Saturday, June 2, 2012

SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN, PG-13 ( 2 hr & 7 min )

where:  CENTURY 14 VALLEJO in Vallejo, CA
when:  Friday, June 1st, 2012
show:  11:45 a.m. ( Extra Dollar Off First Show Matinee )
costs:  $6.50 Ticket + $4.00 4.0 oz Dreyer's Fruit Bars Strawberry + $4.50 20.0 oz VitaminWater Orange + $9.86 lunch @ Selecta Pilipino Buffet here in Vallejo after the movie = $23.86
auditorium:  8
seat:  5th row, 10th column

synopsis/overview:  Beauty Is Only Scheme Deep

An evil queen, Ravenna ( Charlize Theron ), has stolen the kingdom from its rightful heir, Snow White ( Kristen Stewart ), who is kept in prison in the castle's north tower until such a time as her person is duly required by the queen for the furtherance of an evil need. But Snow White manages a propitious escape. The Huntsman ( Chris Hemsworth ) sent to track her down has a sudden change of heart and decides to help Snow White regain her rightful place and title.

noteworthy scenes:  1.) "Once upon a time"; 2.) "What devil spawned this army"; 3.) Prisoner's carriage; 4.) New queen; 5.) "You'll be the ruin of me"; 6.) "Welcome, brother"; 7.) "We've lost her"; 8.) The mirror; 9.) Prison; 10.) "Do you remember when we were children begging for scraps like those wretches"; 11.) "You would kill your Queen"; 12.) "Magic comes at a lofty price"; 13.) "I have something for what ails you"; 14.) "Come of age"; 15.) Nail; 16.) Sewer; 17.) Horse; 18.) Dark Forest; 19.) "Is there no one I can trust"; 20.) "I have no powers in the Dark Forest"; 21.) "The Queen demands your presence'; 22.) "A life for a life"; 23.) "She can't bring your wife back from the dead"; 24.) "But you have a deal"; 25.) "The Princess is alive"; 26.) "The forest gains its strength from your weakness"; 27.) "Don't flatter yourself'; 28.) "Do you need a bowman"; 29.) "You might not have a choice"; 30.) Troll; 31.) Women; 32.) "You don't know who she is"; 33.) "She's safe with you"; 34.) Attack; 35.) "Be warned: By fairest blood this spell can be undone"; 36.) The eight dwarfs; 37.) Enchanted Forest; 38.) Campfire; 39.) "Is it really just the gold"; 40.) Fairies; 41.) "No one's ever seen this before"; 42.) "Where she leads, I follow"; 43.) "Your wife was the same"; 44.) "I used to hate her but now I only feel sorrow"; 45.) The Apple; 46.) Sad procession; 47.) "You remind me of her"; 48.) "Your grief clouds your judgment, my son"; 49.) Motivational speech; 50.) Dead women; 51.) "There is another way"; 52.) "We move as one"; 53.) Drawbridge rope; 54.) Evil guards; 55.) "Watch them die"; 56.) "By fairest blood is it undone"; and 57.) The coronation.

audience reaction:  The audience liked it enough for some to give it a "Hands Clapper" ending.

recommendation:  I liked it enough. It's an interesting re-interpretation of the classic fairy tale. It's worth a "look-see". And the Chicks dug it! Yup ... it's a Chick Flick.

spoiler alert!  The narrator was, at times, very hard to understand. Snow White was probably in that prison for nine years until she came of age at fourteen, according to Medieval Custom. Now, here's the problem: She would have stank like hell and would have super-greasy hair ( which would have been, at least, 54 inches long ) because prisoners were not allowed to have baths, and no one back in those days practiced good hygiene. And, on top of it all, she would have had all of those years' worth of Bad Breath and Plaque and Tartar build-up---Yup, Snow White didn't have/shouldn't have Pearly Whites! You would have been stupid and/or crazy to kiss her or to even talk to her up-close and personal! Yuck!!! The Huntsman got himself kicked in the chest by a horse and he lived through it without getting his ribs broken ...? They gathered around the funeral pyre but not one of them got a hankering for some yummylicious barbecue! Ah, guys ... she was in prison all of these years and her only fight training and fight experience was in how to stab someone--And You Want Her To Lead Us Into Battle!!! Are you f-cking nuts???

fyi:  Mirror, mirror, on the wall, which one among today's raven-haired Hollywood starlets is the fairest of them all? Certainly, not Kristen Stewart! I just want to slap in the face--and upside the head--both the Casting Agent and the Casting Director for this obvious gaffe! They should give to me the casting duties so that I can make full use of the "Casting Couch"--and I'd be willing to do lots of overtime work without pay! Ha, ha, ha.

Shouldn't there just have been seven dwarfs instead of eight, I asked myself. Oh, never mind, I answered myself later.

When Snow White walked-up to Prince William ( Sam Claflin ) after she was revived, I really thought that she was going to slap him! That would have been so funny ....

This movie uses the symbolism of the Number Three in three separate scenes. As I have said before, two means "No" and three means "Yes" in the Occult and Supernatural Circles. I guess the screenwriters know some  occult/supernatural symbolisms after all.

word of advice:  There's more to falling in love than just "Good Looks".

tidbits:  Today, Friday, at just a little past 12:00 a.m., I rested my self in bed for a while before I did my Delta Brainwave Frequency Sound Meditation. With my eyes closed, I unexpectedly saw a very beautiful, warm, soothing, gently pulsing and slowly rotating ( I forget if it was Clockwise or Counter-Clockwise ) three-dimensional blue light in my Third Eye area. I have never seen this particular color in my whole life before tonight! Never!!! There are many shades of Blue, but this shade is unique unto itself. As my Soul watched in Reverential Awe of it, my Analytic Mind was trying to make sense of the phenomenal vision. Then, it dawned on me: This Is The Blue Star Of Shiva that my Yogi talked about a couple of years ago! The whole vision lasted but for just a scant few seconds.

After the vision ended, I tried to recreate it by using the back of my right hand and my wrist to gently add to the Ocular Pressure in my eyes. I had hoped that the increased pressure would make the Vitreous Humor in my eyes squeeze the Retinas into releasing some Phosphenes to create colored light effects. But it didn't produce the desired color effect.

Since I believe that only those of us who meditate can see, or are allowed to see, the Blue Star of Shiva, I give this particular color the name, Shiva Blue, if somebody hadn't beaten me to it already. And, no, this particular blue color is not to be found in a mundane, physical palette of blue colors.

The vision puzzled me since I was forced to postpone my First Stage Yogi Training Exercises because, unfortunately, I don't keep to a regular schedule at work. Just about everyday, my schedule is different--a bad thing to have if you're trying to become a Yogi. I'm actively in search of an alternate source of income with a fixed schedule so that I can quit my present job and return to my Yogi training exercises because I was initiated into Kriya Yoga in the holy presence of both Babaji and Lord Shiva; and such an initiation is not to be taken lightly! Because of it, my Yogic inactivity worries me a whole lot in a spiritual sense.

But, although I haven't practiced my Yogi training exercises in so long, I still do my mantra work and my sound meditations. Maybe, the vision is a direct result of these: A Karmic Merit.

( In 1992 [ or right around that time ], in an Out-Of-Body-Experience in my darkened bedroom, a glowing Green "Crystal" floated into my head through my Third Eye area. About ten years later, I was awakened from my sleep because Pure White Light filled my mind and in its center was inscribed in black letters the Bible's Old Testament book title and chapter number, "Ecclesiastes 3." A little over two years ago, my Third Eye opened for the first time. And, very early today, I saw the Blue Star of Shiva. I have a term for all of these: Piece-Meal Enlightenment. Ha, ha, ha. )

A few hours later, at a little before 6:00 a.m., I had to wake up. Because I had a 7:00 a.m. appointment for a dental cleaning at my Periodontist's clinic. But I didn't have enough time to take a shower so I used my Biker's 'Do-Rag to conceal my "Bed-Head". And fortunately for me, I am quite mild in the Body Odor department--or, maybe, I am just so desensitized to my own smell! Ha, ha, ha.

My hygienist, Danelle, a small woman who wouldn't tip the weight scale at a hundred pounds soaking wet, was out of work for at least a year because a couple of big dogs almost mauled her to death! She went out for her usual early morning walk with one of her lady friends one day a year-and-a-half ago. A neighbor's gate was left open and the big dogs went straight for her because she was like a tiny chew-toy to them, I guess. The other lady got bit, too. But the dogs really went after Danelle. She managed to crawl under an SUV but the dogs grabbed her by the legs to pull her out from under and finish her off. Fortunately, though, two other neighbors heard the screams and cries for help and rushed to her aid. One of the neighbors shot the dogs dead.

I told Danelle, I hope you'll sue him. She said, "We're filing Criminal Charges first." She looked okay. But she lost some grip strength in her right hand, according to her.

I took this picture of my periodontist's clinic from inside my car after my dental cleaning.  I was in the dentist chair for about an hour, an hour of pure torture! Damn, I need to work on my Yogi Non-Attachment Exercise and master it! But I took it like a man--'not just any man, but Cine-Man! The whole world is a much better place with Cine-Man having clean teeth and fresh breath. Amen to that .... Now, if I can only get some beautiful girl/girls to kiss my boo boo away--'any volunteers ...?
After my dental cleaning, I went to the post office across from The Grocery Outlet store here in Vallejo. But the place was closed until 9:00 a.m.

So, I went to the 99-Cent Only Store on Springs Road here in Vallejo to buy two bags of trail mix to eat as a snack at work, two long-sleeve T-shirts, and a bunch of bananas--opps! I forget that the Banana Police monitors my blogsite. In my defense, though, I bought the bananas because they were really green and I wanted to see if they will ripen eventually. Yeah, right ....

Then, I went to the nearby Chevron gas station to get $5.00 worth of gas.

Back at the local post office, I dropped-off a bill payment and I bought a money order and some stamps.

Then, I went to the Goin' Postal shop in the Lucky's Supermarket Shopping Center on the corner of Tuolumne and Redwood streets to rent a postal box. But the place was closed until 10:00 a.m. I had about thirty minutes before it opened.

So, I walked to the nearby Royal Donuts to buy a bottle of Chocolate Milk. The lady behind the counter asked if I would like to buy some doughnuts with it. I told her that I couldn't since I just had a dental cleaning. I just sat at a table and drank my chocolate milk. And I did some Zhunti Mantra as I waited for Goin' Postal to open up.

I had to wait in line once I got inside the Goin' Postal shop because it was the first of the month and the place was just busy.

As I filled-out the box rental application and agreement form, a cockatoo in the backroom looked at me and said, "Hello." I just ignored it because I was busy reading the contract. And the bird said, "Aargh." And it said, "Hello," again. And I ignored it again. Then, it said, "Aargh," once more. All the while that I was reading the contract and filling-out the application form, the cockatoo kept saying, "Hello," and, "Argh." It was annoying, but cute. ( I wonder if Cockatoos taste like chicken. Hmm .... )

But not the owner's very annoying son, though. That kid was just a spoiled brat, arguing with his mom and disrespecting his grandmother--'nothing cute about that! ( "Spare the rod, spoil the child." Book of Proverbs, 13:24--where was a 2" X 4" "rod" when she needed one? L.O.L. )

I got my Goin' Postal box, number 69, and my German silver rental box key. I asked the owner, Elizabeth, if I could use the copy machine. She said, "Yes and No." She would have to do it for me.

But I like to make my own copies so I went to the FedEx/Kinko's in the Admiral Callaghan Lane Safeway Shopping Center.

After that, I went to the Gateway Plaza Shopping Center's Postal Annex to check my mail. Since my Postal Annex brass rental box key and my Goin' Postal German silver rental box key both looked the same, I tried my Goin' Postal key on my Postal Annex box's lock. It opened my Postal Annex box, number 353! What are the chances of that ever happening to anyone else?!?!?! I told Mike, the soon-to-retire Postal Annex proprietor, about it. And I had him try it for himself just so he would believe me. And I said that I was meant to rent a box at Goin' Postal after all. Mike told me to keep the Postal Annex key. I will miss him when he closes shop and retires in 14 days.

Since the chances of both my rental box keys being interchangeable are millions-to-one and the odds of winning it BIG in a lottery is also millions-to-one, I must be up for some Major Lottery Win soon! Gad, now I sound like Pirate Captain of the movie, THE PIRATES! BAND OF MISFITS. Ha, ha, ha. If I win the lottery Big-Time, you'll know it soon enough because this blogsite will become inactive as I go on a six-month worldwide cruise! And I won't know anybody anymore because I will suffer from a sudden condition called, Wealth-Induced Amnesia! Ha, ha, ha.

During the movie, some asshole lowlife was texting on his cellphone! I really should stop sitting in the center. I should sit near, or at, the end of a row so that if I see some f-cking asshole lowlife texting on his/her cellphone, I can easily go fetch a member of management to kick the inconsiderate and disrespectful idiot out!!!

After the movie, I had to fight back some tears because I was overcome with emotion at the thought of the vision that I had very early in the day! 'You know the expression, "I'm not worthy"? Well, that was exactly how I felt. As I did my Zhunti Mantra while I walked to my car, I interspersed it with an appeal to Lord Shiva to take away this particular Honor and Privilege, that there had to be someone else more deserving of it than my self.

There are two kinds of enlightened people: The ones who readily accept their enlightenment in humility; and the ones who go deep into denial about it because they feel unworthy of it! I fall into the second category. I should try humility next time and see what happens.

As I drove on my way to Selecta Pilipino Buffet on Springs Road for lunch, I had the realization that my visions of enlightenment happened at their appointed times because of God's Will, that God knows me infinitely better than I do and is leading me along a Rightful and Proper Path! I couldn't hold back some tears this time as I asked God--nay, I begged of Him three times, again as I was doing my Zhunti Mantra, to not allow me to abuse such Honor, Privilege, and Power.

Near the intersection of Oakwood Drive and Springs Road, just a block away from Selecta Pilipino Buffet, I decided to show some common courtesy to some lady who needed to get into traffic from the Subway Shopping Center parking lot. As I yielded my right-of-way to her, the asshole in the white pick-up truck behind my car was honking his horn at me because the light had already turned green and he wanted to be on his way. Did Mr. Asshole forget that one of the things they teach people in Driver's Ed is that it is always a good idea to practice common courtesy while out on the road? If drivers were more courteous toward each other, there would be fewer car accidents and road-rage incidents! But I guess it's a bad and useless idea to be a good and safe driver here in the city of Vallejo. Gad, I hate this lowlife city ....


A beautiful blonde queen decided to have a milk bath one day because she heard that it was good for the skin.

Concerned for the Queen's safety because of the recent E. Coli outbreak, the handmaiden asked her, "Would you like the milk pasteurized?"

"Of course not, you silly girl," said the Queen. "Just a little pastmynipples would be fine!"  ;-)

( I learned this joke while I studied Microbiology. )


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