Monday, November 16, 2009


where: CENTURY HILLTOP 16 in Richmond, CA
when: Sunday, November 15th, 2009
show: 10:15 p.m.
costs: $9.50 Ticket + $3.75 small Zero Coke + $12.05 Chinese buffet Dinner at 99 buffet + $4.00 Bridge Toll = $29.30
auditorium: 8
seat: 5th row, 6th column

synopsis: A pair of assassins comes out of hiding to avenge the execution of a priest in Boston.

noteworthy scenes:
1.) The assassination; 2.) The crime re-enactment; 3.) The secret exposed; 4.) "My Little Secret"; 5.) Conspicuous car; 6.) F-ck A--; 7.) Flashback; 8.) Massage parlor; 9.) Columbarium; 10.) Tanning salon; 11.) The rosary; 12. ) The gang's all here; 13.) The shoot-out; 14.) The new guns; 15.) Janitor's room; 16.) Window cleaners; 17.) "Ding dong"; 18.) The fire hydrant; 19.) Inside the Irish pub; 20.) The reunion; and 21.) "We".

audience reaction:
The audience laughed at some of the jokes, myself included.

Wait for this to come out on DVD as a rental.

spoiler alert!
I don't know what to make of this movie. It's a combination Comedy, highly unbelievable shoot-out Action, and ... Fashion Show? Huh ...? Come on!

The shoot-outs would have been more believable if the pair used Uzis, or something similar, instead. The mopped-up blood on the floor would show up under black light so the cops would know that the bodies were moved and evidence was tampered with. Skyscraper windows are hard to break through, unlike your typical house window, so those two idiots would have fallen to their deaths, instead--it would have been more believable had they both shot-out the windows as they came with their guns blazing. The old fart sat coolly through all that hail fire without so much as getting grazed by a stray bullet--why weren't ricocheting bullets taken into account by the writer/director of this dumb movie?

This doesn't show the kind of nudity that you horndogs out there prefer to see--I'm still washing my eyes out with soap and water!

If you want to wear "my little secret"-type of shoes, prepare to get shin splints from Hell since they are not designed for walking in, "a little bird ( man ) told me."

This movie has references to part I ( shown in 2000 ) which I never saw. I probably didn't miss out on anything based on how part II, written/directed by the same person, turned out.

word of advice:
Kids, don't try these tricks at all!

I had to cross the bridge to see this because it's not playing anywhere in my area of Vallejo/Fairfield. Now, I think it is for a good reason why it isn't.

Also, I wanted to try out the new 99 Chinese buffet; I wasn't impressed by the typical so-so fair--but one of the waitresses was kinda hot, though.

As I sat on a bench in the hallway while waiting for the show to begin, a group of Hispanic kids came out of an auditorium where a showing for PARANORMAL ACTIVITY had just ended. They talked amongst themselves about how scary the movie was for them. And I was so tempted to reveal my secret identity as the Cine-Man to them, if only to reassure them that it was all fake as I've proven on my blog.

And just before the movie started, a group of frat boys, three dressed casually and one dressed in a "$1,000 suit", came and sat next to me. The talk I heard was that Mr. Fancily-dressed Guy sweet-talked the counter girl into giving him free popcorn, hotdog and drink--I should try this, myself! But, wait ... I'm too cheap to spend $1,000 on a suit just to get "freebies" at the concession counter; besides, I already get free stuff using my "movie watcher" cards at two other theatre chains. So, I'll just have to scratch-off "Expensive Suit" from my To-Do List.

As I was leaving the shopping center, I noticed the local 24-hour IHOP ( International House Of Pancakes ) Restaurant at the corner. I'll try this place out someday when I get a craving for an all-you-can-eat pancake midnight "snack."