of Tuolumne and Redwood Streets here in Vallejo, at around 4:00 p.m., to return a package which I didn't order but which some company automatically sent to me, and billed me for, as I had ordered an online course from them before. I had to pay $18.98 to ship it back. What a waste of money ....


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